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July 2005 Drawing
the Class Line – What Program to Defeat the War?
Drive U.S.
Imperialists Out of Iraq!West Coast longshore union contingent marches in San Francisco, 20 March 2004. Mobilize workers power to protest repression, boycott military goods, strike against the war! (Internationalist photo)
JULY 15 – United States imperialism has dug itself into a big hole in Iraq, and keeps digging deeper. Try as it might, the Pentagon has been unable to defeat the growing insurgency, and each new puppet government is as discredited and impotent as its predecessor. After the phony gunpoint “elections” on January 30, Washington trumpeted a “victory for democracy.” Yet the rigged vote was boycotted by virtually the entire Sunni Muslim population, which correctly saw it as an attempt by the occupiers to establish a Shiite ascendancy. Three
months later, after weeks of wrangling between Shiite and Kurdish
at the end of April a “government” was proclaimed. The insurgents
responded with a wave of attacks. A Pentagon report revealed that in
the nine
months ending in March 2005, there were 15,527 attacks against
forces” throughout Iraq – roughly 60 a day (Newsweek, 11
Since then the attacks have escalated. Over the last year 1,500 Iraqi
recruits, troops and police have been killed. The number of American
“allied” dead since the supposed end of combat in Iraq two years ago is
close to 2,000. Meanwhile, the brutal colonial occupiers have massacred
tens of
thousands of Iraqis. The
Pentagon is worried that it can’t maintain current troop levels
Already key units of the U.S. regular Army, Navy and Marines are on
second Iraq deployment and stretched to the breaking point. Many have
been kept
in Iraq by “stop-loss” orders, even though their period of enlistment
was up.
National Guard and Reserve units have been called up repeatedly,
causing bitter
complaints from spouses and employers about the toll of year-long
“By next fall, we’ll have expended our ability to use National Guard
as one of the principal forces,” reported retired Army commander Barry
McCaffrey, adding: “We’re reaching the bottom of the barrel.” The chief
of the
Army Reserve, Lt. Gen. James R. Helmly, is even blunter, saying the
Reserve is
“rapidly degenerating into a ‘broken’ force” (New York Times, 11
July). As
the casualties mount, war weariness has been growing in the U.S.
Since last fall, a steady majority in opinion polls say that it was
“not worth
going to war in Iraq.” This is coupled with widespread distrust of the
administrati1on, including among those who voted for Bush. While Bush
aside poll numbers, his handlers have been getting worried. So on June
28, Bush
went to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, home of the 82nd Airborne Division
and Army
Special Operation forces, to stage a pro-war rally. But the assembled
ignored the applause lines, sat on their hands and only clapped once
before the
end of their commander in chief’s speech. Some of
the up to 300,000 demonstrators at April 9 Baghdad demonstration
demanding U.S. get out of Iraq. The
Iraq war is clearly unpopular, but that hasn’t stopped it. So what can
be done?
The “strategy” of the overwhelming majority of the left is to build an
ever-larger antiwar movement. The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in
March-April 2003
provoked huge peace marches that brought millions of people into the
worldwide to protest. In New York City, 500,000 protested a month
before the
war began, and 200,000 marched against the invasion while it was going
on. Half
a million came out to protest the Republican National Convention last
On May 1, the international workers day, there was another round of
protests around the globe. Yet these demonstrations have not even
slowed down
the slaughter. The Internationalist Group
League for the Fourth International warn that pacifist parades will
not and
cannot stop an imperialist war machine hell-bent on conquest. The
capitalist warmongers can be defeated, by mobilizing the power of the
international working class. Iraq rebels have already shown that the
military machine is not all-powerful, despite its efforts to “shock and
awe” that
country into surrender. But the imperialists must be defeated from
American workers are also targeted by this bosses’ war, as
their union
gains are ripped up, pensions slashed and wages keep falling and jobs
disappearing for more than three decades. Civil liberties in the
citadels are under all-sided attack as well, from the USA PATRIOT Act
to the
pervasive “security” mania. The
answer is not impotent peace parades but bringing in the heavy
battalions of
labor. Already, the bulk of the union movement is on record opposed to
the war,
although these paper resolutions are coupled with “social-patriotic”
appeals to
“support our troops by bringing them home,” for “jobs not war,” and the
Instead, what’s needed is concrete action linking
opposition to
the imperialist war to an internationalist class fight
the capitalist rulers who destroy people’s livelihoods and lay waste to
countries in order to maximize their obscene profits and U.S. world
domination. What’s
standing in the way of this perspective is the pro-capitalist labor
bureaucracy, whose very reason for existence is to keep workers’
struggles in
check, and the popular-front organizers of the antiwar movement who
seek to
chain opposition to the war to political support for the Democrats or
other capitalist party or politician. Above all, it is necessary to
forge a
leadership with the revolutionary program and determination to mobilize
power of the working class in struggle at the head of all the
breaking with the twin parties of American capitalism to build a
party that fights for international socialist revolution. Rising
Bourgeois Defeatism Over Iraq War
Be Fooled by the Spin on Iraq: The US Is Failing – and Hatred of the
Greater Than Ever,” wrote Jonathan Steele in the London Guardian
April). While
the capitalist press follows the wheeling and dealing of the corrupt
exile politicians and clerical zealots who rode into Iraq on the back
of U.S.
tanks, it barely reports the depth of opposition to the occupation
Iraqi society. On April 9, marking the second anniversary of the U.S.
taking of
Baghdad, a huge demonstration in the Iraqi capital demanded that the
get out. “No, no to America! No, no to occupation!” they chanted. The Los
Angeles Times (10 April) reports that, “Some estimates put the
number of
protesters at 300,000.” A leading expert on Iraqi Shiites, Juan Cole,
“If it were even half that, these would be the largest popular
in Iraq since 1958!” Although
sparse media reports described this as a Shiite event, a major Sunni
organization, the Association of Muslim Scholars, said its followers
joined the demonstration. Cole reports that in addition, big
demonstrations were held that day in Ramadi, a major center of Sunni
insurgency, where virtually nobody voted in January, and in the Shiite
city of
Najaf, while in Baghdad “a small crowd of Iraqi Christians joined in
demonstration.” This undercuts claims in the Western media of an
sectarian civil war between Sunnis and Shiites. Similar stirrings of
against the occupiers occurred during the April 2004 siege of Falluja
and the
subsequent uprising in the Shiite South. In
addition to mass anti-occupation protests, the colonial occupiers are
having to
fend off an entrenched insurgency. This year the number of car bombings
escalated, with five times as many in the ten weeks from the
of March to mid-May as in all of 2004. Although this is largely a
guerrilla war
of attrition, occasionally the rebels have launched full-scale
assaults. In
early April, U.S. troops at the Abu Ghraib torture center came under
heavy rocket
fire by scores of insurgents who kept the jailers pinned down for 12
hours. On
April 11, insurgents staged a massed assault on Camp Gannon on the
border. A
number of U.S. officials are now openly talking of civil war. “With
experts reporting that no major road in the country was safe to travel,
Iraq specialists speculated that the Sunni insurgency was effectively
encircling the capital and trying to cut it off from the north, south
west,” wrote New York Newsday (12 May). It quoted Pat Lang,
former top
Near East intelligence official at the Pentagon, saying, “It’s just
rhetoric to say we are not in a civil war. We’ve been in a civil war
for a long
time.” By
last fall, even as Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry was
trying to
out-Bush Bush, calling for 40,000 more U.S. troops to Iraq,
saner minds
among the imperialists were beginning to think about the previously
unthinkable. The London Financial Times (10 September 2004)
published an
editorial headlined, “Time to consider Iraq withdrawal.” An article in
the New
York Times (26 September) asked “What if America Just Pulled Out?” Since
then, fully half of the second-rate imperialists and U.S. neo-colonies
George Bush’s “coalition of the willing” have grown increasingly
unwilling and
pulled out of Iraq, including Nicaragua, Spain, Dominican Republic,
Philippines, Thailand, New Zealand, Hungary, Portugal, Moldova and the
Netherlands, as well as the Kingdom of Tonga. Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria
Italy have announced the withdrawal of their forces this year. Even
Tony Blair’s Britain is getting shaky. The July 7 bombing of London
transport that killed more than 50 riders was an act of indiscriminate
terror, deliberately striking at working people going to their jobs.
But far
from building support for the government and its “war on terror,” many
Londoners were reminded of the far-worse obliteration of Falluja by
U.S. and
“coalition” troops last year. As with the equally hideous bombing of a
train in Madrid in March 2004, the ultimate effect may be to increase
massive popular sentiment to get out of Iraq. Last
fall, talk of pulling out of Iraq was coming from imperialist think
tanks and
liberal intellectual journals. But similar views are being voiced at
highest levels of the U.S. military/strategic apparatus. In September,
National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq was so pessimistic (warning of
war) that Bush ordered a purge of the entire top echelon of the CIA.
Even so,
in January CIA analysts said that as a result of the botched war, Iraq
become a “magnet for international terrorist activity.” In early June,
Democrats and Republicans in Congress submitted joint resolutions
calling for
an “exit strategy” from Iraq. Among them was Walter Jones of North
Carolina, a
Republican right-winger who gained notoriety by having “French fries”
“Freedom fries” in the House cafeterias. Now
it is reported that due to the drain of operations in Iraq, top
planners may abandon the U.S.’ long-standing “two-war capability”
doctrine, since they are far from winning one war in a semicolonial
And another leaked document from Britain reports that the U.S. may have
drastically draw down its expeditionary force by mid-2006 no matter
conditions are in Iraq.
Popular Front
growing bourgeois defeatism is significant, not only as a sign
of the
morass the imperialists have gotten into with the Iraq war, but also
this is what the opportunist left wants to hook up with in its
antiwar movements. What they are offering to the ruling class is voting
to be herded to the polls (which is why mass peace demonstrations
like clockwork whenever elections roll around), and to control the
by keeping them within the safe confines of capitalist politics. Liberal
and reformist “peace” groups seek a different foreign policy
imperialism and different priorities “at home.”
Revolutionaries, in
contrast, seek to defeat the imperialist system that produces
war, poverty and racism. The various competing “antiwar coalitions” in
the U.S.
have endless organizational squabbles, yet at bottom they are
identical. All have ostensibly socialist groups at their core who
organize on a
program of purely democratic demands in order to attract the support of
bourgeois liberals. To pull this off, however,
must maintain a certain pretense of radical politics. Otherwise they
easily be outflanked on the left by forces giving voice to the
tremendous anger
and outrage produced by the barbaric war and occupation of Iraq. Thus
practitioner of antiwar popular-frontism comes up with their own brand
combining pseudo-socialism with actual support for the bourgeoisie.
Some are
more openly rightist, others have a more leftist veneer. What is absent
is the
most fundamental question of revolutionary politics: the class line
the proletariat from the bourgeoisie. Instead, the exploited and
oppressed are
tied to their class enemy in the name of the “people united” – which
means the
working people will always be defeated, from Spain to Indonesia to
Chile and Lula’s Brazil, until they break from the popular front of
collaboration. In the U.S., the antiwar
front line-up includes the social-democratic International Socialist
Organization (ISO), which leads the Campus Antiwar Network (CAN). When
Stalinoid Workers World Party (WWP) had a divorce last year, they
divvied up their assets: WWP kept the International Action Center and
set up a
new antiwar group, the Troops Out Coalition (TOC), while its exes, the
for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), took International ANSWER. The
Maoists of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) have Not In Our Name
United for Peace and Justice is the home of the red-white-and-blue
led by the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
(CoC) but
also including the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Democratic Socialists
America (DSA) and its alter ego, Progressive Democrats of America
(PDA). The
fractured antiwar milieu is currently rent by a debate over a
peace movement,” meaning which leftist competitors they will exclude
while including
their own favorite bourgeois ally (Ramsey Clark for the WWP/TONC, Ralph
for the ISO/CAN, “antiwar” Congressional Democrats like Dennis Kucinich
Barbara Lee for the UPJ). In recent months the more right-wing outfits
boycotted events initiated by the slightly more left-talking groups.
Last year,
UPJ refused to join with ANSWER because of WWP’s support for North
Korea, this
year it boycotted a March 19 protest in New York because it didn’t like
slogan of Iraqis’ “right to resist.” All sides have agreed to
demonstrate in
Washington, D.C. on September 24, but with two different slogans
(“Troops Out
Now” vs. “End the War on Iraq”). For a
Revolutionary Program to Fight Imperialist War with Class War
idea that wars can be stopped by endless peace marches is a democratic
illusion, and one that can demoralize opponents of the war if “the
dwindles in size (as it has). Contrary to the right-wing
myth that the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam because of “Hanoi Jane” Fonda
hippie peaceniks at home, that war was basically lost on the
battlefields of
Indochina. The U.S. was driven out, its army was ripped apart by
between officers and soldiers, and its puppet South Vietnamese army
Even so, the imperialist rulers keep launching new wars: in the 1980s,
a proxy
war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, the invasion of Grenada, contra
war on
Nicaragua and the death squad slaughter in El Salvador; in the ’90s,
the first
war on Iraq (Gulf War), the failed Somalia adventure,
the first Yugoslav war (Bosnia) and the second Yugoslav
(Kosovo); since 2000, Afghanistan again, and now Iraq again. The
endless slaughter is caused by an imperialist system that will keep on
generating war after war until it is brought down. With the end of the
anti-Soviet Cold War, the U.S. imperialists looked around for new
targets. The
“war on drugs” was always problematic, since from Southeast Asia to
the U.S. was in league with the biggest drug traffickers. Since 9-11,
rulers have been pursuing a “war on terror,” whose purpose is to
terrorize the
world into submission to American hegemony. Ultimately, the target is
imperialist allies/rivals in Europe and Japan, as mounting trade war
toward a third world war. After a century
of imperialist-instigated
war, mankind is faced with the stark alternative, as Rosa Luxemburg put
it 90
years ago, of “socialism or barbarism.” The ugly face of
barbarism can
be seen in the U.S. expeditionary force that has turned Iraq into a
hell. If the imperialists are not defeated, more and more of the planet
look like the inferno that Iraq is today. Trotskyists
call for workers mobilization to fight the imperialist war with
class war.
This includes the fight for workers strikes against the war,
for workers to “hot cargo” military goods. A taste of
what can be
done was given by the railway engineers in Scotland who in January 2003
to move a train loaded with munitions bound for Iraq. A month later,
railroad workers contacted antiwar and left groups and blocked the
attempting to stop trains loaded with war materiel leaving NATO bases
bound for
the Near East. If a dock strike in the U.S. were to cut off shipments
military supplies to Iraq, even for a short period, the effect would be
dramatic. A gauge of how much such a prospect worries the American
was given on 7 April 2003 when police fired shotguns with
ammunition at antiwar pickets in the port Oakland, California, wounding
longshoremen and arresting 25. The
Spartacist League’s Workers Vanguard (No. 830) writes that,
phrases to the contrary notwithstanding, the IG has no perspective of
to mobilize the proletariat in the U.S. and other imperialist centers
to wage
class struggle against imperialist war.” The
reality is the exact opposite. Despite our limited forces, the
Group has called for and, where possible, agitated for workers action
the war, such as for the U.S. West Coast ILWU dock union to refuse to
military cargo. The SL, which used to call for this, dropped it
like a
hot potato when the government threatened to impose Taft-Hartley
sanctions on
the ILWU in October 2002 (see our articles “Strike Against
Hot-Cargo War Materiel!” and “SL: Hard to Starboard,” in The
Internationalist No. 15, January-February 2003). The League for the
International, of which the IG is the U.S. section,
also initiated a demonstration at the harbor of Rotterdam,
Netherlands, calling on dock workers to halt military cargo. Workers’
power should be mobilized as well to fight the consequences of the war
on the
home front, demanding abolition of the USA PATRIOT Act.
local unions and state and city labor councils have passed motions
against this
police-state measure, but as Congress gears up to renew it and tighten
screws of repression, this opposition should be translated into strike
The workers movement as a whole should come out to protest the
attempt to take over the East Coast dock union (ILA). Along
with the
2002 Maritime Transportation Security Act, pushed particularly by the
Democrats, this is part of a “bipartisan” drive to militarize the docks
carry out union-busting in the name of the “war on terror.” In
the face of anti-immigrant racism, including from Democratic Party
liberals like
Hillary Clinton, the workers movement should bring out its forces to
demand full
citizenship rights for all immigrants. Attempts by fascists
like the
Minuteman Project to stage immigrant-bashing provocations and “border
should be swept away by union-based worker/immigrant defense
knowing full well that fascist squads who today threaten immigrants
will be
used tomorrow to break strikes. The Internationalist Group has actively
to drive military recruiters off campuses, and has
called for
united-front student-teacher-worker action to run these modern-day
catchers out of the schools and universities. A
working-class fight against imperialist war includes defending those
already targeted by the U.S. While on May 1, the UPJ marched in
lock-step with
Washington calling for “no nukes,” we called to defend the North
deformed workers state and semi-colonial Iran and their right
acquire any weapons they require to fend off U.S. imperialism. We also
the other deformed workers states (China, Cuba and Vietnam) and
countries such as Venezuela which are in imperialism’s crosshairs. As
to the “U.S. Out Now” crowd with its (implicit or explicit) appeals to
what the
Stalinists used to call “peace-loving” imperialists, Trotskyists fight
not to
“bring the boys home” but to drive the imperialists out of Iraq. As the Internationalist
wrote in a leaflet distributed at May Day marches in New York: “We fight the imperialist system
which breeds endless wars, racism, poverty and the
other scourges
that beset the planet. We warn that more Iraqis will be
rounded up and thrown into U.S. dungeons to be tortured and killed,
that more
Iraqi children will die of hunger, that more countries will be invaded,
the warmongers are stopped by a greater power, that wielded by the
workers of
the world united in revolutionary struggle. “The
Internationalist Group and League for the Fourth
International stand with the German revolutionary socialist Wilhelm
who proclaimed ‘not a penny, not a man’ to the imperialist system. We defend
the Iraqi people against the conquerors who have laid
waste to
their country. We struggle for the defeat of U.S. imperialism,
the rapacious ‘sole superpower’ which is by far the greatest threat to
people, the poor and oppressed, and to the future of humanity. Against
the twin
capitalist war parties, we seek to forge a revolutionary workers
Following the Bolshevik example of V.I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky, the
calls for class war against the imperialist war and for
socialist revolution to smash imperialism.” n To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |