Whatever Happened to “No
Contract, No Work”?
Prepare to Strike for Shorter Workweek, Union
Control of Tech
Fight for 6-Hour Shifts x 5 = 30
Hours, No Loss in Pay

Automation at the Port of Los Angeles (above) has been
carried out at a cost of over 500 full-time jobs. ILWU
should fight for union control of technology, 30-hour
workweek, jobs for all.
(Port of Los Angeles)
AUGUST 6 – With the July 1 expiration
of the contract between the West Coast International
Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the maritime
companies, the stage was set for a major showdown and
the possibility of a big labor victory with
reverberations across the country. Instead, as the clock
ticked down on June 30, the ILWU tops and the maritime
bosses issued a joint statement: “While there will be no
contract extension, cargo will keep moving, and normal
operations will continue at the ports until an agreement
can be reached between the Pacific Maritime Association
(PMA) and the International Longshore & Warehouse
Union” (Logistics Management 6 July).
As the contract expired, the PMA added its own
statement: “We are proud of our collaboration with the
ILWU during this extraordinary period and hopeful that
spirit of cooperation will continue as we pursue a new
agreement.” No doubt. For the shipping bosses, patting
the ILWU negotiators on the head for keeping the freight
moving makes sense. For the longshore rank and file? Not
so much.
Then, a month later, on July 27, the union and PMA
announced a tentative agreement on health benefits.
“Maintenance of health benefits is an important part of
the contract between employers represented by the PMA
and workers represented by the ILWU” (Journal of
Commerce, 27 July). With health
care costs going through the roof, employers around the
country have threatened to cut those benefits. But
health care is only part of a contract. The same article
noted that “the likelihood is growing that a deal will
be reached in August or September with little disruption
occurring on the docks.”
“August or September”?! ILWU members have already been
working for a month without an agreement. What happened
to “No contract, No Work”? The ILWU is one of the most
powerful unions in the country. There is no contract.
The odious no-strike clause doesn’t exist. While the
ILWU leadership has made it clear that it’s opposed to a
strike, class-conscious militants should demand a strike
vote and gear up to shut down the West Coast,
now! If there is a walkout, the rest of labor
should back up the ILWU, joining picket lines and
refusing to handle struck cargo. A victorious longshore
strike will benefit unions and working people everywhere
in looming battles fueled by runaway inflation.
The companies are flush with cash. According to the
maritime research consultancy Drewry, "Ocean carriers
have generated about $190 billion of annual profits and
about $130 billion of fresh cash in 2021, obtained
mainly by charging higher prices” (Offshore Energy,
23 February). That’s more than seven times what they
made in 2020! “They are projected to rake in another
$200 billion this year, as they continue to take
advantage of the supply chain snafus to increase
shipping rates,” reported Rachel Phua in Payday
Report (1 July). The charges for a 40-foot box
shipped from China to the West Coast hit a record
$20,000 last August, and are still around $9,000.
“Before the pandemic, they were below $2,000,” Phua
noted. Even though they are gorged with profits, the
maritime bosses are demanding concessions from the ILWU.
The ILWU Has the Power – Use It!
The union has tremendous leverage and should use it.
Los Angeles/Long Beach/San Pedro is the port of entry
for 42% of container freight shipped from Asia to the
U.S. In 2021, the Port of Los Angeles became the first
port in the Western Hemisphere to process 10 million
container units in a 12‑month period. Port bosses worry
that a walkout could create havoc in the already snarled
supply chain. They weren’t the only ones worried about a
strike. On July 1, more than 150 local, state, and
national business and trade associations wrote to
President Joe Biden and urged him to ensure that there
would be no work stoppage. “We know the administration
understands the economic significance of these
negotiations” (Reuters, 1 July).
You bet it does. On June 10 Biden met with PMA and ILWU
reps in San Pedro Bay aboard the Battleship USS Iowa.
Four days later, the PMA and ILWU tops announced that
cargo operations would “continue beyond the expiration
of the contract.” Mission accomplished. “Neither party,”
the statement added, “is preparing for a strike or a
lockout” (Logistics Management, 14 June). The
ILWU bureaucrats certainly weren’t prepared for a fight
– they haven’t even held a strike vote. But the bosses
sure are: a one-sided fight.
“U.S. Container Imports Jump in April as Coastal Shift
Continues,” headlined The Loadstar (17 May), a
shipping logistics newsletter, stating: “the coastal
shift by shippers from the west coast to east ports
appears to be gaining fresh momentum ahead of the expiry
of the US west coast labour agreement on 1 July.” PMA
Chief Executive Officer Jim McKenna was even more
explicit: “If they don’t come to a compromise, then
freight will get permanently diverted to the East Coast”
(New York Times, 28 March).
In the event of a West Coast strike, the shipping
bosses will undoubtedly make good on their threat to
shift cargo to other North American ports. Solidarity
across borders and jurisdictional lines would be
crucial. Longshore workers in the Canadian ports
refusing to handle struck cargoes from the U.S. will be
key. The same goes for Gulf and East Coast ports such as
Houston, New Orleans, Charleston, Port Newark, etc.,
where dock workers are represented by the International
Longshoremen’s Association (ILA).
“I want the word to go out that the ILA stands firmly
behind our West Coast longshore workers,” union
president Harold Daggett said in a video message on May
12. But Daggett did not say that the ILA would
carry out any action in solidarity with the
ILWU. Action, not empty solidarity messages,
is what’s needed. Struck cargo is scab cargo! For
joint ILWU and ILA action! Likewise, Dennis
Daggett (son of the ILA president), who is general
coordinator of the International Dockworkers Council
(IDC), called upon member unions to back the ILWU “with
declarations and resolutions of support.” But Daggett
Jr. just expelled left-led dockers unions in France,
Spain and Sweden from the IDC!
Right now, there is a real opportunity for actual
international solidarity, as opposed to empty words. On
July 14-15, thousands of German port workers struck for
48 hours in Hamburg and other North Sea ports. Across
the Channel, where workers are facing the highest
inflation in four decades, a summer of strike action by
railway workers began with a three-day walkout by the
Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) union, at the
same time as London Tube (subway) workers struck for a
day, which taken together was the biggest British rail
strike in 30 years.
This wave of strike action in Britain continued the
next month, with rail work stoppages on July 16, 23, 27
(when 40,000 RMT-led workers struck) and 30, when 5,000
locomotive engineers represented by the ASLEF
train-drivers union walked out. ASLEF has scheduled
another walkout for August 13, while the RMT is going
out on August 18 and 20. Industrial action also hit rail
companies in Scotland. This “summer of discontent” is
the biggest outbreak of strikes in the United Kingdom
since 1989. But as long as they are separate,
time-limited actions, their power is undercut. A
national rail and transit strike at this time, with the
fall of the government of the corrupt warmonger Boris
Johnson, could lay low the lords of industry who have
royally profited, both before and after Britain exited
the European Union, as working people are seeing their
living standards plummet.
In the U.S., railroad workers – who have gone without a
pay raise for three years – could link up with the ILWU
in powerful joint action. On July 12, the membership of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen
(BLET), a division of the Teamsters, voted by 99.5% to
strike. The BLET is one of 13 rail unions in
negotiations for a national contract. A federally
ordered “cooling-off period” expired on July 18,
whereupon Biden issued an executive order setting up an
emergency board and prohibiting a walkout for another 60
>Outrageously, Greg Regan, president of the
Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, hailed
Biden’s action. But a strike simultaneously shutting
down trains and West Coast harbors could rip up those
strikebreaking orders. Picket out the intermodal rail
yards! And as the capitalists who run the maritime
industry prepare to shift cargo from the West to Gulf
and East Coast ports, common strike action by the ILWU
and ILA could land an unprecedented blow against the
bosses whose profiteering has been driving an
inflationary spiral even as the economy sinks into
Across the country, people can’t make ends meet because
of soaring prices at the gas pump and supermarket. A
hard-fought longshore strike could show the way to fight
back. What will it take to win?
- From the Mexican border to Canada: Shut down the
docks, terminals and warehouses! Build strong picket
lines that no one dares cross!
- For “fishbowl negotiations,” a union tradition, open
to all ILWU members. Form a mass strike committee of
representatives to be elected at every dock and
- Build strike support committees with other unions,
unorganized workers, community groups and students,
such as with ILWU Local 10’s joint actions with
Oakland teachers.
- Push through a shorter workweek – five shifts of six
hours each – with no loss in pay, and full-time jobs
for casuals. A decent standard of living shouldn’t
depend on racking up hundreds of hours of overtime.
- Hardline it for a big wage hike with COLA (cost of
living adjustment) to protect against the ravages of
- For union control of new technology, which must not
be used to kill jobs – elected union committees to
sign off on any automation.
- Abolish the Group System of A, B and Identified
Casual. Longshore workers need unity in preparation
for a strike. Divisions in the union’s ranks only work
in PMA’s interest.
Organize Port Truckers and
Warehouse Workers Into the ILWU
While ILWU longshore workers and clerks have been
working without a contract, ports have been thrown into
turmoil as port truckers picket to protest California’s
AB5 law. The law was passed in January 2020 as a result
of a push to enable Uber and Lyft drivers, and other
workers in the “gig economy,” to unionize, be eligible
for unemployment benefits, and be covered by minimum
wages, overtime pay, workers’ comp and other job
protections for employees. This was done by eliminating
the fiction that they are “independent contractors” when
their labor is in fact under the control of the giant
app-based taxi and delivery companies.1
Uber and Lyft spent millions of dollars to finance
Proposition 22, which passed in the November 2020
elections, to exempt their operations and prevent the
legislature from passing future legislation on the
issue.2 However, in
2021 the federal district court ruled against a suit
brought by the California Trucking Association (CTA) to
prevent AB5 from being applied to the trucking sector,
and this past June 30 the U.S. Supreme Court denied an
appeal of that ruling. So now the intermodal trucking
companies which run dozens and even hundreds of
owner-operated rigs, many of them leased, will no longer
be exempt from job protections and unionization.
On July 14 and 15, hundreds of short-haul (drayage)
truck drivers who move cargo from the ports of Los
Angeles and Long Beach jammed traffic on Interstate 710
to protest AB5. And then, from July 18 to 25, truckers
in Oakland picketed the port for a week. The terminal
operators were livid when ILWU Local 10 members refused
to cross the picket line. “Some offered tips on where to
stand and hold up signs to block certain gates to ‘be
more effective’,” Freightwaves (1 August), an
industry publication, reported. Local 10 members said
longshore workers were working without a contract, so
they sympathized with the owner-operators.
We support AB5 and its application to the
freight carriers, who hide behind the “independent
contractor” classification of their drivers in order to
avoid granting basic labor rights. Class-conscious
workers would not support the demands of the protests
that were organized by the trucking bosses of the CTA.
But any real trade-unionist would, on principle, refuse
to cross the picket lines. A class-struggle leadership
would seek to link the interests of the heavily
immigrant port truckers to the longshore workers, which
could include directly unionizing fleet workers
and forming a cooperative of owner-operators linked
to the union, with union control of
Unity between longshore workers who unload cargo and
the truckers who move it inland would be a mighty force.
It could also spearhead an organizing drive of the
warehouses they deliver to. The ILWU has an
often-overlooked history of organizing warehouse
workers. This is detailed in Harvey Schwartz, The
March Inland: Origins of the ILWU Warehouse Division.3
Schwartz notes that in 1933 there were no unionized
warehouse workers in the Bay Area, but in the wake of
the 1934 San Francisco general strike, “nearly all of
the region’s 8,500 freight handlers belonged to one of
the largest and most powerful union locals in the
That history holds lessons for those today seeking to
unionize Amazon. The e-commerce giant has warehouses in
the SF Bay Area and all over the Los Angeles metro area.
Recently it announced plans for its largest-ever
“fulfillment center” in Ontario, California, in the
Inland Empire east of L.A. A successful organizing
campaign at Amazon, and other virulently anti-union
companies like Walmart, will not win on a
warehouse-by-warehouse, store-by-store basis with votes
according to the rules of the National Labor Relations
Board, a government agency set up to tame militant
labor. Instead, it will take a full-fledged labor
revolt on the scale of the SF longshore workers’
’34 Big Strike.
Building on the victory of the Amazon Labor Union in
Staten Island, NY, in April, a militant West Coast
longshore strike that sought solidarity with port
truckers and warehouse workers could go a long way
toward turning the L.A. metro area into union country,
and spark a drive to organize the unorganized
The Threat of Militarization of
the Ports

President Joe Biden, aboard the USS Iowa on June 10,
orders ILWU and PMA to keep working. U.S. rulers use
“national security” to avoid labor strikes at the ports.
But longshore workers have the power to shut it
(Jim Watson /
In October 2021, amid the pandemic-linked supply chain
crisis, Biden convened a White House roundtable of
“stakeholders” in the shipping industry to declare a
“90-day sprint” to clear cargo logjams. Attendees
included transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg, vice
president Kamala Harris, ILWU president Willie Adams,
the executive directors of the ports of Los Angeles and
Long Beach, and (attending virtually) the heads of UPS,
FedEx, the American Trucking Association, American
Association of Railroads, Walmart and other corporate
executives. Biden pressed for 24-hour operations of West
Coast ports, to which the union leader replied that this
was already provided for in the contract with the PMA,
shippers just have to put in the orders.
But the problems persisted. At his June 10 meeting with
ILWU and PMA leaders aboard the Iowa, it was not
just moving consumer goods Biden was concerned with. He
announced there that the new port envoy to the federal,
supply chain task force is retired four-star general
Stephen Lyons. Previously, Lyons led the U.S.
Transportation Command, which co-ordinates military and
commercial resources missions worldwide. Ports are, and
always have been, critical to U.S. imperialism. For the
Pentagon, labor peace on the docks is a “national
security” issue. A report by the Committee on Military
Transportation of the National Academies’ Transportation
Research Board, part of the mammoth compendium Transportation
in the New Millennium (2000), states:
“most military cargo, personnel, and
war-fighting assets now move on commercial assets. For
example, more than 95 percent of the equipment and cargo
shipped in Desert Shield and Desert Storm moved on
commercial carriers. Because of this, DoD instituted
agreements with commercial carriers to ensure asset
availability when needed.”
This is nothing new. Containerization, first introduced
in 1956 by trucking magnate Malcolm McClean, completely
transformed shipping worldwide. Rather than fight to
preserve jobs, ILWU president Harry Bridges negotiated
the disastrous 1960 “modernization and mechanization”
agreement. This led to a huge loss of longshore jobs and
introduced the destructive division of ILWU members into
A, B and casuals, with only “A men” guaranteed work. The
New York Times (13 May 2006) later reported, “The
key moment came during the Vietnam War, when Mr. McLean
proved to the United States military, which had become
increasingly frustrated at the difficulty of shipping
materiel to the war zone, that his way was the only
possible solution. Once the armed forces became
converts, there was no turning back.”
Today you can be sure that military needs will once
again be a major factor in ramming through port
automation. That will also be a main excuse for
government attempts to block a West Coast port shutdown,
as it was in 2002. That July, during the build-up to the
U.S. invasion of Iraq, the Homeland Security secretary
called ILWU president Jim Spinosa to warn that a
longshore strike was not in the “national interest,”
while draconian legislation to militarize the docks, the
Port and Maritime Security Act, was passed unanimously
by the Senate amid the war hysteria following the 9/11
attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. When the
PMA locked out workers in October 2002, Democratic
senator Diane Feinstein called on Republican president
George Bush II to impose a Taft-Hartley injunction to
order the ILWU back to work, which he did. The
Internationalist called at the time for the ILWU
to “hot cargo” war material, and to mobilize labor to
smash Taft-Hartley.
In fact, Democratic as well as Republican
administrations have used that strikebreaking,
union-busting slave labor act against the unions.
Democratic president Jimmy Carter invoked it against
coal miners in the 1977-78 coal strike,4
while the Democratic Obama/Biden administration used the
Coast Guard to break the ILWU mobilization against the
opening of the scab EGT grain terminal in Longview,
Washington in 2012. ILWU International president
McEllrath collaborated with the government by ordering
longshoremen to work at the terminal without a contract.
Over and over, the U.S. labor bureaucracy have knuckled
under to government anti-union repression. But the ILWU
was built by “reds” and fought the “red purge”
engineered by the Democrats at the start of the
anti-Soviet Cold War, particularly the attempts to
deport Harry Bridges and to drive the ILWU off the
docks. On May Day 2008, the ILWU stopped work on all 29
West Coast ports to protest the U.S. war on Iraq and
Afghanistan. When the PMA tried to sue for violation of
Taft-Hartley, the union told the PMA to drop it or face
a contract strike.5
The ILWU has also stood tall against racist repression.
In April 1999, the union shut West Coast ports demanding
freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal, the former Black Panther
and radical journalist held for more than 41 years on a
frame-up charges of killing a cop. And on 19 June 2021
(“Juneteenth”), in the wake of the police murder of
George Floyd, the ILWU shut down all West Coast ports in
the U.S. and Canada. It was a dramatic demonstration of
workers’ power in defense of the oppressed. Today, a
militant ILWU strike could galvanize support across the
region. Important allies would be teachers, parents, and
students in Oakland, where on February 17, ILWU Local 10
and the Oakland Education Association (OEA) held a mass
mobilization against construction of a new A’s stadium
at the port and the closing of public schools to be
replaced by charters. Then on April 29, ILWU Local 10
and the OEA carried out a first-ever joint one-day
strike against the privatization of public schools and
at the port of Oakland.

ILWU Local 10 and Oakland Education Association have
taken joint strike action against privatization of the
port and schools. Above: Local 10 past president Trent
Willis speaking at February 17 walkout and rally of
longshore workers and teachers.
(Photo: Labor Video Project)
What is crucially needed in the ILWU – and the labor
movement as a whole – is a leadership with audacity and
a class-struggle program to fight to win. Playing by the
bosses’ rules has brought us to where we are today. Long
ago, the U.S. union bureaucracy sold its soul to the
Democratic Party, which isn’t any kind of “friend of
labor” but rather a chain anchoring workers to the
capitalist class. To wage a successful longshore strike,
the ILWU must be prepared to fight not only on picket
lines, but also politically against the ruling parties
of U.S. imperialism. You can be sure that if the ILWU
walks out, Democrats and Republicans will unite to
accuse the union of sabotaging the war effort against
Russia and China. And you can expect that the union
leadership, which last March announced it was refusing
to handle Russian cargo, will salute and go along.
The ILWU has the power to defeat the capitalist
onslaught. That’s why the shipping and stevedoring
companies desperately want to automate the union into
oblivion, along with the ILA and dock unions worldwide.
To fight defeat that threat, it is necessary to oust the
pro-capitalist bureaucrats, break with the Democrats and
build a revolutionary workers party to fight for a
workers government. ■