Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
November 2015
Vote Gains Union Recognition
B&H Workers in Big Win
for Labor and Immigrant Rights

Warehouse workers and supporters rally outside B&H
Photo store in Manhattan, November 1. The crowd chanted, “ ¡El
4 de noviembre, vamos a ganar!” (On November 4 we’re
going to win.) On November 4, the B&H workers won
union recognition by a vote of 200 to 88. (Internationalist photo)
Hundreds of immigrant warehouse workers in Brooklyn, New
York, won a historic victory on November 4 when their
year-long organizing campaign brought a landslide
unionization vote at the nationally known B&H Photo
Video professional supply firm. On October 11, 18 and
November 1, they had held spirited demonstrations outside
the store on 34th Street in Manhattan. Now the decisive
day had arrived. Well before sunrise on the 4th, workers
gathered near the company’s warehouses at the Navy Yards
and Evergreen Avenue.
“Hoy vamos a ganar – we’re going to win today,”
workers kept saying with a mixture of determination and
jubilation as they had coffee and pastries brought by
supporters and made sure everyone was showing up for the
union certification election, held inside each of the two
workplaces. As the polls opened at 6:30 a.m., the workers
marched in detachments to the voting sites, chanting “¿Qué
queremos? ¡Unión! ¿Cuándo? ¡Ahora!” (What do we
want? Union! When do we want it? Now!) For activists in
the workers movement and supporters of immigrant rights,
it was a morning to remember.
“We’re going to get 200 votes,” vowed organizer
Mahoma López of the Laundry Workers Center (LWC),
reflecting the intensive, systematic nature of the
organizing campaign. López is the leader of the Hot and
Crusty bakery workers, whose successful 2012 unionization
campaign inspired the B&H Photo warehouse workers’
drive, which has been spearheaded by the LWC together with
the United Steelworkers (USW). (See “Victory to the
B&H Photo Warehouse Workers’ Struggle!”, 19 October,
Shortly after noon, as organizers and supporters waited
impatiently nearby for the count, the news came – the vote
in favor of the union had won by an overwhelming 200 to
88, with approximately 80% participation. Inside, workers
spread the word from department to department. Managers
were downcast – “their heads were hanging,” several
workers reported – while some “congratulated” the workers
on their victory, in a mocking tone but also recognizing
the indisputable fact.
As they gathered after work that evening, workers
expressed pride at standing up successfully to a company
that used every trick in the anti-labor manual to try to
intimidate, silence and wear them down. Two days before
the vote, the company held a raffle and announced a party
for the workers, but so few came that it was canceled. “We
showed it can be done” workers said. Above all, there was
determination to maintain their solid organization and
unity, which won the union recognition vote, in the next
battle: to win a union contract. Arturo Archila, lead
organizer for the USW, told the workers, “This is your
day, your victory. Now you will determine the demands for
the contract struggle.”
Two nights later, hundreds of workers, their families,
together with organizers and supporters, packed a Brooklyn
social hall in a spirited celebration of this victory.
Workers’ children chased balloons, strobe lights flashed,
the dance floor was filled. T-shirts were silkscreened
with the slogans “Arriba trabajador, abajo explotador”
(Up with the workers, down with the exploiters), and “Unión,
fuerza, solidaridad” (Union, power, solidarity),
frequently chanted in the demonstrations.
 Above: Hundreds of B&H workers, their
families, organizers and supporters celebrated the victory
at party on Nov. 6. Below: with workers’ area leaders on
stage, one of them, Jorge Lora, reads poem about the
struggle. (Internatioinalist
The formal program of the evening began with a
recognition of the group of elected area leaders that was
a key factor in the victory. Workers expressed
appreciation for the role of the LWC in orienting the
struggle, as well as to the dedicated team of lawyers, who
played a key role in blocking one company dirty trick
after another, and to groups that supported the struggle.
The fact that the United Steelworkers threw its support
behind the workers struggle, becoming their collective
bargaining representative, was cited as a key part of the
campaign. A high point of the evening was the reading of a
poem in Spanish by warehouse worker Jorge Lora, who said
in part:
“More than a year ago, on a date I don’t recall,
a group of workers decided an empire had to fall.
Subjected to mistreatment, disrespect and discrimination,
this group was made up of workers who come from many
nations.... It brought great satisfaction to see the union
win... now the fight to win a contract is about to
begin.... This struggle will continue.”
We noted previously how the victorious struggle at the
Hot and Crusty bakery in Manhattan inspired the one at
B&H. Now the victory at B&H will inspire others
among the heavily immigrant working class of New York,
Internationalist Group spokesman Antonio told the crowd at
the November 6 celebration. “This is an example for all
immigrants, as well as U.S.-born workers,” he said. There
are “half a million undocumented immigrants in New York
City,” he noted. At least 150,000 Mexicans live here,
overwhelmingly workers, together with “Ecuadorans,
Guatemalans and Dominicans, as well as Africans, Haitians,
Chinese, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and so many others of us
who share a life of exploitation with the black, Latin,
Asian and white workers born in this county.”
“We have to prepare for this example to spread,” he
continued, and for the next phase of this fight. Winning a
union is a crucial first step. In the fight for a
contract, it will be essential to mobilize the independent
power of the workers as a class, with active support from
the rest of NYC labor (transport, communications,
construction, education and other unionists) and defenders
of immigrant rights. So, too, is remembering the lesson of
struggles like Hot and Crusty, that “Jugar con reglas
del patrón es segura perdición” (Playing by the
bosses’ rules means you’re sure to lose). To win, the
workers must rely on their own class power, not on the
institutions, media and politicians of the capitalist
“¡Unión, fuerza, solidaridad!”
A high-profile and lucrative business known throughout
the photo and video industry, behind the scenes B&H’s
operation brings to mind the sweatshop labor and callous
disregard for workers’ safety that led to the “uprising of
the 20,000” garment workers – mainly Jewish and Italian
immigrant women and girls – in New York City, two years
before the infamous Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire of
 Laundry Workers Center organizer Rosanna
Rodríguez speaking at November 1 rally outside B&H
store. B&H workers' leader Raúl Pedraza at left, LWC
activist Diego Apaza at right. (Internationalist photo)
Facing a hard-line opponent in B&H management, LWC
organizer Rosanna Rodríguez emphasized, the workers’
victory required courage and hard work, “a year of
organizing, and a lot of sacrifice.” This preparation,
together with lessons the workers drew from attempts over
the years to resist the employers’ abuses, paid off big
time. “The B&H workers have shown a level of
organization, discipline and determination that I have
rarely seen over many decades in the workers movement,” a
veteran labor activist told The Internationalist.
Three weeks before the vote to unionize the B&H
warehouses, the workers showed the power of their
solidarity and determination when managers and anti-union
“consultants” threatened workers with mass firing at the
Navy Yards location in retaliation for refusing to sign
anti-union documents. On hearing of the employers’
provocation, workers at the Evergreen Avenue warehouse
immediately stopped work in a solidarity protest that
knocked the bosses for a loop, forcing them to retract the
firing threats and “apologize” for their “mistake.”
Having signed up the notorious Jackson Lewis
“union-prevention” firm, the company continued to follow
the anti-union playbook, but each play fell flat as the
workers confirmed that organizers’ predictions of the
company’s tricks were coming true one after another.
Workers answered the owners’ attempt at intimidation with
a large and spirited march on the company’s midtown
Manhattan store three days after the mass firing threat,
chanting: “On Thursday we showed that we are not afraid!”
and “¡Unión, fuerza, solidaridad!” (Union, power,
Workers whose voice and individuality is smothered in the
daily grind of exploitation – treated “like animals” by
bosses who saw them as little more than beasts of burden,
as several put it – learned what they could do in the
course of collective struggle “for our dignity and our
rights.” The struggle brought out enormous creativity, as
workers painted their slogans on boxes to carry on high at
the protest marches. Workers raised and lowered boxes and
signs as they chanted “Arriba trabajador, abajo
 (Above) Workers carried boxes with their
demands during the protest marches. Among them, “Respect,”
“Equality,” “The right to call the family in case of
emergency.” (Below) At November 1 rally outside B&H in
Manhattan, workers cast symbolic ballots, each calling out
the reason why he was voting for the union. (Internationalist
Another heart-felt chant was “Uno, dos, tres, queremos
nuestros breaks” (One, two three, we want our
breaks). Many had been working 58 hours a week, or more,
with only a short pause for lunch. In the November 1 rally
in front of the B&H store on November 1 there was a
symbolic vote. When casting his ballot, each declared his
reason for voting “yes” to unionization: “safety on the
job,” “no more discrimination,” “better pay,” “respect,”
“dignity,” “for my children” and “I am voting for the
future” were among the many responses.
In this union town, the B&H warehouse workers’
outspoken courage sparked support from many quarters. More
than a thousand photographers and artists signed a
petition backing their cause. For City University of New
York students brought to the protests and support
activities by the CUNY Internationalist Clubs, the
experience has been “an incredible learning experience,”
as one young woman activist put it, “since the things we
read and study about in the Marxist education circles come
to life right there, and we’re part of it.”
 (Above) Internationalist Group and CUNY
Internationalist Clubs at the November 1 rally. (Right) At
the victory party, Internationalists along with union
leaders and activists sang songs written about the B&H
workers’ struggle. (Internationalist
At the November 6 celebration, a the Internationalists
and others joined in singing two songs written by a
comrade the night before the historic vote for
unionization. One chorus went, “Es la hora de
decisiones, los obreros no somos reos, los almacenes no
son prisiones” (“It’s the decisive hour, workers are
not inmates, warehouses are not prisons”). Another mocked
the bosses’ raffle, vowing “we won’t let ourselves be
bought by the bosses’ tricks.”
Nationally, there has been a lot of media attention to
protests and “strikes” at notorious low-wage companies,
including fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s and
Walmart. But in fact, very few workers in those shops
actually strike, fearing they would immediately be fired,
and these are run by union bureaucrats as media events,
often to showcase Democratic Party politicians. A real
attempt to unionize low-wage workers requires a sustained
organizing effort to mobilize the rank-and-file
independent of the bosses’ parties. This is what the
victories at Hot and Crusty and B&H show.
Workers’ consciousness and organization will continue to
be crucial in the fight to win a union contract entailing
significant advances for the workers at a company where
“the warehouses seem like prisons.” Continuing and
deepening ongoing workers education activities will be
crucial in the coming period. It will also be vital to
establish a women’s committee linked to the union (due to
discriminatory company hiring policies, all the warehouse
workers are men), to fully integrate workers’ wives and
companions into the struggle in a situation where this
question can be key to victory or defeat, as shown in many
class battles of the past.
Through their intensive campaign over the past year and
resulting union victory, B&H workers can help spark
and lead struggles of the entire working class in the New
York area. New organizers are emerging in the course of
the fight. The enormous potential for an offensive against
intolerable inequality, discrimination and racist
repression requires a class-struggle leadership equal to
the task, committed to taking the struggle of the working
class through to victory over this entire capitalist
system of merciless exploitation. The B&H Photo
workers’ victory will be an inspiration and an example to
all who seek to make that happen.
¡Luchar, vencer, obreros al poder!
(Fight, win, workers to power!)
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