. |
No. 36,
January-February 2014
of Contents
articles linked
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Break with the Tripartite
Alliance Popular Front – Build a
Revolutionary Workers Party!
Africa: Workers Slam ANC Neo-Apartheid
The August 2012 massacre of mine workers at
Marikana marked a turning point in South African
history, intensifying class struggle and opening
what could become a revolutionary period. If the
Sharpeville massacre of 1960 drove home the
murderous nature of the apartheid regime of
white supremacy, Marikana laid bare the deadly
reality of its successor, the neo-apartheid
regime presided over by the African National
Congress (ANC), which is still based on the
super-exploitation of black labor. Its role as
guarantor of racist capitalism exposed, the
ANC’s governing alliance is beginning to come
undone in the face of massive discontent among
the vast black and non-white majority over the
continued poverty, police brutality and
exclusion. In December, the National Union of
Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), the
largest union on the African continent,
held a special congress which officially
declared its break with the ANC, and with the
Tripartite Alliance – a nationalist popular
front which also includes the Congress of South
African Trade Unions and the South African
Communist Party. NUMSA called for a political
organization to lead the struggle for a
socialist South Africa. The question is, what is
meant by socialism, and how do you get there? As
South African workers direct their anger at
their black capitalist rulers, the key to the
outcome will be to forge a revolutionary workers
party to fight for international socialist
revolution. South
Africa: Workers Slam ANC Neo-Apartheid Regime
(7 January 2014)
Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013
Africa has lost Nelson Mandela, one
of the most decisive men in that
country’s life over the last hundred
years. He suffered every sort of
persecution and came to be the
biggest personal symbol of
resistance in the political struggle
against racist apartheid. But
history will also register that
Mandela, the South African Communist
Party and the ANC did everything
possible to keep the struggle
against racism in that country
confined to the framework of
capitalism and bourgeois democracy,
preventing the socialist revolution
that was entirely possible to
achieve. As a consequence, the black
and coloured population today still
lives in poverty. Nelson
Mandela, 1918-2013 (6 December
Labor Activist Faces Jail for
Protesting “Right to Work” Union-Busting
Defend Wyatt McMinn,
Defeat “Right to Slave”!
No More Wisconsins!
Defend Our Unions!
This past September 5, Cross Trade
Solidarity, a labor group in the Portland,
OR/Vancouver, WA area, called a rally to protest
a meeting of the union-hating “Freedom
Foundation,” which has launched a drive to enact
deceptively named “right-to-work” laws in the
Pacific Northwest in an attempt to strip away
basic union rights. The labor-haters showed
their idea of “freedom” by calling the police to
kick the union protesters out, and within
seconds Wyatt McMinn, vice president of Local 10
of the International Union of Painters and
Allied Trades (IUPAT), was arrested on charges
of “trespassing” in this public meeting. Instead
of forthrightly opposing the “right-to-slave” forces, the
AFL-CIO officialdom has sought refuge in
lobbying and pressuring Democratic politicians.
The way to stop the union-busting assault is to
organize the unorganized by using workers’ power
to withhold their labor, defying anti-labor laws
and defeating outfits like the Freedom
Foundation. With a trial coming up early next
year, we urge all supporters of union rights to
take up the defense of Wyatt McMinn. Defend
Wyatt McMinn, Defeat “Right to Slave”!
(November 2013)
Program of Liberal/Populist Reforms, Not
Democrat Kshama Sawant Elected to
Seattle City Council
In November, voters in Seattle, Washington
elected Kshama Sawant, candidate of
Socialist Alternative, to an at-large seat
on the City Council, preferring her to the
incumbent Democrat. The bulk of the left
cheered in unison. The big business press,
however, was remarkably nonchalant about the
victory for a nominally Marxist, socialist
working-class party. In reality, Sawant is a
social democrat who campaigned on a straight
liberal/populist platform that was hardly to
the left of candidates of minor capitalist
parties. Her signature issue, a $15/hour
minimum wage, was endorsed by both major
(Democratic) mayoral candidates. The
election of Sawant has been linked, both by
the bourgeois media and by various left
groups to the election of Democrat Bill de
Blasio as mayor of New York. Indeed, the
liberal Democrat and the “democratic
socialist” campaigned on similar themes, and
Sawant was endorsed by former top Seattle
Democrats. While reformists talk vaguely
about “change,” they only promote illusions
in bourgeois democracy. The struggles for
the immediate needs of workers and the
oppressed must be linked to the fight to
forge a revolutionary workers party. Social
Democrat Kshama Sawant Elected to Seattle
City Council (December 2013)
Free Abortion on Demand!
Populist President Correa Attacks
Women’s Right to Abortion
Women’s Liberation Through Socialist
There is an onslaught against women’s right
to abortion underway, extending from the
U.S. to Central and South America. This is
notably the case in Nicaragua, El Salvador
and now Ecuador, all three countries under
supposedly leftist governments. Ecuador’s
president Rafael Correa, a bourgeois
populist who came to office in 2007,
recently let loose a tirade to squelch any
talk of reform on abortion. He thundered,
accusing women legislators of his own party
of “disloyalty” and “treason” for daring to
the minimal reform of permitting abortion in
cases of rape. Correa’s tirade was
immediately saluted by some of the most
reactionary anti-women forces. This
onslaught against women’s
rights reflected the increasingly
authoritarian character of Correa’s
presidency, in which all manner of left-wing
dissent is subjected to state repression.
Against the unholy alliance of right and
populist “left” against women’s rights, the
League for the Fourth International call for
the repeal of all laws penalizing or
restricting abortion, and fight for free
abortion on demand, in safe, high-quality
medical facilities. Ecuador:
Populist President Correa Attacks
Women’s Right to Abortion (December
Out the MINUSTAH! Workers to Power!
Haiti: Women Workers Strike
Against Starvation Wages
Unions Must Join the Battle
This week the anger of workers in Haiti’s
export garment industry over their miserable
wages finally boiled over. On December 10,
hundreds of workers gathered at the
industrial park outside the capital to
demand, as they have for months, a minimum
wage of US$11.50 per day. They cannot live
on their present pay of $5 a day. As the
workers, mostly young women, marched into
the city brandishing tree branches, their
numbers swelled. The next day they were
blocked by riot police when they tried to
march on the upscale town where Haitian
president Michel Martelly lives. On December
12, the bosses locked them out. The workers
face bitter opposition not only from the
profit-gouging factory owners, but also from
Haiti’s bourgeois government, their
imperialist patrons in the U.S. embassy and
the MINUSTAH mercenary troops occupying the
country since 2004. What’s needed is the
mobilization of workers’ power in class
struggle, but not just Haitian workers. To
prevent manufacturers from simply shifting
production to even lower-wage countries, it
would require active support action by U.S.
unions. Against the solid wall of capital,
the only road out of grinding poverty for
the Haitian masses is an international
struggle for socialist revolution, together
with Dominican workers and peasants next
door and with workers in the U.S.
imperialist heartland. Haiti:
Women Workers Strike Against Starvation
Wages (12 December 2013)
Fast Food Workers Need a
Whopping Raise, and a Fighting Union!
Struggle Against Poverty Wages
Pressuring Democrats Is a Dead-End
Over the last year and a half there have
been a number of well-publicized protests at
fast-food restaurants and at stores of the
vast Walmart chain. Mostly these have been
media events. But the conditions faced by
low-wage workers are so terrible that they
could eventually spark something. The
question will then be posed starkly: what
next? The fast-food protests are mainly run
by the Service Employees International Union
(SEIU), which is behind Fast Food Forward in
NYC and “Fight for $15” elsewhere in the
country. Their focus is on pressuring
Democratic “elected officials.” Of all U.S.
unions, the SEIU is most notable for its
close ties to the Democrats, practically
acting as the labor auxiliary of that
capitalist party. They are past masters at
bureaucratic class collaboration. But in
order to wage a genuine and potentially
successful struggle against poverty wages,
it is necessary to have total independence
from the capitalists, their parties and
their state. The profits of giant
corporations like Walmart, McDonald’s and
the other wage-gougers and the whole
capitalist system is based on merciless
exploitation of working people. The only
road to breaking the cycle of poverty,
racism and endless war that is inherent in
capitalism is for those organizing low-wage
workers to put forward a program of militant
class struggle across the board. Class Struggle
Against Poverty Wages, Pressuring
Democrats Is a Dead-End (5 December
BS Against a Minimum Wage Hike (December
Mobilize Union Power to
Get Their Jobs Back Now
Labor: Defend
Fired Domino’s Workers!
On Thursday, December 5, there was a “fast
food workers strike” in a number of cities
around the country. This time there was a
greater participation of the workers
themselves, who run a big risk of
reprisals. And in fact, two days later, 24
delivery workers of a Domino’s Pizza
outlet in Upper Manhattan who participated
in the protest over low wages were fired
for showing solidarity with a victimized
worker. events. There has been
considerable community support for the
fired workers, and local Democratic
politicians have jumped in. But to defeat
a major multi-billion-dollar corporation
and win their jobs back, NYC labor must
mobilize its power. The struggle to win
the jobs back for the fired Domino’s
workers could be a spark that turns the
fast food workers’ “strikes” into a
reality. NYC
Labor: Defend Fired Domino’s Workers!
(10 December 2013) 
with the Democrats! Defend the Right to
Lessons of the
On-Again, Off-Again BART
What It Would Take
to Win: A Class-Struggle
and Solid Labor Action to Shut
Down Bay Area Transportation
Workers of the Bay Area Rapid
Transit system have recently faced
one of the most vicious anti-labor
attacks since Wisconsin Republicans
teamed up with the Democrats to gut
public sector unions in 2011. When
BART workers walked out in early
July the strike was totally
effective, but union leaders called
it off at the request of Democratic
governor Jerry Brown. As management
refused to budge from its take-back
demands and the anti-union media
demonized BART workers, one
“fact-finding” and “cooling-off”
delay after another wore down worker
militancy. The union tops struck
again in October only because BART
forced their hand. After a
scab-training train killed two
strikebreakers, a concessionary
contract was negotiated. Now
Democratic legislators are pushing
to ban transit strikes. How did this
happen? The answer is that unions
are saddled with a pro-capitalist
labor bureaucracy that bows before
the bosses’ laws, chains the workers
to the bosses’ parties and is
incapable of waging the kind of
all-out class struggle we
need. Lessons
of the On-Again, Off-Again BART
Strike (10 November 2013)
on the Tracks: Strikebreakers
Killed by BART Management’s
Unsafe Operations (10
November 2013) 
No Justice in
the Racist Capitalist System
Revolution Will Avenge Trayvon Martin
Mobilize Workers Power to Shut Down “Stop
& Frisk”!
For the Right of Armed Black Self-Defense!
Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old black youth, was
lynched twice, first last year by a racist
vigilante in a gated community in Sanford,
Florida, and now once more in a legal lynching
in court where prosecution, defense, judge and
jury worked together to acquit the murderer,
George Zimmerman. For the second time in two
years, angry protests swept the country, as
thousands chanted “the whole damn system is
guilty." That system is racist American
capitalism, and it will keep on claiming the
lives of African Americans, Latinos and other
oppressed groups until it is swept away by
workers revolution. While liberal capitalist
politicians, black and white, try to channel the
outrage into calls for more gun control and
appeals to the Obama administration, and many
reformist leftist groups tag along, the
Internationalist Group marched in demonstrations
calling for workers mobilizations to stop racist
police and vigilante terror. Workers
Revolution Will Avenge Trayvon Martin (25
July 2013)
South Korean Workers Against
Anti-Union Repression |
Obama Backs Off, But the Threat
Defend Syria
Against U.S. Imperialist Attack!
Pawns Beg for U.S./NATO Arms
Leftists in the Camp of Pro-Imperialist
Syrian Islamists
ROTC Out! Drop All the Charges – Cops Off
Smash CUNY
Board of Trustees’ Drive to Ban Student
No Criticism of Democrats at Petraeus
Protests? Nonsense
See With Your
Own Eyes How They Lie
¡Aborto libre y gratuito!
Ecuador: Correa ataca el
derecho de la mujer al aborto!