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![]() April 2006 ![]() Up to 1 million marched for immigrants’ rights in Los Angeles March 25. (Photo: Los Angeles Times) Defeat U.S. Imperialist War on Iraq! Build a Revolutionary Workers Party!
reprint below an Internationalist Group leaflet distributed along with
8-page tabloid special issue of The
Internationalist at an April 10 immigrants’ rights march in New
York. The
United States is bogged down in a losing war and colonial occupation of
Meanwhile, immigrants in the U.S. are facing mounting racist attack.
These two
facts are intimately connected. From the beginning of the 20th century
and the
U.S. conquest of the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico, through World
Wars I
and II, the Vietnam War and up to today, imperialist war has always
accompanied by virulent immigrant-bashing. The bottom line is: to
defeat the
racist onslaught, you have to defeat the war and bring down the
system that produces both. The
Internationalist Group, U.S. section of the League for the Fourth
International, fights for full citizenship rights for all immigrants,
documented or undocumented, and for the defeat of U.S. imperialism in
its “war
on terror” which in reality is an attempt to terrorize the world into
submission to its dictates. We warn against placing confidence in any
capitalist parties or politicians, defenders of a system that was
founded on
slavery and remains racist to the core. We seek to build a workers
party to
lead the struggle for international socialist revolution. For
the past four months, immigrant communities across the U.S. have grown
increasingly alarmed over the prospect of immigration “reform” that
could mean
losing their jobs, imprisonment and deportation. The passage last
December of
the vicious H.R. 4437 bill introduced by Representatives James
and Peter King – that would make all undocumented immigrants felons,
church workers who aid them criminals, and build a 700-mile wall along
Mexican border – has galvanized a population that was politically
All immigrants are affected. In
recent weeks there has been a wave of massive protests in defense of
rights: over 50,000 in Washington on March 7, up to 300,000 in Chicago
days later, and anywhere from 500,000 to 1 million in Los Angeles March
25. Now
nationwide demonstrations have been called for April 9-10 that are
expected to
bring out several million participants. Never before in the history of
United States has there been such a huge political mobilization of
But what will be the outcome? What program should immigrants fighting
for their
rights defend? The
massive show of immigrant strength took the capitalist politicians by
The maneuvering over immigration reform legislation was thrown into
Supporters of a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senators Ted Kennedy and
McCain felt they were on a roll. Republican Senate leaders scrambled to
together a “compromise” bill. The Spanish-language New York paper El
Diario-La Prensa (20 March) headlined, “Triunfamos” (We
Won). But
faced with resistance from the racist hard-liners, suddenly the
collapsed. Politicians fled the capital. Insiders declared immigration
dead for this Congress. Mainstream
immigrant rights groups such as the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund
(MALDEF), the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the
Council of La Raza and a host of local coalitions all call for
“amnesty.” They
are also all tied, one way or another, to the Democratic Party, one of
partner parties of U.S. capitalism. Most support the Kennedy-McCain
bill, as do
many unions. But we warn that amnesty is no solution, and the
immigration “reform” is a trap that will make things worse for
is that? In the first place, all the different immigration
floating around the halls of Congress include the provisions for
increasing U.S. military action along the Mexican border, which is
already the
most militarized international boundary in the world. The compromise
bill supported by Kennedy and McCain calls for doubling the
size of the
U.S. Border Patrol and creating a “virtual wall” of sensors, cameras,
and aircraft to monitor the U.S.-Mexico border. This will mean many
immigrant deaths. Secondly,
the Kennedy-McCain bill includes provisions for a “guest worker”
program that
would supply U.S. employers with several hundred thousand disposable
who would have no rights and would be sent back after six years (or if
lose their jobs). Contrary to the delusions of President Bush and
others, not
even a tiny fraction of immigrant workers already in the U.S. would
sign up for
such a program. More fundamentally, this is a form of indentured
supposedly outlawed under the U.S. Constitution. In fact, “guest
workers” would
be worse off than the original indentured servants, who could stay in
America. This
will mean many more deportations. Thirdly,
the Kennedy-McCain bill calls for a crackdown on employers’ hiring of
aliens.” In recent years, employer sanctions have seldom been enforced
as the
real policy on checking documents has become “don’t ask, don’t tell.”
In 2004
there was a grand total of three actions against employers for
undocumented workers. The capitalists know that they desperately need
labor to keep up their profits. But the “bipartisan” immigration reform
to regain control of the labor supply. This will mean many more
raids. All
defenders of immigrant workers’ rights should oppose such slave-labor
programs. Yet the
coalitions support such programs as part of a deal to get “amnesty.” So
why don’t Marxists call for amnesty? Of course, even limited
legalization can
be a gain for immigrants who presently have no legal rights at all. But
“amnesty” is no answer for immigrants on several counts. To begin with,
it is
asking forgiveness for committing a “crime.” Many in recent protests
have held
up signs and banners saying “immigrants are not criminals.” But their
along with bourgeois liberals and reformist pseudo-socialists, tell
undocumented workers they must beg for a pardon. Revolutionaries, in
say all workers should fight for their rights. Ever
since The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels
a century and a half ago, Marxists have held that “the workers have no
But amnesty accepts the “right” of the capitalist rulers to police
borders. It does nothing to fight the massive militarization and police
repression aimed at persecuting immigrants, whether on the Mexican
border or in
New York City. Moreover, any amnesty will grant limited rights to
workers, those who arrived before a certain date, while going after the
wave of “illegal” migrants and those who don’t “qualify” under the
bourgeoisie’s laws. In
fact, the present situation, with over 12 million people living in the
without any legal rights, is the direct result of the 1986 amnesty.
When he
signed it into law, Ronald Reagan said that this measure would let the
“humanely regain control of our borders” by tightening controls on
entering the country, while imposing civil and criminal penalties
employers who hired undocumented workers. (This “humane” act was passed
Reagan was whipping up hysteria about a “red tide” of refugees from
America crossing the Rio Grande River.) A new amnesty will just
reproduce this
situation a few years down the road. The
program of the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth
International is straightforward. We don’t beg the rulers for amnesty,
we fight
for full citizenship rights for all immigrants, now, period. Otherwise
bosses will use the lack of legal rights to victimize undocumented
workers and
set one part of the working class against another. Anyone who lives
here should
have the same rights as everyone else. That’s what serious defenders of
immigrant rights should be fighting for. But
in the imperialist epoch, the fight for basic democratic rights
requires hard
class struggle. The bourgeoisie is waging a war not only against Iraq
Afghanistan but also against working people, minorities, immigrants and
poor in the U.S. The rulers are systematically curtailing civil
liberties while
they drive down wages, slash social programs, shove the cost of health
onto workers and gut their pensions. Immigrants are often the first
target of
this capitalist onslaught, such as in the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act and the
“Real ID”
Act last year, the first step toward imposing a national identification
Imperialist war and anti-immigrant
repression go together. Above: Over 1,000 striking miners in Bisbee,
Arizona, led by the revolutionary syndicalist IWW, were rounded up in July 1917, loaded into box cars and stranded in the New Mexico desert. Hundreds were later deported.* An extensiveexhibit on the Bisbee deportation is available at http://www.library.arizona.edu/exhibits/bisbee/ Photo: Arizona Historical Society Library The
same thing has happened during and after every imperialist war over the
century. In World War I, the liberal Democrat Woodrow Wilson jailed
opponents of the war and ordered the arrest and deportation of militant
immigrant workers. Striking miners of the IWW (Industrial Workers of
the World)
in Arizona, most of them Mexican, were rounded up at gunpoint and
shipped into
the desert in box cars to starve and die of thirst (see “‘Reds’ and
The Bisbee, Arizona Deportation of 1917,” The Internationalist No.
April-May 1997. After the war, the bourgeoisie launched a “red scare,”
deporting thousands of foreign-born communists. The Italian anarchist
Sacco and Vanzetti were executed. In
World War II, the government jailed 18 Trotskyists, led by James P.
Cannon, and
leaders of the Minneapolis Teamsters for their revolutionary opposition
to the
imperialist war. At the same time they put tens of thousands of
Americans of
Japanese ancestry into concentration camps. After the 11 September 2001
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, as the U.S. government
launched a
war on Afghanistan and Iraq, thousands of immigrants from the Near East
South Asia were locked up and held incommunicado. The City University
of New
York moved to drive out thousands of undocumented students by more than
doubling their tuition, justifying this as a war measure. Now
U.S. rulers are preparing to launch anti-immigrant repression on a
scale. The New York Times (3 February) reported that the Army
Corps of
Engineers awarded a $385 million contract to the Kellogg Brown &
subsidiary of Halliburton Corporation for the construction of a string
“temporary immigration detention centers,” each holding up to 5,000
people. KBR
would build these concentration camps for the Department of Homeland
to hold “an unexpected influx of immigrants,” people fleeing from a
disaster (another New Orleans), or “for new programs that require
detention space.” And
what might those programs be? This is part of a Homeland Security
program codenamed
“ENDGAME” which is described by the DHS as “a mission first articulated
in the
Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798” (which the Supreme Court has never
ruled on,
although past Court opinions presumed them to be unconstitutional). Its
goal is
the capability to “remove all removable aliens,” including “illegal
migrants, aliens who have committed criminal acts, asylum-seekers” and
“potential terrorists.” Last year, the Immigration and Customs
(ICE) division of the DHS included the pursuit of a “fugitive
population of
400,000 illegal aliens ordered removed” in its budget plans for Fiscal
is what U.S. rulers have actually been planning – mass “removal,” not
legalization of undocumented workers. In fact, no major bourgeois
has come out for amnesty. While liberal Democrats like Kennedy and
Clinton say they are for providing an “opportunity to eventually earn
citizenship,” this would be after paying thousands of dollars in fines,
thousands more in back taxes, and waiting up to 11 years. The mammoth
demonstrations of the last month may have thrown a hitch into the plans
rounding up “illegal aliens.” But as long as the protests are
subordinated by immigrant community leaders to the Democratic Party,
they do
not pose a threat to ruling-class anti-immigrant plans.
is an acute need for revolutionary leadership in the struggle
immigrant rights. It is necessary to explain that the struggle against
plans to
criminalize, jail and deport immigrants must be linked to a fight to defeat
the U.S. imperialist war in the Near East and the capitalist war on
people, minorities and the poor in the United States. This requires
the power of the American working class, including the millions of
workers who form a strategic sector. In many cases, coming from
countries with
a history of sharp labor and peasant battles, immigrants are among the
combative trade-unionists. But their potential militancy cannot be
without a leadership committed to waging the class struggle to victory. But
rather than providing a class program for immigrants’ rights,
the bulk
of the left in the United States is treating the recent demonstrations
as the
rise of another “new movement” to be tailed after. Reformist groups
like the
International Socialist Organization (ISO), the Socialist Workers Party
Workers World Party (WWP) and the Communist Party U.S.A. (CPUSA) call
“amnesty” just like the bourgeois liberals and pro-capitalist union
bureaucrats. Others who adopt a more left-wing posture, like Socialist
(SA), the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) and even the
Spartacist League (SL), don’t criticize calls for amnesty. Most
of the left has reported more or less uncritically on the recent
marches, hardly mentioning the widespread waving of the American flag,
example. This was not a spontaneous
thing but was on instructions from protest organizers, who in
Washington told
demonstrators to leave Latin American flags at home in order not to set
anti-immigrant yahoos. In Los Angeles, the Catholic church told
to wear white and carry U.S. flags. Certainly L.A. Cardinal Roger
statement that if federal law bars aiding undocumented workers, he
instruct priests to disobey the law was a signal event. But the
prelate’s purpose was to keep angry protesters within the bounds of
politics. A
telling example of the opportunist left’s capitulation to the bourgeois
politics of the demonstration organizers is over the question of
war. Every left group participates in antiwar demos, but in their
on the immigrant protests the ISO, SWP, WWP, SA, PSL and SL don’t even
the word Iraq. This is not an accidental omission, given the
flag-waving of
the protest organizers. With their super-patriotic stance, the last
thing the
bourgeois immigrant leaders want is to be linked to opposition to U.S.
Moreover, as we have pointed out, the “antiwar” policy of the left
opportunists, all of whom push some variant of “troops out” or “bring
troops home,” is designed to cozy up to growing bourgeois
sentiment. In
contrast, the Internationalist Group has called forthrightly for the defeat
of U.S. imperialism in Iraq and Afghanistan, to drive U.S.
troops out
rather than calling on the Pentagon to withdraw them (so that they can
against Iran or North Korea). We have agitated for workers action to
cargo” war material to Iraq, and called for workers strikes against the
war –
as well as calling for workers mobilization to smash the fascist
anti-immigrant vigilantes. And because we have put the Iraq war front
center in our signs and leaflets, pro-Democratic Party leaders of
coalitions in New York have repeatedly excluded or attempted to exclude
the IG
from demonstrations. It
is worth noting the sharp rightward shift of the Spartacist
League/International Communist League over the immigration issue. In
aftermath of 9/11, the SL/ICL outrageously accused the IG of “Playing the Counterfeit Card of
Anti-Americanism” and of playing to “‘Third World’ nationalists for
whom the
‘only good American is a dead American’” because we called for defeat
of U.S.
imperialism in the Afghanistan war. Now the SL doesn’t even mention
Iraq or
Afghanistan in a joint statement with its Mexican affiliate on the
issue, with no more than a vague reference to an “obligation to oppose
the wars
and depredations of the U.S. capitalist class.” Nor does their
mention the flag-waving, or have a word of criticism of the Catholic
thus making their ritual mentions of socialist revolution empty
rhetoric. Contrary
to the thundering silence of the opportunist left, the Iraq war is
central to
the current attacks on immigrants. Every imperialist war has to have an
within” (in WWII, it was Jews and Communists in Nazi Germany, Japanese
Americans in the U.S.), and in this case xenophobic war hawks have
focused on
“illegal immigrants.” Immigrants are being used as scapegoats as the
U.S. sinks
ever deeper into the quicksands of the Near East. “First they came for
immigrants” as the U.S. cracked down on democratic rights after 9/11.
Then they
extended warrantless phone-tapping and surveillance to antiwar
activists and
others. You can’t fight the attacks on immigrants without fighting to
the war that generates them. This
means fighting capitalist exploitation and racism, which in the United
always focuses on the oppressed black population. The victimization of
than 100,000 overwhelmingly black and poor people, left to die amid the
floodwaters in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, is a dramatic
picture of
what lies in store for immigrants. Now the bourgeoisie is refusing to
poor black neighborhoods of New Orleans or to let their residents
return to the
city. This is “ethnic cleansing” on a mammoth scale. Moreover,
contractors are
bringing in undocumented workers from Mexico at sub-minimum wages while
refusing to hire black New Orleans residents in reconstruction work.
naturally causes resentment among many blacks, as it is intended to. Revolutionaries
must strenuously oppose all expressions of nativist chauvinism against
immigrants. We explain that the way to deal with such attempts by the
class to set one sector of the oppressed against another is to wage a
to raise conditions for all the exploited. The Internationalist Group
actively participated in campaigns to unionize immigrant workers in the
York area, and from our origins we have had an orientation to
revolutionary cadres from this potentially militant sector. And the
first thing
that immigrant workers must know about the U.S. is that the black
question is
key to everything. In this country built on the heritage of chattel
Latino and Asian immigrants as well as white workers and
revolutionaries must
vigorously fight every manifestation of anti-black racism. Above
all, it is vital to fight for revolution to sweep away the whole
system. Racists and quite a few trade-union bureaucrats accuse
immigrants of
“stealing American jobs.” It must be explained that workers are driven
emigrate to the U.S. by the effects of imperialism on their countries.
services are closed down and state-owned industries sold off to pay
debts to
the imperialist banks that were foisted on them at a time when Wall
Street was
awash in petro-dollars it didn’t know what to do with. Now with the
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), millions of Mexican peasants
have been
driven off their land, unable to compete with cheap corn from Iowa
being imported
by the trainload. Some of those workers have ended up immigrating to
Iowa and
working in packing houses there. Moreover,
immigrant workers contribute enormously to the U.S. economy, up to tens
billions of dollars every year. Most pay Social Security taxes, from
which they
will never receive a dime so long as they are undocumented, and many
pay income
taxes. Economists have calculated that over time this subsidy by
immigrant workers amounts to several trillion dollars. The fact
is that
undocumented immigrants, overwhelmingly workers, are vital to the U.S.
They are already 7 percent of all transportation workers, 9 percent of
manufacturing, 14 percent of construction, 17 percent of maintenance
and 24
percent of agricultural workers (New York Times, 2 April).
there is no way that the U.S. can jail or deport 12 million – they
don’t have
enough jails, and it would cause an economic crisis. Immigrants
are now a key section of the U.S. workforce, as they were in the early
years of
the 20th century. In New York City, over 40 percent of the population
foreign-born and in Southern California, Latino immigrants are by far
largest population group. Demonstrators have chanted, “¡Aquí
estamos, y no
nos vamos!” (We’re here and we’re not leaving), and they’re right.
chauvinists who don’t like it better get used to it. But while the
ruling class
has internal divisions over immigration, all sectors of the capitalists
want to
keep the mass of immigrant workers confined to a low-wage existence.
They want
hamburger flippers, bathroom cleaners and maids, but as this vibrant
work force
becomes rooted in the U.S. the rulers will be confronted with a
working class. The
recent protests have dramatically shown immigrants’ numerical strength.
Walkouts by Los Angeles-area students in the week leading up to the
million-strong march there demonstrated the militancy of young Latinos,
locked in by school authorities and sometimes beaten by police.
there has already been one casualty of this repression as eighth-grader
Soltero took his life after being threatened with three years of jail
by the
assistant principal. We must fight to avenge his death and those of the
hundreds of immigrants who have died crossing deserts and frozen
mountains, or
been the victims of anti-immigrant racists. This requires a struggle
for international
socialist revolution. In
the U.S. it is necessary to wage a political battle against all the
anti-immigrant parties of American capitalism. This means combating
illusions in the Democratic Party. The welfare-slashing Democratic
administration of Bill Clinton pushed through the 1996 “Illegal
Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act” that was used to round up and
deport thousands
of immigrants after 9/11. The huge increase in deaths along the border
is a
direct result of Clinton’s Operation Gatekeeper, which forced migrants
desert terrain where more than 1,200 have died in the last decade.
Congressional Democrats overwhelmingly supported the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act
voted for the “Real ID” Act last year
that marks a huge step toward a national identification card. Not
only the Democrats but minor bourgeois politicians and parties have
joined in
the attacks on immigrants. Populist Ralph Nader, who ran for president
as the
Green Party candidate in 2000 and as an independent in 2004, has been
particularly virulent in attacking “illegal” immigrants. In an
interview with
the fascistic right-winger Pat Buchanan in the American Conservative
June 2004), Nader declared: “We have to control our immigration. We
have to
limit the number of people who come into this country illegally.” And
immigrant basher is the candidate touted by the social democrats of the
Internationalist Socialist Organization and Socialist Alternative as a
“progressive” alternative to the Democrats! In
Mexico, our comrades of the Grupo Internacionalista not only oppose the
government of Bush’s rancher pal, President Vicente Fox Quesada, of the
PAN (National Action Party), but also fight against illusions in the
nationalist PRD (Party of the Democratic Revolution) led by
Andrés Manuel López
Obrador. The Fox government sends its army to cooperate with the U.S.
Patrol and military while arresting hundreds of thousands of Central
heading north. The GI fights to break the unions from their “popular
alliance with the PRD, which does not oppose NAFTA, at most calling to
“renegotiate” (as does Fox himself) parts of this “free trade”
agreement that
has impoverished millions of Mexicans. The
Internationalist Group and League for the Fourth International look to
heritage of the Russian October Revolution of 1917, which first
workers rule and, true to the internationalist politics of V.I. Lenin
and Leon
Trotsky, decreed that foreign workers in Russian territory had the same
as all others. The French Revolution of 1789 similarly made Thomas
Paine a
citizen of France. We fight for the working class, blacks, immigrants
and all
the oppressed to break from the Democrats and forge the nucleus of a
revolutionary workers party that fights for socialist revolution
throughout the
Americas and worldwide. n *See “‘Reds’ and Immigrants: The Bisbee, Arizona Deportation of 1917,” The Internationalist No. 2, April-May 1997. To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |