. |
No. 39,
April-May 2015
of Contents
articles linked
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pdf version of complete issue.
Rises Up Over Police Murder of Freddie
Gray – National Guard, State Police Impose
Emergency Rule
Black Baltimore, Cops and Troops Out!
For Labor / Black / Immigrant
Mobilization Against Police Killings
Stamp Out Racist Cop Terror – Fight for
Workers Revolution
The nationwide
outrage over the orgy of racist police
murders reached the flashpoint in Baltimore,
Maryland. Every day for more than a week
there were protests over the cop killing of
Freddie Gray. Then following the funeral
service for Freddie, black youth were
confronted by a wall of police and the
frustration boiled over. As the media
screamed “riots,” the mayor declared a
curfew. The governor imposed a state of
emergency, ordering in the state police,
thousands of cops from other jurisdictions
and the National Guard. As black Democrats
join with Republicans to enforce racist “law
and order” against those who rise up against
injustice, black Baltimore must not stand
alone. Across the country, police unleash
their pathological violence against the
black, Latino and immigrant poor and working
people in order to intimidate. To defeat the
forces of repression, we need to bring out a
more powerful force, that of the organized
working class leading all the oppressed. A
real fight against the killer cops must be
directed against the ruling class, its
repressive forces and the capitalist system
which spawns racist police terror. Defend
Black Baltimore, Cops and Troops Out!
(30 April 2015)
Mumia Gravely Ill
Mumia Abu-Jamal Now!
Don’t Let Them Kill Him in
Mumia Abu-Jamal is in grave medical
condition. After earlier being taken
from the hospital over objections
from his family, and then two days
ago removed from the prison
infirmary and placed in the general
prison population, Mumia’s medical
condition is worsening. Readers are
urged to contact prison authorities
and demand that he be seen
immediately, and not be left to go
into a diabetic coma. For decades
the ruling class whose crimes he has
relentlessly exposed and denounced
has tried and failed to silence “the
voice of the voiceless” by
execution. Now they seem bent on
killing him through deprivation of
urgently needed medical attention. Free
Mumia Abu-Jamal Now! Don’t Let
Them Kill Him in Prison (24
April 2015) 
Teacher Whose Students Sent
Get-Well Cards to Mumia
Defend Marylin
Zuniga (24 April 2015)
Dock Workers to Shut Port of Oakland
& March on City Hall
South Carolina AFL-CIO Calls for
Workers Solidarity Across U.S.
Unions to
Mobilize on May Day Against
Racist Police Killings
Police murders of
unarmed black and brown people
continue without letup across the
United States. Over 350 civilians
have been killed by cops so far this
year. Working people across the
country are outraged, and now key
unions have decided the time has
come to act. In the wake of the
April 4 killing of black worker
Walter Scott, the South Carolina
state AFL-CIO is reaching out to
“workers around the country to join
with us on May 1st in actions to
protest the continuing unjustified
killings.” Also on May 1, ILWU Local
10 of San Francisco Bay Area dock
workers will hold a stop-work
meeting, shutting down the Port of
Oakland and marching on city hall to
demand “Stop Police Killings of
Black and Brown People.”
Class-conscious workers and all
opponents of racism should seize
this opportunity. Turn May Day 2015
into a massive display of the
working-class power that can bring
the wheels of society to a stop in
protest against the police murder
machine. Unions
to Mobilize on May Day Against
Racist Police Killings (20
April 2015)
To Get Justice, Fight for Socialist
in Mexico: It Was the Murderous
Capitalist State
For the last six months,
Mexico has been thrown into turmoil
over the murder and forced
disappearance of students of the
Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College.
Hundreds of thousands have poured into
the streets to demand that the 43
kidnapped normalistas be
brought back alive. Guerrero is a
bonfire, with state offices burned
down, mayors on the run and city halls
occupied, while the Tierra Caliente
region of Michoacán is still aflame.
Despite the announcement by the
federal attorney general of the
“historical truth that supposedly drug
traffickers were responsible, the
demonstrators won't let themselves be
hoodwinked and unanimously cry out,
“It was the state”. In reality, the
massacre is the continuation of the dirty
war which has already lasted
half a century, and which in Guerrero
never stopped. It is also, and above
all, the product of the privatizing
assault on public education
masterminded by the imperialist
financial agencies. Investigative
reporting has established that the
repressive apparatus at every level
participated in the slaughter,
including the federal police and army.
But the fact that massacres such as
that in Iguala keep on occurring
demonstrates that it is not just the
government of the day, whether of the
PRI, PAN or PRD, but the capitalist
state that is planting bodies all over
Mexico. Appealing to the imperialist
“human rights” agencies will produce
nothing, the call for a constituent
assembly will only serve to divert the
struggle. There will never be a
democratic Mexico under capitalism.
Only by fighting for socialist
revolution can we avenge our fallen
comrades. Massacre
in Mexico: It Was the Murderous
Capitalist State (March 2015)
Guerrero, the Dirty War
Never Ended (March
True “Historical Truth” of
the Crime of Iguala (March
Ayotzinapa and
the Imperialist Assault on
Public Education (March 2015)
Smash Capitalist Austerity, Mobilize
Workers’ Power to Rip Up Eurobankers’
Diktat on Road to Socialist Revolution
The SYRIZA Illusion Exploded
When SYRIZA, the “Coalition of the
Radical Left,” won the Greek elections
of January 25 Frankfurt and London
bankers warned of impending doom while
leftists from Paris and Madrid to
Latin America and the U.S. hailed the
new prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, as
the messiah of struggle against
austerity. Yet within hours the
“radical leftist” party leader
announced the formation of a governing
coalition with the rightist
pro-military, anti-immigrant Greek
Democrats. Then, barely three weeks
later, the flamboyant finance minister
Varoufakis capitulated to the hated
Eurobankers who had put Greece through
hell for the last five years. SYRIZA
had been peddling an illusion.
Leftists in SYRIZA and their
international supporters have acted as
enablers for the next round of wage
cuts, privatizations and debt gouging.
Revolutionary Marxists stand for
intransigent political opposition to
the bourgeois Greek government. In the
face of the unrelenting capitalist
onslaught, there is no reformist or
national solution to the immiseration
of Greek working people, whether
through illusory negotiations within
the imperialist EU or by a Greek exit
from the euro. What’s needed is to
mobilize workers’ power in sharp class
struggle leading to Europe-wide
socialist revolution. Greece:
The SYRIZA Illusion Exploded
(March 2015)
Populist “Radicals” Based on
Middle-Class Sectors
After the capitulation of the
Coalition of the Radical Left to
the demands of the rapacious
Eurobankers, many a disillusioned
leftist has to be asking, “How
could this happen, and so fast?”
With a makeover following its
electoral surge in 2012, today,
SYRIZA is not a “far left” party
at all, or even part of the
workers movement, but a party
based on the petty bourgeoisie
whose “left” rhetoric masks
a bourgeois populist
program. It occupies the political
space (and has recruited many
cadres) from the now-discredited
PASOK. The phenomenon of
capitalist parties proclaiming
themselves “radical,” “socialist”
and “revolutionary” is hardly new.
In the Greek case, the weak
bourgeoisie of this “second-tier”
imperialist country requires a
strong state sector to survive in
the face of the multinational
giants of the Eurozone. In this
way, it resembles various populist
bourgeois parties in Latin
America. What
Is SYRIZA? (March
Waffle in Greece (March 2015)
For Workers
Mobilization to Stop Racist Cop
Outrage Over Police
Murder of Mexican Worker
in Washington State
have flooded the streets of Pasco,
Washington over the police
shooting of Mexican agricultural
worker Antonio Zambrano Montes on
February 10. Zambrano was killed
by multiple shots from three
officers firing on him while the
unarmed man had his arms raised.
Then they left his body in the
street overnight. This was a
cold-blooded execution, as
millions could see in a video
circulated on the Internet. Coming
after the wanton cop murders last
year of Eric Garner, Michael
Brown, Akai Gurley and Tamir Rice,
all African American, this
cold-blooded execution shows that
racist police killing of unarmed
victims continues unabated,
despite massive protests. The cop
murder of Antonio Zambrano was no
isolated incident: police in Pasco
gunned down four people over the
last six months. Pasco is a
segregated Latino city in the
Tri-Cities metropolitan area, in
which police act as if they are
dealing with a population with no
rights. Justice for those who toil
in the fields can only come from
the working class itself, through
an all-out war against racism,
injustice and the ruling class
that creates it. Outrage
Over Police Murder of Mexican
Worker in Washington State
(17 February 2015).
Leaders Declare War After Charlie
Hebdo Massacre
Defend Muslims
in Europe Against Racist “War on
Terror” Backlash!
Mass Murderers Seek to Exploit
to Equating Muslims with
Terrorists! Drive French and U.S.
Imperialism Out of the Middle East
and Africa!
On January 7, the offices of the
French weekly Charlie Hebdo
in Paris were subjected to a
horrific massacre. Two days
later a gunman killed four
Jewish customers at a Kosher
supermarket. The killers proclaimed
their allegiance to rival Islamist
jihadi groups. The shock of the
killing spree deeply shook France,
and the rulers rushed to assert
control. Government and opposition
leaders called for “national unity”
against terrorism, and staged a
massive parade led by 44 heads of
state and government in which
millions declared “Je suis
Charlie” (I am Charlie). It is
grotesque to demonstrate “against
terrorism” marching behind
blood-soaked imperialist terrorists
and their puppets. And now
“anti-terrorist” repression, not
only in France but around Europe, is
targeting the Muslim population as
well as those of North African and
Arab origin. At the same time as we
denounce the murders of the
journalists and Jews, we state
frankly our disgust at those Charlie
Hebdo cartoons which were
deliberately insulting to oppressed
sectors of the population. It is
vital to mobilize the workers
movement to defend those threatened
by this witchhunt. Defend
Muslims in Europe Against Racist
“War on Terror” Backlash! (16
January 2015)