. |
No. 34,
March-April 2013
of Contents
articles linked
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pdf version of complete issue.
We Demand:
Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants
Obama’s “Bipartisan”
Immigration Reform Is A Fraud
Struggle Has No Borders
Phony plans for “immigration
reform” are the talk of the town in
Washington. Don’t be fooled by the hype. The
“reform” they are preparing will not be one
to benefit the estimated 11 million
undocumented immigrants in the United
States, but instead it will serve the
interests of the capitalists who profit from
their labor. In addition, it will involve
ominous attacks on civil liberties and labor
rights affecting everyone in the U.S. And it
won’t just be because “reformers” are
capitulating to the xenophobic,
immigrant-bashing right-wingers. The
liberal, supposedly “immigrant-friendly”
Democrats have unleashed even more
repression against the foreign-born than the
conservative Republicans ever did. What is emerging is a “reform” that
would tell the police where to find the
undocumented, could well increase
unemployment for immigrants, would lead to
an expansion of government police control
and at most, for a hefty price, would gain
the status of indentured servants or being
on probation. This is what the Democrats and
“mainstream” immigrants’ rights groups want
to cheer about. Not us Marxists. We demand
full citizenship rights for all immigrants.
A real fight for immigrants’ rights must be
a fight against capital, which profits
enormously from the present situation in
which millions of workers have no legal
rights, and which seeks to garner even
greater profits by “legalizing” them. Obama’s
“Bipartisan” Immigration Reform Is A
Fraud (April 2013)
No to Gun Control: Racist
Ruling-Class Ploy to Disarm the Population
Controls the Guns?
In the wake of the
horrific Newtown school shooting
and a shooting spree at a
shopping center in Clackamas,
Oregon this past December,
President Barack Obama and the
Democratic Party have joined
with Republicans like New York
City mayor Michael Bloomberg and
the liberal media in launching a
drive to tighten gun control
laws. There is a division among
the capitalist rulers over gun
laws, but they all agree on
intensified police repression
across the board – as well as
U.S. imperialist war in
Afghanistan and murderous drone
strikes in half a dozen
countries. So-called
“progressives” want to further
strengthen the repressive
apparatus by disarming the
population. All historical
evidence shows that “gun
control” will not reduce violent
crime or prevent rampages by
deranged individuals. It will,
however, embolden racist police
rampages in impoverished African
American, Latino, Asian and
immigrant areas. The police are
there to “serve and protect” the
interests of the capitalist
rulers and to keep their victims
down. That’s why they want a
monopoly on violence. Gun
control has always targeted
exploited populations in order
to undercut their ability to
resist. In the United States,
from colonial times to today, it
is an incontrovertible fact that
gun control kills blacks. The
Internationalist Group says no
to gun control and other schemes
to keep the working class and
the oppressed disarmed in the
face of a rapacious ruling class
and its murderous, racist state.
Controls the Guns? (April 2013)
1965: Deacons for Defense (April 2013)
Emancipation Proclamation:
Promise and Betrayal
The 150th anniversary of the
Emancipation Proclamation went
by with as little public
acknowledgement as possible.
Unlike the signing of the
Declaration of Independence on
July 4, 1 January 1863 was
never going to be a holiday in
racist, imperialist America.
In the U.S. rulers’ campaign
of historical amnesia, the
issue of how slavery was
abolished tops the list of
events to be mystified. The
second American Revolution –
the Civil War – went beyond
political rights to pose
questions of property. Karl
Marx recognized from the
outset that for the Southern
Confederacy, this was “a war
of conquest for the spread and
perpetuation of slavery.”
Slavery was not abolished by a
stroke of Lincoln's pen but by
victory on the battlefield, in
which freed slaves played a
fundamental role. But the
northern bourgeoisie refused
to turn over plantation land
to the freedmen. As a result,
the former chattel slaves were
reduced to wage slavery or
worse, sharecropping and debt
peonage, setting the stage for
KKK terror and Jim Crow
segregation. The struggle for
emancipation had run into the
limits of a bourgeois
revolution. Only a new,
socialist revolution can
achieve genuine black
liberation and bury the
heritage of slavery once and
for all. The
Emancipation Proclamation:
Promise and Betrayal
(April 2013)
Lincoln, Lincoln,
and the Abolition of
Lincoln has been called a
history lesson in film.
Dealing with the formal
abolition of slavery, it was
timed to coincide with the
150th anniversary of the
Emancipation Proclamation.
The problem is that history
is a casualty of war in
Lincoln. At bottom, the film
is a political tract billing
the United States as an
eternal beacon of freedom,
and hailing Obama-style
liberalism and compromise.
Works of art often take
liberties with historical
details in order to
dramatize a point, but the
important historical
inaccuracies in Lincoln go
to the heart of its message.
Most striking is the near
total absence of African
Americans, except for a
handful in peripheral roles,
and in particular of black
slaves fighting for freedom
from bondage. Lincoln the
movie deliberately excludes
the role of blacks in the
struggle to crush the slave
system. Showing Frederick
Douglass would have made it
harder to ignore the 200,000
black soldiers who signed up
to fight against the
slavocracy – and whose
contribution was termed
“indispensable” to Union
victory and emancipation by
Lincoln the man – as well as
the more than 50,000 among
them who gave their lives on
the battlefield or in
Confederate captivity in
this cause. Lincoln,
Lincoln, and the
Abolition of Slavery
(April 2013)
Unions Denounce FBI Raids, Grand Jury Witch
Hunt of Activists
Last July 25
several homes of activists in
the Pacific Northwest were
broken into by federal agents
who claimed to be seeking
evidence for a grand jury
investigation of “vandalism”
during May Day demonstrations in
Seattle. However, the warrants
specifically mentioned “black
clothing” and “anti-government
or anarchist literature” as
items to be seized. The
“investigation” was really a
fishing expedition designed to
force activists to turn over
information on their friends and
fellow activists. Three of those
targeted in the raids heroically
refused to testify and were held
in a federal detention center for
months, and one is still in
prison. We demand
that Maddy Pfeiffer be released
and any and all proceedings
against anyone targeted in this
dragnet be dropped and their
records expunged. Portland unions have in
the past led struggles against police
cooperation with the feds’ Joint Terrorism Task Force. In
keeping with this,
supporters of the Internationalist
Group initiated a resolution
against FBI repression which has
been endorsed by five
Portland-area unions. Portland Unions Denounce
FBI Raids, Grand Jury Witch Hunt of
Bring Out
Workers’ Power to Stop “Stop and Frisk” Cold
East Flatbush Police State: Racist NYPD
Kills Again
It Will Take Workers
Revolution To Avenge Kimani Gray!
On March
9, 16-year-old Kimani Gray was murdered in cold
blood by two plainclothes NYPD cops, shot to
death with three bullets to the back. Police
officials praised it as a “good shooting.”
Four days later, police arrested almost 50
people protesting this wanton killing.
Councilman Jumaane Williams denounced “outside”
forces for stirring up trouble. But it is the
NYPD who shot an innocent youth, guilty of
nothing, and have now turned East Flatbush into
a police state. We demand that all arrested
demonstrators be freed and the charges dropped,
and call for police to get out. The murder of
Kimani Gray will amplify the outcry against the
NYPD’s racist “stop and frisk” policy, but the
pressure groups linked to the Democratic Party
only want to clean it up. Police brutality and
black oppression will not be reformed away by
cop watches, civilian review boards, civil
rights lawsuits or lashing out in desperate acts
of impotent rage. They are written into the
bedrock of racist American capitalism. There
should be a mass mobilization of union power
along with the millions of oppressed black,
Latino and immigrant residents against police
brutality and murder. Not
just another Sunday parade, but surround City
Hall and really occupy Wall Street until the
NYPD’s racist “stop and frisk” is stopped cold. East
Flatbush Police State: Racist NYPD Kills
Again (19
March 2013)
For a
Nationwide Strike to Smash
Capitalist Education “Reform”!
Busts Its
Labor Cop
Gordillo to
Nieto, Hands Off the
the Government Agent
Gordillo Go, So Teachers
Can Try Her for Murder
The arrest
of the “president
for life” of the corporatist
National Union of Education Workers
(SNTE), Elba Esther Gordillo, in a
massive military operation was
obviously a settling of scores at
the highest levels of power. For
misappropriation of funds and
obscene corruption you could arrest
nearly the entirety of the country’s
rulers. At
the same times, Elba Esther Gordillo
was the perfect target in order to
promote Peña Nieto’s privatization
agenda. especially his education
“reform.” The “Elbazo”
was intended to crush any resistance
from the side of the teachers, and
thus its real targets are the
dissident teachers of the National
Coordinating Committee of Education
Workers (CNTE). The CNTE
leadership, however, has made
a monumental error in cooperating
with, and even egging on, the
attorney general’s “investigation.”
This reflects its political subordination to the bourgeois
opposition of the PRD
and MORENA. All of Gordillo’s crimes
– and they are much worse than the
official charges – were extolled by,
or committed in the service of, the
same criminal state that now wants
to try her. We insist that this
state criminal should be tried by the colleagues and
family members of the teachers who
fought against
corporatist control, and because of this were
gunned down, tortured and disappeared
on the specific orders of
the clique of state agents.
installation of a new
government flunky as
leader of the SNTE after
an interview in the
interior ministry
the nature of this
pseudo-union as labor
police for capital.
The goal of
class-conscious educators should be to build a
genuine education workers union, completely
independent of the state and without any
political ties to any of the
bourgeois parties. Mexican
Government Busts Its Labor Cop Gordillo
to Crush Teachers’ Resistance
(March 2013)
Scabs Loading Ships – Grain
Shippers Declare War on Union
Locked Out in Vancouver,
For Longshore Solidarity
Defend the
Union Hiring Hall – No
Concessionary Contracts!
Scab Cargo – Too Hot to
Handle! For Mass Pickets
on the Docks!
On February 27, the United
Grain Corp., owned by Mitsui, locked
the members of International
Longshore and Warehouse Union Local
4 out of its Vancouver, Washington
terminal and began operating using
management personnel and scabs. This is the first time in
decades that a West Coast port
facility has worked a ship with
scabs. Two months earlier, the grain
shippers had imposed a union-busting
contract. From
that moment, there should have been
mass pickets shutting down all the
terminals of the grain monopolies,
with the threat to close every port
on the West Coast – as well as East
and Gulf Coast ports – if there was
any attempt to operate with scabs.
Now that this has happened, a call
should go out from the union for
dock workers everywhere to refuse to
unload the scab cargo. All Mitsui
cargo ships must be treated as
strikebreakers and union-busters! But instead, the ILWU
leaders ordered the membership to
work under the imposed contract, negotiated a
concessionary deal with one of the shippers (Cargill/Temco)
and now they are making flag-waving
appeals against the
company. This is a
dead-end. International
workers solidarity and a
class-struggle program
are key to winning this
crucial battle. ILWU
Locked Out in Vancouver, WA – For
Longshore Solidarity Actions!
(12 March 2013)
There Are No Neutrals In the
Class War on the Docks
We Defend the ILWU and All
Against the Sellout Labor Bureaucracy
In recent weeks, a showdown has loomed
on U.S. docks between the shipping
bosses and port workers that has
rattled the capitalist ruling class.
On the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, the
International Longshoreman’s
Association prepared to strike
container shipping while the employers
threatened to lock out 14,500 ILA
members. On the West Coast, the grain
shippers been demanding a giveback
contract from the International
Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU),
which would effectively bypass the
union hiring hall, slash workers’
vital safety protections and gut union
power. Yet in the midst of the
Northwest grain battle, an Occupy
activist Peter Little publishes an
article vociferously arguing against
the call to defend the ILWU. While
posing as ultra-left, this policy if
actually carried out would aid the
employers who are hell-bent on
destroying ILWU union power on the
waterfront. And blaming sellouts on
the nature of unions lets the
bureaucrats off the hook. We in the
Internationalist Group say: all those
who stand with the exploited and
oppressed must come to the defense of
the ILWU in this fight. And that
defense includes forthrightly opposing
the capitulations and betrayals by the
labor bureaucracy which sells out
vital union gains in the vain hope of
an impossible “cooperation” with
capital, endangering the workers
organizations they preside over. Why
We Defend the ILWU and All Workers
(5 January 2013)
Labor Misleaders Bank
on Democrats’ Flim-flam
The Betrayal of the NYC School
Bus Strike
Needed: A
Class-Struggle Union Leadership
Fighting for a Workers Party
Friday, February 15, the month-long strike
by the 8,100 school bus drivers and
matrons of Amalgamated Transit Union Local
1181 was called off by the union
leadership. There was no vote by the
members, the decision was announced in a
45-minute teleconference call. The media
proclaimed a “win”
for NYC mayor Bloomberg. Although relieved
to be earning a paycheck again after weeks
of watching bills pile up, many strikers
were angry about being sent back to work
with empty hands. ATU leaders said in
“suspending” the strike they were honoring
the request of a letter from the five
Democratic mayoral candidates. Actually, the union
leadership requested the letter, to give
them a face-saving way to end the strike. The defeat
of the strike is a bitter pill for the
workers to swallow. Yet for union
militants, this underlines the need to
draw the lessons of this strike, in
order to prepare a battle plan for
victory in the future. There must be a
fight within the mass organizations of
labor, the unions, for a revolutionary
program to wage all-out class war, which
is what we are facing. To win this fight it will take
solidarity action
by teachers, students, parents, transit
workers and all NYC unions to shut the
city down. The key lesson of the strike
is the need to build a class-struggle
leadership to fight for total
independence from the capitalist state
and the capitalist parties. The
Betrayal of the NYC School Bus Strike
(February 2013)
Test for the Left
(February 2013)
(February 2013)