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![]() May 2012 Full Citizenship Rights for
All Immigrants
Elections 2012:
For a Revolutionary Workers Party ![]() No to “Secure Communities” – Drive Out ICE! Democrats, Republicans – Enemies of Immigrants On May 1, the
international workers day, millions take to
the streets around the world to demonstrate
for labor’s cause. In the United States,
since the massive marches that took place in
2006, May Day has become the day of struggle
of immigrant workers as well. On 1 May 2008,
when dock workers made history by shutting
down every port on the West Coast to stop
the war on Iraq and Afghanistan, they also
called to defend immigrants’ rights. Today
again, immigrants are under attack as the
U.S. Supreme Court rules on the
constitutionality of Arizona’s
anti-immmigrant witchhunt law while raids
and deportations are going full-blast. The most recent
nationwide immigration raid, codenamed
“Cross Check,” was carried out in the last
week of March. It involvied
2,000 agents of the Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) with the support of other
federal agencies along with state and local
police. The black-uniformed migra cops
broke into the homes of immigrants in dawn
raids, supposedly looking for a list of
“criminals” but arresting any undocumented
immigrants they found. Some 3,200 were
seized and declared deportable material. On May Day 2012, the
American presidential election campaign is
well underway. In the Republican primaries,
each candidate tried to be more reactionary
than the other, on every conceivable issue:
threatening to “bomb, bomb Iran,” promising
more tax breaks for the rich and more cuts
in social services for the poor, attacking
public sector unions, denouncing abortion
and thundering against “illegal immigrants.”
The virtual nominee, backed by big bucks
from Wall Street, is Mitt Romney, who has
called for immigrants to “self-deport.” Democratic president
Barack Obama, meanwhile, is trying to outdo
the Republicans in imperialist war abroad
and police-state repression “at home.” Mired
in a capitalist depression that will drag on
for some years to come, he has agreed to
slash “entitlement” programs in the name of
deficit-reduction. Obama has spearheaded a
“bipartisan” assault on teachers and public
education. And he has frontally assaulted
civil liberties while making assassination a
mainstay of the “war on terror,” including
secret directives authorizing the murder of
U.S. citizens anywhere. Throwing a bone to the
“Occupy Wall Street” (OWS) movement which
exploded on the political scene last fall,
Obama mouths empty populist rhetoric about
inequality. Yet his economic policy is in
the hands of Wall Street bankers, and his
ballyhooed health care reform will fork over
billions to the insurance companies. Even as
he appeals for the Hispanic vote by again
promising to make immigration reform a
priority after reelection, Obama
has deported 400,000 immigrants a year, far
more than his Republican predecessor George
W. Bush ever did. Obama deserves to be
known “Mr. Deportation,” an immigrant worker
comrade of the Internationalist Group said
in a workshop on “Immigrants and Occupy” at
the Left Forum in New York in March. Yet
despite the raids and the administration’s
massive militarization of the Mexican
border, the leaders of “mainstream” Hispanic
and immigrant organizations continue to back
the Democratic Party. Even the organizers of
the OWS Immigrant Worker Justice Working
Group at the forum workshop urged
participants to give Obama “the benefit of
the doubt.” The “hope” that Obama
proclaimed in 2008 was false from the start.
His campaign promise to enact a
“significant” immigration reform during his
first year in office was simply dropped.
Unlike the liberals and various reformist
left groups who endorsed or facilitated his
election, the Internationalist Group warned
that Democrats and Republicans were enemies
of immigrants and of all working people. We
called then, as today, to mobilize to stop
the raids and deportations, to fight for
full citizenship rights for all immigrants,
and to build a revolutionary workers party. Bipartisan
Anti-Immigrant Offensive In the Republican
presidential primary debates, candidates
competed to be the most vicious
immigrant-basher. In a debate last
September, Texas governor Rick Perry
demanded more police and National Guard
troops to “secure the border.” Congresswoman
Michelle Bachman of Minnesota demanded the
construction of an impenetrable wall along
the Mexican border, saying we are dealing
with “narco-terrorists.” (How about the
Americans smuggling guns to Mexico?) Herman
Cain wanted an electric fence with voltage
high enough to kill. Republican frontrunner
Romney (whose father was born in Mexico)
cynically presented his call for
“self-deportation” as a kinder alternative
to just arresting people. Immigrants would
just go home “because they can’t find work
here.” How would he do that? By issuing an
identity card to “legal” workers – a
national ID and computerized employment
verification that would be used to tighten
police control of everyone. In addition,
Romney was endorsing the raft of state laws
which seek to ratchet up police repression
to make life intolerable for immigrants. In Arizona, there has
been a steady stream of racist
anti-immigrant laws starting with a 2002
“English only” law. Maricopa County sheriff
Joe Arpaio boasts that he has a private air
force of 30 planes to track immigrants in
the desert, and a posse of volunteers who go
Nativist fascist vigilantes including the
Minuteman Project and neo-Nazi paramilitary
groups have staged armed patrols along the
Arizona-Sonora border, killing several
immigrants. Now a new Arizona law (SB 1083)
has authorized an oficial anti-immigrant
volunteer militia. Meanwhile, Tucson
schools were ordered to shut a
Mexican-American studies program last year
for violating state law (HB 2281) banning
ethnic studies that “promote the overthrow
of the U.S. government.” The district then
purged classrooms of any books where “race,
ethnicity and oppression are central
themes.” Among the books banned in Tucson
were Sandra Cisnero’s House on Mango
Street and Shakespeare’s The
Tempest! Cisneros joined a
Librotraficante (book trafficking) caravan
that traveled from Houston to smuggle the
banned titles back to Tucson. Laws similar to
Arizona’s SB 1070, passed in 2010, have
since been introduced in Alabama, Georgia,
Indiana, South Carolina and Utah. They make
it a crime for undocumented workers to seek
work or to fail to carry legal immigration
papers, and require police to detain anyone
they stop that they have a “reasonable
suspicion” is not a legal resident. Not only
does this promote “racial profiling” against
anyone who “looks Mexican,” it recalls Nazi
Germany where people were stopped on the
street because they “looked Jewish,” or
apartheid South Africa’s pass laws. After Georgia’s law was
passed, thousands of farm workers left the
state. Growers complain that peanuts,
peaches, blueberries and other crops were
left rotting in the fields for lack of labor
to harvest them. The Alabama law went even
further, ordering schools to investigate the
immigration status of parents. Fear shot
through communities like Albertville, the
site of several poultry processing plants.
When a federal judge upheld the law last
September, panicked families packed up their
cars and fled. Within days almost 2,000
Latino students were pulled out of school. Reactionary
immigrant-bashers cheered at the exodus. But
the frightened Alabama and Georgia workers
didn’t make for the border – they headed to
nearby states like North Carolina where
business interests have buried legislation
to witch-hunt immigrants (they want the
cheap labor). And it isn’t just right-wing
Republicans and Southern states that are
terrorizing immigrant families and blocking
any “path to citizenship.” A bill for a
state “DREAM Act” recently died in the New
York legislature, dashing many undocumented
students’ hopes.[2]
But by far the biggest
threat to immigrants comes from the federal
government. Barack Obama is using
reactionary laws and programs such as
“E-Verify” and “Secure Communities” to throw
undocumented workers out of their jobs and
to get local police to turn them over to ICE
for deportation when they are stopped for
any reason. And he is providing outrageous
profits to the private prison industry,
which owns and manages many of the 961 sites
around the country used for detention,
including concentration camps holding
thousands of immigrants. “Mr.
Deportation” Obama Expels 400,000 a
Year, There are 961 facilities for detention of immigrants in the U.S., and tens of thousands of detainees. A number of states,
including New York last year, have formally
opted out of the “Secure Communities”
program. But in fact, information exchange
with ICE continues as before. This has
caused a nationwide crisis among immigrant
families as undocumented parents are seized
for deportation, leaving their U.S.-born
children here. A recent report by ICE
revealed that just in the first half of
2011, 46,486 parents of children who are
American citizens were forced to leave the
country. And that’s not counting many more
who are in detention awaiting deportation. The scope of this
horrific government attack is enormous. A
2010 report by the Pew Hispanic Center
estimated there at least 4 million citizen
children of more than 11 million
undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.
That’s a population larger than several
European countries, and they’re all at risk
of falling victim to the migra
snatch squads. A report by the Applied
Research Center, Shattered Families
(November 2011), revealed that approximately
5,000 children are being held under
temporary custody of the Homeland Security
Department. The Obama government
is running a monstrous child-trafficking
operation here. When the parents are
seized, they are held in detention centers,
usually distant from their homes. Children
who have no legal guardian are placed in
foster homes. If the parents are deported or
kept in detention for months, child welfare
agencies go to court to cancel their
parental rights on grounds of “neglect.” The
children are then put up for adoption, or
continue in foster care, but their parents
have no right to get them back even after
they finally get out of ICE control. This has become so
well-known that parents in Arizona, Alabama
and other states with draconian immigrant
pick-up laws have been going to lawyers in
droves to draw up papers providing for
custody of their children in case they are
seized. In sheer wanton cruelty, this
recalls the Argentine military dictatorship
in the 1970s, which stole the children of
leftists that it assassinated. In the U.S.
today, where politicians regularly preach
phony “family values” to justify reactionary
policies, the government is separating
spouses, stealing children from their
parents and devastating thousands of
families. Workers of the World,
Unite! Anti-immigrant racism is
hardly unique to the United States. In
Europe, fascists in Greece have targeted
African and Near Eastern immigrants for
murderous attacks. In the French
presidential elections, President Nicolas
Sarkozy declared that there were “too many
foreigners” in the country, fostering
xenophobia to compete for the electoral base
of Marine Le Pen of the fascist National
Front. In Norway, anti-immigrant terrorist
Anders Behring Breivik slaughtered 77 people
in a bombing and shooting rampage last
August while vituperating against “Islamic
colonization” and echoing mainstream
politicians’ rhetoric against
“multiculturalism.” Capitalist rulers
regularly use national chauvinism to
mobilize backward elements against any
perceived threats to their oppressive rule.
The current immigrant-bashing in the United
States is particularly noteworthy in a
country built on mass immigration, where
almost everyone originally came from
elsewhere except for the Native American
population that was nearly wiped out by
genocide. From World Wars I (deportation of
Italian “reds”) and II (internment of
Japanese Americans) to today (U.S. troops’
defiling the bodies of Afghans they have
killed), imperialist slaughter feeds off
racism, and immigrants are portrayed as the
“enemy within.” In the past, immigrants
have been fed hopes that eventually they
will be able to legalize their situation as
others have before them. For a time, liberal
Democrats and reformist leftists talked of
an “amnesty,” as in the 1986 immigration
“reform,” where immigrants would have to pay
big fines and fees but could get residency
and eventually citizenship. We in the
Internationalist Group have insisted
immigrants are not criminals and donn’t need
to be amnestied or pardoned. We chant, No
rogamos, exigimos, plenos derechos de
ciudadanía (we don’t beg, we
demand full citizenship rights). Since the anti-immigrant
backlash scuttled any chance of an amnesty,
the Democrats have little to offer. Obama’s
latest proposal was that undocumented
immigrants applying for residency on grounds
of family reunification could get a
“provisional waiver” while in the U.S., but
would still have to return to their “home
country” to get a “green card.” This is no
more real than Romney’s delusions of
“self-deportation.” What immigrant would
risk separation from their family on the
hope that a U.S. consulate will grant them a
visa without giving them a runaround,
extorting huge fees and holding them hostage
for years, as is now the case? Today, given the lack of
any prospect of immigration reform by the
capitalist parties, some on the left have
dropped forlorn appeals for amnesty and talk
of “full rights for all immigrants,” as the
May 1 Coalition does in New York, without
saying exactly what rights. This is a
watered-down version of the program we have
defended for years, full citizenship
rights for all immigrants. The workers
movement has a vital interest in everyone
who lives here having equal rights so that
the bosses can’t use the lack of legal
status to drive down wages and divide
workers. In recognition of that, the
Portland, Oregon May Day 2012 march is
calling for “full citizenship rights for
all.” It must also be
emphasized that this demand will not be
willingly granted by any sector of the
ruling class. It is necessary to break with
the Democrats and all capitalist parties in
order to build a revolutionary workers
party. Such a party will connect the fight
for immigrant rights to a broader class
struggle for the defeat of imperialist war,
against the racist death penalty, for the
liberation of women and black liberation
through socialist revolution. It must also
call to mobilize the power of the workers
movement to defend immigrants, African
Americans, Latinos and Asians against racist
police and vigilante attacks. A working class with
revolutionary leadership that fully
understands that “an injury to one is an
injury to all” will be able to realize the
promise of the Paris Commune of 1871 and the
Russian Revolution of 1917, which granted
citizenship to all workers and
revolutionaries as they took power under the
watchword of the Communist Manifesto: Workers
of the world, unite! ■ [1] Last
year Arpaio had actor Steven Seagal
riding in a tank to go after a
suspected cockfighting site, filmed
for broadcast on Segal’s TV “reality
show.” [2] We have opposed the national DREAM (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) Act, in which a central provision would provide legal residency in exchange for joining the military. By this bribery, the Pentagon tried to overcome the lagging enlistment rates and recruit cannon fodder to go kill and be killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. See “The DREAM Act Swindle,” in Revolution No. 8, April 2011, the newspaper of the Internationalist Clubs of the City University of New York; and “DREAMS of Citizenship, Nightmare of War,” in Class Struggle Education Workers Newsletter No. 2, October-December 2010. The New York state DREAM Act did not include such a military recruitment clause, and was a supportable, if limited and inadequate reform that would have provided lower in-state tuition rates for undocumented students who graduated from New York high schools. However, after completing their degrees, these students still would not be able to get legal jobs. To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |