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Special Supplement,
May 2016
of Contents
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Lives … Just Not in the SL/ICL
Haunted by Revolutionary Trotskyism
Joint Statement of the
Expelled Better-Late-Than-Never Faction
and the Internationalist Group/League for
the Fourth International
On April 16, the
Better-Late-Than-Never (BLTN) Faction of the
International Communist League (ICL) put
forward its Declaration of Faction calling to
“Return to the Road of Genuine Spartacism” and
to “Regroup with the IG/LFI on the Basis of Their
Revolutionary Continuity!” The very next day
they received a response from the Spartacist
League’s Los Angeles local, falsely claiming
that the declaration was written in
collaboration with the IG and cynically saying
it considered the declaration a statement of
resignation. The BLTN responded that claims
they couldn’t have written the document were
not only untrue but an insult to the
intelligence of the ICL membership. The
Faction notably exposed how the party that had
uniquely waged a principled struggle to defend
the DDR (East Germany) and USSR responded to
defeat by dumping Trotsky’s analysis of the
dual nature of the Stalinist bureaucracy and
whitewashing the role of the bourgeoisie and
its social-democratic agents in the capitalist
counterrevolution. It also independently
investigated key political differences between
the ICL and the LFI on Brazil and Mexico, as
well as challenging the SL on key issues
concerning the class line and black oppression
in the U.S. The Better-Late-Than-Never Faction
Declaration is a challenge to those in the
SL/ICL who truly want to make a revolution.
The report on the latest conference of the
Spartacist League/U.S. makes clear, the SL is
a dying party. It is crucial to understand
that the decline of the SL/ICL is a direct
result of its political/programmatic
degeneration. An agreement between the BLTN
and the IG/LFI calls for carrying out common
work aiming at an early fusion. SL/ICL:
Haunted by Revolutionary Trotskyism (13 May 2016)
to Reforge the IV International, World
Party of Socialist Revolution
Back to
By Giulia and
Two comrades
who were the principal leaders of
the Lega Trotskista d’Italia
(LTd’I), Italian section of the
International Communist League
(ICL) from 1993-1999, with 21 and
27 years in the Spartacist
tendency respectively, have
declared their political
solidarity with the League for the
Fourth International. In 1999-2001
they were subjected to vicious
political persecution involving
grotesque accusations of faking
illness, making false charges
against the ICL leadership and
hiding political differences.
After a change of the leading
cliques, the ICL concluded that
the persecution was a
“bureaucratic witchhunt” based on
“gross exaggerations or outright
falsifications,” but it never
informed the comrades of this.
They detail how the ICL’s
abandonment of the revolutionary
program in Italy reflected the
broader political degeneration of
the ICL, from dropping the call to
defeat its own imperialist
bourgeoisie after 9/11 (and
supporting U.S. invasion of Haiti
in 2010, later repudiating this
social-imperialist betrayal) to
trade-union issues in the U.S. to
Greece and Syria today. Their
document puts forward an
internationalist program of class
struggle, notably on women's
oppression and for full rights for
immigrants and refugees, a burning
issue in Italy today in the fight
for a socialist united states of
Europe. They conclude: “The
present ICL is no place for a
communist. For those in the ICL
who may still want to be
communists, we urge you to read
and study the literature of the
League for the Fourth
International, as we did and in
doing so recognized the genuinely
Trotskyist program we were won to
years ago.” Back
to Trotskyism! (11 May 2016)
of the
Return to the Road of
Genuine Spartacism!
Regroup with the IG/LFI on the
Basis of Their
Revolutionary Continuity!
The platform of the BLTN Faction
takes the leadership of the
International Communist League to
task for its revisionism in four
key areas: “The Russian Question,”
“The Class Line,” “The State” and
the struggle to “Reforge a Fourth
International That Trotsky Would
Call His Own.” It devastates the
latter-day ICL’s claim that “the
Stalinists led the
counterrevolution,” underscoring
that this effectively renounced
its own intervention in the
DDR/USSR in 1989-92, and is
counterposed to revolutionary
intervention against looming
counterrevolution in China, Cuba
and the other remaining deformed
workers states today. Although
many ICLers believe this
anti-Trotskyist line was corrected
in 2003, the Declaration exposes
how it has remained the official
policy of the ICL. The BLTN
painstakingly examined the ICL’s
lies and desertion from the
struggle to oust the police from
the unions in Brazil and its
apologies for state-controlled
corporatist pseudo-unions in
Mexico, demonstrating the
correctness of the LFI positions
and struggle. It also raised the
question of “walking bosses” in
the West Coast ILWU dock union,
foremen who although members of
the union directly represent the
shipping bosses, an issue the IG
had not previously considered. In
calling for regroupment with the
IG/LFI on the basis of its
revolutionary continuity, the
Better-Late-Than-Never Faction
noted that this continued the
historic program of the Spartacist
tendency that the SL/ICL has been
abandoning step by step in every
major crisis. Declaration
of the Better-Late-Than-Never
Faction (16 April
Attachments: Letter of Los
Angeles SL “Resigning” the
Better-Late-Than-Never Faction
(17 April 2016)
Faction Letter to All Members of the ICL
(18 April 2016)
of Los Angeles SL Expelling the BLTN
(23 April 2016)