Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle of Longview
(November 2011). 
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008). 
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May Day Strike Against the War Shuts Down
U.S. West Coast Ports

(May 2008)

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  September 2016

“Picket Lines Mean Don’t Cross!”

Knock Out the Lockout at LIU Brooklyn!

Contingent of the Internationalist Clubs at the City University of New York joined picket outside Long Island University’s downtown Brooklyn campus, September 7. Protesters chanted, “Picket lines mean: Don’t cross!”  (Internationalist photo)

The administration of Long Island University kicked off the new school year by locking out the entire faculty at its downtown Brooklyn campus. It was the first time ever in the United States that the bosses of higher education have resorted a lockout. This is not just a negotiating tactic. By systematically preparing for this step over a period of months, including demanding what amounts to a pay cut of 25% or more for adjunct faculty, declaring a lockout even before the union voted on the take-back contract, cutting off health care and hiring over 140 “replacement workers” – i.e., scabs – the LIU administration is making it clear that they are out to destroy the faculty union.

On September 7, New York labor activists and students came out in solidarity with the Long Island University Faculty Federation (LIUFF) against the lockout. Scores of faculty gathered at 8:00 a.m. outside of the main entrance with signs reading, “Let Us Teach.” Also present was a solid contingent from the CUNY Internationalist Clubs. Unionists and students picked up our chant of “Picket lines mean: Don’t cross!” The next day, some 200 students walked out in solidarity with their professors. But with the administration playing hardball, there is only one way to win: solid labor action. Instead of looking to Democratic Party politicians, all the unions at LIU Brooklyn should be out on the picket lines, along with faculty, students and union supporters from all over New York to shut it down. We say: Knock out the lockout!