Labor's Gotta Play
Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article
May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
February 2021
Owners Shutter Manhattan Laundry, Try
to Move Machines
NYC Labor: Stop Wash Supply

Workers at Wash Supply Laundromat outside the closed
storefront on the morning of February 20, protesting their
firing for having won a union at the shop. The company
tried to take the machines out of the shop.
(Internationalist photo)
FEBRUARY 20 – In a move straight out of
the union-busters’ playbook, in retaliation for immigrant
women workers organizing a union, the owners of the Wash
Supply Laundromat on Manhattan’s Upper West Side fired
them all yesterday, then abruptly closed the shop. This
comes less than a month after the company tried to
intimidate the women by firing one of them less than a
week before the scheduled unionization vote (see “Immigrant
Laundry Workers Defy Intimidation Campaign,” Revolutionaries
in the Class Struggle, 26 January). Days later the
workers dealt a blow to the bosses’ scare campaign,
winning the unionization vote handily on January 29.
Now, like so many low-down exploiters before them, the
company is trying to starve the workers out. Why? For the
“crime” of standing up for their rights – and the rights
of all workers. The bosses want to stop their courageous
example from spreading to the thousands more who work in
laundries and other low-wage sweatshops throughout the
city. But New York is a union town. The labor movement
here must stand up and use its power against the
union-busting drive, help win the women’s jobs back and
teach the labor-haters a long overdue lesson. This goes
far beyond one small laundromat – if the workers movement
brings its real muscle to bear here it can help blaze a
trail to organize the unorganized, from Amazon to so many
small shops like Wash Supply where starvation wages and
dangerous, even deadly working conditions are so often the
When protesters arrived this morning to denounce this
blatant retaliation and demand the workers’ rehiring, they
found the location dark and empty. The women workers held
signs with messages like “No temenos miedo” (We
are not afraid), “Despedidas por defender derechos
laborales” (Fired for defending workers rights), or
just the word “Union.” Activists from the Laundry Workers
Center, Internationalist Group, CUNY Internationalist
Clubs and People’s Power Assembly came out to back the
workers with chants like “What’s Disgusting?
Union-Busting!” and the one coined in the immigrant
workers’ organizing drive at B&H Photo: “Unión,
fuerza, solidaridad” (Union, power, solidarity).
Then with the streets nearly empty on this cold weekend
morning, a van and unmarked truck appeared. Men in
matching “laundry installation” and trucking company
hoodies (JT Laundry Installation, JTC Trucking) emerged
and prepared to take the machinery out of the laundromat
and move it – to where, they would not say. Management
lurked in vehicles nearby. Protesters hastily made a sign
denouncing the company’s attempt to move the machines the
morning after it threw the workers out on the street to
punish them for demanding that it pay them the minimum
wage and stop exposing them to hazardous work conditions.
Supporters of the workers’ rights were able to head off
the machine-moving maneuver, for now. And no doubt this
kind of open retaliation for union organizing exposes Wash
Supply and its corporate cronies to legal jeopardies. But
to stop the union-busting cold calls for a
mobilization of power on the streets by city labor,
including unions active in industrial-laundry,
restaurant/hotel, service, transport and communications
(Teamsters, TWU, CWA) sectors.

Internationalists with the fired Wash Supply workers at
rally of solidarity with union organizing drive at Amazon
in Bessemer, Alabama. (Internationalist
The link between nationwide issues facing the working
class and the struggle of a band of brave women immigrant
workers here in New York – reminding some of labor’s
history going back to Triangle Shirtwaist days – was
dramatized when the Wash Supply workers headed down to
Union Square to join a rally in solidarity with the
unionization campaign in Bessemer, Alabama, being carried
out by Amazon workers, many of them African American
women. The demonstration, which included a sizeable
contingent from the Internationalists and Trabajadores
Internacionales Clasistas (Class Struggle International
Workers), gave them a warm welcome, and Yuriana, the Wash
Supply worker fired last month, gave a speech supporting
the struggle at Amazon. “Wash Supply workers, we are with
you!” chanted the crowd.
As the union-busting company plots its next moves, NYC
labor and immigrant rights activists must prepare for
action.¡La lucha continúa! ■