Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
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Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
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May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
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November 2016
Struggle Education Workers:
Vote No on Question 2
in Massachusetts!

Class Struggle Education Workers at 10 April 2014 Save NYC
Public Education demonstration: “Drive Out Charters!
Democrats Spearhead Privatization of Public
Education.” (CSEW)
By Class Struggle Education Workers
Class Struggle Education Workers urges Massachusetts
voters to vote “No” on Question 2 on the November 8 ballot
which proposes to lift the cap on the number of charter
schools in the state. If passed, the measure would open
the floodgates to a proliferation of these privately
managed schools, thereby draining billions of dollars from
public schools and widening the economic disparities in
education. Schools with black, Latino and other minority
populations, as well as students with special needs, will
be hit the hardest. Vote No on 2!
Both the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) and the
Massachusetts branch of the American Federation of
Teachers (AFT) have mobilized their memberships to get out
the vote against the ballot initiative. Reportedly much of
the public agrees with them, with one poll showing 52%
against expanding charters vs. 39% in favor. This is in
the face of a flood of big bucks pouring into the coffers
of the pro-charter campaign, which has far out-spent (by
$19.5 million to 13.4 million) the Save Our Public Schools
effort, largely funded by teachers unions.
According to a report
by WBUR Radio Boston (27 October), more than four-fifths
of the funding for the “Yes on 2” came from out of state,
including from Walmart heirs ($1.8 million), the Koch
brothers and ex-New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Three-quarters was “dark money” from 501(c)(3) lobbying
outfits that are not required to list their donors. The
largest contributor ($13.5 million) is Families for
Excellent Schools, a front for Wall Street hedge fund
moguls who are behind the Success Academies and the drive
for charter schools in New York.1
The MTA last spring issued a detailed (108-page) analysis
of this well-financed privatizing onslaught, Threat
Public Education Now Centers on Massachusetts (May
2016). But in addition to the usual suspects of right-wing
business lobbies, the forces supporting Question 2 include
the liberal Boston Globe and its owner, the New
York Times, which have been aggressively pushing the
anti-labor agenda of corporate “education reform” and
calling to greatly expand the overwhelmingly non-union
charter schools.
The editors of the Globe (October 30) claim that
“Studies have shown that charters in Massachusetts are
producing verifiably better academic results than district
schools.” The Times (6 November) chimed in with a
puff piece by columnist David Leonhardt, “Schools That
Work,” also purporting to have scientific data that
charters outperform public schools. The “proof” is a paper
funded by the U.S. Education Department, which backs
charters, and the New Schools Venture Fund, which was set
up to push charter schools.
The study is nothing but sponsored academic propaganda,
using cherry-picked data of the six top charter high
schools in Boston, while excluding lower-performing or
closed charters as “unsuitable” for analysis. Using fancy
statistical formulas, it shows that this handful of
“high-performing” schools perform highly on SAT and other
high-stakes standardized tests. It leaves out how those
schools push out lower-scoring students, sending them back
to the public schools; the impact of having free labor of
Harvard and MIT interns helping students, etc.
In fact, studies nationwide show charter schools overall
have no better and often lower scores than public schools,
and in some cases (like Ohio and Nevada) have become
notorious for fraud. They siphon off funds from public
schools ($450 million a year in Massachusetts, billions
nationally). And charters increase racial segregation, as
an October 15 statement by the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People noted in “calling for a
moratorium on charter school expansion and for the
strengthening of oversight in governance and practice.”
For all the pretense of being a “grass roots” initiative,
a main purpose of this Wall Street-sponsored “astroturf"
movement for charter schools is plain and simple
union-busting. The state teachers unions (MTA and AFTMA)
naturally are opposing Question 2, saying it would be bad
for both teachers and students. But the national AFT has
been equivocal. In response to the NAACP resolution, AFT
president Randi Weingarten did not endorse the
call to oppose charter expansion, saying only that she
“look[s] forward to continuing to work with the NAACP….”
The reason for this equivocation is simple: long-time AFT
leader Al Shanker first proposed charter schools and the
sellout union tops have continued to back them ever since.
Weingarten pretends that the AFT founder intended charters
to be “teacher-led laboratories … to improve instruction,”
but from the outset they aimed at breaking up public
schools. Shanker, a right-wing social-democratic Cold
Warrior, supported Reagan’s education “reforms,”
complaining that the school system “more resembles the
communist economy than our own market economy.”
Moreover, among the biggest supporters of charter schools
are Democratic president Barack Obama and Democratic
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who was the lawyer
for and board member of Walmart. Obama’s secretary of
education, John King, co-founded a charter school in
Boston and has emphatically said he would vote for
Question 2. And the union-hating Democrats for Education
Reform (a Wall Street operation) launched an ad blitz for
a “yes” vote under the slogan “Advancing Obama’s Legacy on
Charter Schools” (Boston Globe, 5 November).
Yet the Fall issue of MTA Today urges its members
to “Vote AGAINST Question 2 – and for Hillary Clinton.”
The NEA and AFT are bulwarks of the Democratic Party,
staffing its phone banks and doling out millions of
dollars to elect candidates of this capitalist party, who
then turn around and attack teacher unions. From the
battle over Boston busing in the 1970s to today, the fight
for high-quality, integrated public education for all must
be a fight against the partner parties of American
As we noted in our analysis earlier this year of the
disastrous experience of the charterized New Orleans
schools (“New
Schools: Test Lab for War on Public Education” and
Education Reform’ in NOLA”):
“A strategy to fight the enemies of public
education begins with naming the enemy: capitalism. Every
day teachers confront the all-sided oppression of this
capitalist society. More than anything else, low academic
achievement correlates with poverty….
“To win, we need fighting unions. But the
American Federation of Teachers and National Education
Association refuse to take the corporate ed ‘reformers’
“We say forthrightly that it’s necessary to
break the Democratic and Republican parties of capital,
and we need to build a workers party to fight for a
workers government, to lay the basis for the badly needed
revolution in education.”
Class Struggle Education Workers urges Massachusetts
teachers others to “Vote No on 2” and join the struggle to
build a class-struggle workers party! ■
For more information about Class
Struggle Education Workers, visit the CSEW website