Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
September 2016
Defeat Union-Busting Drive
at Long Island University!

With LIU ballet dancers at LIU faculty solidarity
teach-in, September 9. (NYSUT/Twitter)
SEPTEMBER 14 – As Long Island
University’s lockout of unionized faculty at its Brooklyn
campus enters the second week, the stakes are clear. The
unprecedented move by university president Kimberly Cline
is a vicious attack not only against the faculty, students
and staff at LIU Brooklyn, but against everyone who works
in higher education, and on the entire New York-area labor
movement. This is a battle for the most basic rights of us
all – and the power needed to defeat this union-busting
assault must be brought into play before it’s too late.
Holding signs reading “Let Us Teach,” the Long Island
University Faculty Federation (LIUFF) has been picketing
since the lockout was decreed on September 3. This came a
week after the Cline administration presented the LIUFF
with a “final offer” clearly designed to be rejected. This
includes a 25% pay cut for adjuncts to be imposed
by reducing the maximum number of credits taught from 12
to 9, while slashing paid office hours for adjuncts and
funding used to provide their health insurance. For
tenured professors there was the introduction of a
“faculty engagement and development” review which could
potentially put an end to tenure and faculty autonomy from
administration control.
Moreover, when this “offer” was presented, it was
accompanied by a letter notifying faculty that they were
being locked out of the school effective immediately. As
an LIU professor noted on the picket line, it says a lot
about the contract LIU management is trying to shove down
the faculty’s throats if it locked them out before they
even had a chance to vote.
Meanwhile, LIU management was bringing in scabs, and
flaunting this in everybody’s face in true union-busting
fashion. It prepared this plan of attack for months
beforehand. Bogus curricula were posted online (on
Blackboard) over the summer for the “replacement teachers”
to learn. But where did these curricula come from when the
real professors who would have taught these classes had no
access to any LIU resources? The administration. This
amounts to corporate-style skills training – not education
– to be spoon-fed by scabs to LIU students paying
LIU’s scab-herding has aroused considerable outrage, as
even the New York Times reported that a ballet
class was to be taught by a dean who is – a botanist. The
Times quoted the LIU lawyer saying such “errors”
had been “corrected” and that courses would be taught by
“qualified” instructors. But students reported that
another scab “teacher” was so clueless she almost got
ballet students injured.
The union responded to the “final offer” with a request
to extend the prior contract for five weeks. The
administration countered by essentially saying “no way” –
pretty much the equivalent of the famous 1975 Daily
News headline, “Ford to City: Drop Dead.” Yet at a
teach-in sponsored by the LIUFF on Friday, September 9,
the repeated plea was for the administration to go back to
the bargaining table. And if the union were to cave in to
some variant of the horrific contract “offer,” it would
merely be the beginning of the end of the union.
Let’s get real. What Cline & Co. have undertaken is
no routine pressure tactic: all signs point to an attempt
to replace the unionized faculty once and for all. So what
will it take to defeat it? On the first day of the
lockout, unionists picked up the chant initiated by
activists from the CUNY Internationalist Clubs and Class
Struggle Education Workers: “Picket lines mean: Don’t
cross!” This bottom-line labor principle is crucial
to defeating the union-busting drive at LIU. But hard
class struggle is totally alien to the misleaders of
American labor, who bank everything on class
collaboration. On September 9, American Federation of
Teachers head Randi Weingarten spoke to students and
faculty gathered outside of campus, saying that the
union’s answer to the lockout was to tell the
“‘Let’s get back to teaching, and if we can’t do
it together, let’s get a mediator.’ That is what we do in
America when we care about things. We find common ground,
we work together.”
Seriously? Like students throughout the U.S., those at
LIU have been following the spread of protests like those
launched most recently by Colin Kaepernick, against what
the rulers of this society and their police “do in
America.” As for union-busting, it’s as American as the
proverbial apple pie. The flag-waving by Weingarten had a
political purpose, as the AFT head (who has long hoped for
a spot as Hillary Clinton’s Secretary of Education) kept
shouting about “Trumpism.” NYC Public Advocate Letitia
James did her bit to make it a virtual Democratic Party
campaign event with a pitch about how it was the youth
that elected Obama to bring about meaningful change.
In contrast, at the teach-in, CUNY Internationalist Clubs
activist Jacob emphasized the need to “knock out the
lockout,” which means teachers standing strong against the
administration and students understanding that so long as
the lockout continues, “you do not belong on campus.”
Instead, students and faculty should be helping make the
picket lines real ones that nobody crosses. Jacob noted
that at the City University of New York, teachers and
campus workers are subject to the anti-labor Taylor Law,
which makes any strike or job action by New York State
employees illegal – and that this is enforced by “the
Democratic Party of capital.” Breaking from support and
subordination to the bosses’ parties is crucial to winning
a serious fight like this, he stressed – and to win, the
struggle must be extended beyond the borders of the
The faculty fighting for their jobs and against this
blatant union-busting must demand that all the
unions at LIU, together with students, respect their
picket line. That means that administrative staff,
maintenance workers, operating engineers and carpenters
should be out there with the locked-out teachers instead
of going through the lines. This is the very opposite of
claims by one LIUFF spokesman who chided activists that
telling students not to cross was “sending the wrong
message,” and that the line was meant to be an
“informational picket line.” This is a sure recipe for
defeat. The university bosses will not be defeated by
appeals for “collegiality” or by playing by some academic
version of the Marquis of Queensbury rules of yesteryear
in the middle of a brutal knock-down, drag-out fight.
The administration has flaunted its power to lock out the
union – it is power that must be mobilized to
defeat them. NYC labor must show up and defend the
line. A good place to start would be with phone
workers in the huge Verizon building just down the street,
who were some of the 39,000 who struck for six and a half
weeks this summer.
And to hit the administration union-busters hard, the
unions should shut down the C.W. Post campus of LIU.
Back in May 2015, the faculty union at Post negotiated a
three-year contract extension, a year before the contract
was due to expire, without notifying the Brooklyn campus
union, with which they traditionally negotiate together
(both contracts end on the same date). The Brooklyn LIUFF
was livid, and rightly so, especially as one of its main
demands has been to match pay with that at the Long Island
campus. Evidently the faculty at Post are beginning to see
that the administration’s divide-and-conquer tactics mean
that they’re next on the hit list, as they just passed a
motion of no confidence in Cline. But to actually win this
battle, students and faculty should shut down not
only the Brooklyn campus but also the Post campus – and
the bosses’ rules be damned!
In this key battle, faculty, staff and students at LIUFF
must unite and appeal to all NYC labor. On Labor Day, the
United Federation of Teachers, representing 150,000 NYC
teachers and paras, marched with signs saying “UFT Stands
With LIU Faculty.” So instead of the UFT tops’ empty
words, the Brooklyn campus should be ringed and the
doorways jammed with hundreds of UFTers! Bring in the
retirees on the morning shift and in-service teachers can
spell them after class lets out in the afternoon. The same
goes for the Professional Staff Congress at CUNY. And
NYC-area students should come too, for an extra-curricular
lesson in class struggle!
The haughty would-be dictators running LIU have shown as
clearly as could be that “common ground” with the bosses
is a dangerous fantasy. Nor can any “mediator” bring about
some kind of amicable arrangement with those pushing to
bust the union. Weingarten’s song and dance for Hillary
shows the acute danger that the struggle at LIU may be yet
another one sacrificed on the altar of support to the
Democratic Party of police repression, imperialism and
Add it up: scripted curriculum delivered by disposable
faculty, pay cuts for the bottom tier, “performance-based”
reviews by management – this is the higher ed equivalent
of the teacher-bashing, union-busting corporate “education
reform” being imposed on educators throughout the
capitalist world. And it is not only pushed by Republican
know-nothings like George W. Bush and moguls like Bill
Gates and the Walton family, for the last eight years it
has been spearheaded by the Democratic administration of
Barack Obama and former Wal-Mart board member Hillary
Cllinton. To defeat it we need to bring out union power,
workers power. We need to bust the union-busters and
knock out the lock-out! ■
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