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![]() May 2001 For a
Class-Struggle Fight to Unionize the
Maquiladoras! ![]() The following article is translated
Internacionalista/edición México No. 1, May
2001, published by the Grupo
Internacionalista/México, section of the League for the Fourth
International. The
demise of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) regime, formally
certified in the elections of 2 July 2000, has raised unwarranted hopes
various sectors, including layers of the working class. For more than
half a
century, the PRI’s domination was based on iron-fisted control of the
proletariat by its corporatist “union” apparatus, above all the
of Mexican Workers (CTM). At the end of the 1940s the PRI completed the
incorporation of the CTM industrial unions into the machinery of the
bonapartist (and later semi-bonapartist) regime through the imposition
of charro1
leaders. They were officially constituted as the “labor sector” of the
PRI and
subjugated to the discipline of this bourgeois party. Ever since the charro coup, Mexico has seen the
flourishing of “protection contracts,” armies of thugs and gunmen,
attendance at government rallies and other techniques which were the
of the all-powerful state party. The central objective was to prevent
at all
costs the rise of an independent and combative workers movement that
threaten Mexican capitalism, both the domestic bosses and their
masters. During
its long-drawn-out decline, the heavy-handed PRI apparatus repeatedly
outbursts of rebellion among the workers. These outbreaks were quelled
by a
combination of ferocious repression and the creation of new charro labor federations in order to
divert the workers’ combativity into manageable channels. Recent PRI
have seen the appearance on a large scale of maquiladora
factories, free trade zone plants exempted from tariffs
which take imported components and raw material and turn them into
products for
export. Their main attraction for investors are the rock-bottom labor
The maquiladora workforce has grown to well over a million workers,
young women who have migrated from the countryside of the central and
states. Working in modern industrial parks scattered along the border
with the
United States, from Matamoros in the east to Tijuana in the west, the
live in indescribable poverty. And in every plant, almost without
there is a local of the CTM, whose task is to suppress any outbreak of
and to prevent the organization of genuine unions. Contratos
de protección (protection contracts) are often signed
even before the workforce is hired. In many cases the workers don’t
even know
of the existence of the supposed “union.” Following
last July’s elections, many workers in the maquiladoras thought that
the defeat
of the PRI meant that – finally! – they
could throw off the dead hand of the corporatist apparatus which
condemned them
to poverty wages. Yet this has not changed up to this point. The CTM
pseudo-unions continue to be PRI organizations, albeit lacking the
backing of the federal treasury. As a result, as good “institutional”
(as the top boss of the CTM and the Congress of Labor [CT], Ricardo
Alcaine, put it) they offered their services to the new president,
businessman Vicente Fox. In those states where the PRI dinosaurios2
still run the show, the disintegrating CTM has been replaced by another
corporatist federation, the Revolutionary Federation of Workers and
Peasants (CROC).
In the PRI primary elections of 1999, the CROC supported Puebla
governor Manuel
Bartlett, notorious for his authoritarian methods and for engineering
“crash” of the electoral commission computers on election night in
1988, which
produced the presidency of Carlos Salinas. Nevertheless, today the CTM,
the CT
and the CROC are all under fire. Thus
the stage has been set for an upsurge of fierce, and possibly bloody,
struggles. The most recent case is the militant protest action by the
workers of the Covarra textile company in the central state of Morelos,
south of Mexico City, which produces fabrics for export. In April the
claimed they had to close the plant due to financial difficulties. The
only way
to avoid this would be firing part of the workers and slashing the
wages of
those who remained. The contract is held by the manufacturing industry
affiliated with the CTM. After meetings between the bosses and “union”
(who until then were unknown to the workers) an “agreement” was
reached: 200 of
the 600 workers would be fired and the wages of the rest (already
barely above
the state minimum wage, which is lower than in Mexico City) would be
cut by 30
percent. After this episode, the women workers decided to form a union
would represent their interests instead of acting as an arm of the
bosses to
give a “legal” cover for attacks on the workers. At
6 p.m. on April 2, the workers began blocking the highway between the
capital of Cuernavaca and the town of Cuautla. Their basic demands
reinstate the fired compañeras, return
to the wage rate in force before the sudden pay cut, and legal
recognition of
the new union organization they were setting up. That night, the
minister of Morelos (a member of Fox’s National Action Party [PAN])
to bust up the sit-in blocking the highway. A little before midnight,
riot police together with judicial police began brutally attacking the
workers. First they surrounded them, then pushed them off the road. The
workers dug in on the other side of a retaining wall and tried to go
back and
occupy the highway lanes. At that point, the cops lobbed dozens of tear
canisters at them. The few images that were broadcast on the evening
news were
like scenes out of Dante’s Inferno.
Dozens of women workers were beaten. In the face of superior force,
they were
compelled to return to work. Another
struggle currently under way is that of the workers at the Kuk Dong
located in Atlixco, in the state of Puebla. The sportswear company’s
customer is Nike, and it also makes products for leading U.S.
universities. The
conflict began last December with the firing of five workers (while
another 20
were forced to leave “voluntarily”) for leading a protest against bad
food in
the cafeteria, poverty wages ($30 a week) and the failure to pay the
bonus. On January 9, more than 850 Kuk Dong workers stopped work,
occupied the
plant and set up guards at the gates. On January 11 they were attacked
by a gang
of thugs from the CROC, together with 300 granaderos
(riot cops) who took orders directly from the head of
the corporatist
pseudo-union, René Sánchez Juárez. The workers were required to run a
of cops, who beat them savagely. Fifteen injured strikers had to go to
hospital. Although the company later signed an agreement with the
Coalition of
Kuk Dong Workers permitting the return of the workers, the most
activists have been denied entry to the plant. Kuk
Dong had already been targeted by United Students Against Sweatshops
(USAS), a
university coalition organized to protest against the miserable working
conditions in the sweatshops where Nike clothing is made, and of the
Rights Consortium (WRC), which has drawn up a set of standards to
superexploitation. Under international pressure, at the end of February
Puebla company agreed again to take back all the workers, and to hold a
(non-secret) vote on union representation. Nevertheless, up to this
point only
half the workforce has returned, many of whom have been illegally
“rehired” in
order to eliminate their seniority rights. At least 70 were kept out
refusing to sign a statement of support for the CROC. On March 18, the
held an assembly in which they decided to form an independent union,
SITEKIM. Nevertheless, the CROC continues to use the resources of the
harassing and intimidating the workers. Imperialist
spokesmen like the New York Times
have cited the Kuk Dong plant as an example of a “victory” for the WRC,
Nike asked its subcontractor to rehire the workers. In Mexico, left
groups like
the Liga de Trabajadores por el Socialismo (League of Workers for
have played up the USAS action as solidarity with the workers. But
despite the
fact that a delegation of students and professors that visited the
plant in
Atlixco concluded that “the wages Kuk Dong pays are, by far,
insufficient to
support a family of three,” the WRC’s recommendations were limited to
retracting the firings, without a word about wages. Moreover, in its
Code of Conduct,” this consortium that claims to defend workers’ rights
calls for a 48-hour workweek and a “dignified living wage” sufficient
“provide for the basic needs” of a family in the garment industry. This
is no accident, but part of a whole operation. A recent article about
maquiladora plants in El Salvador (which a USAS delegation visited
reports that under pressure from university “monitors,” the “pioneer”
in the industry, Gap, required that its subcontractor improve the
cafeteria and
ventilation, while it continues paying the same poverty wages (New York Times, 24 April). These
bourgeois liberals don’t seek to eliminate superexploitation,
or even to substantially diminish it, but only to regulate
it. At bottom they propose a trade-off: in exchange for
some superficial improvements, so that the plants don’t give the
impression of
being “sweatshops,” students (many of whom sincerely want to help the
will be given the impression that they have done a good deed and the
defenders of labor rights will give their seal of approval, thus
helping the
imperialist companies clean up their image. In other words, they’re prettifying the maquiladoras. Showdown in Río Bravo Of
all the current conflicts, the most dramatic is the struggle of the
workers at
the Duro Bag Manufacturing Company in Río Bravo, in the border state of
Tamaulipas. The plant is located near the city of Reynosa, one of the
of the maquiladora industry and the birthplace of workers resistance in
border region, which goes back to the Zenith strike of 1983. The Duro
owned by a U.S. company with headquarters in Kentucky, specializes in
manufacture of gift bags for top-of-the-line companies like Hallmark
Cards and
the luxury department store chain Neiman Marcus. Even before setting up
factory, Duro signed a contract with a CTM “union,” which dutifully
agreed to
the terrible wages (currently $30 a week). The workforce is
overwhelmingly made
up of women workers, many of them single mothers. In autumn 1999, they
against the straitjacket of CTM control, voting to throw out the boss
of the
local and replace him with Eluid Almaguer. The company’s response was
immediate: they fired Almaguer, with the consent of the CTM, which
struck him
from its list of personnel under the provisions of the cláusula
de exclusión (exclusion clause). But
even this was not enough to suppress the workers’ rebellion. In
mid-April of
last year some 400 workers led a work stoppage against abusive
treatment by the
bosses, which was then joined by an additional 800 workers. On June 11,
on the
eve of the Mexican presidential elections, the national leadership of
corporatist federation agreed to an extension of the contract, ignoring
workers’ demands for shoes, work clothes, company contributions to a
plan, the presence of a doctor in the plant and a substantial wage
The angry response of the workers wasn’t long in coming. One week later
strike broke out: on the night of June 18, workers put up the
flags (the traditional symbol for a strike in Mexico) and occupied the
with the aim of setting up their own union. But in the early morning
hours, 13
police cars pulled up to the factory. Brandishing weapons, they tried
intimidate the strikers. When the workers refused to leave, the
beatings began.
One woman who was eight months pregnant was hospitalized because of the
she received. The workers immediately began a sit-in in the zócalo (central plaza) of Río Bravo,
where they remain to this day. This
took place at the height of the election campaign, and to avoid
problems at the
voting booths, the PRI governor Thomas Yarrington assured the strikers
their independent union would registered. But after July 2 (election
day), the
government started backpedaling, declaring the strike illegal while the
circulated a “blacklist” of strikers. However, when an international
forum was
held in Reynosa on “the right of association” – attended, among others,
by the
Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras, based in San Antonio, Texas,
leaders of the National Workers Union (UNT) who traveled from Mexico
City – and
in the face of the general discrediting of the PRI after its electoral
Yarrington gave in and the independent union was registered.
Nevertheless, this
only led to the next in the labyrinth of obstacles to the formation of
unions free from the direct control of the bourgeois state. At
the end of October 2000, the state authorities were presented with a
list of
more than 400 signatures of Duro workers in favor of an independent
union. The
response: on October 31, on the eve of the Day of the Dead, unknown
burned Eluid Almaguer’s home to the ground. CROC thugs were brought in
Mexico City to intimidate the strikers carrying out the sit-in at Río
while the head of the CTM “union” for this sector tried to bribe them
empty promises of better pay and conditions. When this got nowhere, the
Mediation and Arbitration Board (JFCyA) finally agreed to hold a vote
count on
union affiliation on March 2. But that only led to an intensification
of the
intimidation. The more than 150 Duro workers who had been fired from
the plant
for union activity were kept out. During the following days, more than
100 CROC
goons hired by the company and brought in from outside prowled the
area. A day
before the voting, they brought high-caliber automatic weapons into the
in full view of the union activists outside the front gate. Having
thus set the stage, they carried out their pseudo-democratic farce. The
was carried out inside the plant, not on neutral ground. Each worker
was given
a blue ballot (for the CROC) and required to verbally state his or her
affiliation in front of representatives of management and of the CROC
(to which
the CTM had by this time turned over the contract) seated at the table.
night shift was kept in the plant under lock and key to prevent them
talking with union activists outside. In the early morning you could
shouts of “Let usout!” During the voting a car full of thugs drove out
of the
plant and hit one of the women strikers. The strikers stopped the car
and when
they opened the trunk they found leaflets and banners of the
independent union
that the CROC thugs had torn down. Finally, the federal mediation board
announced the results of the vote count: 497 for the CROC, 4 for the
independent union – just like the “good old days” of the PRI’s carro completo (clean sweep). War
on PRI Corporatism and
PAN Company Unions!
an organization which claims to be Trotskyist, the Grupo Espartaquista
México (GEM), has put itself forward in recent years as a staunch
supporter of
the supposed working-class character of the CTM and the CROC. While the
occasionally uses the word corporatist
regarding these federations, they have stripped it of any meaning by
that they do not recognize “any class distinction between some unions
others” (Espartaco No. 14,
Fall-Winter 2000). Thus they seek to give a “working-class” cover to
the PRI
machinery whose purpose is precisely to incorporate
the workers into this bourgeois party. We have on various occasions
the capitulation by the GEM and the International Communist League, of
which it
is a part, to this bourgeois apparatus which chains and represses the
In a subsequent issue we will publish an extensive analysis on the
question of
corporatism. Here we only want to note that their apologies for the CTM
consciously distort the positions of Trotsky. Insisting
on the need to struggle for influence among the workers in a whole
range of
organizations, including “semi-state organizations” and even “labor
organizations created by fascism,” Trotsky never put an equal sign
between such
apparatuses and workers unions led by pro-capitalist bureaucrats. This
is not a
sterile terminological dispute, but rather a life-and-death question
maquiladora workers. Obviously one would struggle inside the CTM
“unions” precisely in order to break the
stranglehold and to form genuine workers unions. This task
requires above
all a struggle to forge a revolutionary
leadership. Every serious struggle of Mexican workers in
recent decades has
been against the CTM and similar
federations. Duro workers already went through their own experience
to defend themselves inside the framework of the CTM, and it was the defeat of this attempt that led them to
found an independent union. But for the GEM, the struggle currently
being waged
in Río Bravo, along with the struggles in Cuernavaca and Puebla, would
be a
dispute between two unions which are qualitatively the same. With their line they cannot defend the women
workers in this struggle. These
“CTM socialists” cynically claim that “there is no qualitative difference between
the PRI charros and their
‘democratic’ counterparts,” when what they are actually saying is that there
is no qualitative difference between the thugs of the corporatist
and the women workers of the Duro, Kuk Dong and Covarra factories.
there is. The fact that these professional goons defend the companies
the workers, that they set up squads of strikebreaking thugs, is known
everyone. Now there is additional proof. When one of these gangsters
made a
formal declaration after running down the worker Consuelo Moreno, he
that he had come from the Federal District, where he was hired
by the company to watch over the vote count to ensure that
the CROC would win. Even the car which the CROC thugs drove into the
picket line belonged to the company. The
corporatist “unions” of the CTM, the CROC and other federations under
umbrella of the CT serve in reality as company
labor organizations. Ultimately they represent the class
enemy. This fact makes the role of the bureaucrats who betray the workers struggle from within, tying the workers to
“democratic” bourgeois parties, above all Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas’ Party of
Democratic Revolution (PRD), even more pernicious and dangerous. The
workers have no illusions about the role of the PRI, but the Authentic
Front (FAT), to which the independent union is affiliated, feeds
illusions in the bourgeois “opposition” of the PRD. The FAT is part of
the UNT,
led by telephone union leader Francisco Hernández Juárez, a former PRI
supporter of ex-president Carlos Salinas, who sabotaged the struggle
privatization of the Telmex telephone monopoly in exchange for millions
dollars’ worth of shares in the company now controlled by Carlos Slim.
January 25, Hernández on behalf of the UNT signed an agreement with
García of the PRD for common action with this bourgeois nationalist
party. There
are innumerable ties between the leaders of the “independent” unions
Cárdenas’ party. UNT vice president Alejandra Barrales, head of the
flight attendants union, was elected a PRD deputy to the national
congress last
July. Berta Luján quit her post as a leader of the FAT to become the
of the PRD government of the Federal District under Andrés Manuel López
Obrador. UNT co-president Agustín Rodríguez, leader of the National
workers union (STUNAM), is also a prominent PRDer. Since July 2, these
“independent” unionists compete with the PRI “institutionals” in
offering their
services to the new government of Vicente Fox. UNT vice president
Roberto Borja
participated in Fox’s “transition team.” These ties to the bourgeois
“opposition” directly harm the struggle of the oppressed. The PRD
government of
the Federal District under Cárdenas and then Rosario Robles, former
of STUNAM, sent club-wielding Mexico City riot police to repress UNAM
strikers during 1999-2000. Pointing to these examples, the Grupo
has repeatedly called to break with the
Cárdenas popular front! In
the case of Duro, the pro-capitalist bureaucrats of the UNT and FAT
have led
the workers’ struggle into going through the channels of the Federal
Labor Law,
the cornerstone of the system of state labor control which has
innumerable workers struggles to defeat. Hernández Juárez himself
traveled to
Río Bravo in August with this message. The Coalition for Justice in the
Maquiladoras (CJM), which is advising the strikers, described as a
the announcement by the JFCyA of a date for the rigged vote count,
which then
produced the “triumph” of the CROC. The CJM is tied to the AFL-CIO
federation in the U.S., as is the UNT, and following the path of
submission to
capitalist legality they have appealed several cases of discrimination
independent unions in Mexico to a body established under the North
Free Trade Agreement. This amounts to calling for intervention by the
States against Mexico. Every class-conscious worker must reject NAFTA
as an
instrument of imperialist domination, and refuse to use its mechanisms
a neo-colonial country. Labor
journalist David Bacon has pointed out that “No remedies have ever been
which would have required rehiring a single fired worker, nor has a
independent union been able to negotiate a contract, as a result of any
in a case under the [NAFTA] treaty” (Mexican
Labor News, March 2001). Marta Ojeda of the CJM commented
that the Duro
election “strips away any idea that the NAFTA process can protect
rights.” Robin Alexander, director of international affairs for the
Electrical Workers (UE), declares, “Institutions like NAFTA and the WTO
Trade Organization] will never operate in workers’ interests.” But it
is the
leaders of the UNT, the CJM and UE themselves who are the architects of
“strategy” which seeks salvation in the institutions and laws of the
bourgeoisie. At times, particularly after another defeat, they seek to
themselves a “radical” image, such as during the meeting between the
delegation and unionists of the UNT in Mexico City on March 15, where
attacked corporatism and “neo-liberalism.” But at the same time they
make use
of the good offices of imperialism, circulating a letter from
Congressman David Bonior, known for his protectionist positions, in
favor of
the Duro Bag workers. Forge a
Leadership! The
Grupo Internacionalista insists, with Trotsky, that the only way to
union democracy is by fighting for “complete
and unconditional independence of the trade unions in relation to the
capitalist state.” As the founder of the Fourth International
noted in a
text written during his Mexican exile and which was in part a response
to the
effort by President Lázaro Cárdenas to subordinate the CTM to the Party
of the
Mexican Revolution (PRM, predecessor of the PRI), “The trade unions of
our time
can either serve as secondary instruments of imperialist capitalism for
subordination and disciplining of the workers and for obstructing the
revolution, or, on the contrary, the trade unions can become the
instruments of
the revolutionary movement of the proletariat.” This requires a
struggle to forge a revolutionary workers party against all the
parties and their lieutenants in the workers movement. As Trotsky
“without the political leadership of the Fourth International the
of the trade unions is impossible.” The
struggle to unionize the new layers of the Mexican industrial
proletariat goes
far beyond a mythical “pure” trade unionism and must confront every
form of
capitalist oppression. As we emphasized in our article, “Mexican
Workers Fight for Their Rights” (Internationalist
No. 1, January-February 1997), it “poses the need for a revolutionary
leadership that champions the cause of oppressed women workers.” The
participation of women in social production has been an important
aspect of the
economic crisis which has shaken the working class for more than two
The percentage of women in the economically active population went from
percent in 1976 to 24 percent in 1980, and during the last decade it
from 32 percent to 37 percent, so that today there are 15 million women
workers. To defend and mobilize them as working-class fighters it is
to put forward a revolutionary program which directly addresses the
aspects of women’s oppression. We
fight for equal pay for equal work, and to overcome the miserable wages
condemn maquiladora workers to a life of poverty. A class-struggle
would also demand free day care centers, paid for by the companies,
open 24
hours a day. It must put a stop to the companies’ humiliating demands
for proof
that women workers are not pregnant, and mobilize union action to win
back the
job of any woman fired for being pregnant. We also fight for free
abortion on
demand, in the framework of a free, high-quality medical system
accessible to
the entire population. This
requires a head-on struggle against reactionary forces like the
Catholic church
and the clerical-reactionary National Action Party, which in the states
governs has declared abortion illegal under any circumstances. But it’s
only the PAN: the PRI and PRD have also opposed the unrestricted right
of a
woman to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Shortly after Fox’s election,
state legislature of Guanajuato, dominated by the PAN, proposed
outlawing all
abortions, including in cases of rape. In response, the head of the PRD
government of the Federal District, Rosario Robles, reduced the
punishment for
certain kinds of abortion. But she emphasized that it would continue to
be a
crime: “The proposal, Robles specified, is not to legalize abortion” (La Jornada, 15 August 2000). In
opposition to feminism, which envisages a separate struggle by women,
Trotskyists underline the need for a class
struggle for the emancipation of women, as part of a struggle for the
liberation of all the exploited and oppressed. In the face of massive
unemployment, it is necessary to fight for a sliding scale of wages and
hours, demanding jobs for all. In response to attacks by CTM and CROC
goons, a
revolutionary leadership would sponsor the formation of workers
groups to defend strike pickets against these strikebreaking thugs. We
call for
working-class mobilization demanding the withdrawal of the Mexican army
Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero and other states where it is carrying out
operations. In the face of the swindle of supposed Indian autonomy
under the
military boot, and in contrast with the Zapatista program of simply
back Salinas’ agrarian counter-reform (returning to the
poverty-stricken ejido3),
we must inscribe on the workers’ banners the demand for agrarian
revolution and
voluntary collectivization of the land. In
the face of the government’s current plans to impose a sales tax on
food and
medicines, a blatant attack against working and poor people, the
movement should take the initiative in forming neighborhood committees,
strong participation by housewives, to watch over prices and prevent
to charge this vicious tax. Faced by Fox’s threats to privatize energy
production (oil, electricity), while many leftists yearn for a return
to the
previous PRI “model” of a highly statified capitalist
economy, the GI fights for the expropriation of the bourgeoisie by a
and peasants government. An
article by David Bacon in the liberal magazine The
Nation (22 January) on the struggle of the Duro Bag workers
titled “Unions Without Borders.” But the reality is that under the
pro-capitalist bureaucracies, the unions cannot
overcome national boundaries due to their subordination to “their own”
bourgeoisies. Behind their empty phrases of “solidarity” one finds,
disguised, the imperialist protectionism of the AFL-CIO or bourgeois
nationalism in the case of the UNT, the FAT and allied unions.
program of permanent revolution is
the only one capable of overcoming the capitalist borders, by fighting
workers revolution that extends to the U.S. proletariat, key to
socialism on a world scale. Thus the struggle for unionizing the
must be placed in the framework of the struggle to reforge a genuinely
Trotskyist Fourth International. This is the goal the Grupo
fights for. ■ 1 Literally “cowboys.” Following the bitter defeat of the 1948 railroad workers’ struggle, the government imposed a flunkey who was known for dressing up in Mexican cowboy outfits 2 “Dinosaurs,” the nickname for old-style hard-line PRI party bosses, as opposed to the new generation of free-market “technocrats.” 3 Communally held lands, previously guaranteed by the Mexican Constitution. While belonging to Indian communities, they are generally farmed by individual families working on tiny plots of poor land. To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |