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![]() April 2006 Racist
Provocation Against Ghetto Youth
Spearheads Capitalist Offensive Against the Right to a Job
waffling satisfied no one. Within the government there is great
turmoil, with
the arrogant aristocratic prime minister Dominique de Villepin
threatening “consequences”
if the law is gutted. His rival for the candidacy of the right in next
presidential election, hard-line interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy,
pretends to
be the voice of “dialogue” with the opposition. Meanwhile, the
mobilizations in
the streets have not let up, and on April 4 another 3 million people
demonstrated throughout France demanding the law be repealed.
Subsequently rail
and road blockades have been thrown up at dozens of locations around
country. Jussieu University, March 15. CPE spells
capitalism, job insecurity, exploitation. MARCH 25 – As was to be expected, the
response of the
reactionary Chirac/Villepin/Sarkozy government to the revolt by youth
immigrant origin last fall has been to launch an attack on all youth
and the
workers movement as a whole. The “first employment contract” (CPE – contrat
de première embauche), which was rammed through the National
Assembly on
the night of February 8 and approved a month later as part of the
“equal opportunity” law, lets bosses fire young workers (under the age
of 26)
easily, without giving the least justification. According to Prime
Minister de
Villepin’s argument, this would help to resolve the problem of youth
unemployment which (according to official statistics) reaches 23
nationally and over 50 percent in the housing projects of the
suburbs. As a young protester said of the head of government in a March
demonstration in Paris, “he claims to be doing social work for ghetto
but in fact he is ladling out gravy to the employers.” The capitalist
logic is as perverse as it is simple: to encourage hiring, they must
make it
easier to lay off workers when there is a downturn in the business
Obviously, the same argument could be used to eliminate any protection
of job
security, for older as well as younger workers. This is precisely what
bosses in Medef, the French employers association, want when they
demand, as
they have done for quite a while, that labor contracts must be more
That is the real purpose of the Villepin Law. And that is why
opposition to the
CPE, and to its cousin, the CNE (“new job contract,” which permits
without cause for companies with less than 20 employees), can’t be
limited to
reestablishing the status quo, driving out the prime minister or even
down the government. The working class is targeted in a worldwide
offensive by
capital, and therefore the response must be a counteroffensive by the
and oppressed against the capitalist system. To
achieve this, it is necessary to bring together in struggle the college
high school students of the big cities, workers in the public and
sectors, and youth of North African and sub-Saharan African origin
living in
the desolate high-rise housing projects where they are subjected to
police repression. De Villepin, Sarkozy and Chirac are perfectly aware
of this,
and assiduously try to set each against the others. They whisper to the
of the banlieues, the suburban ghettos1,
that the students demonstrating in the streets only want to hold onto
“privileges” and keep youth of immigrant origin from getting jobs. The
government consciously provokes the blind violence that grows out of
desperation, in order to label all demonstrators casseurs
These are the insults that are always used by counterrevolutionaries,
like de
Gaulle in 1968, who accused the youth of creating a godawful mess (chienlit),
the partisans of the Ancien Régime (the Old Order) in
1789, for whom the
revolutionary crowd were nothing but scum (canaille). Sarkozy
called the
young rebels in the suburbs “thugs” (voyous) and “rabble” (racaille),
but the real thugs and smashers are sitting in the Elysée
presidential palace,
at the Matignon prime minister’s office and the Place Beauvau HQ of the
minister of the interior. All
these demagogic appeals by the bourgeoisie and attempts to stigmatize
those who
fight against its rule must be rejected. The most conscious militants
of the generation
précaire (“precarious generation,” lacking stable jobs), of
sixty-eighters, of militant trade-unionists and residents of the
ghettos who have hatred (la haine) of the system must band
together on
the basis of a class-struggle program and under a genuinely communist
leadership to prepare workers revolution. The
insistence of Prime Minister de Villepin on the CPE is not
stubbornness,” nor was the proclamation of a state of emergency by
Chirac during the revolt by ghetto youth last November, nor the brutal
(in reality, lockdown) imposed by Interior Minister Sarkozy which
housing projects outside Paris, Lyon and Toulouse into concentration
camps. The
postal worker trade-unionist who was beaten and kicked by the murderous
riot police, and who today lies in a coma, hovering between life and
death, is
not the victim of a “blunder,” as the bourgeois media claim in unison.
going on is that the government, this executive committee for managing
affairs of the ruling class, has declared war on “immigrants,” youth
working people. And in order to win this class war, what’s
needed is to
mobilize a superior force, that of the working class, and not just in
well-mannered parades to celebrate springtime. A Transitional Program
Leading to the Struggle for Power This
mobilization must be undertaken for transitional objectives which lead
from the
present struggles toward the taking of power by the working people.
While the
large majority of organizations of the left simply call for withdrawing
“equal opportunity” law, the present status quo doesn’t give anything
millions of youth condemned to long-term unemployment under capitalism.
We have
already experienced innumerable “reforms” promising to provide jobs for
unable to find work, with no success. Full employment laws have become
a dead
letter during periods of recession. Others, like the Aubry Law
instituting the
35-hour workweek4,
have even
been used by the bosses to “restructure” their workforce and lay off
It is not enough to talk of an “anti-capitalist” movement – it’s
necessary to go
further in the struggle for jobs and against racial exclusion to
attack the system of production for profit.
the Transitional Program, Leon Trotsky raised among his main demands
the call
for a sliding scale of working hours, to provide jobs for all.
embodies the principle of a socialist planned economy of dividing up
available work among those who seek it. A sliding scale of working
hours must
be accompanied by workers action to stop mass layoffs, such as
those now
threatening the jobs of tens of thousands of workers at Renault auto
plants and
France Télécom. Striking the affected plants will have
little impact, so the
struggle must be waged at the level of the entire industry, even
At the same time, in order to avoid abuse by the employers, which is
with any youth jobs plan in the present framework, it is necessary to
for workers control of hiring. Impossible? It once existed in
printing industry, with the CGT Printers Union Federation. What is
however, is that we can’t achieve these goals by the good graces of the
(capitalist) state, it must be extracted from the bosses by the action
of the
workers movement, and such measures necessarily point toward workers
revolution. To
combat the racist discrimination faced by the youth of the suburban
ghettos, it
is not enough to fight for demands that are common to all. While
pro-business elements sometimes talk of “positive discrimination”
exclusion, they seek to divide the working people. But rejecting any
measures against ethnic discrimination smacks of “republican”
That is why we fight for trade-union training and hiring programs
sectors of the youth that have historically faced discrimination and
deprivation. This can be quite concrete: for example, there are
Citröen and
Renault auto plants, SNCF railway yards, the Roissy airport and other
establishments right near towns in the Seine-Saint-Denis district
outside Paris
that were the scene of riots last fall. A determined effort by workers
in these
sectors to attract youth from the near-by housing projects, to provide
with professional training and permanent jobs, not just temporary
contract work
with no outlook for stable employment, would go far in advancing the
against racism and preparing a struggle of the whole of the working
against capital. The
struggle against racism also has a lot to do with the division between
and private sector workers, which has long bedeviled the French workers
movement. The weakness of the unions in the private sector is directly
to the fact that there are millions of immigrant workers there who
constitute a
strategic sector of the proletariat but who lack the rights of their
who have French citizenship. This fact played a big role in the defeat
of past
struggles, in the auto sector and elsewhere, and is also the result of
abandonment of whole layers of the working people by the trade-union
with its labor-aristocratic mentality. This is even more the case for
hundreds of thousands of undocumented workers who are forced to work
“off the
books.” And yet they represent an important part of the workforce which
capitalists depend on to supply the labor necessary for their system of
production. Thus the demand for full citizenship rights for all
whether their papers are in order or they are undocumented, would lay
the basis
for a struggle uniting the working class against its common enemy, and
restore a vigor to the union movement that it has lost in recent
decades. This
isn’t the first time that there has been a large-scale struggle over a
program purporting
to solve youth unemployment. Remember the 1994 battle over the “youth
wage,” the so-called “introductory professional contract,” proposed by
conservative prime minister Edouard Balladur, who was forced by mass
mobilizations of the youth and the unions to withdraw it after the law
had been
passed by the National Assembly. Nevertheless, in the current struggle
the CPE, in the face of the determination of the government and the
bosses, it
is unlikely that victory can be won simply by a few big demonstrations.
logic of the struggle is heading toward a general strike – not a
holiday with a
parade, which is how the pro-capitalist labor bureaucracy conceives of
it, but
a real test of strength between the proletariat to determine who is the
of the house. Yet at present there are no ongoing strikes. To advance
in this
direction, what’s called for is to undertake strike movements in
sectors linked
to the fight against the CPE, beginning with education and enterprises
by the government’s privatization offensive. Teachers
have had a strong presence in the recent mobilizations, but as was the
case in
the student struggle last year, although most of the universities and
many lycées
are on strike or “disrupted,” the teachers have so far not struck
They should do so. It’s necessary to fight in the teachers unions (FSU,
and others) for a national education strike, even if this begins with
in traditionally “hot” sectors, as is always the case, for example, in
the 93rd département (Seine-Saint-Denis). Workers at Gaz
France and the Suez
water workers, whose jobs are threatened due to a fusion announced by
government in the name of “economic patriotism,” have already made
between their struggle and that of the youth. But it is necessary to go
over to
action, and that requires a fight against the bureaucracy, which much
tête-a-tête discussions in the offices of the ministries to
hard struggles in
the plants. But the real stakes in the battle over the CPE are
political. Not A New Popular Front
For Workers Revolution! The
reformists look to the formation of a new “popular front,” a new
class-collaborationist alliance with the bourgeoisie, whether it’s
called the
Union of the Left or something else, in order to chain the workers to
class enemy. Of course, they have their differences. The Communist
Party (PCF),
in a family reunion of left-wing organizations held in the
Mutualité meeting
hall on February, is trying to cobble together a bloc which would
extend to the
Socialist Party (PS) and Left Radicals (PRG)5.
That would mean overcoming – or rather, ignoring – major differences,
example over the 29 May 2005 referendum on the European Union
constitution. There
the PS leadership voted “yes” while the rest of the left (and much of
Socialists’ ranks) said “no.”
Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire (LCR), on the other hand, is
asking for an
“antiliberal and anticapitalist bloc” (letter to the PCF, published in Rouge,
16 March) which would exclude the PS. But to pretend that an alliance
with the
PCF, the PRG and the Citizens’ Movement (MDC) of Jean Pierre
would be somehow “anticapitalist” is a lie, pure and simple. One way or
another, these proposed alliances represent the scourge of the popular
whose aim is to prevent independent action by the working class and to
it to respect the rules of capitalism. The
LCR says what’s needed is to “beat this government,” because “this
power is
illegitimate” (Rouge, 23 March). Now Alain Krivine and
comrades discover the illegitimacy of the regime, but back in 2002 the
encouraged voting for Chirac on the second round of the presidential
in the name of beating Le Pen – as did the vast majority of the left,
openly or with a benevolent wink of the eye. For the LCR, this wasn’t
a novelty, since it had already given its backing to Chirac’s foreign
during the war against Serbia in 1999, when it called on the European
imperialists to watch over human rights in Yugoslavia. Today, the
that Krivine & Co. helped put in power, and for which they
therefore bear
their share of responsibility, is attacking the youth. If
the pseudo-Trotskyist LCR is seeking a repeat of the political bloc
over the
“no” vote on the European constitution, other groups which lay claim to
mantle of Trotskyism take refuge in reformist economism. Lutte
Ouvrière (LO)
calls for withdrawing the CPE/CNE because they are laws that aggravate
instability. Its solution: “The only way to really reduce unemployment
is to
ban layoffs and force large enterprises to devote their profits to
job maintenance, rather than distributing them to shareholders”
(editorial by
Arlette Laguiller7
in Lutte
Ouvrière, 24 February). With whose army, one is tempted to
ask, does LO
think it can require the state to “ban” layoffs and the capitalists to
jobs instead of profits? Behind this demand is a dangerous
illusion in the “neutrality” of the bourgeois state, which in reality
is the
armed fist of the ruling class. Worse yet, during the revolt by ghetto
last year, LO repeatedly condemned “violence” in general, using
language about “thugs” and expressing its solicitude for the police on
duty in
the suburbs: “The
daily violence in these neighborhoods is perhaps the product of thugs
and drug
traffickers. But these thugs have always been around, so why do they
today have
the support of a large part of the youth? Why do the explosions of
bring many more youth up against the police than just the petty
gang leaders?” –“Suburbs:
Who is really responsible for the violence,” Lutte Ouvrière,
4 November
2005 What a disgrace! Even if LO
puts the ultimate
responsibility on the government, it is playing the game of racist
just as LO has done in the past toward the fascists of Le Pen’s
National Front
(which it denies is fascist), toward the cops (who it wrongly considers
part of
the working class), and with its support to the racist exclusionary law
headscarves. The
current mobilizations against the CPE have taken up where the
2005 revolts in the suburban ghettos subjected to racist and social
left off. If that revolt remained isolated, this was above all the
fault of the
reformist left, which didn’t lift its little finger to go to the aid of
youth in the projects besieged by Sarkozy’s cops. When the government
up a xenophobic and racist hysteria about an invasion of “Arab” and
black youth
descending on the elegant Champs-Elysées in downtown Paris, the
LCR, LO and the
rest of the “far left” of yesteryear preferred to hold small, belated
demonstrations in the Tuileries gardens and in the Latin Quarter
instead of
intervening in the unions to march on the housing projects and liberate
residents encircled by the police. As for the PCF and PS mayors and
representatives in the former “red belt” around Paris, they called for
reinforcements even as they criticized the state of emergency as
useless. No
left group, to our knowledge, put forward the elementary demand at that
time of cops out of the projects! That was also the case of the
Ligue Trotskyste de France (LTF), although it did raise the correct
slogans of
“French troops out of Africa” and “Cops out of the unions.” Nor did the
call for workers mobilizations in defense of the ghetto population, or
union measures to combat the racist exclusion of youth of immigrant
from obtaining jobs. A
frontal clash is looming between the workers and the bourgeoisie,
unless Chirac
and the deputies of the “presidential majority” decide to dump the
prime minister, this ambitious would-be Napoleonic figure, and drop the
CPE in
order to save their own skins in the next electoral round. The presence
in the
streets of hundreds of thousands of youth and working people is an
asset in the resistance against the government’s attacks. De Villepin
is openly
playing for time, hoping the situation will deteriorate, but without
So far, his tough talk hasn’t succeeded in breaking the movement or
the mobilizations. Yet the union bureaucrats are ever-ready to seize
offers for
“dialogue,” and we have already seen them weaken when invited to join
the prime
minister in his office at Hôtel Matignon. These labor lieutenants
of the
bourgeoisie, whose function is to grease the gears of the bourgeois
machinery, fear class conflict and hate revolution “like the plague.” While
the newspapers insist on the fact that this is not “another 1968,” that
struggle of the youth is above all defensive for now, it is obvious
that only a
revolutionary outcome, “a May ’68 that goes all the way,” can wrench
out the
right to jobs for all and sweep away racism, which is inherent in
Even as they refuse to say the words, the union tops of the CGT, FO and
labor federations are well aware, as is the government, that things are
toward a general class confrontation. They barely avoided this in 1995
in the
battle over Alain Juppé’s pension “reform” (when de Villepin,
then Chirac’s
presidential chief of staff, reportedly urged the prime minister “not
to give
in to the street”), sacrificing the struggle in favor of a prospective
popular-front government under the baton of Lionel Jospin. They are
trying to
do the same today. Thus in order to take this class battle forward to a
successful outcome, it is necessary above all to fight for a
policy and leadership which rejects class collaboration and
popular-frontism on
principle, and which poses the task of forging a revolutionary and
internationalist, Leninist-Trotskyist, workers party, to lead the
struggle for
international socialist revolution. This is the program of the League
for the
Fourth International. n ![]() 1 In contrast to the United States, where “inner city” has become a code word for ghetto, in France the poor are concentrated in working-class suburbs (the banlieues) around the major cities, where immigrant laborers were housed during economic boom times. There the young and old are isolated and, since the 1980s, condemned to high rates of long-term unemployment. The ghetto youth who revolted last fall are largely of immigrant origin, but usually second and third generation. 2 After the
1968 youth and worker revolt in France, semi-anarchist groups
protesting police
repression often lashed out in frustration, leading to a hysterical
campaign against “smashers” and a draconian “anti-casseur” law
jailed hundreds for the “crime” of being in the vicinity of a smashed
store or
car window. 3 Compagnie Républicaine de Sécurité, special paramilitary police units that operate out of barracks and have been used to break up protests for decades. 4 Named after Martine Aubry, Socialist Party minister of employment in the popular front Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, the loi Aubry was passed in 1997, calling for the standard workweek to be reduced to 35 hours by the year 2000. 5 The Radical Party was the mainstay bourgeois party of the French Third (1870-1940) and Fourth (1945-1958) Republics, consisting mainly of government employees. The Left Radical PRG is a minor bourgeois “progressive” formation which has been part of just about every popular-front coalition for the last 35-years, where it plays the role of guarantor for the bourgeoisie. 6 The MDC is a small populist group whose hallmark is French imperialist chauvinism. 7 LO’s perennial presidential candidate. To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |