Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
November 2020
Immigrant Laundromat Workers
Fight Intolerable Conditions

NYC laundromat workers fighting for a union speak out
against wage theft and abuse at November 25 protest on
Manhattan’s Upper West Side organized by Laundry Workers
Center. (Internationalist
On November 25, defenders of labor and immigrant rights
rallied to support the workers of the Wash Supply
Laundromat on Manhattan’s Upper West Side as they
delivered a letter of demands to management. Wearing
aprons reading “We Are the Union,” this courageous group
of Mexican immigrant women gave voice to the struggle
against the intolerable conditions, wage theft and abuse
faced by many thousands in laundry sweatshops across the
city. It was an inspiring display of workers’ solidarity,
a key ingredient to unleashing the collective power of the
working class to fight and win. The action, called by the
Laundry Workers Center (LWC), began as a march from a
nearby park to the laundromat, with upbeat drumming and
chants in English and Spanish, including “Laundromat
workers, we are with you!” and “¡Arriba trabajador,
abajo explotador!” (Up with the workers, down with
the exploiters).
Inside the laundromat, each of the workers addressed the
boss, refusing to be intimidated as they spoke about the
mistreatment and violations of basic labor rights they
have experienced. Seeing this collective action and the
protest that kept up the chants outside, management kept
mum as the workers spoke out one by one, seconded by a
delegation of supporters. Their demands include an end to
wage theft and discrimination, the right to a break and
paid sick leave, better health and safety conditions –
including providing PPE needed during the coronavirus
pandemic – as well as earning the city’s minimum wage.
They are also demanding recognition of the union they are
in the process of forming.
The rally also featured the announcement that Beatriz
Ramírez, who was fired in April when she sued a Queens
laundry for wage theft (she was paid $6.50 an hour for
56-hour workweeks) had won her case, recovering the wages
owed her and winning her job back. Rampant wage theft has
been a common theme in recent struggles in the New York
area highlighted by the LWC and other organizing groups.
At Wash Supply, wages vary between four and six dollars
less per hour than the NYC minimum of $15, while workweeks
reach 60 or more hours with hardly any time to eat during
the day (and without overtime pay). Some of those
starvation wages are then stolen outright, and when
workers question such blatant wage theft, the verbal abuse
ramps up again.
Inspiration for Needed Mass
 The demand for full
citizenship rights for all immigrants is key to organizing
low-wage workers.
(Internationalist photo)
The laundry industry is one of many sectors in NYC and
beyond that run largely on the labor of immigrants who are
super-exploited and without many of the legal protections
nominally provided for workers. Deemed both expendable and
vulnerable, they often do not make even the minimum wage
while facing dangerous conditions. As the pandemic has
heightened and highlighted this situation, it is
especially important to publicize and build support for
these workers’ struggles.
Successful organization of low-wage workers in small
shops faces many obstacles, compounded by the indifference
of official labor “leaders” busy rounding up votes for the
Democrats (after all, workers “without papers” are not
allowed to vote). These struggles require militant
solidarity from – and can be a vital spark to – the
multiracial working class facing an all-sided onslaught
today. This harks back to mass struggles sparked by
immigrant women workers facing deadly conditions in New
York sweatshops (the Triangle Shirtwaist fire of 1911) and
the mass strikes that gave rise to International Women’s
Day. As the current overlapping crises continue to
highlight with life-and-death urgency, a massive drive to
organize the unorganized, backed on the picket
lines by labor sectors that can shut the city down, must
be unleashed and carried through to victory.
The current fight of the laundry workers is itself an
outgrowth of prior campaigns by immigrant workers in NYC,
from greengrocer and deli workers in the late 1990s and
early 2000s to the Hot and Crusty bakery/restaurant,
B&H Photo, Liberato Restaurant and elsewhere – many of
them initiated by the LWC – over the past decade, which
the press of the Internationalist Group (IG) and
Revolutionary Internationalist Youth (RIY) has covered
extensively. In helping build these and other struggles,
we have stressed the need to mobilize the power of NYC
labor to defend immigrant workers. To unchain that
power, the fight must be waged on the basis of
workers internationalism and class struggle, with complete
independence from any and all politicians and parties of
the capitalist class. Out of these campaigns emerged our
chant “¡Unión, fuerza, solidaridad!” (Union,
power, solidarity) and others that echoed in the streets
again in the march to support the Wash Supply workers.
Another – “¡La lucha obrera no tiene fronteras!”
(The workers’ struggle has no borders) – found expression
on December 8, when some of the Wash Supply spoke to a
radio audience in Mexico, through “Frecuencia Obrera
Internacionalista,” the weekly radio program of our
comrades of the Grupo Internacionalista, which broadcasts
from Oaxaca. That same week, stations of the Pacifica
radio chain in the U.S., including NYC’s WBAI, broadcast a
report and collective interview with the workers.
Callous Disregard for Workers’
At the November 25 rally, protesters saw some of the
dreadful conditions that the laundromat workers are
facing. A contingent of IG/RIY supporters, together with
comrades of Trabajadores Internacionales Clasistas (Class
Struggle International Workers), witnessed the fact that
the workplace, located at a basement level, has virtually
no ventilation, particularly dangerous in the face of
COVID-19. With only one entrance for everyone, it gets hot
even during the winter. In the summer, one of the workers
said, “it feels like an inferno in there.” Employees have
to bring their own face coverings, as the company has not
supplied masks, gloves or disinfectants.
Yet as one of the Wash Supply workers recounted in the
Pacifica radio interview: “There’s vomit in the clothes,
clothes with excrement, with blood and needles. I got
stuck with a needle once, and what did a manager tell me?
‘Nothing happened to you.’” No aid is provided for the
injuries and illness that often result from such
conditions. Meanwhile, alongside the fear of getting
COVID-19, even greater is the fear of spreading it to
family members.
Sometimes breaking down as they described the demeaning
things routinely said to them, these workers face an
indifference that is in essence part of the “business
plan” of low-wage industries that calculate that workers
can be easily replaced. As an Internationalist speaker
told the solidarity rally, “for the capitalists, the
worker is nothing but raw material for exploitation.”
Women workers face a double oppression, and like many
other immigrants, many laundry workers must help support
family abroad in countries ravaged by U.S. imperialism and
capitalist decay, such as Mexico.
The disregard for the laundry workers’ safety was shown
yet again when fires broke out – twice – inside the
workplace at Wash Supply. Interviewed on the radio, one of
the workers explained what happened when something
flammable in the clothing led to a fire in a machine.
“The most worrisome thing is that the fire
extinguisher was nowhere to be found. We were running
around looking for it, and the manager didn’t know where
it was either. Finally, one of us dealt with the fire. And
it’s such a small enclosed place that the smoke was
trapped there. The boss made us clean up, but the smoke
lingered. And she forced us to keep working under those
During the other fire at Wash Supply,
in a chilling echo of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, the
emergency fire exit was blocked.
The situation described by the laundry workers is one
more element in the experience of immigrant workers in New
York City and elsewhere during the COVID-19 pandemic, that
Trabajadores Internacionales Clasistas has documented in
the new pamphlet Voces del Epicentro: Inmigrantes en
primera línea de la pandemia del coronavirus
(“Voices from the Epicenter: Immigrant Workers on the
Front Lines in the Coronavirus Pandemic,” available online
calls for “Full citizenship rights for all immigrants!”
and for independent class struggle are essential in
addressing the role of this vital sector of the working
class, from New York’s largely undocumented restaurant,
delivery, domestic and laundry workers; to unionized
transport, school and hospital workers; to the
packinghouse workers of Iowa, Yakima, Washington, and
Knowing that their workplace is a microcosm of the
exploitation and oppression inflicted on so many other
workers, one of the laundromat workers at the November 25
rally proclaimed:
“On this day, we want to raise our voices for
all those women who work in laundries in the city so that
they will know that they are not alone, that there is a
fight they can also win, because this fight we begin today
is for each and every one of them.”
Victory to the workers of Wash Supply Laundromat!
Organize the unorganized! ¡Obreros al poder! ■
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