Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
November 2013
Break with the
Democrats! Defend the Right to Strike!
Lessons of the On-Again,
Off-Again BART Strike

Striking Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) workers outside the
Lake Merritt station on October 21. What was needed was to
mobilize Bay Area labor to shut down all cross-bay
transportation. (Photo:
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
What It Would Take to
Win: A Class-Struggle Leadership
and Solid Labor Action to Shut Down Bay Area
Transit workers in the Bay Area recently faced one of the
most vicious attacks on workers since Wisconsin
Republicans teamed up with their allies the Democrats in
2011 to gut the public sector unions. After making $100
million givebacks in 2009 and going without raises for
four years, Bay Area Rapid Transit system workers were hit
with serious cutbacks to staffing and safety standards.
After an initial walkout in July, which was abruptly
called off without a membership vote, as tension built
with one “fact-finding” and “cooling-off” delay after
another and the employer refused to budge from its
take-back demands, BART workers were demonized by the
rabidly anti-union media for alleged laziness, lack of
education and greedy entitlement.
Finally, on Friday, October 18, after a week of on-again,
off-again strike warnings, the unions at BART walked out.
Hard-nosed management negotiators essentially forced their
hand. Even though negotiators for Amalgamated Transit
Union Local 1555 and Service Employees International Union
Local 1021 had already caved in to BART’s economic
giveback demands, and proposed to submit massive work
rules changed to binding arbitration, that was not enough
for the bosses. So, backed into what promised to be a
lengthy strike, which they never wanted, did everything to
avoid and were not prepared to wage, the ATU and SEIU tops
felt they had no choice: it was that or total surrender.
But then, on the second day of the strike, everything
changed in a flash when a train driven by inexperienced
scabs killed two strikebreaking engineers inspecting the
tracks (see box). This dramatically confirmed what the
unions had been saying about the dangers of BART’s plans
for scab operations, and of management’s demands for
junking safety rules. “Public opinion,” which had been
whipped into an anti-union frenzy, suddenly turned. So did
the ATU and SEIU leaders toughen their stance in response?
No, instead they called off picketing to mourn the dead as
part of the “BART family”! And then on Monday they signed
a contract with all the concessions on pay and hours, and
letting management introduce new technology without union
Death on the
Tracks: Strikebreakers Killed
by BART Management’s Unsafe Operations
Police at site near
Walnut Creek where two were killed by scab train,
Oct. 19.
Leah Mills/San Francisco Chronicle)
The deaths on Saturday, October 19 of two BART
employees, an engineer and a “contractor” who were
scabbing on the day-old BART strike, dramatically
underlined the stakes in this critical labor battle. The
two were inspecting tracks north of the Walnut Creek
station when they were struck and killed by a train
supposedly on “maintenance run,” according to
In fact, according to a source quoted in an “Insider”
report in the San
Francisco Chronicle (21 October), there were as
many as a half dozen people on board and “They were
practicing training people how to operate and have the
skills in the event of an extended strike.” This was
later confirmed by an investigator of the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).
So after provoking the strike with demands for work
rule changes, BART managers proceeded to train scabs
and to kill scabs!
And to cover it up they lied. BART issued a statement
saying that the dead employees had “extensive
experience” in working around trains, and that an
“experienced operator” was at the train controls. Yet
the train was running under computer control at the
time. A recording of BART radio communications had
someone (a scab) announcing that there were “no
personnel wayside,” only to be contradicted by another
voice a few seconds later.
The bosses are no more concerned for truth and
accuracy than they are for human life.
Grace Cruncian, the general manager of the transit
system, issued a prepared statement saying, “The entire
BART family is grieving.” What “family”?! This was not
some unforeseeable accident. Transportation is one of
the most dangerous industries in the country, with heavy
equipment and electrified rails. Using inexperienced
personnel is bound to result in tragedies.
BART management was guilty of murdering its own
strikebreaking employees in its determination to break
the unions. But there’s not a chance the murderers
will go to jail.
Even the big business press had to admit that, “Despite
repeated warnings from union officials that managers
would create a dangerous situation by operating trains,
BART management had earlier assured the public that
those operators were certified, safe” and would provide
scab operations (Oakland Tribune, 20 October).
Nevertheless, the union-bashing media kept pushing for
managers’ “flexibility to schedule people as they see
fit” (Sonoma Press-Democrat, 19 October).
So BART bosses “saw fit” to run trains with
unqualified scabs, and the result was two dead.
Under fire, management announced that it was
“suspending” the “simple approval” procedure under which
workers on the tracks received no warning at all of
approaching trains. But it is threatening to cut
night-time service in response, and while crying poverty
in wage bargaining, BART stubbornly resisted Cal/OSHA’s
call to end to this murderous policy.
What did the workers supposedly “win”? The labor-hating Oakland
Tribune (5 November) editorialized that “BART
leaders didn't just cave – they got rolled.” Nonsense,
it’s the opposite. Initial accounts reported a 15.4% wage
hike over four years. But when you subtract employee
contributions for pensions (previously paid by the
employer), take account of inflation (currently 2.8% a
year in the Bay Area) and add in higher taxes, the result
is a wash. In fact, with changes in overtime rules, many
BART workers will be facing a loss in pay. Plus medical
insurance premiums will rise by 3% a year plus $44 a month
(which retirees will pay out of pocket).
Result: according to a long-time ATU 1555 participant in
BART negotiations, the employer saves over $225 million on
medical and pension concessions, compared to $68 million
for wage increases. In addition, BART got a free hand to
introduce new technology, having only to “meet and confer”
with unions rather than reaching “mutual agreement,” with
disputes to be decided after the fact by binding
arbitration. And there was no amnesty for George Figueroa,
the strike captain who was arrested and fired in the July
walkout. Although any union militant would have voted
against, seeing no alternative, 85% of the ATU members
voted for the contract.
And now Democratic state legislators, those phony
“friends of labor,” are pushing in Sacramento for laws to
outlaw public transit strikes. At the press conference
announcing the tentative settlement, Lieutenant Governor
(and former SF mayor) Gavin Newsom declared, “This has got
to be the last time that this happens” (San Francisco
Chronicle, 22 October). This was no idle threat.
BART management didn’t manage to break the unions, which
they were clearly itching to do. But how and why did BART
workers end up with a concessionary contract when four
months earlier the ranks were fired up and ready to
rumble? The short answer is that unions are saddled with a
pro-capitalist labor bureaucracy that bows before the
bosses’ laws, chains the workers to the bosses’ parties
and is incapable of waging the kind of all-out class
struggle we need. That’s true not only of the ATU and
SEIU, at BART and nationally, but of all labor. For the
only way to win this battle was to mobilize the power of
all Bay Area unions, backed up by the hard-pressed African
American, Latino, Asian and white poor and working people.
That kind of militant class battle was entirely
possible. The key question was leadership.
Bay Area Transit Workers Were Ready
for Action

Above: Militant BART workers demonstrated on August 1 in
demonstration initiated by Transport Workers Solidarity
Committee. Three days later, ATU and SEIU bureaucrats
turned union rally into showcase for Democrats. Below: ATU
1555 executive board member Yuri Hollie removed from
negotiating committee.
(Photos: Michael Macor/San
Francisco Chronicle; Damon Tighe/Flickr)
Earlier, when BART workers struck for four
days at the beginning of July, the membership was
mobilized and raring to go. The walkout was 100%
effective, the capitalist media was apoplectic and the
capitalist politicians went berserk. But as the strike was
beginning to hurt Bay Area business, ATU 1555 and SEIU
1021 leaders readily agree to the request by Democratic
governor Jerry Brown to go back for 30 days. On August 1,
some 1,200 workers at BART and AC Transit (whose contract
is also up) as well as labor supporters from around the
Bay Area joined a militant march through downtown Oakland
called by the Transport Workers Solidarity Committee. But
when the 30 days was up a few days later, rather than
striking, this time the BART union leaders asked
Brown to order a 60-day “cooling-off” period!
When that delaying tactic ran out in October, union
leaders continued to dither. To make sure things didn’t
get out of hand, ATU national president Larry Hanley
ordered the removal of Yuri Hollie, a black and Asian
American union militant, from the negotiating committee
where she was a lone voice against concessions. (He also
removed her as organizer of a union rally which she called
for Fruitvale station, in order to tie it to the murder of
Oscar Grant by BART police.) ATU Local 192 at AC Transit
gave a 72-hour strike notice, but local president Yvonne
Williams rejected walking out during a BART strike,
reportedly saying that would be “Armageddon.” BART union
leaders even begged Democratic Senator Mark Saulnier, who
was spearheading calls for outlawing transit strikes, to
intercede with BART management. ATU and SEIU leaders
brandished the threat
of a strike as a bargaining tactic, but they were scared
to death of actually waging a knock-down, drag-out fight.
With their backs the wall, the BART union tops felt they
had to at least go through the motions. As dawn broke on
Friday, October 18 the trains stopped. ATU pickets
appeared at the Port of Oakland. Dock workers of the
International Longshore and Warehouse Workers Union Local
10 respected the lines, even though the arbitrator (a
former top official of the bosses’ Pacific Maritime
Association) ruled that picketers couldn’t be outside the
gate and the Oakland police chief showed up to intimidate
picketers. Non-unionized immigrant port truckers also
respected the picket line. One African driver remarked
that this is the kind of power we need, and said that the
truckers would vote at a meeting on Saturday to stop work
Yet while ATU 192 members at AC Transit should have gone
out together with their sisters and brothers of Local
1555, the bureaucrats in both locals didn’t lift a finger.
There were also no pickets at the terminals where extra
ferries had been contracted to break the strike. By Friday
evening, the union tops managed to put a damper on strike
militancy. Left-talking ATU 1555 bureaucrat Chris Finn
drove down to the port to tell his members that the picket
was illegal, but picketers refused to stand down. He then
got ILWU Local 10 president Local 10 President Mike
Villeggiante on the phone to repeat the message, blatantly
disregarding the longshore union’s historical tradition of
labor solidarity. Under fire from all sides, ATU picketers
finally gave up.
On Monday, October 21 this shameful scene was repeated
even more grotesquely, as port truckers stopped work
demanding support for environmental compliance, a fee for
waiting time, and an increase in the pay per container,
which hasn’t been raised in ten years even as fuel and
maintenance costs skyrocket. When the port truckers
picketed the SSA Maritime Terminal in the morning, Local
10 longshoremen respected their lines. Truckers’ signs
said “ILWU Thanks For Your Support.” But at the 5 p.m.
shift, Local 10 president Villeggiante showed up to
reportedly scream at the truckers demanding to know what
union they were in.1 Local 10 business
agent Frank Gaskin drove his car into the line so police
could declare the picketers were illegally blocking
How can you fight to win with leaders like these? In
contrast to this disgusting belly-crawling before
capitalist legality, a union leadership with a program of
class struggle would have defied anti-union laws like the
“slave labor” Taft-Hartley Act. Can’t be done? The ILWU
did it on May Day 2008 when for the first time in U.S.
history it struck against the imperialist war on Iraq and
Afghanistan (and in defense of immigrants’ rights).
Misleaders like Villeggiante, ILWU International president
McEllrath, the ATU’s Hanley and the rest of their
bureaucratic buddies act as agents of the bosses within
the workers movement. They must be driven out if the
unions are to be front-line defenders of working people
and the oppressed, or just to win strikes.
A Class-Struggle Program for Strike

When BART workers walked out at the beginning of July,
strike was totally effective. Above: early morning rush
hour on the Bay Bridge, July 1. But three and a half
months of delaying tactics wore down strike militancy.
(Photo: Ben Margot/AP)
The main thrust of BART’s union-busting strategy was to
vilify the unions in the media. Even many BART workers
were convinced “the public” was against them. There should
have been a huge labor barrage over the bloated pay of
managers, like BART chief Grace Cruncian who pulls down
$316,000 a year for her “skills” in undercutting safety in
the name of “efficiency.” The agency’s highest-price
employee is former general manager Dorothy Dugger, who got
$333,000 last year for doing nothing at all, on top of a
$922,000 “golden parachute.”
Meanwhile, BART’s negotiator Thomas Hock, whose specialty
is provoking strikes in order to break them, charged a fee
of $399,000 while being absent for weeks and refusing to
bargain. Hock, who privatized New Orleans’ transit
operations and set off strikes in Tucson, Las Vegas and
elsewhere, is a vice president of Veolia Transportation, a
notoriously anti-union private bus company, which had a
contract with BART to transport passengers during an
extended strike and which is currently seeking to break
the Boston school bus drivers union.
Then there were the lies about BART workers’ wages. The
media claimed that “average” BART union workers earn
around $77,000 a year. They came up with this figure by
including overtime, fueled by management’s hiring freeze
since 2009 even as ridership has nearly doubled; by
factoring in part of pension costs, while simultaneously
saying employees pay nothing; by including lunch breaks,
and other subterfuges. Actually, the median ATU worker’s
base pay was $63,000 a year, while hundreds of BART
managers rake in triple-digit salaries. And in bellowing
about pensions, the media never mentioned the fact that,
unlike most workers, BART and other railway workers don’t receive a penny
of social security. Their pension is all BART
retirees get.
Another issue that the unions should have hammered away
at is safety. Since the 2009 contract, BART management
slashed operations personnel staff by 8 percent, while
during the same period Cal-OSHA reported that injuries in
the system have shot up by 43 percent!
Literally hundreds of BART workers are injured on the job
yearly (see article
John Logan, Labor’s Edge [2 August]).” As
for all the talk of need for savings and improving the
quality of public transportation, the fact is that BART
management was projecting an operating surplus of
$125 million a year for the next decade due to increased
ridership. The real reason behind their brutal onslaught
against transit workers was to break the unions.
To the extent there is declining public support for
unions, this is largely because of the failure of
labor officialdom to resist the employer offensive
of wage slashing, benefit cuts and layoffs. In Wisconsin support
for public employee unions skyrocketed the minute they
started acting like unions, fighting to defend their
members. (Conversely, support fell off after the unions
caved in to the Democrats.) After all the propaganda in
the business press about the decline of labor, in fact,
union membership in California has increased in
recent years. If Bay Area labor had stood strong against
the union-bashers, they could have won broad backing. But
that would have meant waging a very different, class
struggle in defense of all working people.
Business-as-usual business unionism like
that practiced by the ATU, SEIU and ILWU bureaucrats and
the rest of labor officialdom can’t win against a
hard-line employer attack. For starters, since
BART only a small percentage of mass transit riders in the
Bay Area, <>there should have been a joint
BART/AC Transit strike backed by all of Bay Area labor.
There should have been mass pickets at every
BART worksite, big enough and militant enough
so no scabs dared to cross. The ferries
should have been picketed out, along with Muni barns in
San Francisco. The minute an ATU, SEIU or port
trucker picket appeared at the docks, the ILWU should
have refused to cross and shut down the Port of
Oakland. The message should have been driven
The workers were willing. AC Transit workers repeatedly
voted down concessionary contracts presented to them by
the ATU 192 tops. ILWU longshore workers respected BART
workers’ and port truckers’ pickets until Local 10
officials shamefully ordered them to cross. Against the
defeatist whimpering of the union misleaders (following
the advice of their lawyers) that you have to “follow the
law,” militant workers insist that playing by the
bosses’ rules is a losing game – labor’s gotta play
hardball to win! There should have been an elected
strike committee of all BART and AC Transit unions,
with hundreds of delegates elected at every job site, to
take charge of the bargaining and counter the sabotage of
the labor fakers.
In the face of reprisals, Teamster truckers could
have stalled their big rigs on the Cross-Bay and
Golden Gate bridges, joined by thousands of labor
supporters from throughout the Bay Area to shut down
transportation into and out of San Francisco. To
win public support, the BART unions should have called not
just to lower fares, but to eliminate them: free
mass transit, rip out the turnstiles! The
striking unions should have joined with low-wage
workers demanding a huge raise from their
minimum wage jobs. And facing the inevitable repression,
BART workers unions should have ostentatiously
stood with the family of Oscar Grant, murdered by BART
cops, and with black West Oakland against racist
police brutality.
Left Apologists for Bureaucratic
So faced with this union-busting onslaught and a
concessionary contract, what was the response of would-be
labor militants and self-proclaimed socialists? Labor
Notes (23 October) published an article saying BART
unions “beat back the worst” and quoting ATU International
president Hanley calling the contract “a win in very
difficult times.” But then, what else can you expect from
and outfit that last year published a how-to guide to
negotiating a give-back contract (“How to Bargain
Concessions (If You Must),” Labor Notes, May
Hanley has been a darling of the Labor Notes crowd and
its prime sponsors Solidarity since he was elected as a
union “reformer” in 2009. In the bitter month-long New
York City school bus strike earlier this year, his
contribution was to get Democratic mayoral candidates to
send a letter promising to “revisit” the issue, so Local
1181 leaders could call off the strike (see “The
Betrayal of the NYC School Bus Strike,” The
Internationalist No. 34, March-April 2013).
Interestingly, LN carefully did not call the two
engineers killed on the tracks scabs, because they were
“not part of the group striking,” even though they were
working behind strike lines. Neither did the International
Socialist Organization’s Socialist Worker (30
October), which oh-so-politely referred to them as “two
people working for BART.” This backhanded excusing of
strikebreaking demonstrates how much these
pseudo-socialists reflect the degenerated, bourgeois
consciousness of labor officialdom. For class-conscious
workers, anyone who crosses a picket line or works in a
struck facility is a scab. End of story.
The SW article, headlined “Holding the line
through picket lines at BART,” was even more effusive in
praising the concessionary contract, calling the wage
settlement “substantially improved” from management’s
original offer and saying that “BART strikers won a small
but significant battle.” It even says that the union
leaders’ “strategy” of calling on politicians to exert
behind-the-scenes pressure “worked in securing a contract
that is at least a step forward,” although it recognizes
the “danger of relying on Democrats.” (In other words,
it’s okay to do it, just don’t rely on them.)
While the writer coyly “asks if the unions could have won
more with a more aggressive strategy,” he argues that,
“Like the September 2012 Chicago teachers struggle, the
BART fight shows that the strike remains the single most
powerful weapon in standing up to the kind of
union-busting attacks on public-sector workers seen in
Wisconsin, Detroit and elsewhere.” Actually, the outcome
of the 2012 Chicago teachers strike (in which ISO
supporters in the union leadership played a key role) was
a disaster, giving in to the demands of corporate
education “reformers” on everything from test scores to
seniority. As we headlined, “Chicago
Teachers: Strike Was Huge, Settlement Sucks” (The
Internationalist, September 2012).
But, again, what more can you expect from
dyed-in-the-wool reformists like the ISO, who are
constantly justifying sellouts by their labor faker
friends (and who think the main danger on the left today
is “ultra-leftism”). The Spartacist League is a different
kettle of fish, sometimes mouthing revolutionary phrases,
only to turn around and support the U.S. imperialist
invasion of Haiti in January 2010. On the BART strike, the
SL’s Workers Vanguard (1 November) says union
misleaders “went far more than half way down the road to
meet management’s demands for concessions,” but then
argues that workers “did not go back with their tails
between their legs.” Nothing about voting against the
concessionary contact. On the contrary, WV opines:
“Nor do many workers think they will get much better under
their current union misleaders.”
While WV offers up some good advice from James P.
Cannon on how to save the unions and criticizes ATU
leaders for looking to the Democrats, it is very reticent
about naming names, and attentive readers will notice that
the SL put forward no program to win the strike although
they have supporters directly involved. This is a repeat
the SL’s “posture” in the 2005 NYC transit strike, when it
issued a single leaflet with not a word of criticism of
TWU Local 100 president Roger Toussaint. WV (9
June 2006) later justified this silence, saying in
response to a letter:
“Our posture was to close ranks in defense of
the union and its leadership against the bosses and the
capitalist state, which were screaming for the head of TWU
Local 100 president Roger Toussaint, the leader of the
strike. The leaflet did not directly attack Toussaint.
Since we could not point to an alternative leadership of
the strike, to do so would only have served to weaken the
So for the SL/WV, “closing
ranks” with the union under attack meant not criticizing
the sellout leadership! In contrast to this opportunist
methodology, the Internationalist Group both defended the
strike and the union, while criticizing Toussaint and
calling for a class-struggle leadership (see our daily
strike bulletins reprinted in The
Internationalist No. 23, April-May 2006).
For a Workers Party to Fight for a
Workers Government
To defeat the war on workers, workers must respond
by waging class war. The bosses have been
doing it for decades. Impossible in today’s anti-union
political climate? Not at all. Just look at how tens of
thousands of working people turned out on 2 November 2011
to shut down the port in protest against the violent
police dispersal of Occupy Oakland. No, it wasn’t a
general strike, as Occupy claimed, but it sure as hell
showed the potential for one. Yet an all-out strike
going up against the capitalist class and the capitalist
state requires above all a fight to build a class-struggle
leadership with a program and the
determination to take on hard-nosed bosses, their media
and their politicians, Democrat and Republican alike.
As Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels insisted in The
Communist Manifesto, “every class struggle is a
political struggle.” This is the key lesson of the battle
over BART, and it is as true in 2013 as it was 165 years
ago. As Marx and Engels wrote, “Now and then the workers
are victorious, but only for a time. The real fruit of
their battles lies, not in the immediate result, but in
the ever expanding union of the workers…. The organization
of the proletarians into a class, and, consequently into a
political party, is continually being upset again by the
competition between the workers themselves. But it ever
rises up again, strong, firmer, mightier.”
In the U.S. today, the struggle for a workers party
requires first of all breaking with the Democrats. From
the White House to the state house and city hall, the
Democratic Party has been leading the charge against the
unions. Democratic president Obama has spearheaded the
attack on teachers unions. As for Jerry Brown, back in
2003 as mayor of Oakland he gave the green light for cops
to assault antiwar protesters and longshoremen. Yet ATU,
SEIU, ILWU and the rest of labor supported Democrat Brown
for governor. And three days after the August 1 march by
BART and AC Transit workers, ATU and SEIU leaders turned a
union rally into a press conference showcasing Democratic
Party politicians. So long as workers are chained to the
Democrats, or any capitalist party, they face the prospect
of defeat after defeat.
To break with the Democrats, it is necessary to dump the
bureaucrats. But class-struggle unionism is not just a
more militant version of business unionism, nor is it
enough to add a few “social justice” demands to broaden
the appeal to “the community.” Holding marches instead of
being holed up in back rooms with the bosses won’t win
unless those mobilizations are prepared to take on the
capitalist parties and defy the capitalist state. Everyone
knows it was “reds” who built the unions in the 1930s. The
fact is, only a cadre of militants fighting on a
revolutionary program can defend the unions and all the
oppressed today against the all-sided anti-labor,
anti-black, anti-immigrant onslaught of the exploiters and
As Leon Trotsky, founder of the Fourth International,
wrote in his unfinished 1940 essay “Trade Unions in the
Epoch of Imperialist Decay,” the day of reformist unions
is gone, because “the objective conditions leave no room
for any serious and lasting reforms.” He went on:
“The trade unions of our time can either serve
as secondary instruments of imperialist capitalism for the
subordination and disciplining of workers and for
obstructing the revolution, or, on the contrary, the trade
unions can become the instruments of the revolutionary
movement of the proletariat….
“As a matter of fact, the independence of trade
unions in the class sense, in their relations to the
bourgeois state can, in the present conditions, be assured
only by a completely revolutionary leadership, that is,
the leadership of the Fourth International.”
This is the inescapable truth, as shown
once again by the battle over BART. It’s not enough to
“occupy” Wall Street, it must be expropriated through
socialist revolution. To bring down the dictatorship of
capital, we must fight for workers rule. This is the
program of the Internationalist Group and the League for
the Fourth International. ■
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