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No. 43,
May-June 2016
of Contents
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Yet Another Massacre:
For a National Strike Against the Criminal
Teachers Strike Braves Murderous
Mexico just had its Bloody Sunday. In
Russia, the police attack on a march of
workers who only wanted to present a
petition to the Tsar sparked the 1905
Revolution. In Mexico of 2016, the massacre
of Sunday, June 19 in Nochixtlán, Oaxaca
against teachers, students, social activists
and parents could be the detonator for an
explosion of class struggle around the
country. The protesters are fighting against
the disastrous “educational reform” which
seeks to destroy independent teacher
unionism. For five days they defended a
barricade on the superhighway to Mexico
City, managing to stop a caravan of the
Federal Police. Yesterday, the federales
took their revenge. But instead of
frightening people, it had the opposite
effect. Today tens of thousands filled the
streets from sidewalk to sidewalk in the
city of Oaxaca to express their solidarity
with the teachers. “Not with bullets, not
with machine guns will the people be
silenced,” they shouted. It is essential
that the mobilization have an
internationalist class character, not
nationalist such as bourgeois sectors are
trying to foist on the movement, in
particular those around the National
Regeneration Movement (MORENA) of Andrés
Manuel López Obrador. What’s needed is a
revolutionary leadership that takes on the
fundamental enemy, capitalism, and extends
the strike to key sectors of the Mexican
proletariat and beyond the border, against
this “reform” designed by the financial
agencies of imperialism. Mexican
Teachers Strike Braves Murderous
Repression (20 June 2016)
Unionize Verizon
Wireless, Aid Philippines Call Center
Verizon Strike Beats Back
Company Assault, But With Big
Healthcare Givebacks
From mid-April to late May, nearly
40,000 members of the CWA and IBEW waged a
determined strike against Verizon
Communications in the largest and most
important walkout by workers in the U.S. in
recent years. Through 45 days on the picket
lines, the multiracial Verizon workforce
showed enthusiasm for the strike that was
inspiring to other workers. The company was
feeling the pinch, as installation, repair
and maintenance lagged while sales at
non-union Verizon Wireless stores were being
affected. But the union was under pressure
from the courts and the Democratic Obama
administration. Strikers were sent back to
work without a contract and are voting on an
outline of a tentative agreement. While
union leaders are loudly proclaiming
victory, beating back a number of Verizon's
most egregious demands, workers will take a
big hit on health-care costs, so much that
this (together with inflation) may wipe out
most of the wage gains. Union support for
Democratic candidates Sanders and Clinton
only perpetuates the biggest obstacle to
winning real victories for labor: the chains
that bind workers to this capitalist party.
Strike Beats Back Company Assault, But
With Big Healthcare Givebacks (12 June
Stop the Scabs,
Build Mass Pickets No One Dares
Strike: A Fight for All
Unite With
Workers Around the World
to Win!
On April 13, almost 40,000
workers at the tech giant
Verizon walked off the job.
Now in its fifth week, the
walkout is the largest in the
United States since the last
Verizon strike in 2011.Verizon
bosses want to bust the union
by slashing the number of
union jobs (and brutally
exploiting call center workers
around the world) and
whittling down and eventually
selling off the company’s
unionized wireline business
while building up the more
profitable, overwhelmingly
non-union Verizon Wireless
subsidiary. Now Obama’s White
House is putting the arm on
the unions, and has sent in a
federal mediator – a direct
danger to the workers’
struggle. Reliance on the
bosses’ government and
politicians spells defeat –
when what’s needed is a solid
victory for labor. It’s
necessary to elect strike
committees and bring out the
power of the entire labor
movement to shut down scab
operations and win the
strike. To defeat this
onslaught also requires
breaking with the Democratic
Party. Both Hillary Clinton
and Bernie Sanders have spoken
at Verizon strike rallies. But
Democrats are no friends of
labor. Democratic politicians,
union officials and Verizon
CEO McAdams all talk of saving
“American jobs,” but
flag-waving only helps the
bosses. Supporters of the
Internationalist Group, CUNY
Internationalist Clubs and
Class Struggle Education
Workers have come out to
support the strike since Day
One: if Verizon workers win,
we all win. Verizon
Strike: A Fight for All
Workers (20 May
Freedom for Black Lives
Matter Organizer Jasmine Abdullah!
“Lynching” Conviction Is a Threat to
Labor/Black/Immigrant Power – Only
Revolution Can Bring Justice!
On June 1, 28-year-old
Black Lives Matter organizer Jasmine
Abdullah (Richards) was grotesquely
convicted in
near-by Pasadena under
a California law until recently known as
“felony lynching.” At her trial, an entirely
non-black jury accepted the prosecution’s
outrageous claim that Jasmine’s non-violent
effort to protect a young black woman from
police brutality was a crime legally
equivalent to participating in a KKK lynch
mob for the purposes of murdering that
woman. Jasmine’s conviction sets a new
precedent for the criminalization of protest
activity, and is a threat to all those who
would speak out against injustice. As we
have seen time and time again across the
country, this latest drive in California to
further repress black activists on behalf of
the capitalist rulers is spearheaded by a
black Democrat: Los Angeles County District
Attorney Jackie Lacy. Across the country
there has been a push to draw Black Lives
Matter activists into the electoral circus
of American capitalism, and the Democratic
Party in particular. Illusions in the
Democrats serve as a roadblock to class
struggle against racist repression. We call
to break with the Democrats and all
capitalist parties, and for
labor-black-immigrant mobilizations against
racist cop terror. California
“Lynching” Conviction Is a Threat to All!
(7 June 2016)
Imperialist Offensive Threatens
Raqqa – Drive U.S./NATO Imperialists Out
of Syria and Iraq!
A new stage has opened in the
fighting in Syria and Iraq with the launching of
offensives against the Islamic State (I.S.) by
U.S. imperialism and its allies. On May 24 the
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a military front
dominated by the Kurdish People’s Protection
Units (YPG), announced the beginning of a drive
on the de facto capital of the I.S. in Raqqa.
They are participating in a military operation
under direct U.S. command. Already U.S.
commandos have been sighted carrying out
operational activities at the front. Moreover,
three days before the offensive was announced,
the head of the U.S. Central Command, Gen.
Joseph Votel, flew secretly to the area for an
on-site inspection of preparations. Dropping
leaflets calling on the population to flee the
city, the imperialists are preparing a
slaughter. Amid the all-sided
communalist/sectarian civil war raging in Syria,
internationalist communists (Trotskyists) call
to defend Raqqa against the U.S.-led attack and
the Kurdish and Arab forces serving as ground
troops for the imperialists. In Iraq, the Shiite
sectarian regime has launched an attack on the
I.S. stronghold of Falluja, while U.S. and
Kurdish forces threaten Mosul. We call to
drive the imperialists out of the region and to
defeat them by international workers action. Defend
Raqqa – Drive U.S./NATO Imperialists Out of
Syria and Iraq! (31 May 2016)
Communism Lives … Just Not
in the SL/ICL
Haunted by
Revolutionary Trotskyism
Joint Statement of the
Expelled Better-Late-Than-Never Faction and
the Internationalist Group/League for the
Fourth International
On April 16, the
Better-Late-Than-Never (BLTN) Faction of the
International Communist League (ICL) put forward
its Declaration of Faction calling to “Return to
the Road of Genuine Spartacism” and to “Regroup
with the IG/LFI on the Basis of Their
Revolutionary Continuity!” The very next day
they received a response from the Spartacist
League’s Los Angeles local, falsely claiming
that the declaration was written in
collaboration with the IG and cynically saying
it considered the declaration a statement of
resignation. The BLTN responded that claims they
couldn’t have written the document were not only
untrue but an insult to the intelligence of the
ICL membership. The Faction notably exposed how
the party that had uniquely waged a principled
struggle to defend the DDR (East Germany) and
USSR responded to defeat by dumping Trotsky’s
analysis of the dual nature of the Stalinist
bureaucracy and whitewashing the role of the
bourgeoisie and its social-democratic agents in
the capitalist counterrevolution. It also
independently investigated key political
differences between the ICL and the LFI on
Brazil and Mexico, as well as challenging the SL
on key issues concerning the class line and
black oppression in the U.S. The
Better-Late-Than-Never Faction Declaration is a
challenge to those in the SL/ICL who truly want
to make a revolution. The report on the latest
conference of the Spartacist League/U.S. makes
clear, the SL is a dying party. It is crucial to
understand that the decline of the SL/ICL is a
direct result of its political/programmatic
degeneration. An agreement between the BLTN and
the IG/LFI calls for carrying out common work
aiming at an early fusion. SL/ICL:
Haunted by Revolutionary Trotskyism (13 May 2016)
Forward to Reforge the IV
International, World Party of Socialist
to Trotskyism!
By Giulia and
Two comrades
who were the principal leaders of
the Lega Trotskista d’Italia
(LTd’I), Italian section of the
International Communist League (ICL)
from 1993-1999, with 21 and 27 years
in the Spartacist tendency
respectively, have declared their
political solidarity with the League
for the Fourth International. In
1999-2001 they were subjected to
vicious political persecution
involving grotesque accusations of
faking illness, making false charges
against the ICL leadership and
hiding political differences. After
a change of the leading cliques, the
ICL concluded that the persecution
was a “bureaucratic witchhunt” based
on “gross exaggerations or outright
falsifications,” but it never
informed the comrades of this. They
detail how the ICL’s abandonment of
the revolutionary program in Italy
reflected the broader political
degeneration of the ICL, from
dropping the call to defeat its own
imperialist bourgeoisie after 9/11
(and supporting U.S. invasion of
Haiti in 2010, later repudiating
this social-imperialist betrayal) to
trade-union issues in the U.S. to
Greece and Syria today. Their
document puts forward an
internationalist program of class
struggle, notably on women's
oppression and for full rights for
immigrants and refugees, a burning
issue in Italy today in the fight
for a socialist united states of
Europe. They conclude: “The present
ICL is no place for a communist. For
those in the ICL who may still want
to be communists, we urge you to
read and study the literature of the
League for the Fourth International,
as we did and in doing so recognized
the genuinely Trotskyist program we
were won to years ago.” Back
to Trotskyism! (11 May 2016)
Car Wash”: An Attack by the Police and
Judiciary Threatening Democratic and
Labor Rights
No to Impeachment!
For Workers
Mobilization Against the Rightist
Bourgeois Offensive
No Political Support to the Bourgeois
Popular Front Government
For the past month, Brazil has been
engulfed in a deep-going political crisis. A
million people marched in right-wing protests
around the country on March 13 demanding
impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff of the
Workers Party. In response, a half million
protested in the streets on March 18 against
impeachment, followed by tens of thousands on
March 24 and 31. Meanwhile, a runaway corruption
investigation threatens basic democratic rights.
At the same time, the popular front government
continues to push anti-working-class policies in
its attempt to conciliate the aggressive right
wing, and the left is divided between pro- and
anti-government blocs. The Liga
Quarta-Internacionalista do Brasil, calls for
workers mobilization against impeachment and the
bonapartist threat, and at the same time to use
that power against the attacks on working people
by the both the feuding bourgeois forces. Brazil:
No to Impeachment! For Workers Mobilization
Against the Rightist Bourgeois Offensive, No
Political Support to the Bourgeois Popular
Front Government (April 2016)
of History: Trotsky and Lenin on Kornilov
and Kerensky (April 2016)
Capitalist Economic Crisis Behind the
Rightist Offensive
Class Struggle Against the Bonapartist
Threat in Brazil
In the present
acute political crisis shaking Brazil, a
string of explosive revelations, shifting
parliamentary alliances, arbitrary actions by
the repressive apparatus and huge street
mobilizations are presented in the bourgeois
media as a struggle over “corruption.”
The idea that there is a moral “cleansing”
underway among the rulers is an illusion and a
pretext. In reality, there are three main
elements of the crisis: a political struggle
marking the end of the popular-front
government, a blatant attempt by the judicial
and police organs to free themselves of all
civilian control on the road to an
authoritarian regime, and underlying it all,
the consequences of the world capitalist
economic crisis. In Brazil, the street
protests over the last year are the result of
the defeat of the struggles of the “hot
winter” of 2013 and of the struggles against
the World Cup of soccer. The government and
its left satellites have labeled the offensive
against President Dilma Rousseff a “coup
d’état.” In itself, impeachment does not
signify a rupture of the bourgeois-democratic
“order.” But if the repressive organs gain
autonomy to effectively dominate the
government, whether by a coup or behind the
façade of a “technical” or “transition”
government, this would in fact be a “state of
exception,” inherently anti-democratic even
within the bourgeois framework. For
Class Struggle Against the Bonapartist Threat
in Brazil (April
Mass Protests to Shut
Down Trump Hate-Fest
No to the Democratic and
Republican Parties of Deportations,
Imperialism and War
with Racism and Anti-Immigrant
Across the country, Donald Trump’s
election rallies have become an orgy of
racism. Black protesters and others are
beaten by thugs, instigated by the
candidate himself. His bigoted diatribes,
vile attacks on women and gays, and
threats and incitement to violence have
spurred thousands to come out with utter
justification to protest his race-hate
rallies. Yet many of those protesting
Trump are backing Democratic presidential
candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary
Clinton. But the Democrats are the
governing party of U.S. imperialism, the
deadliest terrorist force in the world.
Obama has personally authorized the murder
of thousands of innocent civilians by
drone strikes, which Clinton and Sanders
support, and he has deported over 4.5
million immigrants. Internationalist
protesters at an April 14 demonstration in
New York City called to break with the
Democrats and all bourgeois parties, and
to build a revolutionary workers party. No
to the Democratic and Republican Parties
of Deportations, Imperialism and War
(14 April 2016)
At April 14 Shut Down Trump Protest,
Internationalists Say No to All
Capitalist Parties
and Republicans
Against Women’s
Class Struggle
Picket Slams
Right Wing
Class Struggle
Workers –
On Sunday, January 17, a group of 50
activists in
the Portland,
Oregon area
picketed a
“youth rally”
held by Oregon
Right to Life,
group that
held a day of
nationally to
“mourn” the
anniversary of
Roe v. Wade
and attack
women’s right
to abortion.
With a banner
calling on
labor to
rights, Class
Workers –
Portland led a
picket with
members of at
least seven
local unions
as well as
solidarity and
groups. The
underlined the
far-right and
politics of
ORL leaders,
that the
Democratic and
parties have
both severely
right to
rally called
for free
abortion on
demand and for
labor to use
its power to
defend the
Class Struggle
Picket Slams
Right Wing
Rally (5
February 2016)
Labor Defend
Rights Rally