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![]() January 2010 Kick U.N., U.S. and Brazilian Occupation Troops Out of Haiti!
LQB Says: Workers
Solidarity, Yes! Military Occupation, No! ![]() The Liga Quarta-Internacionalista do Brasil in the march for solidarity with Haiti called by trade unions and left groups in Salvador, Bahia, on January 30. Salvador was the site of the Muslim uprising of 1835, a rebellion of the black slaves inspired by the Haitian Revolution. (Photo: Samuel Tosta) The following article is translated from
a special issue of Vanguarda
Operária (January 2010), published by the Liga
Quarta-Internacionalista do Brasil (LQB), section of the League for the
International. JANUARY 26 – On
January 12 an earthquake measuring 7 degrees on the Richter scale
the capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince, leaving some 100,000 to 200,000
dead or
more. Haiti is located on top of a tectonic plate making it vulnerable
to this
kind of earth quake. It was the worst quake in the country in the last
years and according to specialists the most deadly tragedy of all times
in the
Americas and one of the worst earthquakes worldwide in the last
century. The
poorest part of the population of the country – itself the poorest
country in
North, Central and South America – which has already undergone
privations for many decades, on top of this has now suffered this
calamity that has left it on the edge of barbarism, similar to the
tragedies experienced by humanity. The
whole world has been moved and a number of countries have promised
to the long-suffering Haitian population. International news agencies
reporting numbers given by government spokesmen. Britain and Belgium
sophisticated equipment for rescuing victims from among the rubble of
houses and buildings. China sent a team of rescue specialists, one of
the first
to arrive in Port-au-Prince, already on the second day after the quake
Cuba, which also felt the temblor, which already had more than 400
doctors in
Haiti, along with hundreds of Haitian doctors educated in Cuban medical
schools, sent another 50 physicians and medicine. The
United States military, however, is preventing aid from reaching needy
Haitians. And in this task they are being aided by the Brazilian
contingent at
the head of the United Nations occupation forces, which are repressing
Haitians, who are accused of being looters and possessing a bag of
milk. The international media is showing pictures of people attacking
other in the streets, fighting over a little water or food amid
bodies strewn in the dirt and in the rubble left by the earthquake.
Thus in
practice, the aid is utterly insignificant, far below the immense
needs. “There
is a risk of cholera and tetanus and a huge need for mobile medical
said a specialist to the Reuters news agency in Port-au-Prince. Military
Occupation Led by the U.S., U.N. and Brazil But
ten days after the earthquake which laid waste to Haiti, more than
12,000 U.S.
troops are occupying the airport of the Haitian capital on the pretext
helping to organize the distribution of food and water for the starving
thirsty population. In reality what the Yankees are going for is to
turn Haiti
into their own protectorate. International
agencies “warn that many homeless or injured Haitians are dying as
teams are
trying to overcome the chaos and disorganization of the distribution of
with some criticizing the excessive American control as part of the
problem.” The
Doctors Without Borders (MSF, according to its initials in French),
Tuesday [January 19] that a plane carrying one-fifth of its emergency
supplies for the survivors of the earthquake was denied permission to
land at
the Port-au-Prince airport, under U.S. control since last week.” The
Paris-based medical humanitarian agency stated that “the plane with 12
tons of
medicines, surgical material and two dialysis machines had to give up
and was diverted to the Dominican Republic next door.” Brazil
already had 1,270 military personnel in Haiti, and now it is embarking
troops and armament. Thus the total size of the U.N. peacekeeping
mission under
Brazilian command, known as MINUSTAH, will rise from the current level
of about
9,000 to 12,651. The
Brazilian media is glorifying the military occupation and memorializing
Brazilian troops and civilian personnel who died in Haiti in order to
build up
national pride. But it leaves out the fact that, consciously or
they were part of a plan of colonization led by Viva Rio2
and the Brazilian military hoping to make Brazil into a kind of
power in Latin America. The
dispatching of additional Brazilian troops occurred at a time when the
government of President Luiz Ignácio Lula da Silva was
complaining behind the
scenes that the U.S. was not allowing free transit for its troops and
planes in
the Port-au-Prince airport while at the same time trying to mask and
hide the
oppression it is exercising over the Haitian people. The Internet site
of the
Brazilian Health Ministry reports that more than 1,500 doctors signed
up to act
as volunteers in Haiti and that President Lula freed up some R$15
million (about
US$9 million) for the purchase of medicines. At
a time when the United States had a large part of its military forces
tied down
in Iraq, Brazil offered to do its “dirty work” by heading up the
undisguised mercenary force for military occupation conducted by the
Nations. Now the Brazilian servants have been shunted aside and the
U.S. is
posing before the world media as good guys who are promoting
actions, when in reality it is setting up a parallel government in
Haiti, as a
way of securing the country in its Latin American backyard. This
week, the Jornal do Brasil noted: “Haiti:
aid to the banks was 4,000 times greater than donations. The European
announced Monday that it would send a total of €429 million (the
over more the US$600 million) of short- and long-range aid to Haiti
while the
U.S. will donate US$100 million. However, the financial contributions
by the
European and American countries to the banks during the world financial
were 4,000 times greater. Aid to bankers in Europe reached US$2.28
trillion and
in the United States came to US$700 billion. Just to prop up the
company AIG (International American Group), the U.S. government handed
US$180 million – almost double the amount donated to Haiti.” The
Lula government, for example, has just been bragging about the
miserable R$375
million (US$200 million) it has donated to Haiti, which is utterly
insignificant compared to the more than R$200 billion (US$1.15
capitalists in
trying to save them from the world capitalist crisis which has shaken
bourgeois world over the last three years. This shows for the umpteenth
that for capitalism and its agents, bourgeois profits are above
especially when it comes to saving poor people. But when it’s a matter
saving capitalist institutions, the “free-marketeers” use the entire
power of the bourgeois state to protect their own. Venezuelan
president Hugo Chávez, currently Washington’s principal critic
in Latin
America, accused the U.S. of occupying Haiti on the pretext of
providing aid
and sent a military plane loaded with food, medicines and bottled water
with a 50-member rescue team. Bolivian vice president Álvaro
García Linera said
on January 19 that the U.S. was seeking to establish a permanent
presence in Haiti through sending troops to aid the local population
after the
earthquake. He stated that its military presence is part of a U.S.
strategy to
“control the continent.” However,
the “left-wing” governments of Latin America, with Lula in the lead and
including Evo Morales of Bolivia and Rafael Correa of Ecuador, also
have troops
subcontracted to the U.S. and the U.N., maintaining small contingents
in Haiti
under Brazilian command as part of the cynically named United Nations
for the Stabilization of Haiti, a conglomeration of troops from
countries acting as flunkeys for imperialism, as its “capitães
mato” (slave catchers), in repressing the combative
Haitian population. This undeniably amounts to collaboration with
by this so-called wave of “left-wing” governments that have been
elected to
office around Latin America over the last decade which talk of fighting
what they call “neo-liberalism.” Mobilize
the Power of the Working Class The
“humanitarian” campaigns organized by the bourgeoisie and capitalist
through the Red Cross are utterly insufficient and hypocritical. These
campaigns only seek to massage the egos and vanity of those bourgeois
who want to pose as do-gooders before the media and world public
opinion and
who are having a hard time masking their support to the occupation
stationed in Haiti who are massacring the population and attempting to
undermine its capacity for struggle. The
MINUSTAH under Brazilian leadership was no more than an occupation
characteristic of a militarized popular front that acts as a servant of
imperialism, drawing after it Latin American countries with “left-wing”
governments like Bolivia, Venezuela and Uruguay. It is necessary for
organizations to immediately lead campaigns for solidarity with the
people, organizing through their unions donations of medicines,
clothes, food
and to organize convoys to see that this aid in fact reaches the
population. More
than ever, without abandoning solidarity, it is necessary to fight to
build a
revolutionary workers party to go forward in the struggle for socialist
revolution in this combative Caribbean country, the only country in the
world where there was a
victorious revolution of the slaves at the turn of 19th century whose
spread like a trail of gunpowder throughout the Americas, setting off a
struggle for the abolition of slavery in the so-called “New World.” 1 Non-governmental organization, referring to “private” agencies funded by governments, foundations and international bodies to channel (and disguise) official aid funds. 2 Viva Rio is an NGO that has been active carrying out government programs in the shantytowns (favelas) of Rio de Janeiro, often in conjunction with the military police and army units occupying these areas. Since 2005, Viva Rio has been active in Haiti, notably in the Bel Air shantytown, as a “civilian” component of the military occupation. To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |