Labor's Gotta Play
Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article
May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
August 2017
“This Is
a Union Town, Labor Shut the Fascists Down!”
Fascists Forced to Flee San
Francisco – A Significant Victory

After cancellation of the fascist rally was announced,
longshore workers gathered at 6 a.m. at their union
hall in front of the ILWU Local 10 banner calling to “Stop
Fascist Terror.” They were joined by a delegation from
Painters Local 10 from Portland, Oregon. (Internationalist photo)
SAN FRANCISCO, August 26 – Fascists who
planned a deadly provocation in this center of union power
were dealt a humiliating defeat today as they were forced
to call off their rally in a federal park near Golden Gate
Bridge, then cancel a fall-back “press conference” and
high-tail it out of town. This was a significant victory
for all who are determined to take action against the
fascists. The need to prevent their violent provocations
was written in blood in Charlottesville, Virginia. Key to
running off the fascists was the move by International
Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10 to shut down the
port and march to stop the fascist “Patriot Prayer” rally.
(See “ILWU
10 Moves to Stop the Fascists in San Francisco,” The
Internationalist, 18 August.) Galvanized by this
decision of the city’s most powerful and historically
militant union, thousands of determined anti-fascists
planned to join the dockers in driving the fascists out.
Facing this prospect, “Patriot Prayer” leader Joey Gibson
announced yesterday afternoon that the rally scheduled for
Crissy Field was cancelled. Instead, Gibson declared, they
would hold a “press conference” at Alamo Square Park,
closer to the downtown area. But as anti-fascists
organized to converge on that location, city authorities
hastily set up heavy-duty fencing around the park to keep
them out. Gibson then abruptly called off the “press
conference” as well. Instead, thousands of
counter-demonstrators filled the streets right in front of
where he had vowed to hold it. With chants and speeches,
the crowd celebrated the defeat of the fascists’ plans,
then headed to the largely Latino Mission District,
applauded by onlookers during the two-and-a-half mile
march. Internationalist comrades raised the chant, “Joey
Gibson ran away – Fascist thugs, not your day,” which was
picked up by many of the marchers.
At the impromptu rally at Alamo Square, the last speaker
was a representative of a delegation from Painters union
(IUPAT) Local 10, which had come down from Portland,
Oregon. Their union played a central role in the Portland
Labor Against the Fascists mobilization against the
Patriot Prayer racist/fascist rally held there on June 4.
The speaker read out the Painters’ message of solidarity
to ILWU Local 10, which concluded: “If you use your power
as workers to take action against the fascists on August
26th, that will be a call to action of workers and
oppressed people throughout this country. Today, more than
ever, workers need solidarity. It would be a proud day for
us to send representatives, and stand shoulder to shoulder
with you in the struggle.” Early that morning, the
Portland Painters joined longshoremen at the ILWU hall,
where the dock workers held aloft a huge banner reading
This gave a glimpse of the potential power of this
workforce and its union which have repeatedly shut down
the ports against police terror, war and racist
repression. Not only the fascists, but also the cops and
their Democratic Party bosses are well aware that going up
against this heavily black powerhouse of Bay Area labor is
quite a different matter than attacking loosely organized
protesters drawn largely from student and middle-class
sectors. Outraged longshore workers have the power to
paralyze shipping, cost the bosses millions, and crush
fascist and racist terror groups in a way they would not
soon forget. The need for this has been repeatedly shown
on the waterfront in the recent period when racist slurs
and hanging nooses – a threat of lynching – have been left
at the SSA terminal in the Port of Oakland.
After the murderous fascist August 9 attack in
Charlottesville, outrage swept the country. In Boston,
some 40,000 poured into the streets to protest the white
supremacists and Nazis. As a result, dozens of
Muslim-bashing rallies were called off. When Joey Gibson’s
fascist road show cancelled its San Francisco rally after
the ILWU voted to use its power to stop it, if the
longshore union had taken the next step to bring out the
membership in a mass labor-led victory march, it would
have really driven home the lesson. Yet the dock workers’
move to make short shrift of the fascist provocation
inspired many. Among them was a contingent of SF
electrical workers which gathered at the IBEW Local 6 hall
and together with the Portland Painters, as well as
Internationalist supporters, marched to Alamo Square,
chanting: “This is a union town, labor shut the fascists
down” and “Up with the workers, down with the fascists.”

Militants from IBEW Local 6 (SF Bay Area) and IUPAT Local
10 (Portland, OR) join in protest to to stop fascist
provocation, August 26. (Internationalist photo)
The perspective of mobilizing working-class power in
defense of all the oppressed poses the need for a
class-struggle leadership of the unions and a
revolutionary workers party. Far from abstract, this has
been starkly shown in the recent period. Both in San
Francisco and across the Bay in Berkeley, Democratic
politicians and their cohorts in the union bureaucracy
have sought to channel opposition and revulsion into
diversionary events aimed at preventing mass
struggle to stop the fascists. These events call on all
and sundry to “unite against hate” far from where the
fascists intend to rally. Signing on to love-ins for
class-collaboration like the one called in Berkeley on
August 27 are not only a long list of Democratic Party
organizations but the bulk of the reformist left, from the
Democratic Socialists of America, Socialist Alternative
and the International Socialist Organization to smaller
If such diversions for class collaboration had prevailed
in San Francisco, they would have let the planned
provocation go forward. Instead, longshore and other
workers made it clear that the fascists better stay away
from the waterfront or anywhere else in SF. But the
fascist danger has not disappeared. It is backed up by the
far more powerful repressive apparatus of the capitalist
state, presided over in almost every big city by
Democratic mayors. A crucial task in the next period is
the preparation of disciplined, organized workers defense
guards in labor strongholds. Capitalism breeds racist and
fascist terror. This understanding is a first step to
doing something real and effective about it.
Class-conscious action mobilizing the workers’ power to
defeat this deadly system and its fascist attack dogs is
vital to clearing the road to ending it once and for all.