Gotta Play Hardball to Win!
![]() October 2007
Port Shutdown Over Dock Worker Killed in Oakland, Union Mobilization Over “Anti-Terror” Security Assault ILWU
Dock Workers Under Attack
Dump the TWIC Card – Strike Against the War! ![]() ILWU dock workers in San Francisco antiwar march, March 2004. It’s not just “Bush’s war” but bipartisan imperialist war. Twice in the space of a
month, longshore workers in California have been victimized amid the
class hysteria over port “security threats” while actual safety
conditions on
the docks deteriorate. First, on August 23, police in West Sacramento
beat up,
maced and arrested two longshoremen from the SF Bay Area Local 10 as
they were
returning to work at the port of Sacramento. Local 10 has voted to call
a mass
rally to defend the union brothers at the court house when their case
comes up
on October 4. Port workers are also outraged over the Transport Worker
Cards (TWIC) containing “biometric” data, police records and
other info that will be used to weed out “undesirable”
workers. This is a centerpiece of the 2002
Transportation Security Act. Shutting down Bay Area docks would be a
protest against the government’s “war on terror” whose real aim is to
workers and the population in general. Then on September 24, a
worker in the port of Oakland, Reginald Ross, 39, was killed after
being struck
by a container. Outraged fellow workers immediately shut down the
entire port,
bringing one of the U.S.’ busiest harbors to a grinding halt. Nothing
moved on
the docks the next day. The employers’ Pacific Maritime Association
(PMA) complained
that the work stoppage was “not authorized,” but defiant workers stayed
Now the bosses are counseling to await the outcome of an investigation
by the
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). There can be
trust in the bosses’ government any more than in the employers
themselves. OSHA
is notoriously lax in tolerating dangerous working conditions that have
led to
an average of over 5,700 workplace deaths every year. The ILWU itself
conduct the investigation and union safety committees must be empowered
to shut
down any suspect operation in this extremely dangerous occupation. The September 25 port
shutdown and upcoming October 4 rally are a demonstration of the
potential strength of labor, if the workers movement decides to use
Coming up is an October 20 “Labor Conference to Stop the War” sponsored
by Bay
Area ILWU locals. This could set the stage for mobilizing union power.
Yet leadership
of the unions is in the hands of a conservative bureaucracy that blocks
mobilization at every turn. It acts, in the famous phrase of socialist
DeLeon as the “labor lieutenants of the capitalist class.” By rights,
the ILWU
leadership ought to be at the forefront of the port shutdowns and
extend them
up and down the West Coast. Instead, the pro-capitalist labor fakers
have at
best stood on the sidelines and more often sought to undercut
class-struggle actions.
On May 1, when Local 10 voted to stop work in solidarity with immigrant
protests, ILWU International and Local officers, enforcing the decision
of the
PMA’s hand-picked arbitrator, ordered that there be no walkouts or
But now anger is building and the question of union action against
and repression is coming to a head. Racial Profiling,
Union-Busting and the “War on Terror” The August 23 attack on the
two Bay Area longshoremen in Sacramento was a clear case of racist
It was no accident that the two, Aaron Harrison and Jason Ruffin, are
while the police in West Sacramento (where less than 3 percent of the
population is African American) have been accused of “racial profiling”
of minorities,
particularly in enforcing a local “anti-gang” ordinance. Harrison and
were returning from lunch when security guards aggressively demanded to
their car. Since the two workers had already shown a driver’s license
and PMA
ID, they asked what was the maritime security regulation justifying a
The enraged guards called the cops, who arrived and assaulted the two
as they
were talking on the phone with the ILWU business agent. The workers
dragged from the car, one sprayed with mace, and then jailed on the
charge of “trespassing”! The attack on the union
brothers comes in the context of mounting police attacks on dock
workers in the
Bay Area, and a “security” frenzy on the docks nationwide. In October
2002, the
government imposed a Taft-Hartley injunction on West Coast docks so
that war
cargo could flow to the Persian Gulf in the build-up for war. When an
protest was called at the port of Oakland on 7 April 2003, barely two
after the start of the invasion of Iraq, cops on orders from Democratic
(now California attorney general) Jerry Brown launched a brutal
assault, firing
rubber bullets and wooden dowels, tossing concussion grenades and
“sting balls”
into the crowd, injuring six longshoremen who were treated by
paramedics, and
arresting 25 people. The victims of this vicious attack subsequently
sued the
city of Oakland and won. More recently, last May ILWU longshoremen
refused to
cross a picket line of the Oakland Education Association and the
antiwar Port
Action Committee outside the terminal of Stevedoring Services of
America (SSA).
Trying to undercut the protest, police set up “checkpoints” a mile away
the location. The role of SSA in these
events is also noteworthy. This prime shipper of war cargo was one of
the two
companies picketed in the April 2003 antiwar protest. The workers who
were beaten
in Sacramento this August were working at an SSA facility. And the
killed on the job last week was in the hold of a ship unloading at the
terminal. Stevedoring Services of America (now calling itself SSA
Marine) is
notorious among unionists as the most anti-labor maritime outfit on the
Coast. It focuses on using technology in order to get rid of workers.
The privately
held company has millions of dollars in contracts with the U.S.
government. In
March 2003 it got a $14 million USAID contract to manage the Iraqi Port
Authority, notably the docks at Umm Qasr, the only port in the country
that can
handle ocean-going vessels. Working together with Bechtel Corporation,
SSA was
accused by shippers of “gross profiteering” for the extortionate rates
charged on the basis of its monopoly position. These are certified
union-busting war profiteers. Meanwhile, introduction of
the TWIC card has longshore workers up in arms. A rank-and-file
newsletter, the Maritime Worker Monitor (19 September) comments
that it
“reminds you of
the racist South African government’s ‘pass cards’ forced on workers
apartheid.” Do the initials stand for “Transport Workers In Chains”? it
The article goes on: “Why are maritime bosses
and their government so hot for TWIC? By invoking ‘port security’ in
the ‘war
on terror,’ the feds want to bypass the union hiring hall. They want to
say who
can and can’t work on the waterfront. Intrusive background checks are
made by
Bush’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to see who’s been
before. You can be deemed a threat to port security and denied access
to marine
terminals for many different kinds of past arrests and ‘offenses’ that
nothing to do with terrorism.” The Monitor article
points out that during the McCarthyite witch hunts of the 1950s, when
government tried to deport ILWU president Harry Bridges and ban
militant maritime
workers from ships and docks, longshoremen would stop work if a fellow
member was blacklisted by government screening. But now the feds want
“interface with other federal, state and local agencies” so that their
card can
include all sorts of information. Including credit history, phone
Internet sites visited, asks the Monitor: “TWIC will carry
snoop data of every kind. It’s another step towards the national ID
they’ve been dreaming about for so long.” This will be racial
profiling with a vengeance. As a result of the government strategy of
black ghettos, Latino barrios and immigrant neighborhoods like they are
occupied territories, a far higher portion of minority populations,
young black and Latino men, have been hauled in by the cops on one
grounds or
another. Implementing this will mean a blatant racial purge of port
and everyone knows it. This is part and parcel of a large-scale
of the docks, whose aim will be to bust the ILWU (and the East Coast
International Longshoremen’s Association). And leading the charge on
“port security”
is the Democratic Party, notably California Senator Dianne Feinstein
and New
York Senator Chuck Schumer. Feinstein also called on Bush to impose an
injunction under the slave-labor Taft-Hartley Act in 2002. Democrats
and Republicans
alike voted for the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act, the Maritime Security Act and
other piece of police-state legislation, as well as authorizing the war
Afghanistan and Iraq. For Labor Strikes
the War! There have been numerous
resolutions by local and national unions and labor councils around the
denouncing the war on Iraq, as well as the repressive legislation by
which the
bosses’ government seeks to strike at “the enemy within.” ILWU banners
in San
Francisco antiwar marches proclaim: “Down with the PATRIOT Act! Uphold
the Bill
of Rights! Defend Immigrant Workers Rights! Bush’s ‘War on Terror’ =
War on
Workers.” Of course, the “war on terror” (like the war on Iraq and
is not just “Bush’s war” but a bipartisan imperialist war.
As for
concrete action by labor, there has been none. Last year ILWU Local 10
passed a
resolution calling to “Strike Against the War – No Peace, No Work!” but
resolution was deep-sixed by the union tops. Now ILWU Locals 10 and 34
issued a “Call to Action” for a Labor Conference to Stop the War to be
held at
the San Francisco union hall October 20. This could be an important
step toward
bringing to bear workers’ power against the imperialist war, including
strike action. The point is not to have a “talk shop” where
bureaucrats can blow off steam, but to actually prepare the ranks for
class-struggle action. It is urgent that the ILWU
and Bay Area labor come out in force on October 4 in defense of
Harrison and Ruffin against the racist, anti-labor cops assault. As the
Worker Monitor noted, adding a touch of irony to the old IWW
slogan, “An
injury to two is an injury to all!” Particularly if the Bay Area docks
effectively shut down, this could be the first mass labor action
against the
government’s terrorist “war on terror.” It is also vital to prepare the
way for
workers strikes against the war. After the 2006 mid-term elections in
which the
Democrats gained control of Congress, many liberals and reformist
fostered the illusion that this could bring about a change of course in
Dream on. In a recent debate, Democratic presidential hopefuls kept
that “everyone up here wants to take a responsible course to end the
war in
Iraq,” “everyone” agrees that there is “no military solution,”
“everyone” is
for withdrawal of the troops … in one year, in six months, in three
even immediately. But meanwhile they vote for every military budget in
the name
of “supporting the troops.” The fact is that the
only way to stop the war is for the warmongers to be defeated on the
of the Near East and by mobilizing workers’ power here. The Internationalist Group and League for the Fourth International have uniquely fought for workers strikes against the imperialist war and for transportation unions to “hot-cargo” (refuse to handle) war materiel. In early 2003, there were examples in Britain and Italy of workers action against the impending invasion of Iraq. Scottish engineers refused to move a munitions train and Italian railroad workers joined with antiwar demonstrators in blocking trains carrying jeeps, tanks and other military equipment bound for the Near East. But when we Trotskyists raised the call for working-class action against the war, virtually the entire left dismissed this as hopeless illusions, pie in the sky, cloud cuckooland, etc. For years, leftist-led antiwar demonstrations have sought to pressure the Democratic Party into ending the war. Yet no matter how many demonstrators they attract, no matter how many peace crawls are held begging the Democrats in Congress, bourgeois pressure politics will never stop the war. It is high time for class-conscious worker militants across the country and internationally to take up the struggle for labor strikes against the war, and against the terror war on workers and immigrants “at home.” n To contact the League for the Fourth International or its sections, send an e-mail to: |