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No. 35,
Summer 2013
of Contents
articles linked
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No to Islamist Rightists and
Coup-Potting Liberals!
Egypt: Down
with Military Rule Fight for Workers
On July 3, after three days of millions-strong
mass demonstrations against the Islamist
government of President Mohamed Morsi, the
Egyptian armed forces seized power. Secular
bourgeois liberals and leftist youth spoke of a
new wave of the “revolution” that began with the
toppling of former Egyptian strongman Hosni
Mubarak in February 2011, or of a “second
revolution.” Some denied there had been a coup,
others called it a people’s coup, saying the
army acted to carry out the will of the masses.
But the Egyptian army is not championing the
interests of “the people,” it is defending the
army. The civilian forces who collaborated with
the military takeover were soon revealed as
puppets. Talk of a victorious revolution in
Egypt, both in 2011 and today, is a cover for
the fact that the military officialdom has been
the core of the state apparatus for more than
half a century, was so under Morsi and his
Islamist government, and still is. Yet many of
the conditions for a far-reaching social
revolution are ripe, if not overripe. What’s
missing in Egypt today is a revolutionary
leadership to prepare the masses for a struggle
to overthrow capitalism, to organize that
struggle and then establish a new state power
based on class organizations of the workers. Egypt:
Down with Military Rule – Fight for Workers
Revolution! (9 July 2013)
For a Socialist Federation of
the Near East!
Imperialists Get Your Bloody Claws Off
The Islamist insurgency against the
authoritarian regime of Bashar Assad soon
became a communal civil war that is now
spilling over Syria's borders. Based on
lying claims that the Syrian government
supposedly used chemical weapons, the U.S.
(which has the largest bio-chemical weapons
stockpile in the world and has used them to
massacre Vietnamese and Koreans) has now
announced it will directly arm the
reactionary “rebels.” Should Washington and
its NATO allies unleash their murder machine
as they did in Libya, this would turn the
civil war into a war against imperialist
intervention, in which revolutionary
Marxists would stand foresquare for defense
of Syria, while giving no political support
to the Assad regime. Various leftist camp
followers are de facto supporting the
Islamist gangs in the name of a non-existent
“Syrian Revolution.” As in Libya, these
reformists are acting as cat's paws for
imperialist intervention. To replace
repressive “secular” bonapartist regimes
like Assad's and bar the way to Islamic
reaction, communal slaughter and imperialist
domination, communists fight for workers
revolution throughout the region, beginning
with the powerful Turkish proletariat. U.S./NATO
Imperialists Get Your Bloody Claws Off
Syria! (9 July 2013)
Brother” on Steroids
Toward Police State U.S.A.
Off to Edward Snowden for Revealing
U.S./UK Imperialists’ Dirty Secrets
Earlier this month, a former contract
employee of the National Security Agency,
Edward Snowden, released documents proving
that the United States government has for
years secretly gathered telephone records
and recorded Internet usage of the entire
U.S. population, and much of the world. This
is proof positive of what former NSA
analysts had earlier charged. U.S. officials
from the Obama White House down scramble to
justify the massive secret spying while
pursuing the whistleblower around the globe.
But claims of “stopping terrorist attacks”
are a pretext. This “surveillance
state” serves U.S. cyberwarfare plans and
internal repression, as part of a broader
imperialist drive to intensify police
control. No policy reforms or “safeguards”
will stop the cybersnoops once they have the
capacity. It will take a revolution to put
Big Brother out of business. Lurching
Toward Police State U.S.A. (25 June
with Bolivia
Against U.S.
Piracy! (9
July 2013)
We Don’t
Beg, We Demand: Full Citizenship Rights
for All Immigrants!
No to
the Anti-Immigrant “Immigration
On June 27, the United States Senate
approved S. 744, the bipartisan bill touted
as “comprehensive immigration reform” and a
“path to citizenship” for the officially
estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants
living in the U.S. Yet the Senate bill is a
vicious piece of anti-immigrant,
police-state legislation which will not
provide a means of achieving citizenship for
the majority of undocumented immigrant
working people. It would turn the Mexican
border into a militarized war zone,
institute a “guest worker” program amounting
to indentured servitude, throw immigrant
workers out of jobs, impose employment
requirements leading to a national
identification card, and make possible many
millions more deportations than Obama has
already carried out. Democrats and
Republicans, representatives of capital, are
enemies of immigrants and workers. They will
not approve an immigration reform providing
full and equal rights for the millions of
workers who produce super-profits for the
bosses. So long as capital rules, immigrants
will be under attack. No
to the Anti-Immigrant “Immigration Reform”
(1 July 2013)
“Reform”: The Big Swindle
There has been almost no
reference in the discussion of
immigration reform of a crucial
aspect of how the “bi-partisan”
Senate plan would work. Many
have heard the basics: after
handing over to the immigration
agency their personal data,
passing a background check by
police, paying a hefty fine,
paying all back taxes, they
could get provisional status.
Ten years later they could apply
for a permanent residency and a
few years later for citizenship.
But most people are not aware
that in order to qualify for a
Green Card, immigrants’
income would have to be 25%
above the official poverty level
for all 10 years. Thus millions
of low-wage undocumented
immigrants would not be eligible
even if they met all the other
criteria. Immigration
“Reform”: The Big Swindle
(May 2013) 
in the Streets Against
Bourgeois Governments of
the Popular Front and
the Right
Winter in
Brazil: Mobilize
Workers Power!
Organize a
General Strike!
Transform the
protests into a
revolt pointing to
a struggle for
committees based
on the power of
the workers
Push for
councils of
workers and
a revolutionary
workers party!
The goal:
For nearly
three weeks, huge,
mobilizations against
the policies of
capitalist governments
have shaken Brazil.
Beginning with
protests against a
20-cent increase on
bus fares in São
Paolo, the movement
broadened rapidly to
include issues of
preparations for the
World Cup and the
Olympics, the sharp
increase in the cost
of living and above
all, police violence.
From the north of
Brazil to the south,
seats of government
were besieged.
Eventually, the
bourgeoisie came to
realize that it would
have to retreat and
the governments of key
states and cities
withdrew the fare
increases. But at the
same time, the
bourgeois right-wing
is trying to
capitalize on the
protests. The main
task s to mobilize the
workers movement in
order to give
proletarian leadership
to the protests and
organize a general
strike, forming bodies
for working-class
struggle against the
governments of the
ruling class. Hot
Winter in Brazil:
Mobilize Workers
Power! Organize a
General Strike!
(25 June 2013)
“Andean Capitalism” Against
the Working Class
Repression by Evo Morales Against
Bolivian General Strike
The Bolivian government of President Evo
Morales and his vice president Álvaro García
Linera, leaders of the MAS (Movement Toward
Socialism) is reputed to be leftist. It
claims to be leading a “cultural and
democratic revolution.” However, its
policies are summed up in the watchword,
"Andean capitalism." On May 6, the COB labor
federation launched a general strike, the
most important workers’ mobilization since
Morales’ 2005 election as the first
indigenous president of South America’s
poorest nation. The government’s response to
the workers was massive repression. The
confrontation underscores that the
“Indianist” capitalist regime is
counterposed to the basic needs of the
country’s indigenous worker and peasant
majority. It is necessary to build the
nucleus of a workers party on the Trotskyist
program of permanent revolution. A
worker-peasant-indigenous government is the
only way in which the indigenous masses can
actually seize and exercise power,
undertaking their emancipation as part of an
international socialist revolution. Brutal
Repression by Evo Morales Against Bolivian
General Strike (6 June 2013)
“Left” Forum for Andean Capitalism
(6 June 2013)
Demand: Stop Repression Against Bolivian
Miners! (9 June 2013)
The Fight
to Save Beatriz’s Life
with El Salvador’s Abortion Ban!
For the last month and a half there has
been a mounting cry to allow a young woman
from El Salvador, Beatriz, to receive an
abortion that would save her life. But
although she suffers from lupus and kidney
disease, and the fetus lacked a brain and
could not survive outside the womb, the
Salvadoran Supreme Court refused a
petition to allow doctors to perform a
therapeutic abortion. On the contrary it
ruled that under no circumstances could
the woman’s life take precedence over the
fetus. Due to the outcry over the case,
she was finally able to terminate the
life-threatening pregnancy with a
Caesarean section. But the struggle
against the murderous abortion ban
continues, as women in El Salvador are
jailed for up to 30-40 years for
abortions, or simply miscarriages, which
are labeled aggravated murder. The right
to abortion is a democratic right, but
also a class demand since the bans affect
poor and working women in particular. The
Internationalist Group calls for free
abortion on demand, and puts forward a
working-class program for women's
liberation through socialist revolution. Down
with El Salvador’s Abortion Ban! (6
June 2013)

in NYC Against Abortion Ban in El Salvador
(6 June 2013)
Hero, Not a “Criminal” – She Must Not
Die in Prison!
Lynne Stewart Now!
Crusading radical civil rights attorney
Lynne Stewart was vindictively sentenced
to 10 years in prison after a frame-up
trial. Her “crime”: fearlessly defending
her client and refusing to let the
government silence him. Her conviction was
part of a sharp move toward a police
state. Already battling breast cancer when
she was jailed, after needed medical
treatment was delayed in prison her cancer
has metastasized. Some
16,000 people have signed a petition
calling for her compassionate release, the
prison warden has signed off but the
papers are sitting on a desk in Washington
as the clock is ticking. We urge readers
to join a national call-in day on May 30
calling for Lynne’s immediate release. Free
Lynne Stewart! (May 2013)
Bradley Manning is a Hero – Free
Him Now!
Bloodiest War Criminals Stage Kangaroo
Private 1st Class Bradley Manning is on trial by
court martial under the 1917 Espionage Act for
releasing to the public the “Collateral Murder”
video of wanton murder from U.S. helicopter
gunships in Iraq, as well as a trove of
documents posted by WikiLeaks exposing numerous
crimes by U.S. imperialism around the world.
While no charges were ever brought against the
killers in the Apache helicopter and U.S.
commander-in-chief Obama keeps on slaughtering
innocent civilians with his drone strikes, Pfc
Manning is facing life in prison (and
potentially the death penalty) for his heroic
actions. The purpose of the trial is to
intimidate would-be whistle-blowers, but instead
Manning’s example has inspired others. Free
Bradley Manning! Hands Off Edward Snowden and
Julian Assange! A workers America will give them
the honor they deserve. Bradley
Manning is a Hero – Free Him Now! (July
Portland/Vancouver Labor – Stop the
Lockout, Scabs Out!
International Labor Solidarity
– Defend the ILWU,
Defeat the Grain Bosses!
Rhetoric Is Ticket for Defeat –
Join with Workers Worldwide
The international grain
cartel is on a union-busting tear. At
the end of February, United Grain in
Vancouver, Washington locked out Local
4 of the International Longshore and
Warehouse Union (ILWU). The bosses are
now operating the terminal with scab
labor and armed guards. In early May,
Columbia Grain in Portland, Oregon
locked out ILWU Local 8, using the
same scab-herders. They must be
stopped, by powerful union
action. Union leaders have
focused on denouncing the Japanese
owners of the companies, while
praising the U.S.-owned company that
agreed to an interim contract”
containing big concessions by the
ILWU. Yet the entire grain cartel is
behind the attack on the union.
Flag-waving appeals undercut
international labor solidarity which
is key to defeating the war on the
workers. For
International Labor Solidarity –
Defend the ILWU, Defeat the Grain
Bosses! (May 2013)
Smash the Capitalist Education
Mexico: For a National
Education Strike!
For over two months, teachers of
the state of Guerrero have been on strike
against the educational counter-reform ordered
by Mexico’s president and backed by the
government of the three main bourgeois
parties, PRI, PAN and PRD. This “reform” does
nothing to deal with the disastrous state of
Mexican education. Instead, it focuses on
punishing teachers, laying the basis for mass
firings. The bosses' government's idea of
“dialogue” is with riot clubs and bullets.
This has not stopped the courageous teachers
of Guerrero, who have repeatedly shut down key
highways, besieged the state Congress and
attacked offices of the ruling parties,
government agencies and corporatist
pseudo-unions pushing the anti-teacher
“reform.” But the Guerrero teachers alone
cannot win against a united ruling class: a
national education strike is urgently
necessary. Moreover, this free-market
counter-reform was ordered by imperialism, via
the OECD. In order to prevail, the struggle
against the capitalist attack on public
education must extend into the imperialist
heartland of the United States.
For a National Education Strike! (May 2013)
the Independent Teachers of Guerrero! (May 2013)
War College?
Criminal Petraeus, Out of CUNY!
The City University of New
York has just announced the appointment of
ex-general David Petraeus – ex-commander
of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars and former
CIA chief – as a visiting professor in the
university’s Macaulay Honors College. News
of this sparked widespread outrage at
CUNY. Petraeus is a certified war
criminal, who oversaw torture centers and
the “collateral murder” of civilians in
Iraq, bombings of wedding parties in
Afghanistan and Obama's campaign of
“targeted killings” by drones which has
murdered over 200 children in Pakistan
alone. The Internationalist Clubs call on
students, faculty, staff and campus
workers to drive war criminal Petraeus out
of CUNY with protest and exposure. War
Criminal Petraeus, Out of CUNY! (25
April 2013) 