Labor's Gotta Play
Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article
May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
August 2017
Workers: Shut It Down!
ILWU Local 10 Moves to
Stop the Fascists in San Francisco

ILWU Local 10 marching against police terror on May Day
2015, Oakland, California.
SAN FRANCISCO, August 18 – At last
night’s meeting of International Longshore and Warehouse
Union Local 10, an urgent motion for labor mobilization to
“Stop the Fascists in San Francisco” was passed. The dock
workers, who have a long history of port shutdowns against
racism, war and police terror, aim to prevent a repeat of
last week’s murderous Nazi/white supremacist attack in
Charlottesville, Virginia. By using the power of independent
working-class action to stop the fascists,
they can point the way for all labor and the oppressed at
this critical moment.
White-supremacist and other fascist groups have
repeatedly targeted the Bay Area in recent months. Now
they have announced a weekend of potentially deadly
provocations on August 26-27. The fascist “Patriot Prayer”
outfit that has staged such events in Portland, Oregon and
Seattle, Washington has called a rally for Saturday,
August 26 at Crissy Field in San Francisco. The following
day, several fascist groups are calling a “No to Marxism
in America” rally in Martin Luther King Park in Berkeley.
Some of those involved in the Charlottesville Nazi march
are reported among those planning to attend one or both of
these fascist rallies.
Today, Los Angeles KPFK radio broadcast a feature on the
planned longshore workers action, noting that “Local 10 of
the ILWU has moved to walk out and march, and they are
calling on labor and community to join them to stop the
fascists.” Later in the show, KPFK interviewed Local 10
President Ed Ferris and long-time longshore militant Jack
Heyman, who spoke about the importance of working-class
mobilization to stop the fascists in the union stronghold
of the Bay Area.
The ILWU motion noted that “the fascists, the KKK, Nazis
and other white supremacists rallied and marched by
torchlight in Charlottesville, whipping up lynch mob
terror with racist, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic
slogans,” and that “that attack resulted in one
anti-racist counter demonstrator murdered and many others
injured when one of the fascist bullies ran them down with
a car.” It added that, “President Trump’s whitewashing
this violent, deadly fascist and racist attack saying
‘both sides are to blame,’ and his attacking anti-racists
for opposing Confederate statues that honor slavery adds
fuel to the fire of racist violence.”
The ILWU Local 10 motion states that, “far from a matter
of ‘free speech’, the racist and fascist provocations are
a deadly menace as shown in Portland on May 26 when a Nazi
murdered two men and almost killed a third for defending
two young African American women he was menacing.” It
underlined that “our sisters and brothers in the Portland
labor movement answered racist terror with the power of
workers solidarity, mobilizing members of 14 unions
against the fascist/racist rally there on June 4.” (See “Portland
Labor Mobilizes to Stop Fascist Provocation,” The
Internationalist No. 48, May-June 2017.)
The motion emphasized that, “ILWU Local 10 has a long and
proud history of standing up against racism, fascism and
bigotry and using our union power to do so; on May Day
2015 we shut down Bay Area ports and marched followed by
thousands to Oscar Grant Plaza demanding an end to police
terror against African Americans and others,” and that
“the San Francisco Bay Area is a union stronghold and we
will not allow labor-hating white supremacists to bring
their lynch mob terror here.”
In fact, nooses – a threat of lynching – were found on a
series of occasions earlier this year at the SSA Marine
terminal in the Port of Oakland in California. On the
morning of May 25, when a noose was found at the terminal,
one of the port’s largest, ILWU longshoremen walked off
the job in protest. “Container trucks were backed up all
around the port and on Interstate 880,” reported the East
Bay Times (26 May). Longshore workers’ anger against
the current fascist and white-supremacist provocations
will likely have a similar result but on a larger scale.
From the Portland area, Painters (IUPAT) Local 10, which
played a key role in Portland Labor Against the Fascists
on June 4, sent a solidarity message on August 17 to ILWU
Local 10, stating:
“We have been inspired by your historic
shutdowns over the many years of maritime history. ILWU
Local 10 set an example for us all in the struggle for
workers’ rights against racism, war, and police
repression. If you use your power as workers to take
action against the fascists on August 26th, that will be a
call to action of workers and oppressed people throughout
this country. Today, more than ever, workers need
solidarity. It would be a proud day for us ... to stand
shoulder to shoulder with you in the struggle.”

Painters Union Local 10 at June 4 Portland Labor Against
the Fascists mobilization. (Internationalist photo)
Since the election of Donald Trump, the Internationalist
Group has called for and helped organize
labor/black/immigrant mobilization to stop fascist and
racist terror. The June 4 Portland labor mobilization was
an important first step, the first significant workers
action against fascists in decades. Longshore workers shutting
down the port and leading a mass march to sweep away
the fascist provocation on August 26 is now
the task of the hour. This can point the way for workers
action from coast to coast after decades of attacks on the
working class. The potential international appeal of the
longshore action was indicated in another solidarity
message to last night’s ILWU Local 10 meeting, from the
International Dockers Council.
Millions of people are outraged by the fascist murder in
Charlottesville. Millions are disgusted by Donald Trump’s
open praise of the fascists. Just days after threatening
to unleash “fire and fury” against North Korea, he spewed
vile praise for “beautiful statues and monuments” to
Confederate leaders. Black people have always known what
these sick tributes to the slave owners represent: like
the Confederate flag, they are an incitement to lynching
and racist terror. But it’s not just Trump. The Democratic
Party was founded as the political arm of the slavocracy,
becoming, after the Civil War, the party of the Klan and
Jim Crow.
Now the Democrats, who paved the way for Trump, seek to
exploit mass anger over Charlottesville. But their aim is
to subjugate workers, youth and opponents of racist
reaction to the capitalist system that breeds racist
terror, war and economic crisis. Liberal Berkeley mayor
Jesse Arreguín is telling everyone to “stay away” from the
fascist rally there – including the opponents of
fascist terror who rightly want to make sure the fascist
terror carried out in Charlottesville is not repeated in
the Bay Area. To stop the fascist threat, it is crucial to
understand that you can’t fight Trump with
Democrats, and that workers must rely on their
own class power.
House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, in turn, has called
on the National Parks Service, which administers Crissy
Field, to “reevaluate” the permit it granted to the
“Patriot Prayer” rally. This appeal to Trump’s Interior
Department (which the Park Service is part of) is not just
a diversion from mass protest but a trap, as it could
easily be used against anti-fascist demonstrators. In
fact, both Republicans and Democrats – who under Obama
deported more than 5 million immigrants, waged endless war
abroad and ramped up police repression “at home” – fear
independent mobilization of the working class.
Liberals and reformist pseudo-socialists, for their part,
have sought to organize tame protests “against hate” far
away from the fascists in order to avoid confrontation.
The answer to the fascist threat is not to ignore it, or
endless inconclusive skirmishes, but to mobilize workers
action to stop the fascists, linking up
with the rest of labor and opponents of racist terror. Now
the Bay Area longshore workers have taken the lead, and it
is vital to make the August 26 mobilization a resounding
In today’s radio interview, ILWU Local 10 President
Ferris discussed the union’s efforts to bring in the Labor
Councils of both San Francisco and Alameda county. San
Francisco and Oakland, California are union towns.
The workers movement, taking action together with
those targeted by every kind of racism, bigotry and
oppression, can point the way for workers everywhere.
That can open a path for all the exploited and oppressed,
at a time when large numbers of people are seeing the
threat that the irrational and bankrupt system of
capitalism poses here and around the world. In recent days
and weeks, the Internationalist Group has highlighted
calls for labor/black/immigrant mobilizations to smash
racist terror; for the disciplined, organized preparation
of workers defense guards to stop the kind
of fascist attacks seen in Portland and Charlottesville;
and for the workers movement to unchain its power from the
Democrats and all bosses’ parties by forging a
class-struggle workers party.
At this time, a big step forward for the whole working
class can be taken by the Bay Area longshore workers, by shutting
down the port and leading a mass march that brings out
the power of labor and opponents of racist terror to
stop the fascists on August 26. ■