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![]() October 2006
First Round Wake-Up Call, “Comrade President”
Capitalizes on Confidence of Washington and Wall Street Brazil: Lula vs. Alckmin, Forge a Revolutionary Workers Party! The
following is a translation of a statement by our
comrades of the Liga Quarta-Internacionalista do Brasil issued after
the first
round of voting on October 1. The run-off election was held on October
29 and
resulted in a victory for President da Silva, who was reelected with
over 60 percent
of the total .
Right up to
election day, the opinion surveys gave
Luis Inácio Lula da Silva a majority of the votes on the first
round of the
presidential election. Yet the accumulation of scandals and the
publication in
the morning papers of a photo of piles of money from “Dossiergate”
produced the intended effect in the middle class of
São Paulo and southern Brazil, where Lula was in the minority.
Even with 48
percent of the vote, Lula’s expected triumphal victory was spoiled. His
opponent, Geraldo Alckmin, the candidate of the
PSDB (Party of Brazilian Social Democracy) and of the São Paulo
wanted to rope in the “moralist vote,” but it misfired: trying to look
in the debates, his arrogant attacks were infused with prejudice
towards the
common people. After the shock of the victory-defeat of October 1, the
resident of the Palácio do Planalto (Brazil’s presidential
palace) railed
against the aristocratic paulista
elite and mobilized his base among the poor of the Northeast. Quite a
workers as well, disappointed with four years of Lula’s administration
worried about the consequences of a victory by the traditional right,
will vote
once more for Lula. And then what? It’s war on the working class. The
bourgeois popular-front government led by Lula and
his Workers Party (PT – Partido dos Trabalhadores) has made things very
comfortable for the capitalists of Wall Street and the Bovespa
(Brazil’s stock
exchange), in particular for the bankers, who enjoyed huge profit rates
his administration, rising to historic highs. According to the CUT
Única dos Trabalhadores – Unitary Workers Confederation), “they
had a 25
percent increase in liquid profits compared to last year, and the
biggest banks
in the country raked in an additional R$ 11.5 billion (roughly US$5
just in the last four years, an increase of 132.5 percent.”
It was so
much that the journal Valor Econômico (29
September) published the “country risk” factor
for Brazil, which on the eve of the current elections was running at
points, one-eighth the level it was before the 2002 elections. Even so,
thinks he should have channeled more profits to the capitalists. He
says, “The
only thing that frustrates me is that the rich aren’t voting for me.
You know?
Because they made money hand over fist in my government”
(interview with Terra Magazine, 18 September). Lula
saluted his capitalist
masters. The Wall Street Journal (23
September) wrote: “Mr. da Silva needs to pass pension, labor and budget
overhauls that would reduce a bloated public sector, which currently
Brazil with a tax rate comparable to that of a rich country..” As he
trade-unionists gathered in São Paulo’s Hotel Sheraton in
November 2002 following
his first election: “from now on, there will be an end to feebleness.”
At the
time, it was about his “reform” of the retirement system, which was an
on public employees. Now the rights of all workers are under attack, as
well as
free public higher education and a number of union gains. The
Liga Quarta-Internacionalista
do Brasil, section of the League for the Fourth International
(LQB/LFI), calls
for a blank ballot (voto nulo) on the
second round of the presidential elections in order to express our
opposition both to the candidate of the PSDB as well as to Lula’s popular front, Força do Povo (Strength
of the People), a class-collaborationist
coalition formed by the Workers Party (PT), the Brazilian Republican
(PRB) of the textile magnate José de Alencar and his Universal
Church of the
Reign of God, and the social-democratic Communist Party of Brazil
Between Lula and Alckmin there is no lesser evil for the workers, both
the interests of big capital and imperialism. A second Lula
like the first, would have the task of imposing the anti-working-class
that prior right-wing governments had not been able to push through. The
LQB also called in the
campaigns of 1994, 1998 and 2002 not to vote for any candidate of any
front, while the large majority of the Brazilian left voted for Lula,
pretending to ignore the fact that he was the candidate of a bourgeois
political formation. This time around the openly rightist character of
the Lula
government was so well-known that a sector of the PT split to form the
Party of
Socialism and Freedom (PSOL), reviving the more leftist rhetoric of the
old PT.
But the substitute PT that is the PSOL has continued the
social-democratic practices
of the PT, including seeking a substitute popular front. In addition to
a Left Front with the pseudo-Trotskyists of the PSTU (Partido
Socialista dos
Trabalhadores Unificado – United Socialist Workers Party) and the PCB
(Brazilian Communist Party), the PSOL was flirting with the PDT
Labor Party), which ultimately named its own candidate, ex-PTer
Buarque; and when the PMDB (Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement)
not to put forward a presidential candidate, Anthony Garotinho, who had
the PMDB candidate, decided to support the PSOL candidate, Senator
Heloísa Helena
of the northeastern state of Alagoas. The
campaign of Helena and
her vice-presidential candidate, César Benjamin, a former
advisor to Garotinho,
was not in any way a class opposition to the capitalist candidates. It
even represent on the political checkerboard a left opposition to the
popular front. Heloísa Helena opposed women’s right to abortion,
peasants for invading the National Congress, calling this a
farce,” and even criticized Lula for a lack of “firmness” over the
nationalization of Petrobrás (Brazilian oil company)
installations by the
Bolivian government of Evo Morales! We Trotskyists, who fight for
revolution – for the taking of power by the working people, the
of capital by a workers and peasants government and extending the
internationally – insisted that no class-conscious worker should vote
for the
reformist and popular-frontist ticket of Helena/Benjamin. Today,
after getting 6.8
percent of the votes on the first round of the presidential elections,
“Left Front” is no longer a front. The PCB is brandishing the threat of
Alckmin, who belongs to the ultra-rightist clerical order Opus Dei, to
a “critical” vote for Lula, Yankee imperialism’s sheriff in Latin
Sectors of the PSOL – among them Plínio de Arruda Sampaio, Ivan
Valente and
Chico Alencar as well as intellectuals like Francisco de Oliveira –
that they would vote for Lula. The PSTU, for its part, is calling for
casting a
blank ballot, but with a purely bourgeois rationale: “Lula in reality
nothing to do with a left-wing government. His is a right-wing
masquerading as left-wing,” says the editorial of Opinião
Socialista (No. 279, 1 November). And if the policies of
Lula’s popular front government were slightly more left wing? This is
continuation of the PSTU’s policy of voting for Lula on the second
round of the
2002 elections, going along with the illusions of the masses. We
have already stated in Vanguarda Operária (No.
9, May-June
2006): “In the present run-up to the election campaign, the Liga
Quarta-Internacionalista notes that the main tasks for proletarian
revolutionaries continue to be the struggle against the popular front
and its
anti-working-class ‘reforms’ (labor relations, trade-union and
against the pro-capitalist bureaucracy [of the unions] and in favor of
a revolutionary workers party, objectives which class-conscious workers
pursue in all mass organizations of the working class, in the CUT, in
Sindical [a more right-wing union federation], in the CGT [another
labor federation] and in unions affiliated with Conlutas [a labor body
to the PSTU and PSOL].” On October 29, we call on working people to
cast a
blank ballot (votar nulo) against
both capitalist candidates for the presidency and to prepare a
offensive in order to defeat the assault on the working class by
following the orders of Wall Street and Bovespa. Lula’s Government: A
Banquet for the Bankers, Crumbs
for the Poor ![]() The first round of the elections took place amid numerous accusations of corruption involving the buying of alleged dossiers which incriminate the PSDB candidate for governor of São Paulo, José Serra, Lula’s main opponent in the 2002 elections and potential adversary of the PT in 2010. The dossier that the PT tried to buy denounced Serra as one of the initiators of Operação Sanguessuga (Operation Bloodsucker, involving fraud in the purchase of ambulances). There is no doubt that the PSDB initiated the corruption of the mensalão [monthly payments to Congressional deputies to vote for initiatives of the Lula government] and the sanguessugas; the PT simply continued the corruption, while failing to denounce the schemes of Fernando Henrique Cardoso [Lula’s predecessor as president of Brazil]. It’s equally evident that this large-scale corruption was necessary for the survival of the Lula government, which at the beginning was in a minority in the Congress. He ended up buying himself a “frentão popular”, a mega pop front, which ranged from the weakened PT left to leftovers from the military dictatorship (Paulo Maluf, Delfim Netto). All
these media campaigns
cooked up by the right were intended to undercut the government and to
the PT at the polls. Even left-wing parties like the PSOL, PSTU and
others got
in on the act. Revolutionary Trotskyists, in contrast, attack the Lula
government for its real crimes against the working people and we unmask
political calculus behind this “ethics” maneuver. In reality, we noted: “Corruption is a constant
in bourgeois politics. It is the grease that makes the gears of the
state machinery work so that the government of the day can serve as the
executive committee of the ruling class, integrating the interests of
different factions. It particularly bothers the ‘proper’ petty
bourgeoisie and
social-democratic reformists because it exposes the dirty reality
behind the
mythology of the ‘neutrality’ of the state, giving concrete proof of
how this
state defends the interests of capital, not of ‘everyone’.” –“Permanent Crisis of the
Popular Front: Lula Against the Workers,” Vanguarda
Operária No. 9, May-June 2006 But the opinion polls tracking voter trends
showed the failure of the
denunciatory tactics of the right-wing liberal opposition and the
of the campaign for Lula, who blamed the PT for ‘errors” in order to
his government. Now members of the PT nucleus who surrounded Lula in
Palácio do Planalto – like José Dirceu, José
Genoino, Palloci, Delúbio and
Berzoini – have fallen, one after the other, following each new
denunciation. How
was Lula able to save
himself amid the downfall of the PT? It was, first of all, due to the
from layers of the poor who benefited from programs like Bolsa
Familia (Family Fund). Some of these welfare programs, like
Fome Zero (Zero Hunger), failed completely for lack of funding. But
last year
Bolsa Familia reached 11 million of the lowest income families (earning
than R$ 120 [roughly US$50] per person per month) with monthly payments
of up
to R$ 95 [US$44]. In reality, it cost the public treasury very little,
about R$ 10 billion, in comparison with the more than R$ 160 billion
billion] that Brazil will pay in interest on the public debt this year
Valério Arcary, “Critical Arguments About Bolsa Familia,” Correspondencia de Prensa, 21 October). Even with these
in Lula’s Brazil there are more poverty-stricken people than the entire
population of Argentina. According to a study by the Getúlio
Vargas Foundation,
“42.6 million Brazilians are still mired in poverty.” Above all, this
type of
program is an integral part of the “neo-liberal” schema, which favors
to the poorest and the elimination of rights won
by the workers, such as pensions. This
is the most important
task entrusted to an eventual second term for Lula’s government by high
and the imperialist summits. Delfim Netto, the economist of the
military dictatorship
who is now an advisor to Lula and Congressional deputy for the PMDB,
in an interview in Folha de S. Paulo
(26 August) his vote for the former trade-unionist “so that he can
finish what
he began.” “There are two reforms that must be made and only Lula can
them out,” he went on, namely pension reform and labor relations
reform. “Only
Lula can produce these two reforms, because workers believe in him.” A
business leader, Laurence Pih, explained to journalist Josias de Souza
of Folha (in his blog of 12 July) the kind
of labor relations “reform” that the bosses want: “It’s important to
the burden on the payroll. Social contributions are almost equal to
They want to tear up rights, eliminating “privileges” in the social
system. And these aren’t minor capitalists who are supporting Lula: Pih
is the
owner of the largest flour mill in Latin America; Lula’s vice
president, José
Alencar, is a textile magnate known as the “king of the T-shirts,” and
now he
has the support of Blairo Maggi, the governor of the state of Mato
known as the “soy bean baron.” It
is noteworthy that much
of the business support the head of the PT has received is from the
captains of
agribusiness, in exchange for the billions in subsidies by the
government to
this sector. On the other hand, as we wrote in VO No.
9, “In the countryside, the PT’s talk of agrarian reform has
produced zero results. The structure of rural property, one of the most
in the world, hasn’t changed one bit.” Only about 127,000 peasant
families received
land from the Lula government up to the end of 2005, and of these,
27,000 were
in land-reform settlements. This is quite a ways from the 400,000 land
beneficiaries that the Rural Landless Workers Movement (MST) requested
at the
beginning of the administration of the “comrade president.” Moreover, a
study by the International Labor Organisation (ILO), Slave
Labor in Brazil (October
2006), estimates that there are currently between 25,000 and
forced laborers in situations of slavery in Brazil, the large majority
in rural
zones. Over the last decade there have been 34,000 complaints of slave
and 18,000 workers were freed, but only at the end of October was the
guilty verdict issued. It’s
not surprising,
therefore, that nine years after the massacre of Eldorado dos
Carajás (in the
Amazonian state of Pará), where 19 landless peasants were
slaughtered, not one
of the soldiers and officers involved is imprisoned. And now
José Rainha, the
emblematic MST activist, has been sentenced to prison for the fifth
time. Even
so, João Pedro Stédile, the leader of the MST, is
campaigning for votes for
Lula. Stédile says, using the same arguments as the rest of the
PT left wing
(Emir Sader, Frei Betto): “The candidacy of Alckmin
represents finance capital, the multinationals, the Bush government,
Brazilian bourgeoisie and the large agribusiness landowners, who are
anxious to
take back the reins of government. “Every day in the
newspapers they say that it’s necessary to keep on privatizing
Petrobras, the
postal system, highways and state banks. They want labor-relations
reforms, tax
reform and pension reform in order to boost their profits. They want to
write a
guarantee of payment of interest into the Constitution, in the form of
the extravagant
zero deficit plan. They say that ALCA (Free Trade Area of the Americas)
is a
necessity – and thus they seek to subordinate our economy and country
even more
to the interests of the empire. “And if the poor dare to
fight back, they will call in the ‘capitães-do-mato’
(slave catchers), offering police and jail. That’s why the social
movements and
all their members must mobilize, roll up our sleeves and go into the
street to
defeat the candidacy of Alckmin and his class interests.” –Folha de S. Paulo, 10
October All of
Stédile’s accusations against Alckmin are
justified, but they are also valid
against Lula. Lula represents, without the slightest doubt, the
of finance capital, the multinationals, the Bush government, key
sectors of the
Brazilian bourgeoisie, agribusiness; he, too, is privatizing
Petrobrás, the
postal system and banks, gradually but surely; he also is pushing the
labor-relations, tax and pension reforms; Lula is already paying off
including with advance payments, with a zero deficit (in fact, a
surplus in the
federal primary budget), not requiring a constitutional amendment; and
continues to negotiate with the empire over ALCA. As for the slave
the judicial system under the Lula regime does nothing against the jagunços (paramilitary private armies)
like the Primeiro Comando Rural, while for MST militants it’s police
and jails. Lula vs.
Alckmin –two candidates with one, capitalist,
program, against the working people. Contrary to the argument of the
head of
the landless peasants, class-struggle militants must “roll up their
sleeves” to
struggle against the popular front and the Workers Party that serve the
and in favor of a revolutionary workers
party to lead an agrarian revolution
(and not just reform) by means of a workers
and peasants government as the stepping-off point for world
socialist revolution. The Reactionary
Campaign of Heloísa Helena
Lula has been the main support point
for U.S. imperialism in Latin America. He is praised by George Bush,
the bloody
butcher of Iraq. In Haiti, a Brazilian expeditionary corps disguised as
“peacekeeping forces” acts as mercenary troops for the U.S. in
maintaining a
colonial occupation of the first black republic in the world. In July
of last
year, Brazilian military officials of the MINUSTAH (the United Nations
in Haiti) carried out an assault on the slum of Cité Soleil,
murdering at least
19 residents. Recently, following the intensification of MINUSTAH
raids, there
were student protests in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Price demanding
exit of the United Nations. The LQB has insistently fought for the
expulsion of
Brazilian occupation troops from Haiti. We also
defend the right of the neighboring country of
Bolivia to expropriate the installations of Petrobras, a multinational
capitalist enterprise headquartered in Brazil, a majority of whose
shares are
held by investors on the New York Stock Exchange. In the face of the
announcement by Bolivia’s minister of mines and energy that two
refineries of
Petrobras that had been confiscated would be turned over to contractors
to run,
Lula responded: “I have a clear notion of Brazil’s superiority over
Bolivia…. When
I spoke with [Bolivian president] Evo Morales, I took the map of South
and showed Bolivia’s situation, and where Venezuela is located. I said,
go ahead and put the sword to my head; if I didn’t want your gas, you
suffer more than us” (Folha de S. Paulo,
18 September). This was the response of a capitalist ruler of a country
claims to be a regional superpower. As a result of Lula’s threat, the
was canceled and the Bolivian minister was sacked. The
response of the opposition candidates to the
Bolivian action was very instructive. The rightist Alckmin of the PSDB
characterized Lula’s response as submissive, inadequate and weak.
Helena, candidate of the Left Front, took the same tack, criticizing
incompetence and irresponsibility of the Lula government” (Folha
on line, 14 September), saying that he “lacked firmness” for
not insisting with Morales on “compensation to be given to our national
industry.” (Her comment was reported on Helena’s campaign website,
since deactivated.) So here we
have the candidate of the PSOL, PSTU and
PCB criticizing Lula from the right, for being insufficiently strong in
defense of the “national” interests of Brazil and of a multinational
In the face of this spectacle, even the PCB commented about
Heloísa Helena (in
an October 6 resolution on the second round of the presidential
election): “her
discourse, in many cases, was indistinguishable from that of the
opposition candidate, above all on international questions.” This wasn’t
the only rightist “gaffe” by the candidate
of the Left Front. In an interview on Rede Globo’s “National Journal”
TV news
program (8 August) she spoke about land reform. Asked whether she
“would take
over land of rural proprietors who produce and hire labor,” as the PSOL
suggests, Heloísa Helena responded: “I cannot, my dear, because
Constitution prohibits it. A party program deals with strategic
objectives. It
has nothing to do with a program of government. It would be impossible
expropriate lands, unless they are using slave labor or planting
marijuana.” On top of
this, when hundreds of peasants of the
Landless Liberation Movement (MLST) occupied the Chamber of Deputies on
June 6
in a protest demonstration, as a result of which 539 were arrested, the
honorable senator from Alagoas dismissed their action as “a
farce.” She took her stance as defender of this den of thieves, the
Congress: “So why come here? What is the justification for coming to
National Congress?” Helena asks. “You’ve got the wrong address. What’s
demoralizing the National Congress is all this stuffing of dollars into
men’s underwear
and stuffing billions of dollars into off-shore tax havens to pay Mr.
accounts.” Thus she exempts the Congress of the mensalão
and the sanguessugas
scandals of any responsibility for the lack of agrarian reform. During her
“National Journal” interview on Rede Globo,
after saying it would be “impossible” to expropriate productive lands
they produce marijuana!), when asked “if madam could tell us what
planks of the program of the party madam helped found does she
intend not to
implement,” the “Christian socialist” responded: “I am a socialist by
I always say that I learned from the Bible to be a socialist even
reading the classics of socialist history.” But, she added, “it would
intellectually dishonest on my part and it would disregard the whole of
socialist tradition for me to say that I am going to implement
Today I am fighting for democracy. For the democratization of wealth,
of social
policies.” As part of
her fight for “broadened democracy” (not
even the “participatory” democracy that the PT boasted of in Porto
where it was used to approve “popular” budgets including cuts in social
services), the “ethical socialist” Heloísa Helena opposed the
democratic right
of women to abortion. In an interview on the “Globo Jornal” morning TV
show (1
September), she revealed: “For me, from a scientific and also spiritual
viewpoint, I am against abortion.” Not only that, she opposes medical
using stem cells extracted from embryos. Also in the
name of “democracy,” the candidate called
for a “citizen’s audit” of the foreign debt to imperialist banks and
governments rather than outright abolition or repudiation of the debt.
On the
eve of a strike by Volkswagen workers, the senator called for the BNDES
(National Economic and Social Development Bank) to finance the
company. And she considers the renationalization of companies
privatized by
Fernando Henrique Cardoso, such as the multinational mining company
Vale do Río
Doce, as called for by the PSOL, another plank of a party program that
will not
be implemented. In other
words, we have here a “socialist” candidate
who is against agrarian reform on productive land, against non-payment
of the
imperialist debt, against abortion, against stem cell research, against
renationalization of companies that were stolen … and who defends the
interests of the multinational private company Petrobras! But even
aside from
her political positions which place her to the right of various
politicians, Heloísa Helena is always looking for allies in the
parties. At first she courted the PDT (Democratic Labor party), the
heirs of
the old populist caudilho (leader)
Leonel Brizola, to the point that she was invited to the national
convention of
this party representing the tradition of bourgeois “laborism.” (One of
congressional deputies who founded the PSOL, João Fontes, has
since joined the
PDT.) Then in the middle of her campaign, “HH” received the support of Anthony Garotinho, former governor of Rio de Janeiro and husband of the current governor, Rosinha Garotinho, both responsible for repeated repression of Rio teachers’ strikes. In reality, the campaign of Heloísa Helena was a “frentinha popular,” a mini popular front, a corridor coalition with the right opposition to Lula, which was already established during the scandal over the mensalão, the payoffs to Congressional deputies. No class-conscious worker, and much less a revolutionary, can give political support to such an abomination, my dear. At the initiative of the Class-Struggle Caucus (CLC) led by the LQB, the teachers union in Volta Redonda, call on working class to strike in support of teachers in Oaxaca, Mexico. (Foto: CLC) “Left” Satellites of
the PSOL, Refuse of the PT As for the
PSOL’s allies of the PSTU, these followers
of [the late pseudo-Trotskyist leader Nahuel] Moreno had the unpleasant
task of
trying to justify “their” candidate. But they are well trained in
apologies for
popular-frontism: what they are doing today for Heloísa is the
same as they
did for years for Lula, trying to prettify the head of their slate and
give him
an unwarranted “left” image. The wages of this opportunism are to
swallow one
betrayal after another. And for what? Their courtship of the ex-PTers
who are
now the PSOL goes back years, to the time when they were all among the
“left” currents inside the PT. But at every step, the Morenoites have
blocked in their attempts to former a “broader” party. Back when
HH and her parliamentary comrades (Babá,
Luciana Genro, Fontes) were expelled from the PT (in 2003), the PSTU
called for
forming a “new party.” When their overtures were rejected, the PSTU
suggested a
common slate in the elections, with PSTU leader José Maria
Almeida as Heloísa’s
vice-presidential running mate. The PSOL could be the parliamentary (if
not to
say parliamentarist) party, while the PSTU would be in charge of
mobilizing in
the streets. Another rejection from the PSOL. It’s a story of eternal
unrequited love, which keeps on repeating because it reflects the
tailist policy of always trying to be the “left” wing of some
or even bourgeois force, whether it is Peronism in Argentina, Sandinism
in Nicaragua
or the PT “family” in Brazil. As we wrote at the time of the formation
of the
PSOL in mid-2004: “This new party is,
without any doubt, another social-democratic party, positioning itself
to the left of the PT, and is governed by the rules of the
parliamentary game
of the bourgeoisie. It is precisely this kind of ‘party of an old
electoralist to the core, that the Brazilian working class does not
Trained in the struggle for influence in the corridors, it will be a
of Lula, undertaking campaigns in order to pressure him (and perhaps
some of the leftists who stayed in the ranks and in the ministerial
easy chairs
of the PT) rather than preparing the proletariat to come out on top in
frontal clash with the bourgeois government.” –“We Don’t Need a
Social-Democratic ‘New Party’ of Disillusioned Lulistas,” The
No. 20, January-February 2005 If the
reformist PSTU acts as a satellite spinning
around the PSOL, other smaller groups of a centrist sort are in the
orbit of
the PSTU. For the Liga Estratégia Revolucionária – Quarta
Internacional (LER-QI
– Revolutionary Strategy League-Fourth International), affiliated
to the Fracción Trotskista (Trotskyist Faction), a neo-Morenoite
current led by
the Argentine Partido de Trabajadores por el Socialismo (PTS –
Workers Party), the guiding principle of their “strategy” is to make
the PSTU
fight. Thus they unconditionally supported the union tendency pushed by
PSTU, Conlutas, calling to form a mythical “anti-bureaucratic pole”
inside it.
In the current election campaign, first they called on the PSTU to form
“class-struggle wing of the Left Front,” for which “the PSTU needs to
not only César Benjamin [the PSOL vice-presidential candidate]
but mainly
Heloísa Helena… including paid articles in mass-circulation
papers.” When this
tactic flopped, the LER-QI decided to call to “vote critically for the
candidates of the Left Front” – mainly the PSTU and the “workers sector
of the
PSOL.” The latter turns out to be ex-members of the LER-QI who migrated
to Helena’s
party in order to better carry out their tailist policies. In the end,
called to vote for president for the candidate of the Partido Causa
(PCO – Workers Cause Party), with which they have almost no political
(since the PCO opposes Conlutas). Now they are dejectedly calling for a
ballot on the second round of voting. Another
centrist group in the opportunist swamp is the
Liga Bolchevique Internacionalista (LBI), whose specialty is constant
maneuvers with the most diverse (and contradictory) political currents.
LBI, too, is an unconditional fan of Conlutas, acting as a counselor to
PSTU, asking it to break with the popular front, adopt a more combative
etc. etc. In the current electoral period, the LBI began with an “Open
to the PSTU” where it called on the latter to run Zé Maria as a
“anti-candidacy,” and even to “reorient itself programmatically.” When
Morenoites declined to receive their proposal, the LBI changed tack and
launched an appeal for a rotten block of all tendencies calling for a voto
nulo in the elections (which could extend from the anarchists to
formations), with an emphasis on criticizing the Heloísa Helena
candidacy. Then, after
October 2, the LBI launched a new appeal
for a “National Emergency Conference” of everyone calling for a blank
ballot on
the second round, once again proposing to the PSTU and others
supported the “Catholic socialist” HH on the first round that they
“adopt a revolutionary program of direct action”! In the 2002
elections, the
LBI called on “class activists” (a category that included those who
voted for
Lula), even before the first round of voting, to “launch a broad
mobilization … against the electoral fraud” and impose a Lula
presidency. And
last July they called for a “national strike to defeat electoral
fraud,” to
impose a presidency of the Mexican bourgeois politician López
Obrador!! Beyond its
opportunist maneuvers with bourgeois forces
“against fraud” (and in Brazil last year, against the “mensalão
along with its repeated supplication of the PSTU to adopt a
policy, the constant frontism of the LBI is fundamentally
opposed to
genuine Trotskyism. Trotsky himself commented, in discussing the
against the advance of Nazi fascism in Germany in the early 1930s, that
united front for action is counterposed to propaganda blocs.
to a lash-up of several centrist leaders at the time, the Bolshevik
wrote: “We shall be told that the
bloc between Rosenfeld-Brandler-Urbahns is only a propaganda bloc for
united front. But it is precisely in the sphere of propaganda that a
bloc is
out of the question. Propaganda must lean upon clear-cut principles and
on a
definite program. March separately, strike together. A bloc is solely
for practical
mass actions. Deals arranged from above which lack a basis in principle
bring nothing except confusion. “The idea of nominating a
candidate for president on the part of the united workers’ front is at
its root
a false one. A candidate can be nominated only on the grounds of a
definite program.” –Leon Trotsky, What
Next? Vital Questions for the German Proletariat (January 1932) We will
conclude our excursion into the reformist and
centrist left with a look at the Partido Causa Operária
(PCO – Workers
Cause Party). The PCO put forward its leader Rui Costa Pimenta as
candidate for
president, as it did in 2002 as well. For many years, this party
defended Lula,
metaphysically separating him in a Menshevik fashion from the popular
Praising the “workers candidate” of this front with bourgeois forces,
contradicted the Trotskyist understanding of the popular front, a
class-collaborationist coalition, as a bourgeois political
Only recently the PCO decided to separate itself from Lula, but it
continues to
seek a return to the old PT with its call for a “mass workers party.”
significant is its call for a “government of the working people,”
instead of
the Trotskyist slogan of a workers and peasants government. The latter
was, the
Bolsheviks stressed, nothing less than the proletarian dictatorship,
the tasks which the PCO assigns to its “government of the working
people” are
measures typical of a social-democratic government of the
capitalist sate:
an end to privatization, state control of health and education, “a
national plan against hunger,” etc. The Lula
government tried to call into question Costa
Pimenta’s candidacy, claiming that it had violated the regulations of
Supreme Electoral Court (TSE), which in mid-August turned down the PCO
candidate. Revolutionaries defend the right of any party, and
those who claim to represent the workers movement, to present their
in supposedly “democratic” bourgeois elections, at the same time as we
criticize the social-democratic and non-revolutionary campaign of the
addition to supporting for years the different popular fronts formed by
PT, Causa Operária has adopted the same policy itself by
offering its slate to
various careerist elements from the PPS, PDT and other bourgeois
tickets. The
fundamental fact is that all these groups
generally considered to be the “far left” have their origins in Lula’s
Party, and they all yearn for the good old days when they were allowed
to carry
out their little maneuvers and backroom deals, giving them the illusion
power. But their frame of reference is a party that is
social-democratic and
parliamentarist to the core, seeking to ensconce itself if the
political regime. All of them (PSOL, PSTU, PCO and their lesser
relatives, LBI,
LER-QI, etc.) do on a small scale what Lula’s team did at the head of
the PT in
years past. Now they want to recreate the PT of the days before they
expelled one after another (PCO in 1989, the PSTU at the beginning of
the ’90s,
the PSOL in 2004). Even if they achieved their fantasies, it would only
lay the
basis for repeating this history of degeneration. What the Brazilian proletariat needs right now, when it confronts a capitalist offensive down the line against its gains and its very existence, is not a new version of the PT. It already went through that experience. It is urgently necessary to forge a workers party based on the Trotskyist program of permanent revolution, which fights for agrarian revolution, for the liberation of all the oppressed – women, blacks, Indians, homosexuals – through international socialist revolution. This is what the Liga Quarta-Internacionalista do Brasil fights for. n
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