Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
Expendable, No!” A Fight for All Workers
NYC Labor: All Out to Support
Hunts Point Market Strikers!

At Hunts Point Market on Sunday, as the strike began. (Internationalist photo)
On Sunday, January 17, the 1,400 union workers at the
Hunts Point Market in the Bronx walked out. It is the
first strike since 1986 at the wholesale meat, fish and
produce market, one of the largest in the world.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 202 is
demanding a raise of $1 an hour in recognition of their
vital role as essential workers, and another 60 cents an
hour increase for the health benefits fund, simply to
maintain current levels. The employers “offered” an
insulting 32 cents an hour. This is a slap in the face to
the workers who have risked their lives in the coronavirus
pandemic to keep New York City supplied with fresh food in
dangerous times.
Supporters of the Internationalist Group and the
Internationalist Clubs at the City University of New York
attended a press conference on the picket lines Sunday
morning with signs saying, “Essential, Yes! Expendable,
No! Victory to the Hunts Point Workers!” “CUNY Students
Support Hunts Point Strike” and calling on New York labor
to support the strikers. There were several Teamster
locals present, including 282 (construction), 553 (oil),
813 (private sanitation), and a member of Actor’s Equity.
They should be joined by hundreds from other NYC
Workers at the wholesale market make an average of $18
to $21 an hour base pay, not nearly enough to live on in
New York City. The companies plead poverty, yet they
received over $15 million in forgivable loans from the
federal government. $1 an hour is only a start. All
front-line workers need fighting unions and a
whopping raise. An outpouring of support from
workers could build massive picket lines that no
one dares cross, and make the Hunts Point
strike the kickoff for a drive to unionize hundreds
of thousands of low-wage workers (like at
Amazon!) across the city.
At the press conference, workers pointed to the ravages
of COVID-19 at the giant market, where social-distancing
rules and mask requirements have not been enforced for
customers. Six members of the local have died, and union
officials estimate that 300-400 workers at the facility
have fallen ill from the disease. “Men have died. They
tried to work. They went home. They dropped dead in their
wives’ arms. It’s criminal,” said Local 202 vice president
Leo Servedio. As for the 32 cents, he added, “Mándalo
al carajo” – screw that.
The bosses’ lip service to essential workers is
hypocrisy: they call them heroes, but don’t give a damn
about their lives. Across the U.S., food processing and
distribution facilities have been some of the hardest-hit
workplaces, with more than 16,000 cases reported by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July,
and many more since. In Mexico City, the Centro de Abastos
wholesale market has been one of the main sources of
infection. But the strike by fruit-packing workers, mainly
women, in Yakima, Washington, in May-June and now the
Hunts Point strike here in NYC show that workers can fight
back. In February 2018, hundreds of Hunts Point workers,
overwhelmingly Latino and African American, shut down the
market on the “Day Without Immigrants.”
This Monday morning, police were herding scab trucks
into and out of the terminal. This underscores the role of
police as enforcers for the bosses, even as they have
viciously attacked Black Lives Matter demonstrators for
months, backed by Democratic Party city rulers. Scabs
must go! Workers must rely on their own class
power to win this crucial battle. For starters, as
Internationalist signs emphasized, “Picket Lines
Mean Don’t Cross, Period.” NYC labor must make
that real, and together we can win this strike! ■