Labor's Gotta Play
Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article
May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
Now Is
the Hour – Organize the Unorganized with Workers
 RWDSU organizers
leaflet outside Amazon warehouse in Bessemer,
Alabama. (Photo: Bob
Miller for the New York Times)
BESSEMER/NEW YORK – On March 30, just
one year after the opening of the massive BHM1 Amazon
warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, votes will begin to be
tallied in an election by 5,805 workers on whether to be
represented by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store
Union (RWDSU). The union organizing drive in Bessemer is
being closely watched by the media, business, labor and
politicians, from city councils right on up to the White
House. It is an international event, pitting workers
making $15 an hour against the second-largest company in
the world. And it is of intense interest for Amazon
workers everywhere, and those fighting for class-struggle
workers action amid the deadly pandemic and coronavirus
depression ravaging the capitalist world.
The stakes are high, first of all for the workers in the
warehouse, whose shot at moving beyond poverty pay with no
rights depends on the union winning. A victory for the
RWDSU would be the first successful unionization election
in the United States against the Amazon distribution and
e-commerce monopoly, with over 800,000 employees in the
U.S. and 1.3 million worldwide. It would be a victory
against the viciously anti-union company headed by Jeff
Bezos, off and on the world’s richest man, a robber baron
in the tradition of Vanderbilt, Rockefeller and Gould. It
would provide a beacon for desperately needed union
organizing campaigns at Amazon, its Whole Foods
subsidiary, Walmart, and for workers throughout the U.S.
and beyond.
At BHM1, which opened just as the COVID-19 pandemic hit
last March, the Bessemer warehouse workers are about 85%
black and about 50% women. Bessemer is a poor,
deindustrialized, majority black city. It also has a
history of union organization. Within a very few months,
the grinding conditions of Amazon employment led workers
to approach the RWDSU, which has a regional office in
Birmingham, 20 miles northeast of Bessemer. The RWDSU
already represents thousands of workers at poultry and
other food production plants in Alabama, Tennessee and
Georgia, and thus had a network of organizers ready to
assist the Amazon workers.
While Alabama is an anti-union “right-to-work” state as
elsewhere in the South, it has a history of militant class
struggle in campaigns that organized sharecroppers,
textile workers, coal miners, and steel workers. Bessemer
itself was founded as a steel company town, but by the
late 1930s, the U.S. Steel plant was unionized by the
leftist-led Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers. Organizing
efforts in the South have always had to contend with the
racist oppression of black people, the bosses’ biggest
weapon when it comes to dividing workers and busting
unions. Alabama markets itself to business investors as an
anti-labor, low-wage state, but it still has the highest
percentage of unionized workers of all the states of the
former Confederacy.
Amazon Relentlessly Monitors
Time Off Task

Amazon's Staten Island warehouse JFK8 in 2019. The company
treats robots better than human workers, relentlessly
monitoring "time off task." (Photo:
Hiroko Masuike / New York Times)
In February, The Internationalist sent reporters
to Alabama to cover and support the unionization campaign.
Workers hired in Bessemer told us that they soon realized
that in the hyper-automated Amazon warehouses, where the
robots are treated better than the human workers, they
needed a voice. Workers complain that they have to walk
more than five minutes from their workstations to get to a
bathroom, and if they have to wait to use it, they can end
up facing discipline for exceeding the maximum amount of
“time off task” (TOT) allowed per day. TOT means time of
“inactivity” when scans are not being recorded (Amazon
uses technology to constantly monitor worker activity, in
order enforce a breakneck production pace).
On the eve of World War I, Henry Ford launched the
production line to mass produce automobiles, with workers
doing repetitive action to achieve maximum efficiency in a
non-stop flow. (Ford was later a sympathizer of Nazi
Germany, received an award created by Hitler and used
slave labor in his German factories.) Amazon
warehouses today are Fordism on steroids.
Workers report that if they have any problems, the
company is unresponsive and unaccountable. Managers refer
workers to Human Resources, and HR tells them to go back
to their supervisor. Instead of sick days, if you miss a
day of work you’re considered “on leave,” and leaves are
handled by an outsourced company which communicates poorly
with the onsite management. When Amazon notifies a worker
that they have possibly been exposed to a coworker who
tested positive for COVID, they send the worker home and
tell them to get tested, but they won’t pay them for
workdays missed while waiting to get test results.
There are a multitude of issues that could result in
discipline or firing, from not meeting the production
“metrics,” to “poor time management” to dress code
violations, and these are used as a pretext for getting
rid of union activists. Without a union contract and
representation, the workers are at the mercy of the
bosses. One worker summed up why she came to support the
union: “Amazon is so automated that I think it’s a
detriment to human beings. So I started to realize quickly
after a month or two months that this union thing was
probably the way to go, regardless of how I felt about it
RWDSU organizers told us that after workers approached
them and told them of the conditions and sentiments in the
warehouse, the union realized that the facility was a “hot
shop” that could be organized rather sooner than later. A
major factor was the massive upsurge of anger and protest
that erupted across the country after the racist murders
or Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and others. During the long
hot summer of protest last year, many workers hired in the
plant saw the need to stand up for themselves as workers,
just as protesters stood up against racist cop terror.
Young anti-racist activists, both black and white, were
part of newly hired workforce of the warehouse.
The Organizing Drive Takes Off
 NYC demo in solidarity with
Bessemer union organizing drive, March 4. (Photo: View Press / Getty
After a period of securing a base of supporters in the
warehouse, on October 20 the RWDSU launched an intensive
campaign to obtain some 2,000 authorization cards to
qualify for a vote according to the rules of the National
Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an agency of the capitalist
government whose function is to manage and suppress class
struggle. The RWDSU set up a union tent next to a gas
station near the facility, put up signs and banners along
the roadways, and stationed organizers at every entrance
to the warehouse property for every shift, starting at
4:30 a.m. and going around the clock, where they handed
out literature and authorization cards.
The Amazon bosses were taken by surprise, but soon
realized the union campaign had traction, and in turn they
launched an intense daily anti-union propaganda barrage at
the workers. Spending millions of dollars, Amazon hired at
least ten anti-union consultants, paid $3,200 a day each
plus expenses, to hold “captive audience” sessions with
the workers, spreading lies and misinformation against the
RWDSU and unions in general. These meetings “pissed off”
the workers, but continued until the union representation
voting began on February 8.
Anti-union messages were spread via teleprompters in the
warehouse, daily text messages to employees’ phones, even
stickers in the bathroom stalls. Speaking of management’s
anti-union campaign, a worker told us, “Everyone there
wants you to drink the Amazon Kool-Aid.” The company set
up a slick lying anti-union website, “#DoItWithOutDues.”
It forced contract cleaners in the warehouse, many of them
former prison inmates desperate for work, to wear “Vote
No” pins. It handed out T-shirts and anti-RWDSU rearview
mirror hang tags. And Amazon hires off-duty Bessemer
police, who sit in marked police cars with lights always
flashing, to keep union activists – and reporters – off
the property.
Amazon brought in supervisors from its facilities around
the country to hound the workers as they work. As
one worker told us:
“There is a whole gang of them for each shift.
They will come to your station and say we’re here to talk
to you about the union, do you have any questions? When
you are already confused and scared, this person comes up
to you and starts spewing. They sent them all down here to
talk to us when you’re working. They are incredibly shrill
and annoying. I have never seen any of them do any task
that did not involve yammering in somebody’s ear.”
To account for the fact that harassing workers while they
work can’t help production (and is a safety hazard),
Amazon relaxed its production quotas for workers subjected
to these verbal assaults. The bosses are hellbent on
stopping the union in Bessemer, so as not to have an
example set for other workers.
To obstruct the union organizers, Amazon even induced
Jefferson County authorities to alter the traffic lights
at the main entrance to the warehouse, so that for any car
leaving the property, the light changes to green in about
three seconds. This was done to prevent organizers from
having time to talk to workers waiting at the light. At
this intersection, alongside the RWDSU, we distributed a
leaflet with our article “Bust Bezos, the Modern-Day
Robber Baron—Unionize Amazon and Whole Foods!” (The
Internationalist No. 55, Winter 2019) to several
Glover at press conference in support of Amazon workers
unionizing drive in Bessemer, February 22. (Internationalist photo)
In a swift campaign of just about five weeks, the RWDSU,
assisted by the activists in the warehouse, achieved
success such that the union filed for an election with the
NLRB on November 20. Not knowing exactly how many workers
worked in the plant, the union initially presented 700
cards and said it would represent 1,500 workers. Amazon
told the NLRB that the union was way short, in fact there
were 5,800 workers there. The union then replied, “give us
45 minutes,” and scanned and sent all the cards that were
needed. The election was now authorized, and the campaign
which had flown under the media radar was now announced to
the public.
Due to the COVID pandemic, the NLRB ruled that the
election was to be done by mail. Amazon wanted in-person
voting, the better to intimidate workers – it even offered
to buy a hotel to provide a venue for in-person
voting. The NLRB rejected this proposal. Amazon
subsequently had the U.S. Postal Service install a mailbox
at the entrance to the warehouse, texting workers and
sending them mailers telling them to vote “no” and drop
the ballot in that mailbox.
Class-Struggle Unionism vs.
Appeals to Democrats
On February 6, on the eve of the mail-in ballot period,
the RWDSU held a rally in cold rain in a field near the
warehouse. This was a demonstration of labor solidarity,
with representatives of the Teamsters, the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the Communication
Workers of America, some coming from Atlanta and New
Orleans. Labor solidarity is the key to organizing
success. The industrial unions were built by “reds” in the
1930s and ’40s – like the Communist-led Mine-Mill union at
U.S. Steel – through hard, often bloody class struggle
against the capitalist governments, its police and
security guards (see back page, “Fight Against Racist
Terror, Key to Organizing the South”).
On February 28, President Biden posted a video on the
POTUS Twitter page expressing solidarity with the union
organizing drive at Amazon (without directly naming the
company). Union leaders had been urging this for weeks,
and now they are highlighting it. This recalls how in
1935, after Franklin D. Roosevelt pushed through the
Wagner Act, Mine Workers leader John L. Lewis declared,
“The President Wants You to Join a Union.” But while FDR’s
law legalized unions, it subjected them to elaborate
government control through the NLRB. Democrats may issue
statements in support of workers seeking to unionize, but
when it comes time for a hard strike – which is what it
will take to win anything from Amazon – these phony
“friends of labor” have always demanded that the union
bureaucrats toe the line and suppress workers’ militancy.
Stuart Appelbaum, the president of the national RWDSU,
also sits on the executive committee of the Democratic
National Committee, the leadership body of that party of
imperialist war, racist repression and capitalist
exploitation. This underlines how the labor bureaucracy
chains the unions to the bosses’ parties. But the road to
successfully organizing Amazon and other union-busting
exploiters will not be a policy of abiding by the bosses’
rigged labor laws. An article in Bloomberg
Businessweek (10 March) noted:
“Amazon has fought hard to keep unions out of
its U.S. operations and will have a menu of options if the
vote doesn’t go its way, such as contesting the result,
dragging out talks with the union, or closing the
855,000-square-foot warehouse entirely, a prospect already
on the minds of some Bessemer workers and politicians.”
Note that at Amazon’s DCH1 warehouse in Chicago, one of
the first sites of pro-union agitation last year by
Amazonians United, the company announced in December it
was closing the unit, and gave workers the “option” of
working ten-hour “megacycle” shifts that begin after
midnight and go to around noon, or find a new job,
effectively excluding workers with children to care for.
 Sign outside RWDSU
headquarters in Birmingham. Amazon workers are facing a
massive intimidation campaign by the company. Vote
(Internationalist photo)
One way that union leaders express their submission to
capitalist laws is how they answered Amazon’s
union-busting “do it without dues” appeal, by hiding
behind Alabama’s anti-labor “right-to-work” law! The
RWDSU’s BAmazon Union Newspaper (February 2021)
had a front-page box declaring “Fiction: You will have to
pay union dues. Fact: The State of Alabama never requires
you to pay union dues in a union shop.” This attempt to
conciliate company-instigated backward consciousness will
ultimately boomerang against the union.
The RWDSU reports that as news of the Bessemer union
drive has spread, more than 1,000 Amazon workers from
around the country have already contacted the union,
seeking information about unionizing their workplace. And
in Italy on March 22, 8,500 unionized Amazon workers
carried out a national one-day strike against Amazon
demanding reduced workloads and working hours. In Europe,
unions have carried out strikes and won representation of
many Amazon workers. But even there, the giant company has
run roughshod over union complaints about the lack of
COVID protection in its facilities.
In Iowa, where the Teamsters are organizing drivers and
warehouse workers, a union leader told the Des Moines
Register (26 February): “Amazon has proven, time and
again, that they have no respect for the workers’ right to
organize under the (National Labor Relations Board) and
the election process.” Instead, the Teamsters would rely
on strikes to demand higher pay and less stringent rules,
“particularly regarding how fast warehouse employees and
drivers have to work.” The organizing drives that built
the Teamsters into a powerhouse of labor were waged with
class-struggle methods pioneered by the Trotskyist
organizers of the Minneapolis Teamster strike of 1934,
independent of and against the capitalist government and
Democrats, No Friends of
Workers – For a Class-Struggle Workers Party

On February 20, the day after immigrant women workers from
Wash Supply Laundromat in New York City were fired for
forming a union, they attended a demonstration of
solidarity with Amazon workers in Alabama.
(Photo: Lev Radin / Pacific Press)
In the past year, while most of the U.S. economy
cratered, Amazon’s revenue was up 38% (to $386 billion),
its profits soared by 50% (to $20 billion), the company
went on a hiring spree, increasing its number of employees
by more than 60% (going from 800,000 to 1.3 million
worldwide in one year) and Jeff Bezos’ net worth grew by
$75 billion (to $188 billion). As millions of people stuck
at home because of the coronavirus pandemic relied
increasingly on delivery services, Bezos and Amazon are
riding high, raking in the dough. Amazon workers, not so
much: aside from a couple months of $2/hour hazard pay in
the spring, employee wages have not gone up at all. Yet
these are front-line, essential workers who have been
hard-hit by the deadly plague. Not that Amazon cares.
On October 1, Amazon reported that 20,000 of its
employees had fallen ill with COVID-19. This may seem like
a staggering figure, but it almost certainly is far short
of the actual numbers. After complaints about inadequate
sanitary procedures and failure to notify employees of
cases, the attorneys general of New York and California
requested detailed reports on cases from Amazon. The
company has yet to turn over the information. In any case,
reports from workers call Amazon’s figure into question.
In an open letter last July, Inland Empire Amazonians
United at ONT9 in Redlands, California said they had
received “at least 23 different notifications on our AtoZ
page regarding positive cases in the warehouse,” while
workers at a large East Coast facility continue to receive
AtoZ notifications of new COVID cases several times a
Faced with Amazon’s stonewalling, the California and New
York attorneys general have sued it over failure to comply
with subpoenas and to maintain safe workplaces. The New
York brief notes that “Amazon received written
notification of at least 250 employees at the JFK8
facility who had positive COVID-19 tests or diagnoses,”
that in more than 80 of those cases the company failed to
close any portion of the warehouse even after being
notified, and even closures of workstations of diagnosed
workers were perfunctory, often for only 90 minutes. Yet
even should these suits succeed, the result would be no
more than a slap on the hand for the giant company. In
California, Amazon was fined only $935 each for two
facilities (Hawthorne and Eastvale) where workers
complained of unsafe conditions after a manager died at
On top of its willful neglect of COVID safety, Amazon is
notorious for its high injury rate: 14,000 serious
injuries in 2019, or 7.7 per 100 workers, almost double
the warehouse/storage industry rate nationally and
increasing every year. The Internationalist Group has
called for unionization at Amazon for several years, and
in particular for the formation of worker safety
committees empowered to close dangerous workplaces. Last
May 1, we joined with workers protesting at DLA8 in
Hawthorne, with signs calling to “Unionize Amazon with
Class Struggle” and “For Workers Health and Safety
Committees.” And at JFK8 in Staten Island, New York, IG
signs declared, “Amazon Workers: Shut It Down, Clean It
Up, Unionize!” and “Trump & Democrats, Enemies of
Workers – For a Class-Struggle Workers Party.”
 Internationalist Group
sign at 1 May 2020 protest at Amazon Staten Island
warehouse, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic in
NYC. Amazon still hasn’t turned over detailed information
on the numbeer of employees infected with COVID-19.
(Photo: Stephanie Keith /
Getty Images)
This is in sharp contrast to the Democratic Socialists of
America (DSA), “socialists” firmly entrenched in the
Democratic Party. The Birmingham, Alabama, DSA has put up
banners and promoted the union cause in Bessemer, while
pushing for Biden to support the organizing drive. Now the
DSA is calling on Biden to “use his bully pulpit” to
support the Democrats’ “Protecting the Right to Organize”
(PRO) Act, which just passed the House of Representatives.
Marxists support any measure lifting restrictions on the
right to organize, but the DSA program of pressuring the
capitalist Democrats is counterposed to the class struggle
that will be needed to build a fighting labor movement.
Similarly, the reformist Workers World Party (WWP) has
initiated national protests in support of the Bessemer
union campaign, on February 20 and March 20, while lauding
the union bureaucrats’ appeal to Biden and other Democrats
for support.*
As we wrote in our article two years ago: “What’s needed
is to break the chains that bind wage slaves to the modern
slave masters, to build a workers party to fight
for a workers government! Solidarity – one
section of workers defending another and recognizing that
our interests are the same – isn’t just a nice idea: it’s
the only possible way in which workers at Amazon, or
anywhere else, can fight back effectively and win. Organize
Amazon and Whole Foods workers!” ■
* Correction: (From The
Internationalist No. 63) It has been brought to our
attention that the reference in our last issue to
demonstrations of support to the union organizing drive at
Amazon in Bessemer, Alabama being initiated by the Workers
World Party was inaccurate. The solidarity demos on
February 20 were in response to a call by the Southern
Workers Assembly.
Fight Against Racist Terror
Key to Organizing the South

Black and white miners in Birmingham in 1937 when the
Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers established itself. An
integrated union in the Jim Crow South, Mine Mill was
always under attack by bosses seeking to stoke
racism. (Photo:
Arthur Rothstein / Library of Congress)
Bessemer’s history of labor organizing goes back a
century to the International Union of Mine, Mill and
Smelter Workers, formerly the syndicalist-led Western
Federation of Miners. A retrospective
on Mine Mill in Alabama on National Public Radio
(5 December 2018) starts with how in 1918 the miners
working Red Mountain (so called because of the iron
ore found there) south of Birmingham called in the
radical union to unionize the former Tennessee Coal
and Iron plant which had been taken over by United
States Steel. When a pair of Mine Mill organizers
showed up that year – one black, one white – the
company formed a vigilante group which kidnapped and
beat them up, tarring and feathering and threatening
to lynch the black unionist. That U.S. Steel-organized
goon squad became the Jefferson County Ku Klux Klan.
By the 1930s, Mine Mill was back. 80% of the miners
were black, and Mine Mill had both black and white
workers and union officials. In rigidly segregated Jim
Crow Alabama, this was a real threat to the racist
social order, and the union was viciously red-baited.
The union had to meet in the woods, and during strikes
in 1934 and 1936, Red Mountain became a battlefield.
Eventually Mine Mill was recognized as the official
union and won higher pay and better working
conditions. U.S. Steel struck back by seeking to
supplant black workers with white workers, and by the
late 1940s the union was more than half white. This
was in the middle of the post-World War II “red purge”
in the unions. The 1947 Taft-Hartley Act prohibited
Communists from being union officials, and CP-led Mine
Mill – the union featured in the classic 1954 film Salt
of the Earth1 – was kicked
out of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).
Then in 1949 the United Steelworkers (USWA), led by
anti-Communist bureaucrats tied to the Democratic
Party, challenged Mine Mill in Birmingham-Bessemer in
an NLRB-ordered union recognition election. “The night
before the vote, about 100 Klansmen rode by the Mine
Mill office, waving torches, sounding horns,” NPR
recounted. The next day the USWA won the vote. So here
you had Democrat-led red-baiting labor bureaucrats,
using anti-communist laws and a government agency to
witch-hunt a left-led union, and allying with the KKK,
which got its start in Birmingham as company-organized
vigilantes. And today, Amazon once again is using
labor spies from the Pinkerton agency, which got its
start in union-busting in the steel industry.
Conclusion: A class-struggle fight to organize
labor, breaking from the class collaboration of the
pro-Democratic Party bureaucracy, is inseparable
from the fight against racist terror.
But Mine Mill didn’t go away. Horace Huntley, a black
historian whose father and grandfather were in Mine
Mill, reported how in writing his PhD thesis – the
basis for his book Black Workers’ Struggle for
Equality in Birmingham (University of Illinois
Press, 2007) – he interviewed older miners. One of
them told him, “If not for Mine Mill, Martin Luther
King could not have come to Birmingham.” In fact, the
integrated union laid the foundation for the civil
rights movement, Huntley said. The stepfather of Fred
Shuttlesworth, who led the 1963 Birmingham campaign,
was Mine Mill, and “the mining district, the Mine Mill
area, for decades before the civil rights movement, it
had already been abuzz with ideas about social
justice.” ■