Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article
May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
March 2017
NYC Labor to Smash Union-Busting
De Blasio Administration
in Closing of B&H Warehouses

B&H workers demonstrate outside store on February 12
protesting plans to close Brooklyn warehouses. The company
move is a blatant attempt to avoid negotiating contract
after workers won union representation. (Internationalist photo)
On January 12, the owners of B&H Photo announced that
the company plans to close its two warehouses in Brooklyn
and shift the work to a site in New Jersey not far from
Philadelphia. This is a transparent move to break the
union organization of the B&H workers, who won
overwhelming victories in representation elections at the
warehouses in late 2015, and a few months later at the
company’s mid-Manhattan store. The unionization of the
largest independent supplier of photo and video equipment
in the United States was a stunning gain for immigrant
workers in New York. But the bosses, who bitterly opposed
the union drive, have been working non-stop ever since to
undo their defeat. Now over 350 union workers stand to
lose their jobs.
The B&H owners’ brazen union-busting plan is an
attack on all NYC labor, and all defenders of workers’
and immigrants’ rights. All-out mobilization of
labor/immigrant power is needed to stop it.
Facing long-standing abusive and unsafe conditions on the
job, B&H workers began organizing with the Laundry
Workers Center (LWC), and turned to the United Steel
Workers (USW) to win union representation. The LWC had
earlier (in 2012) won union recognition and a contract,
including a union hiring hall, at a Hot and Crusty bakery
restaurant on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. But when the
contract ran out, the owners suddenly closed the store
(see “All
to Stop Union-Busting at Bröd/Hot and Crusty!” The
Internationalist, January 2016). The
Internationalist Group, Internationalist Clubs at the City
University of New York and Class Struggle Education
Workers actively supported the organizing drives at Hot
and Crusty and at B&H Photo (see “V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!
Workers in Big Win for Labor and Immigrant Rights,”
The Internationalist No. 42 (January-February

CUNY students support immigrant workers at B&H Photo.
Internationalist protesters call to mobilize the power of
New York City labor to smash union-busting at B&H and
to defeat Trump and the Democrats, February 12. (Internationalist photo)
B&H has been in contract negotiations for over a year
with the USW, which represents the workers. Yet during the
protracted bargaining the company dragged its feet on
presenting a wage proposal. Management never mentioned the
plan to move the warehouses, which obviously was in the
works for months, until it dropped the bombshell at a
negotiating session in mid-January. On February 13, the
USW filed an unfair labor practice (ULP) complaint with
the National Labor Relations Board. The B&H move is a
transparent attempt to avoid negotiating a contract. But
NLRB complaints typically take years to settle, and then
often end up in court, while soon enough the Trump
administration will staff the agency with blatantly
anti-labor appointees.
The day before the USW filed its ULP, the union called a
protest outside the B&H emporium on Ninth Avenue and
34th Street in Midtown Manhattan. Some 150 demonstrators,
workers from both Brooklyn warehouses and the Manhattan
store along with left, labor, student and community
groups, marched in a cold drizzle. Workers donned t-shirts
saying “I Am Union.” A USW leader said that the union
would follow the company wherever it went. A spokesman for
the Internationalist Group emphatically called to “bring
out the unions, the Verizon workers who were on strike
last year, the Teamsters who came out to defend the
Muslims at JFK [airport], the 32BJ workers who clean these
buildings, the hotel workers, the restaurant workers” in
powerful labor solidarity.
The IG speaker pointed to a crucial aspect of this fight
for union rights and workers’ jobs: the fact that
the administration of Democratic mayor Bill de Blasio
has been complicit in the union-busting move.
On February 13, the day after the protest outside B&H,
de Blasio in his State of the City speech emphasized the
need for “good-paying jobs,” the “kind of jobs that allow
you to afford to live in New York City.” This is also a
key theme of the mayor’s reelection campaign. But the city
government of New York shares direct responsibility
for the looming loss of hundreds of jobs of unionized
immigrant workers caused by a company that is fleeing NYC
precisely in order to avoid negotiating a contract that
would substantially raise their low pay!
B&H owns one of the warehouses – at 105 Evergreen
Avenue – outright, which makes the union-busting nature of
its plan to move warehouse operations all the more clear.
At the time the move by B&H was announced, the company
claimed it was not able to find a new warehouse after its
lease on the building in the Brooklyn Navy Yard expired
this year. DNAInfo New York (13 January) reported: “The
Navy Yard facility will become a movie studio when the
company leaves at the end of this year, according to David
Ehrenberg, the head of the Brooklyn Navy Yard's
Development Corporation.” Yet the development corporation
is a “real estate developer and property manager of the
Yard on behalf of its owner, the City of New York”
( So the de Blasio administration
knew of B&H’s plans to leave while the company was
pretending to negotiate a union contract.
 B&H warehouse in Building 664 of
Brooklyn Navy Yard.
(Fort Greene Patch)
But more than that, the city could have renewed the lease
for Navy Yard Building 664, the larger of the two Brooklyn
warehouses of B&H (the other is on Evergreen Avenue in
Bushwick). A company spokesman said “We have no choice
when it comes to our lease because it is ending with no
ability to extend it,” and that they had worked “for
several years” unsuccessfully with Empire State
Development to find suitable space in NYC (Hyperallergic,
24 January). The idea that B&H couldn’t find space in
New York is hardly believable, since the proprietor,
Herman Schreiber, owns dozens of other properties in the
city. But why exactly couldn’t B&H simply renew its
lease at the Navy Yard?
The answer is that the de Blasio administration wants to
turn the Navy Yard into “Hollywood on the East River” amid
an unprecedented boom of TV production in the city. The
prime tenant in the industrial park is Steiner Studios,
with the largest stage east of Los Angeles, numerous sound
stages and more than 5 acres of backlot space. Its main
facility is right next to the windowless hulk of Building
664 where B&H immigrant workers toil. Four years ago,
Steiner was already expanding around B&H. Crain’s
New York (20 October 2013) reported: “When the
company vacates its current space in Building 664, Steiner
Studios, the yard’s largest employer, will expand into the
building with around 300 of its own employees.”
 NYC mayor Bill de Blasio poses with city
motion pictures chief Cynthia López and studio owner Doug
Steiner, April 2014.
(Ed Lederman/Brooklyn Daily
So the reality is that the city government under
Democrat de Blasio is pushing the B&H warehouses out
of their present location. When the mayor named
Cynthia López New York City’s “film czarina” he did so at
Steiner Studios, where they posed with Bill’s pal, studio
owner Doug Steiner. At the ceremony López praised Steiner
for “revitalizing” the area. And while de Blasio has
criticized tax breaks for other industries, he is a
fervent backer of such giveaways to the film industry,
which is the main reason the number of TV shows shot in
NYC quadrupled over a decade, and the number of films
increased by a factor of 10. The industry has showed its
appreciation by making contributions to de Blasio’s
favorite causes.
Currently de Blasio is under investigation by state and
federal prosecutors over the financing of his 2013
election campaign. The owners of Broadway Stages said they
were asked for donations to the mayor’s Campaign for One
New York (“The Cash Envelope, Please: Bill Put $queeze on
Showbiz,” Daily News, 27 February). Steiner is
also a generous donor. A selling point was de Blasio’s
$2.5 billion plan to build a streetcar line extending from
Bay Ridge to Astoria. As City Hall lined up developers to
back the BQX line, “Steiner Studios, a movie lot near a
potential trolley stop at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in Fort
Greene, ponied up $5,000” for the Campaign for One New
York, reported the Daily News (12 December 2016).

Steiner Studios, the largest TV production facility on the
East Coast, is pushing out B&H, whose warehouse in
Building 664 is just behind the studio. City officials
have been pushing the expansion of Steiner. (Steiner Studios)
At the same time, while de Blasio is tight with the TV
industry, he has been cultivating political alliances with
various constituencies. Among his key allies are the
followers of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the Satmar Jewish
Rebbe of Kiryas Joel, the Orthodox village in upstate
Orange County. Millionaire B&H owner Schreiber and
hundreds of store employees are members of the “Aaroni”
sect, which is also dominant in Boro Park, Brooklyn.
Aaroni Satmar political operatives boast that their bloc
of 7,500 votes won de Blasio the Democratic nomination in
2013. Now the FBI is putting the squeeze on top Aaroni
political fundraisers, including Isaac Sofer, Moishe Indig
and Rabbi David Niederman, to get dirt on the mayor, but
no one’s talking.
Bill de Blasio poses as a “progressive.” His reelection
drive kicked off with endorsements from key unions
including the United Federation of Teachers, AFSCME
District Council 37 and SEIU Local 32BJ. In reality he’s a
straight Clinton/Obama Democrat, who would clearly be, as
we put it in 2013, nothing more than “Bloomberg Lite,” a
lower-key continuation of the policies of the Republican
billionaire mayor. In the political horse-trading of
Democratic Party politics, de Blasio owes the Satmar power
brokers. Thus Rabbi Niederman, head of the United Jewish
Organizations of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn, is a
mayoral appointee to the Navy Yard Development Corporation
board where he is in a position to look out for the
interests of B&H.
While B&H is one of the biggest Hasidic-owned
companies in New York, in fighting wage gouging, dangerous
working conditions, abusive management practices and
discrimination – including separate bathrooms for whites –
the immigrant workers have emphasized that they are waging
a labor, not a religious or ethnic, struggle. Union
militants are vigilant against any hint of anti-Semitism.
Jews for Economic and Racial Justice has been an important
ally throughout the battle. At the February 12 rally, a
JFREJ spokeswoman reported that 225 rabbis had signed a
letter calling on B&H to negotiate in good faith with
the union. The CUNY Internationalist Clubs initiated the
chant that has been widely picked up over the recent
period, “Jew and Arab, black and white, workers of the
world, unite!”
Democrats Bill de Blasio, the phony “friend of labor,”
and Hillary Clinton, the faux friend of women, along
with deporter-in-chief Barack Obama, are in fact
representatives and defenders of capital. While
Clinton and Obama hobnob with the Wall Street fat cats, de
Blasio attends to the retail-level wheeling and dealing of
bourgeois politics. He allies with entertainment moguls
and real-estate barons like Bruce Ratner, who promised
thousands of apartments for low-income tenants (yet to be
built) in exchange for tearing down homes to make way for
the Barclays Center sports/entertainment arena. It’s no
surprise, then, that despite his talk of good jobs and
affordable housing, Democrat de Blasio presides over the
elimination of hundreds of immigrant workers’ jobs.
The fight for union jobs at B&H must be a class
struggle to win. That means mobilizing the powerhouses of
NYC labor in defense of immigrant workers. On February 16,
while restaurant and shop owners shut down for a “Day
Without Immigrants,” B&H workers organized a
collective stay-away action to protest against raids and
deportations. Trabajadores Internacionales Clasistas (TIC
– Class Struggle International Workers), including workers
at B&H, calls on NYC unions to bring out the ranks and
take the battle to City Hall and Wall Street. We have the
power to smash the union-busting attack, but it
will not be accomplished with paper resolutions and having
a few bureaucrats and staffers show up. Surround B&H
with thousands of workers and the bosses will get the

Internationalist contingent marches with B&H workers
against union-busting, February 12. (Internationalist photo)
Above all, as Karl Marx insisted a century and a half
ago, every genuine class struggle is a political
struggle. We must break the stranglehold of the
Democratic Party which has led to the decimation of the
unions in this country. We join with the militant Painters
Union in Portland in calling to build a class-struggle
workers party fighting to replace the dictatorship of
capital with the liberating rule of the working class
championing all the oppressed. Stop the B&H
bosses’ job-killing, union-busting plan! ¡Unión,
fuerza, solidaridad! – Union, power, solidarity!