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![]() February 2005 Mobilize to Defeat the Witchhunt!
Lynne Stewart Conviction Is Legal
TerrorBasic Democratic Rights Under Attack ![]() Lynne Stewart, flanked by her husband Ralph Poynter, speaks to the press after frame-up conviction, 10 February 2005. (Photo: Sue Kellogg) The
following leaflet was issued by the
Internationalist Group on 16 February 2005: The
conviction of radical civil liberties lawyer Lynne
Stewart along with court interpreter Mohammed
Yousry and paralegal Ahmed Sattar is a major blow
against fundamental democratic rights in the
United States. On February 10, after a trial that
lasted almost seven months and jury deliberations
of almost two weeks, a verdict was read out
declaring Stewart, Yousry and Sattar guilty on all
counts of the government’s frame-up indictment.
Stewart, who is 65, could spend the rest of her
life behind bars, facing up to 30 years in jail
for this bogus conviction. The government’s
intimidation tactics, which included repeatedly
flashing the image of Osama bin Laden on a screen
in the courtroom, evidently worked on the jury.
Following the verdict, Stewart walked out of the
courthouse to face a phalanx of reporters,
photographers and TV cameras where she
courageously vowed to “fight on. I’m not giving
up,” she promised. “I know I committed no crime. I
know what I did was right.” “Our civil liberties
are eroded,” she said, adding, “I hope this will
be a wake-up call to all the citizens of this
country, that you can’t lock up the lawyers.” As
Stewart and her husband Ralph Poynter walked
through the media gauntlet, supporters of the
Internationalist Group led chants calling to “Free
Lynne Stewart” and “The trial was a travesty, No
police state!” Stewart’s
original indictment was announced on prime time TV
by then attorney general John Ashcroft. Following
the verdict, his successor, Alberto Gonzales, the
former White House counsel who endorsed use of
torture against prisoners in Guantánamo and Iraq,
declared that the verdicts send a message “that
this department will pursue both those who carry
out acts of terrorism and those who assist them.”
The message was then trumpeted by the capitalist
media. The next morning, the jingoistic New
York Post splashed Stewart’s photo on the
front page with the one-word headline “TRAITOR”
and the kicker, “Terror Lawyer Lynne Guilty.” The
Daily News headlined “Terror Helper.” The
right-wing Sun and New York Times voiced
the same theme in more staid language. The
“embedded” bourgeois press marched in lockstep
just as they did during the U.S. invasion of Iraq,
and in the anti-Soviet hysteria around the
McCarthy-era trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg,
who were tried in the same courtroom. This is no
accident, for the Stewart trial and conviction are
a strategic element of the government’s wholesale
assault on democratic rights as it seeks to
regiment the population for Washington’s terrorist
“war on terror” whose aim is to nail down U.S.
imperialist world domination. In
its first attempt, in March 2002, the U.S.
government accused the defendants of aiding
terrorism. When Judge John Koeltl threw out the
charges as unconstitutionally vague, the
government came back with a “superseding
indictment” in which it accused the three of
“conspiracy” to aid terrorism, murder, kidnapping.
For the government, draconian conspiracy laws have
the inestimable advantage that they don’t have
show proof of defendants actually doing
something, only that they “conspired” to do it.
Many of these laws were originally enacted on the
pretext of going after drug trafficking “kingpins”
and then widely used against labor leaders,
radicals and others the government has targeted
for repression. The latest batch of these laws,
enacted under the Democratic administration of
Bill Clinton and then expanded under Republican
George W. Bush, purportedly go after “terrorists.”
In fact, they are being used to jail lawyers,
immigrants and anyone else who fits the feds’
“profile” of the “enemy within,” while not one
person has been charged in connection with the
9/11 World Trade Center attack. The
first “amended” charge against the three
defendants is for “conspiracy to defraud the U.S.
government” to violate “Special Administrative
Measures” (SAMs) imposed since 1997 by the U.S.
Bureau of Prisons on the jailed sheik Abdel
Rahman, whose court-appointed lawyer was Lynne
Stewart. Using a Clinton-era “anti-terrorist” law,
the government declares it has the right to simply
decree a gag order on any prisoner it deems a
threat to national security, putting them in
solitary confinement, cutting off all contact with
the press or any other “special measure” it deems
appropriate. The evidence against Stewart and her
associates came principally from secret wiretaps
on their phones and secret television surveillance
of Stewart and Yousry’s prison meetings with
Rahman. Under U.S. law, lawyer-client
communications are supposed to be confidential,
and the government is not allowed to listen in.
However, in the wake of the passage of the
post-9/11 “U.S.A. PATRIOT Act,” Attorney General
Ashcroft issued an order that henceforth the
government had unlimited discretion to eavesdrop
on confidential attorney-client conversations,
with no judicial oversight, of anyone they have in
custody. Judge
Koeltl ruled that the government had a right to
impose the SAMs, and they were thus not challenged
by the defense in the court hearings before the
jury. Yet defenders of democratic rights must
vigorously oppose and denounce these police-state
measures. This is the domestic equivalent of the
government’s assertion that it has the right to
hold prisoners incommunicado indefinitely, without
right to a lawyer, at the Guantánamo Bay naval
base it stole from Cuba. It is part and parcel of
the Bush administration’s claim that in conditions
of wartime, the president under his authority as
commander-in-chief of the armed forces has an
unlimited right to set aside any and all laws that
he finds inconvenient for the prosecution of war.
Hence, the government’s claim that it is not bound
by Geneva Conventions against torture or
maltreatment of prisoners of war. The conviction
of Lynne Stewart and the other defendants on this
charge of “conspiracy to defraud” for allegedly
violating a blatantly unconstitutional government
order is a measure of how far the U.S. has gone
down the road toward a police state. Her supposed
“crime” was to divulge a communiqué by Sheik
Rahman. In contrast, in 1920 Socialist leader
Eugene Debs ran for president from jail, having
been locked up for his opposition to that
imperialist war. Today, he would have been
silenced by a “SAM.” The
charges against Stewart, Yousry and Sattar of
conspiracy to murder, kidnap and instigate
violence were all cooked up on the basis of the
flimsiest “evidence.” The Rahman statement to the
press withdrew the sheik’s endorsement of a
“ceasefire” agreement between his Islamic
fundamentalist supporters and the Egyptian
government, which had several hundred of them in
prison. For the government, this amounted to a
call for “violence” even though, in fact, the
“ceasefire” was never rescinded. The claim that
this amounted to a conspiracy to commit murder was
based on the indiscriminate terrorist attack by
Islamists on European tourists in Luxor, Egypt,
which took place two years before any of
the actions alleged by the government against the
defendants. A fatwa (religious decree),
issued by Sattar in the sheik’s name in the wake
of the September 2000 provocation by Ariel Sharon
at the Al Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem, was taken by
the government as supposed proof that defendants
were calling to “kill Jews everywhere.” In fact,
no evidence was presented that anyone was ever
killed or harmed on the basis of the bogus “fatwa”
– that’s the beauty of “conspiracy” laws for a
government bent on repression. In contrast,
following Sharon’s provocation hundreds of
defenseless Palestinians, many of them young
children, were gunned down by Israeli soldiers.
Yet the wanton slaughter of Palestinians is not a
crime in the eyes of the Zionists’ imperialist
godfathers in Washington. The
government’s case was crude, and its courtroom
tactics even cruder. Projecting the larger than
life-size image of Osama bin Laden on a giant
screen in the courtroom on more than one occasion,
they were sending the “message” to the jury that
the defendants were “enemies,” even “traitors,”
and the judge’s admonitions that they were not
being tried for any connection with bin Laden or
9/11 had no effect in disguising this blatant
appeal. In his summary, the craven government
prosecutor repeated, over and over, at least 50
times in succession, that the defendants allegedly
wanted to “kill Jews wherever they are,” “kill
Jewish people,” “murder Jews,” etc. Moreover, this
came in the government’s “rebuttal” to the defense
summation, to which the defense had no right to
reply. Deliberately seeking to whip up an
“anti-terrorist” frenzy, the prosecution’s case
against Stewart is an ominous threat to any
lawyers who dare to defend those accused of aiding
“terrorism,” such as the thousands of immigrants
(mainly of Near Eastern and South Asian origin)
who were indiscriminately rounded up and jailed,
and in many cases viciously abused, without ever
being granted a right to a lawyer (and even
refusing to give out the names of those it had
picked up in its dragnet). The
prosecution, the rigged trial and outrageous
verdict against Stewart, Yousry and Sattar will
have more than a “chilling” effect on civil
liberties in the United States. It effectively
eliminates the Sixth Amendment constitutional
right to an attorney, as the National Lawyer’s
Guild underlined in condemning the verdict and
calling for a “National Day of Outrage” over this
atrocity. Stewart’s attorney, Michael Tigar, vowed
to vigorously appeal the verdict and said he was
confident it would be overturned. Yet the guilty
verdict (against all the defendants, on all
counts) shocked many in the courtroom, who may
have had illusions that justice would be done. In
the current climate, with the present courts
(including the Supreme Court that in December 2000
installed George W. Bush as president and
commander in chief of U.S. imperialism by fiat),
there can be no confidence that the outcome will
be overturned. In fact, the verdicts show once
again that there is no justice for working people,
immigrants, the poor and oppressed in the
capitalist courts. The
trial of Lynne Stewart comes amid a growing
climate of intimidation. Since the election of
George Bush last November, two leading journalists
have been ousted even though the substance of
their reports has never been disproved: CBS-TV
news anchor (and anti-Soviet Cold Warrior) Dan
Rather, for broadcasting information about how
Bush evaded National Guard duty during the Vietnam
War; and more recently the CNN news director, for
stating the obvious fact that more than a dozen
newsmen had been shot down in Iraq by U.S. forces.
Now appeals courts have decreed that prominent
journalists are to be jailed for refusing to
reveal their sources. Even though most states have
laws protecting journalists’ right to maintain the
confidentiality of their informants, in order to
protect press freedom, the courts have ruled that
this right is trumped by … “national security,”
just as the government claims it can throw
lawyer-client confidentiality out the window in
the name of fighting “terrorism.” Yet by far the
biggest terrorist of them all is the United States
government, and the purpose of these prosecutions
is precisely to terrorize the American population.
is part of the imperialist war “at home,” which is
at bottom a capitalist war against working people
and the oppressed. The legal “injustice system”
only serves to carry out this onslaught, as it has
done in every imperialist war, from locking up
reds in World War I, to locking up Japanese
Americans and Trotskyists during World War II, and
locking up immigrants in the current war. The
response must be to mobilize independently of the
capitalist politicians, who are all responsible
for the wave of repression, as the Democrats try
to “out-Bush Bush” in their calls for
“anti-terror” repression on the docks, threats
against North Korea, and the like. It must be
clearly stated that the bourgeois state is not
“neutral” nor can it be pressured into doing
justice; on the contrary, with its courts, cops
and armed forces, it is the armed fist of the
capitalist class. The Internationalist Group,
which has been active in supporting the defense,
says that Lynne Stewart should be honored for her
courageous battle to uphold democratic rights. We
say that the fight against the frame-up
prosecution and conviction of her and her
co-defendants must be waged by mobilizing the
class power of the international working class
against the imperialist war and the domestic
repression that is its internal front. Free Lynne Stewart! Defeat the Witchhunt! No Police State! ■ To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |