NLRB No Friends of Labor
Amazon Labor Union Victory at JFK8
Organize All of Amazon with Class

Worker activists of the Amazon Labor Union hold press
conference at the JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island, New
York, April 8, a week after the ALU’s decisive victory
in union representation election.
(Internationalist photo)
On Friday, April 1, the Amazon Labor Union (ALU) won
a historic vote to unionize the massive JFK8 warehouse
on Staten Island, New York, by a vote of 2,654 to
2,131. This is the first union victory in North
America against the giant distribution and e-commerce
monopoly, which has 1.1 million employees in the U.S
alone. The vote, which the New York Times (1
April) called “one of the biggest victories for
organized labor in a generation,” came amid growing
restiveness in the working class, and followed large
strikes last fall at John Deere, Nabisco, Kellogg’s,
and elsewhere. It will be a beacon for millions of
workers at Amazon and throughout country who
desperately need unionization to fight against the low
wages, miserable “benefits” and deadly working
conditions that are the standard in capitalist
America. As Internationalist Group placards declared
at victory celebrations after the vote: Victory
at JFK8! Organize All of Amazon with Class
The next stage of the battle will be to get the
viciously anti-union Amazon bosses to negotiate and
sign a contract. The union has issued a statement
demanding that collective bargaining begin in early
May. But even in Europe, where Amazon workers have
been represented by unions in several countries for
many years, in only one location, in Italy, have the
workers been able to force the giant company to sign a
contract – through a strike. After the victory at JFK8
was announced, on April 8 Amazon filed 25 objections
with the National Relations Board (NLRB) contesting
the election, scurrilously claiming that the union
“intimidated” workers and that the NLRB – a capitalist
body – unfairly influenced workers to vote for the
union! Amazon will seek to avoid recognizing and
bargaining with the ALU by tying it up in the
capitalist courts and the NLRB, whose fundamental
purpose is to control and suppress workers’ struggles.
It has now been reported that Amazon is planning to
set up an employee app in which workers could message
each other to cheer on fellow workers to more
productivity, while banning words like “union,”
“plantation,” “slave labor,” “grievance,” “living
wage,” “robot” and “restroom,” among many others.
(“Restroom” is banned because Amazon workers,
typically treated worse than Amazon’s robots, often
are not given time to go to the bathroom.) Working for
Amazon is so dystopian it makes Boots Riley’s 2018
anti-capitalist movie “Sorry to Bother You,” with its
slave-labor company WorryFree, seem like social
realism rather than fantasy.
Also on April 1, initial results were announced from
a mail-in vote to determine if the RWDSU (Retail,
Wholesale and Department Store Union) would represent
workers at Amazon’s BHM1 warehouse in Bessemer,
Alabama. Votes against the union were in the lead by
993 to 885, but with 416 contested ballots the
election is too close to call. While the union is
unlikely to win, the result is much closer than the
first vote at Bessemer a year earlier, when the
company won by more than a two-to-one margin. That first election was declared void by
the NLRB based on Amazon’s brazen and pervasive
efforts to intimidate workers even beyond what the
government’s “labor laws” typically allow.
Staten Island Win Follows
Bessemer Setbacks
Last year, the Internationalist Group traveled to
Bessemer repeatedly during the unionization drive (see
our article, “Amazon
Drive in Alabama Electrifies Labor,” The
Internationalist No. 62, January-March 2021).
This year, an Internationalist team attended
a February 26 union solidarity rally in Bessemer,
where we talked with union activists who had come from
around the South, and with some of the
worker-activists who have been organizing inside BHM1.
There was a contingent of miners from the Warrior Met
coal strike, now over a year old, in nearby Tuscaloosa
County; that strike has been ground down centrally by
the UMWA bureaucrats’ refusal to build mass picket
lines that would stop the scabs and shut down
production. The capitalist courts of course issued
injunctions against picketing, but every
class-struggle militant knows that you can’t play by
the bosses’ rules and expect to win.

Amazon Labor Union leaders Derrick Palmer (left) and
Chris Smalls outside Staten Island JFK8 warehouse, May
(Photo: Dave
Sanders for the New York Times)
After the RWDSU’s loss last spring in Bessemer, many
commentators weighed in on why the union lost. Now
many are commenting on how and why the Amazon Labor
Union won in Staten Island, an outcome unexpected by
many. The ALU announced its campaign only eleven
months ago, soon after the April 2021 defeat in
Bessemer. The ALU was initiated by Chris Smalls, a
former supervisor at JFK8 who had been fired in March
of 2020 after leading a protest against the lack of
COVID safety protocols in the warehouse. When Smalls,
along with a few workers in the warehouse, launched
the unionization campaign, they said that it would be
different than Bessemer because the ALU was
“worker-led” and independent of the traditional
unions. Amazon immediately responded with an
anti-union campaign, spending millions to fly in
highly paid “union-prevention” consultants. The racist
Amazon bosses smeared the mostly black ALU activists
as “thugs,” erected fences in an attempt to drive them
away from the warehouse, and fired at least one union
The ALU over time expanded its core of
worker-organizers and gathered some 2,500 election
authorization cards in six months. An initial attempt
to file for an election for four warehouses on Staten
Island with more than 10,000 workers was withdrawn by
the union in October as the NLRB indicated that half
the cards were of workers who had already quit or been
terminated by Amazon. Gathering more cards and
restricting the filing to the JFK8 warehouse and the
LDJ5 sortation center, the ALU re-filed on December
22. This time the NLRB accepted the cards as
sufficient and approved holding the election at JFK8
and also one at LDJ5, where the election will be held
at the end of April. Right now, ALU organizers are
fighting against an intense anti-union barrage by the
Amazon bosses at LDJ5.
As Chris Smalls and others have noted, it is almost
impossible to get 30% of currently employed workers
(as required under NLRB rules) to sign cards at an
Amazon warehouse, because of the company’s staggering
worker turnover rate of 150% a year, almost double the
logistics industry average. This means that workers
only stay at Amazon for nine months on average. The
rapid turnover of workers is a deliberate policy of
Amazon not only to prevent the cohering of a pro-union
workforce, but also to ruthlessly squeeze the workers
for productivity and pace, maximizing the rate of
exploitation, and then discarding the workers.
Amazon’s production methods thus notoriously produce
a “surplus” of injured and dead workers. (Its injury
rate is 80% above the “normal” rate of capitalist
maiming in this industry (see our front-page article,
with Class Struggle!” in The
Internationalist No. 65, October-December 2021).
Just last December 10, six Amazon workers were killed
in Edwardsville, Illinois when tornadoes struck a
flimsily built company warehouse. Workers were not
provided proper shelter and not allowed to leave.
Amazon’s business model has relied on a pool of
millions of workers willing to take its conditions of
employment, with pay and benefits above the legal
minimum but far below an actual “living wage.”
Amazon’s model ran into trouble with the
pandemic-related “labor shortage.” And its $18.25 per
hour wage at JFK8 is worth little in New York City,
where the cost of living is more than 50% higher than
in Alabama.
The ALU refers to itself as a “worker-led” union. In
countering the company’s anti-union propaganda
barrage, part of its greater success than the RWDSU
has had in Alabama was that it was hard for Amazon to
put over its lie that unions are a “third party” of
“outsiders.” In the final push, ALU activists at JFK8
(including an Internationalist Group supporter)
carried out intensive phone banking and “occupied”
break rooms to talk to workers and distribute union
literature. Union activists sought out and won over
respected workers and intervened to counter the
anti-union propaganda in the company’s mandatory
“captive audience” meetings. Also, a week before the
election, the union issued a list of eight “immediate
demands” that would improve pay and working
conditions. The UNITE HERE union and the United Food
and Commercial Workers (UFCW) provided office space
and assisted in the campaign’s final get-out-the-vote
Yet in significant ways, the ALU campaign was not
very different than “traditional” union organizing
campaigns. It looked to the present
government-regulated system of “labor relations” for
support, including a heavy orientation to and reliance
on NLRB election rules, rather than basing itself on a
mobilization of workers’ power independently of the
capitalist state and its parties. The ALU correctly
filed regular complaints with the NLRB against
Amazon’s violations of labor laws. In the past, under
both Democratic and Republican administrations,
complaints about companies’ gross violations of
workers’ rights often went nowhere. But the violations
at JFK8, along with findings at other Amazon
warehouses, resulted in a national settlement between
Amazon and the NLRB in December under which Amazon
agreed to post notice to all its employees that the
company would agree to abide by labor laws that allow
union activists to talk to workers in non-work areas
during non-work times.
Contrary to some reports, the ALU did not engage in
“wildcat strikes,” and did not call for large rallies
of JFK8 workers at the warehouse as a show of
strength, as our supporter had advocated. Like the
RWDSU in Alabama, while promoting statements of
support by celebrities, the ALU also sought the usual
grandstanding photo ops by Democratic politicians,
such as New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (a no-show
for an ALU rally). The ALU leadership lauded New York
State attorney general Leticia James, who in November
2021 sought a monitor to see that Amazon would abide
by COVID-19 safety protocols (after beginning an
investigation over a year earlier). Following the
victory at JFK8, Senator Bernie Sanders praised the
ALU for launching a “national, sweeping movement,”
while Democratic president Joe Biden declared “Amazon,
here we come.” Yet between these capitalist Democratic
politicians currently running the federal government
(as well as many cities and states) and Amazon workers
toiling on Jeff Bezos’ plantation, there is no “we.”
New Showdown Coming Up Soon
Mobilize labor's power to unionize Amazon!
Class-struggle trade-unionists in Boston Teamsters
Local 25 (above), Portland Painters Local 10, Los
Angeles Transit Workers Local 1277 and New York
airport workers traveled to Bessemer, Alabama
repeatedly during 2021 in solidarity with union
organizing drive at Amazon there.
(Photo: Patrick Fallon / AFP)
In the aftermath of its victory, the ALU says it has
received emails and texts from workers at some 100
Amazon facilities asking for help or advice on how to
organize. ALU leaders Chris Smalls and Derrick Palmer
traveled to Washington to meet with the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), which last year
announced a national campaign to organize Amazon
warehouse workers and drivers, on how to proceed with
organizing Amazon. Sean O’Brien, the new head of the
Teamsters, pledged to intensify efforts to organize
Amazon after the ALU victory, while Liz Shuler, the
new head of the AFL-CIO, has pledged to support the
Teamster campaign. It sounds good, but
worker-activists and organizers should be under no
illusion that playing by NLRB rules will be sufficient
for a mass organizing campaign, nor even for winning a
contract on Staten Island.
Building on the ALU’s win in the union recognition
election, what will it take to defeat labor-hater Jeff
Bezos – off and on the richest man in the world – in
the looming battles? As we wrote in December, in
“Unionize Amazon with Class Struggle” (Internationalist
No. 65):
“To unionize Amazon, it will be necessary
to mobilize the power of the workers
movement in sharp class struggle. The
normal tactics of ‘business unionism,’ based on
collaboration with management, won’t cut it. To
defeat the hard-nosed union-busters at Amazon will
take strikes and walkouts, flying pickets, plant
occupations – the kind of class-struggle methods
that built the unions in the 1930s.
Unionization must include everyone from pickers and
drivers to airline pilots, nationally, and
internationally. And it requires independence from the
bosses’ government and parties, as we fight to build a
class-struggle workers party that
defends black people, women, immigrants and all the
This perspective is counterposed to the trade-union
bureaucracy’s decades-long support to U.S.
imperialism’s Democratic Party, which has received big
bucks from Amazon management (as well as from other
Wall Street and Big Tech bosses). Often posing as
“friends of labor” to garner votes, at every turn of
serious class struggle a Democratic mayor, governor or
president will call out their police and National
Guard to repress workers, as did Franklin D.
Roosevelt, who is supposed to have given workers the
“right to organize.” (In fact, FDR was trying to
control militant labor struggles, including sit-down
strikes and general strikes, which are what actually
established the mass industrial unions.) It is the
trade union tops’ obedience to the bourgeois labor
laws and court injunctions, and their political
“partnership” with the bosses and their parties, that
has led to the decimation of the labor movement over
the past several decades.
Illusions in the capitalist Democrats are also spread
by reformist groups, some of which have worked hard in
supporting the Amazon unionization drive in Staten
Island, notably the Communist Party (CPUSA) and its
youth group, the YCL, as well as Workers World Party
(WWP) and its Workers Assembly Against Racism
(WWP/WAAR). Despite its name, the CP has supported the
Democrats in every election for decades. WWP/WAAR, for
its part, absurdly calls on Democratic president Biden
to “issue an executive order to implement the PRO Act”
(a bill to reform the NLRB, rather than fighting to
get rid of capitalist state regulation of unions) and
appeals to Jeff Bezos – Amazon’s founder, pandemic
profiteer and chief space cadet – to just “recognize
the union and negotiate now!” Such appeals for class
collaboration are counterposed to the hard class
struggle it will take to win.
The first-ever victorious union-recognition vote at
an Amazon warehouse in North America has sent shock
waves around the country and internationally. The vote
for the ALU could spark a broad unionizing effort at
Amazon and beyond, and energize labor struggles
generally. Yet among mainline labor bureaucrats –
notoriously unsuccessful in unionizing Amazon,
Walmart, fast food and other low-wage industries – the
conclusion of some is to do even less, to let the
newbies do the hard work and throw them some change
and pro bono hours from union lawyers.
Mainstream media highlight the ALU’s use of TikTok
videos, while Amazon complains about the union’s offer
of free weed. In reality, a major factor, as the ALU’s
Chris Smalls pointed out, is that New York City is
still a union town. But crucial to the outcome in
Staten Island was not one or another gimmick or new
tactic but the hard work of connecting with workers
day in and day out (see our interview with an ALU
activist at JFK8). And it is only the first step.
The key to winning the major class battle at Amazon,
as well as to organizing the unorganized and building
a fighting labor movement overall, will be to forge a
solid core of class-struggle militants in the
warehouses, factories and other workplaces. This is
vital to building a fighting leadership capable of
waging and winning the big battles ahead. They must
explain to the ranks that it was reds that built the
industrial unions, and it will take genuinely
revolutionary political struggle to break the
stranglehold of capitalist Democrats and
pro-capitalist labor bureaucrats that has been driving
the unions to the grave. Amazon, with its brutally
“efficient” methods of squeezing every last drop of
blood out of its “associates,” is a glaring example of
the whole system of exploitation that makes the wheels
of capitalism turn. The struggle to unionize Amazon
highlights the urgency of building a workers party to
fight for a workers government. Because only through
socialist revolution can we put an end to the
capitalist system of exploitation, racist oppression
and war. ■
with ALU Worker at Staten Island Amazon Warehouse
Amazon Will Be
a Huge Class Battle

Amazon Labor Union
worker-activist Will at ALU press conference outside
JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island, New York, April 8.
The Internationalist interviewed Will, a
supporter of the Internationalist Group who works at
Amazon’s big warehouse in Staten Island, New York
and has been part of the Amazon Labor Union effort
almost from the start.
Tell us a little about your work, and what things
are like at the warehouse.
Will: I work at the JFK8
Fulfillment Center, I’ve worked there for about a
year now, and I am a packer, which means I put items
into boxes. Working conditions are pretty grueling.
My shifts are 12 ½ hours long, plus I have at least
a two-hour commute going to and coming from work.
That’s very common for the workers there.
We are expected to keep up our
“rate,” which is the speed at which we complete our
tasks. That is often very difficult physically. We
get three breaks – two 15-minute breaks, one
45-minute unpaid lunch break. That’s way too little.
The two 15-minute breaks used to be 20 minutes
during the pandemic, but then they reduced it back
to “normal.” That made a lot of workers angry. The
union is demanding a restoration of 20-minute
Can you tell us a little about the union and the
Will: I started working
with the union in April or May of 2021, right after
the campaign began. The first task that I
volunteered to do was to convince my coworkers to
sign union authorization cards, which was the main
thing we were doing before the election was
authorized. Sometimes in the warehouse during
breaks, sometimes at the ALU table out near the bus
stop. After we got the election authorized in
December, I also did some “phone banking,” calling
coworkers to try to convince them to vote yes for
the union and answer any questions that they had.
What were some of their questions?
Will: A lot were basic
ones, about what is a union, why would they want a
union. So I would answer that that a union is a
collective body of workers fighting to win better
conditions. Without a union, when the company wants
to discipline us or fire us we stand alone against a
huge corporation. With a union, instead of a single
worker against the entire Amazon company, it would
be the collective of workers against the company.
And as an organized group, we would also fight to
improve working conditions: longer breaks, more PTO
[paid time off], higher pay, better benefits and
ending the system of counting every “unproductive”
minute we’re on the job, what Amazon calls TOT.
That’s “time off task,” and workers hate it.
Internationalist: I
think our readers would be interested in what other
concrete things the union did, especially since the
ALU’s victory in the election was the first time
ever in North America.
Will: I think what was key
was the work inside the warehouse. In the month and
week preceding vote, the ALU “occupied” the break
room. We had a table there, distributing food and
leaflets and talking to workers, convincing them to
vote for the union, telling them what a union can
do. I’m on the overnight shift, where there wasn’t
as much union activity. I suggested that workers on
the weekend overnight shift keep the table up and I
helped tabling during my breaks. It went well, we
distributed union literature and talked to quite a
few workers. One night I and a co-worker talked to
maybe 75 people during the breaks, and we “flipped”
a decent amount. In other words, won over workers
who had been skeptical about the union.
Many of the union rallies were in
Manhattan and Brooklyn. From early on, I suggested
that we hold a union recognition rally at shift
change at the warehouse. I thought that would be a
good way to get workers to see the strength of the
union and participate in union activity, to have a
show of force so that other workers could see that
there were many of us in support of the union and
that they shouldn’t be afraid of being vocal in
support of it. Also that we should raise some
specific demands, like for a big pay hike and longer
How did Amazon try to fight the union?
Will: As soon as the union
started tabling outside in April of last year,
Amazon started putting up display messaging on
monitors throughout the facility that had slogans
like “Know what you sign before you sign it.” They
started putting anti-union messages and slogans on
monitors implying that signing authorization cards
would take away our “rights.”
In addition, after the NLRB
[National Labor Relations Board] authorized the
election, Amazon started holding mandatory
captive-audience meetings in which an anti-union
“associate” was flown in from another city to give a
lecture to workers about why we didn’t need a union.
The pretext was that these were “training” meetings.
But after ten minutes of talking about the
“family-like, cooperative culture” at Amazon, they
started trash-talking about the ALU. The main idea
they were pushing was that a union would take away
the workers’ voice because Amazon has an “open door”
policy. But the union went to a number of these
meetings to put forward the ALU position and won
some workers away from these union-busters.
How did workers’ attitude to the union change during
the campaign?
Will: Early on in the
campaign, a lot of workers were hesitant to show
their support. As the ALU became more visible, and
especially with the break room tabling, more workers
were comfortable with showing support for the union.
Amazon’s anti-union propaganda campaign focused on
getting workers to not trust the ALU. It was a very
crude appeal, but had some success. Based on the
results of the election, it seems that in the end a
lot of workers decided to go out on a limb and
support the union. But in order for workers to be
fully on board with the union, we need to win a good
contract that wins important improvements. Believe
me, that’s going to be a fight.
What would you say were some of the import factors
that led to the ALU winning the vote?
Will: First, the union
organizers put in a lot of work, a lot of hours
tabling for the election. Sometimes there would be
ALUers tabling as my shift went into work at 6:30
p.m., and the same ones were there at our midnight
break. Another significant factor was that the
organizers were able to “flip” some of the workers
who others saw as their leaders or people they
trusted. And those workers with some authority then
flipped a bunch of others.
I would also say that the low pay
was a big motivating factor. Workers at JFK8 commute
from all five of New York City’s boroughs and many
workers do voluntary overtime just to make a living
and pay the rent. That’s definitely a huge factor
pushing workers to organize, to get a better wage.
This is an expensive place to live. Many workers are
paying over $2,000 a month in rent. I mean, you
can’t really make ends meet on $18.25 an hour. Do
the math.
What was the reaction at the warehouse when the news
came about the win?
Will: Many workers were
very excited when the news of the victory came out.
Workers who were celebrating on the floor were told
to “get back to work” by managers. A lot of workers
were wondering what winning a union means, and when
would we get a raise? I told them that we need to
win a contract, and Amazon is not just going to give
it to us, we need to fight for it and use this
union-recognition victory to get organized
practically so that we can wage that fight.
Internationalist: A
lot of people talk about the ALU victory as showing
a “new model” for union organizing.
Will: The ALU since the
beginning of its campaign said that it was unique in
that it is an independent and “worker-led” movement.
It is true that the leaders and organizers of the
ALU are Amazon workers not affiliated with any
established union. But I’ve had criticisms about
some things that are not that different from other
campaigns, like relying on NLRB
government-supervised elections, illusions in
Democratic Party politicians and so on. If we’re
going to win, we can’t go down the path of the
business unionists who support the Democratic Party,
which represents the interests of capitalists like
Jeff Bezos. Politicians like Sanders and Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez use “leftist” language in order to
lure workers into support to the Democratic Party,
but in office they continue to work in the interest
of capitalists like the owners of Amazon.
What will it take to win a contract and organizing
all of Amazon?
Will: To do both of those
things there would need to be some hard-fought class
struggle. It will take strike action. But to take on
Amazon, which will soon be the largest private
employer in the U.S., and which is notoriously
anti-union, will take a lot of preparation. Amazon
is not going to be organized by a thousand different
elections at each warehouse, and a contract with
real gains won’t be won on Staten Island by every
worker signing a petition.
Unionizing Amazon is going to be
a huge class battle, there’s no other way. As Amazon
workers we have a lot of potential power, but we
have to organize to use it. To unionize Amazon as a
whole and win major gains for over a million workers
would mean shutting down facilities, going on
strike. But to win, we would need to bring out the
power of organized labor to support the unionization
of all unorganized workers. And that means fighting
politically, by breaking with the Democrats. As long
as workers are chained to the Democratic Party, or
any other capitalist party, we lose. History shows
that. To win, in the course of the struggle to
unionize Amazon, we have to build a workers party
with a program of real class struggle. ■