Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
A Fight
for All Workers
Hunts Point
Teamster Strike
Shows Potential for Labor Upsurge

Hunts Point strikers after approving contract, January 23. (Internationalist photo)
JANUARY 30 – The week-long strike by
1,400 mainly Latino and black workers at the Hunts Point
Produce Market in the Bronx was the first major labor
battle of 2021, and it ended with gains for the strikers,
who are members of the Teamsters union. The market
supplies 60% of the fruits and vegetables consumed in New
York City, and together with the adjacent meat and fish
markets it is the largest fresh food distribution center
in the U.S. The workers have been on the job throughout
the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping the city and surrounding
region supplied with produce. They work in, and many come
from, the South Bronx area that is the poorest
congressional district in the nation, and which has been
hard-hit with some of the highest rates of infection in
NYC. The strike drew national attention, taking place amid
a changing of the guard in Washington as labor-hating
Republican Donald Trump was replaced by phony “friend of
labor” Democrat Joe Biden as the chief executive officer
of U.S. capitalism.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 202 called
the strike as the contract expired. It was their first
strike in 35 years. Before the walkout, workers were
mostly making between $18 and $21 an hour, hardly a
“living wage” in New York City. Traditionally supplying
restaurants and greengrocers, as many of the former shut
down or cut back due to pandemic quarantine orders, the
market delivered to groceries and bodegas throughout the
NYC metro area. As truly essential workers, the Hunts
Point Teamsters move about 300,000 pounds of fruits and
vegetables a day, keeping New Yorkers fed in these trying
times. Prior to the pandemic, 15,000 trucks would go in
and out of Hunts Point daily. Working at close quarters in
the produce market, hundreds of workers fell ill with the
coronavirus. A number died, including Local 202 members
Fernando Gordon, Gregory Treadwell, Jamie Hatcher and
Victor Vasquez. Meanwhile, the bosses raked in $15 million
in pandemic Paycheck Protection Program aid from the

Hunts Point is vast, the largest food distribution center
in the United States.
(Screenshot from New Yorker video)
Hunts Point is the most central point in the food chain
that feeds the city and surrounding region. As the strike
loomed, the New York Daily News (14 January)
warned, “Break out the frozen veggies.” The Teamsters
demanded modest raises of $1 an hour in each of the three
years of the contract, as well as a $0.60 an hour increase
to the health benefits fund. The Hunts Point Produce
Market “cooperative” board, representing the bosses of 29
food distribution companies, insultingly said that the
workers should be “grateful” to have jobs during the
pandemic. The bosses “offered” paltry raises of 32
cents/hour for each year of the contract, much lower than
the increased cost of living due to inflation. With this
“slap in the face,” as one union official put it, the
fight was on.
From Day One of the strike, supporters of the
Internationalist Group, Trabajadores Internacionales
Clasistas (Class Struggle International Workers) and CUNY
Internationalist Clubs mobilized in support of the
workers’ struggle. On January 18 the Internationalist
Group issued a leaflet, “NYC
Labor: All Out to Support Hunts Point Market Strikers!”
of which hundreds of copies were distributed to strikers.
We joined the strike lines daily, usually two or three
shifts a day, with signs in support of the strike and
declaring, “Picket Lines Mean Don’t Cross, Period!”
Students from the City University of New York were greeted
warmly by workers, as they have been at strikes and
organizing drives at Verizon, B&H Photo, Spectrum and
elsewhere in recent years. Many workers’ children have
attended CUNY, one of the few ways working people in New
York City can get a higher education.

Early on, Hunts Point strikers convinced many truckers not
to go into the struck market.
(Internationalist phto)
Early in the strike, union members showed their
militancy and desire to fight to win against the arrogant
bosses. Sometimes the cops were able to escort trucks in,
but in many cases pickets would congregate in front of the
trucks, convincing the driver to leave. In a dramatic
scene, at midnight on the start of the third day of the
strike, workers on the line were stopping trucks from
coming in when a swarm of cops in riot gear – Democratic
mayor Bill de Blasio’s NYPD – moved in to break the
workers’ picket. It was a vivid demonstration that the
police are enforcers of the bosses’ “law and order.” Aware
of the danger of racist cop violence and echoing last
summer’s mass protests, strikers held up their hands,
saying “Don’t shoot.” The police arrested five strikers,
charging them with disorderly conduct. The workers,
unbowed, were back picketing by 3 a.m.

But then scab-herding NYPD cops arrested strikers and
escorted trucks into the struck market. An object lesson
in the nature of the police, the armed fist of the bosses. (James Estrin / The New York
On Wednesday, the fourth day of the strike, a freight
train with 21 cars heading into the market was turned
around. After that no trains entered the market. As the
strike began to hit the bosses’ revenues and affect the
food supply chain, Democratic New York governor Andrew
Cuomo pressured for a return to the bargaining table. On
Friday afternoon, Local 202 officials announced that a
deal had been reached, and on Saturday the deal was
approved by the strikers by a 285 to 6 vote. Most workers
will receive raises totaling $1.85 over the three years,
bringing their base pay up to $20.42, while the top-paid
workers will receive raises totaling $1.20 and a $1,300
bonus in the third year. The companies will increase their
contribution to the health care fund by $0.40/hour and the
workers will receive one additional sick day and two more
floating holidays per year. The bosses’ original demands
to change overtime rules were rebuffed.
“When we fight, we win,” is a popular slogan we heard
during the strike. Unfortunately, that is not always the
case, though the opposite is certainly true: if we don’t
fight, workers always lose. At Hunts Point, the
popular strike won gains which, although limited,
could encourage labor struggle around the country.
“We fought this battle for the rest of the working people
of this country,” said Local 202 president Danny Kane.
Around the U.S., many employers have been itching to use
the pandemic as an excuse to bust unions, while many
workers are fed up with being treated as expendable,
risking their health for poverty pay, even as they are
hailed as essential. The Hunts Point strike was a modest
victory for our side, against the bosses. To win big, it’s
necessary to massively mobilize the power of the working
“That’s the Power of Unity”

Loading and unloading at the Terminal Produce Market is
backbreaking work, and all the more dangerous in the
coronavirus pandemic. Hundreds fell ill with COVID, a
number died. (Photo: Eater
New York)
The Terminal Produce Market is one of three major
distribution markets in the Hunts Point Food Distribution
Center, where roughly 9,000 workers are employed. The
Cooperative Meat Market distributes beef, pork, poultry
and other meat products, while the New Fulton Fish Market
distributes seafood. Other companies like Anheuser-Busch
and Baldor, for specialty foods, also have distribution
centers at Hunts Point. Many of their workers are
represented by Teamster and UFCW locals. At the market,
the work is intense and grueling. Many workers put in 10
and even 12 hours a day, working through the night to
dispatch trucks in the early morning.
One striker told us, “Lifting is all we do. We have to
take the stuff off the pallets and stack them back on. We
have jacks but we have to stack the pallets first.” A
retired worker said, “A lot of workers go out with back
problems. Sometimes they get hit by jacks.” He added that
you breathe in a lot of fumes on the loading docks: “Some
guys when they blow their noses at the end of the day, it
comes out black.” Another Teamster who works at a
warehouse across the street told us, “This job f--ks you
up. I’ve got arthritis all in my fingers, I’ve got to get
knee surgery.” And then there is the coronavirus toll.
This poses the need for union safety committees
empowered to shut down the workplace when working
conditions are unsafe.
 It's a bedrock principle
of labor. (Internationalist
The bosses have real contempt for the workers. On the
first day of the strike, a worker who held a sign saying
“Picket Lines Mean Don’t Cross” as he tried to stop a
truck told us, “The boss looked at us when we asked for
our raise and said, ‘What you do is nothing special. You
guys should be thankful you have a job’.” There are
multiple tiers at the produce market, with most Teamsters
there making $18.57 to $20.70 an hour before the strike,
but new hires make less. Also there are non-union,
off-the-books workers hired by the trucking companies,
doing even harder work with longer hours and making $15 an
hour or less. What’s needed is a drive to unionize all
workers in the markets, including immigrant workers who
are denied equal rights and threatened by the authorities.
Class-struggle militants demand full citizenship right
for all immigrants, a demand that is key to uniting
the working class and stopping bosses from driving down
everyone’s wages.
The produce bosses hired strikebreakers to keep market
operations going, and strikers were furious that even some
members of Local 202 were entering through a back entrance
of the market to scab. One worker told us the scabs “go in
through the back like cowards. But I’ll see them inside
when we get back to work.” Yet the union leadership
instructed the ranks to abide by anti-union laws that
“prohibit” stopping the scabs. As we said in our leaflet,
and in conversations with workers on the lines, “Scabs
must go! Workers must rely on their own class
power to win this crucial battle.” What was needed was to
mobilize New York City labor by the hundreds to help build
“massive picket lines that no one dares cross,
and make the Hunts Point strike the kickoff for a
drive to unionize hundreds of thousands of low-wage
workers (like at Amazon!) across the city.”

CSX train at entrance to Hunts Point Market. On Day 4 ,
train motorman and conductor refused to cross picket line
of a single striker, saying “We’re Teamsters too.” The
train headed back to Ohio. (Screenshot
from Youtube)
An example of real class solidarity during the strike
was the stopping of the freight train going into the
market on Wednesday, January 20. Trains go in and out
every night. Two nights later, as we were standing with a
group of strikers, the workers proudly told us how it went
down. Ramon, a picket captain was dispatched to talk to
the train crew because he knew them. He reported: “The
cops were saying, ‘You can’t get on the tracks, we can
arrest you for trespassing.’ I said, ‘I’m not on the
tracks, I’m on the sidewalk and I know the guys that are
coming in.’” So when the train came in, Ramon was there
with a picket sign. The conductor asked if there was a
“He said, ‘I’m not crossing.’ So the cop comes
in and asks the conductor, ‘You got any problems here?’
and he said ‘No, we’re not crossing the line, we’re
Teamsters too.’ [The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
and Trainmen is now part of the IBT.] The motorman came
out and he says ‘Listen, we’re not crossing the line. The
only way this train is going to go in is if you call
management – they’re not union.’ The cop says, ‘Oh, we’ll
call management, where’s your management?’ He says, ‘In
Then security tried to escort the train going in, saying
“Everything is set for you, you can go right on through.”
The motorman responded, “No, I’m not going through this
line. I’m going back to Ohio.” And he did. The next night:
no train. The night after that: a settlement.
Leo Servedio (Local 202 vice-president): “That’s
the power of unity.”
Ramon.: “If we go down, we go down together.”
Leo: “We’re soldiers in arms.”
That’s the power of the bedrock labor principle:
picket lines mean don’t cross!
For a Fighting Labor Movement!

Picket lines mean don't cross, period! There should have
been hundreds of union supporters from the entire NYC
labor movement and its allies building picket lines so
massive that no one could cross. (Internationalist photo)
Busloads of Teamsters from Boston, Philadelphia and New
Jersey arrived at the Hunts Point picket, and as the
strike went on, individual workers and contingents from
many unions came out in support, highlighting the
importance of the battle. When union VP Servedio spoke on
WBAI radio (January 22) about the strike, listeners
flooded the station with phone call voicing their support,
together with indignation at arrests of strikers after a
scab driver tried to run over pickets. Servedio described
how the bosses spent tens of thousands to hire “thug
security guards to try to push us around and … try to
break us,” and to sneak in scabs. After discussion
highlighted the importance of the picket line, one caller
summed up the sentiment of many: “May the filthy scabs
carry their guilt to their graves.”
Several Democratic Party politicians also showed up.
First was Richie Torres, the newly elected congressman
whose Bronx district includes Hunts Point. On the evening
of Inauguration Day, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came
out, which brought a lot of media attention.1.
Ocasio-Cortez, the star of Democratic Socialists of
America (DSA), told striking workers, “We gotta pay you
like we need you, because we do.” That “we gotta pay you”
is more than an off-the-cuff phrase – the Democratic Party
poses as “friends of labor,” but its representatives
uphold the interests of the employer class that lives off
of exploiting the workers. It was a Democratic NY attorney
general that wielded the anti-strike Taylor Law against
MTA strikers in 2005, and another one (the “progressive”
Letitia James) who had the CUNY union’s suit against
layoffs struck down last summer – the list of examples is
Quite a few DSAers came out to see AOC, and the DSA
issued a call to come to the lines. But as a “socialist”
component of the capitalist Democratic Party, the DSA is
counterposed not only to a fight for socialist revolution,
but also to the militant class struggle needed to revive
the labor movement. As an Internationalist sign at Hunts
Point said: “Break with Democrats and Republicans, Build a
Class-Struggle Workers Party!” That means waging a fight
that goes beyond strictly trade-union demands over wages
and hours to pose a political struggle against capitalist
exploitation and oppression. Hunts Point is a place to
start. In the February 2017 “Day Without an Immigrant,”
hundreds of workers gathered at the market entrance
chanting, “respect, respect,” and it had to shut down.
Then last July, Local 202 workers stood at their posts for
8 minutes and 46 seconds to protest the racist cop murder
of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Internationalists called to break with the bosses'
parties, build a workers party. (Internationalist photo)
At a post-strike press conference, Local 202 President
Danny Kane said, “Workers stood up and fought. I think the
workers set up a precedent. Their voices will be heard.”
Yes, the Hunts Point strike gave a taste of the class
struggle desperately needed to organize the unorganized
and fight for millions of low-wage workers, essential and
“non-essential” alike. But Kane also praised not just
Ocasio-Cortez but Cuomo as well, saying “It’s that type of
politics our country need.” No, working people do not need
the politics of the bosses’ Democratic Party, which even
when it claims to support unions only does so in order to
subjugate them to capitalist “law and order.” A clear
example is what the Democratic mayor of Chicago, Lori
Lightfoot, is doing right now, attempting to break the
power of the Chicago Teachers Union.
For Hunts Point workers, the strike showed that it is
possible to win gains, however modest, against hard-nosed
bosses out to squeeze ever more profit out of the workers’
toil. For our student, youth, immigrant worker and other
comrades who joined in defending the picket lines, it was
an energizing experience of class struggle. The task now
is to organize militant struggle against the whole
decaying capitalist system. To build up union power, we
need to forge a class-struggle leadership of labor, break
the chains binding the working class to the Democratic
Party and build a workers party that champions all the
oppressed in the fight for a workers government. ■