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No. 51,
March-April 2018
of Contents
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Teacher Revolts
Across U.S.
Needed: A Class-Struggle
Beginning in mid-February, a series of
statewide teachers strikes broke out,
first in West Virginia, then in Oklahoma
and Kentucky followed by Arizona,
Colorado and North Carolina. They are
all states where teachers unions have
historically been weak and where
salaries and school funding have been at
the bottom of the scale nationwide.
After years of cutbacks and falling pay,
the rebelling education workers
(including staff and bus drivers) had
had enough and walked out. In each case,
the strikes were sparked by
rank-and-file teachers holding
school-wide meetings and using social
media, while the leaders of the state
affiliates of the National Education
Association and the American Federation
of Teachers had to scramble to keep up.
And when NEA and AFT tops in West
Virginia and Oklahoma settled for token
gains, the strikers voted to continue
the walkouts. The strikes won important
but limited gains, in itself a rare
event in recent decades of union
defeats. But they lacked a leadership
capable of waging hard class struggle
and an organizational framework to
counter the sellout labor bureaucracy.
Central to the lessons to be drawn from
these important struggles is the need to
break with the bosses parties and fight
for complete independence of the unions
from the capitalist state. Teacher
Revolts Across U.S. (11 March
Great Coal Strike of 1978
Cops Kill Far More
Every Week
Exploit School Shooting to
Push Racist Gun Control
The horrific slaughter of 14
students and 3 teachers at the
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
in Parkland, Florida set off a
national uproar. With young
survivors of the massacre in the
forefront, a mobilization for gun
control was launched. This
immediately became part of the
liberal campaign to get out the vote
for Democrats in the November
mid-term elections. The shooting was
a heinous crime, but the
“movement” for more
restrictions on ownership of
firearms is a reactionary drive,
thoroughly orchestrated by the
Democratic Party, to strengthen the
repressive apparatus of the
capitalist state. This will not stop
a deranged and/or racist mass
murderer. Gun control in the United
States has from the beginning had a
racist character, to disarm African
Americans, and in recent decades
derived from the backlash against
Malcolm X and the Black Panthers in
particular. Weapons searches have
been used as the excuse for police
persecution of black youth (“stop
and frisk”) and for outright police
terror, such as the 1993 Waco
Massacre by Democrat Bill Clinton.
The Internationalist Group has from
its inception opposed gun control
and upheld the right of
self-defense, and in particular the
right of black armed self-defense.
We have called on class-conscious
workers to begin the work now of
building workers defense guards,
based on the mass organizations of
the working class and oppressed, to
counter the threat of violent racist
and outright fascist forces. Democrats
Exploit School Shooting to Push
Racist Gun Control (April
Armed Self-Defense Stopped a Lynching
(April 2018)
Aiding and
Abetting the Capitalist Democratic
Chase After Anti-Gun
The cynical exploitation of
traumatized youth by the
Democratic Party to further its
agenda of gun control has provided
an X-ray into the politics of a
panoply of left groups. When key
sectors of the most powerful
ruling class in world want to
disarm the populace, slashing a
key democratic right in order to
leave the oppressed defenseless,
how do socialists respond? In the
last few weeks, as liberals,
police chiefs and Democratic
mayors (“the bosses of the racist
killer cops”) push for gun
control, almost the entire U.S.
left has marched in lockstep with
them. Why? Because they are
chasing after the young marchers
who have been enrolled in this
campaign to bolster the capitalist
state. The bourgeoisie’s rule is
made possible in large part by its
ability to perpetrate violence
against those it rules over. Gun
control has historically been used
to disarm black people and
intensify racist repression. While
some opportunist leftists voice
qualms or reservations about some
gun control measures, they all end
up supporting them. A “left” that
plays into the hands of the
Democratic Party can only lead to
defeat. A struggle
for revolution is
counterposed to this
“movement” for gun
control and for the
Democratic Party of
imperialist war,
mass deportations
and racist police
terror. “Socialists”
Chase After
Anti-Gun Movement
(April 2018) 
Drive the
Imperialists Out of the Middle
U.S./NATO: Get
Your Bloody Claws Off Syria!
The U.S., British
and French missile attack on Syria
on April 14, was blatant
imperialist aggression. Coming
almost exactly a year after
Trump’s previous attack, it was
based on the same pretext:
supposed retaliation for alleged
use of chemical weapons by the
Syrian government on the civilian
population. This is an imperialist
lie, and quite likely an
orchestrated provocation from the
start. Any blow struck against the
U.S./NATO imperialists and their
allies in Syria is in the
interests of the world’s workers.
Antiwar demonstrations have raised
demands such as “U.S. Hands Off
Syria,” “No War in Syria” and
similar slogans which avoid taking
sides in the battle. These are
liberal and reformist appeals for
a more “peace-loving” U.S.
imperialist foreign policy, in
contrast to the revolutionary call
to defend Syria and defeat the
Western imperialists. War planners
in Washington seem to figure they
can strike in Korea or the Middle
East with impunity, but one
misstep (or deliberate
provocation) could lead to a far
wider conflagration. The Middle
East is already on the brink of a
regional war. While there
are are several wars going on
simultaneously in Syria, one
layered over the other, the
Internationalist Group and League
for the Fourth International have
called from the outset to drive
the U.S./NATO imperialists out of
the Middle East, including by
workers action in the imperialist
heartland. U.S./NATO:
Get Your Bloody Claws Off Syria!
(15 April 2017)
Revolution Will Avenge Marielle Franco
For Workers Mobilization
Against Military-Police Occupation!
Drive the Military
Police and Army Out of the Favelas!
The assassination of Marielle
Franco, a councilwoman in Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, on March 14 was a state crime. It was a
summary execution carried out by professionals.
The reason for the attack is utterly clear: it
was a reprisal for Marielle’s denunciation of
the racist repression that for many years has
been carried out by the multiple police and
military forces in Rio, particularly in the
impoverished favelas (slum districts) like the
Maré district where she grew up. Now, as the
rapporteur of a commission named by the city
council to monitor the intervention of the army
in Rio she had become a priority target to be
eliminated by the “forces of order.” Around the
world, Marielle’s execution has been met with
protests and demonstrations expressing grief for
the loss of this fighter, a comrade fallen on
the field of battle. But now is the time not
just for rendering homage. This must be the
spark to set off a struggle to massively
mobilize the power of the working class to expel
the UPPs (Police Pacification Units), the PM
(Military Police) and the army from the favelas
of Rio de Janeiro, and to defeat the army/police
occupation of the city. Racist
Execution in Rio (16 March 2018)
“Anti-Fascism” of the Bourgeoisie is a Fraud
Lesson of Macerata:
For Mass Worker Action to
Immigrants and Stop The Fascists!
The point-blank shooting by a fascist of six
African immigrants in the Italian town of
Macerata on February 3 was attempted mass
murder. Taking place in heat of the election
campaign,Matteo Salvini of the Lega (formerly
Northern League) justified the fascist
gunman’s actions and called for expelling half
a million immigrants. His coalition partner
Silvio Berlusconi then one-upped him by
calling for deporting 600,000. In response,
more than 25,000 people marched in the small
town to denounce the murderous fascists. There
were significant numbers from the bourgeois
popular-frontists, but also hundreds of
workers, from the metal workers of the FIOM,
to members of the syndicalist SI COBAS and the
CGIL, who together showed the potential for
working-class mobilization. Politically,
though, it was a different story. Almost all
of them call on the capitalist state to act
against the fascists. Yet the repressive
apparatus of the bourgeoisie is a breeding
ground for the fascist action squads, and
their ultimate protector. We of the Nucleo
Internazionalista d’Italia, section of the
League for the Fourth International, say that
what is needed are mass mobilizations that
bring out the power of the working class to
stop the fascists. Lesson
of Macerata (24 February 2018)
(italiano) La
lezione di Macerata (24 febbraio 2018)
Bourgeois Populism
and Social-Democratic Reformism: A
Dead End
Anti-Immigrant Election Hysteria
The campaign for the March
4 Italian elections has been dominated
by vile xenophobic anti-immigrant
chauvinism. All the competing bourgeois
parties and coalitions attack the
bogeyman of “illegal immigration.” The
racist Lega (ex-Nord) rails about
the “invasion of aliens, drug pushers,
delinquents and illegals,” raising
slogans such as “Italians first! Now or
never! Stop the invasion!” With the
populist Cinque Stelle (Five Star)
movement running first in the opinion
polls, its historic leader, Beppe
Grillo, recently called for immediately
deporting all “illegals.” The strategy
of the Democratic Party government has
been to put itself at the head of the
anti-immigrant hysteria by aggressively
extending the sway of Italian
imperialism in the Mediterranean, Libya
and to the south. This imperialist drive
to the south is accompanied by a
campaign of all-sided racist repression
against immigrants and refugee seekers
in Italy. What the domesticated left is
counterposing to the three main
bourgeois coalitions of Forza
Italia/Lega, Cinque Stelle and the PD
with its various appendages of homeless
bourgeois politicians, is a mixture of
bourgeois populism and social-democratic
reformism. in the present climate of
anti-immigrant hysteria and fascist
attacks, what is needed are mass
mobilizations bringing out the power of
the working class to stop the fascists.
Above all, we must forge a genuinely
Leninist-Trotskyist vanguard. Italy:
Anti-Immigrant Election Hysteria
(24 February 2018)
(italiano) Elezioni
del 4 Marzo: Isteria anti-immigrati (24
febbraio 2018)
“Murder & Torture Inc.”
Targets Baruch:
A Threat to Us All
The Central Intelligence Agency
– U.S. imperialism’s infamous
“Murder & Torture Inc.” –
has made an agreement with the
City University of New York’s
Baruch College to implant agents
and recruiters on campus. This
is a huge national issue sharply
escalating the drive to
militarize the university and
subjugate it to the dictates of
the government. The CIA’s
website (cia.gov) states that
“as part of CIA’s recruitment
strategy,” Baruch has been
included in the spy agency’s
Signature Schools Program. A
Memorandum of Understanding
states that along with workshops
and other “activities,” the CIA
would carry out “simulations” on
the Baruch campus. What will
they simulate? Waterboarding?
Other torture and interrogation
techniques? The drive to make
CUNY students, faculty and staff
cogs in the imperialist war
machine is an attack on us all.
The CUNY Internationalist Clubs
and Revolutionary
Internationalist Youth call for
massive protest and exposure to
stop the CIA from making our
university a base for the
torture, terror and mass murder
it carries out around the world.
Out of CUNY
Now! (18
Boston: Let Siham Byah Come
Home! No Deportations!
Class Struggle Education League
On January 27, hundreds of defenders of
immigrant rights from many leftist
organizations, labor unions, churches and
sanctuary networks rallied in Boston to
protest the deportation of Siham Byah. A
prominent Occupy Boston activist and single
mother, Byah was grabbed by the Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) police last
November 7, torn from her son, beaten in a
local jail, driven to Virginia and then
deported to Morocco. The Class Struggle
Education League, based in Lowell, Mass. and
New Hampshire participated in the protest,
emphasizing the importance of mobilizing the
power of workers action to stop the I.C.E.
deportation machine. It also noted the
parallel to the struggle against
slave-catchers under the 1850 Fugitive Slave
Act, a battle which came to a head in Boston
and set the stage for the U.S. Civil War.
The CSEL is undertaking joint work with the
Internationalist Group. Boston:
Let Siham Byah Come Home! No Deportations!
(4 February 2018)
Workers Call
for Labor
Action to Stop
of TPS
In yet another
act of
cruelty, the
put an end to
the Temporary
Status (TPS)
program for
immigrants and
refugees from
El Salvador.
Some 260,000
many of whom
fled the
terror of the
death squad
regime during
the 1980s
civil war, now
face the
prospect of
The country to
which they
would be
deported is a
charnel house
of poverty,
gang violence
and bloody
repression as
a direct
result of U.S.
actions. In
the Los
Angeles area,
home to a
immigrants and
more than a
among them
35,000 TPS
outrage over
this attack
and the racist
remarks of
Trump sparked
an emergency
protest on
January 13. An
was the
presence of a
contingent of
whose banner
called for
Rights for All
and “Organize
Workers!” This
is an
important step
toward workers
action to stop
which the
Group has long
called for. A
few days later
a rapid
response team
averted a raid
in Koreatown
by I.C.E.
police. To
fight the
attacks on
requires a
break with the
Democrats, who
paving the way
for Trump. Los
of TPS (31
Pilots Show
the Way: Stop
Oury Jalloh
and the Fight
for Refugee
Rights for All
For a
After 13 years
of cover-up
and delay, the
gruesome death
of Oury Jalloh
in a Dessau
police cell
unsolved. The
refugee from
Sierra Leone
was handcuffed
by hands and
feet on a
mattress in
2005, yet he
burned to
death in
years, friends
and relatives
of Oury Jalloh
have been
fighting this
cover-up of an
murder. They
organized a
in Dessau on
January 7, the
anniversary of
his death.
More than
4,000 people
came to the
small town.
in the
protest and
called for a
against racist
Germany: Oury
Jalloh and the
Fight for
Refugee Rights