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![]() November 2011 Outrage! NYC Evicts Occupy Wall
Workers and
Students, Shut the City Down! ![]() On October 5, 30,000 New Yorkers
came out to a union-called demonstration (above,
Foley Square) to
protest mass arrests by NYPD. (Photo: Occupy Wall Street) NOVEMBER 15 – At 1 a.m. this morning hundreds of New York City police descended on Zuccotti Park in the city’s financial center to shut down Occupy Wall Street and drag out the protesters who have been camped out there for the last two months. Cops roughly set upon the sleeping occupiers, rousting them out of their tents minutes after the eviction order was read. At least 200 arrests were made, about 150 in the square and another 50 of people on the outside who came to protest the unannounced raid. Another 20 were arrested at midday as activists attempted to occupy a new site about a mile to the north. Ordered by billionaire mayor Mike Bloomberg and overseen by New York Police Department (NYPD) chief Ray Kelly, the dead-of-night police attack is the culmination of two months of mounting pressure from NYC authorities and the recent unrelenting propaganda barrage against OWS from the media, both conservative and liberal. City rulers have been frustrated over their inability to silence the protesters denouncing political corruption and the looting of the economy by bankers and other corporate moguls. Unable to respond politically, the authorities used state power to raze the protesters’ camp. The cops particularly targeted the
press, seeking to limit images and reports of the
heavy-handed police action. Journalists denounced the
deliberate “media blackout” by the NYPD, which was
clearly policy and was defended today by the mayor.
Yesterday the media were kept well away from Zuccotti
Park while the eviction was in progress. Reporters from
the New York Times and National Public Radio
were arrested, and a cop put a choke hold on a New
York Post reporter. (City councilman Ydanis
Rodriguez was also arrested.) Today a reporter and
photographer from The Associated Press, a Daily News
reporter and photographer for DNAInfo were led off in
handcuffs. ![]() Hundreds came out in the early morning hours of November 15 to protest the NYPD eviction of Occupy Wall Street. (Photo: C.S. Muncy) The eviction was clearly part of a nationally coordinated crackdown, coming just a day after a similar attack on Occupy Oakland in California, and weekend raids in Portland, Oregon, Denver and Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Democratic and Republican mayors have been united in their determination to put an end to the occupations, which drove the capitalist politicians nuts, even as some cynically claimed to agree with the OWS’ “aims” (but not its methods). Liberal Oakland mayor Jean Quan reported that she recently had “a conference call with 18 cities across the country who had the same situation.” So once the Oakland eviction came down, it was a go. Was the Obama White House consulted? The National Lawyers
Guild went to court this morning to require the city
to allow Occupy Wall Street back into the park with
their tents and to return their belongings. Although
the NLG got an initial restraining order, the city got
another judge (a former prosecutor) to overrule the
first in favor of his pals, the cops. There is no
justice in the courts for the exploited and oppressed.
We look to the working people, the poor and oppressed,
the students and youth of New York to enforce our
rights. Together we have the power to defeat
Bloomberg’s attack. On October 5 in New
York, 30,000 people came out to a union-called
demonstration, jammed into Foley Square and then
marched to Zuccotti Square, to protest the mass
arrests by the NYPD of Occupy Wall Street
demonstrators. And on November 2, following the brutal
police eviction of Occupy Oakland, 40,000 people
responded to a call for a “general strike,” marching
on the port and shutting it down. In the face of the
cop assault on OWS, what is urgently called for is a massive
mobilization of labor’s power to bring New York to
a standstill over this police-state
repression. During the early morning hours
the Internationalist Group joined several hundred
others in the streets of Lower Manhattan with signs
declaring “Outrage! NYPD Out!” and “Defend Occupy Wall
Street.” Today the Internationalist Clubs at the City
University of New York (CUNY) together with Class
Struggle Education Workers and the IG distributed
hundreds of leaflets denouncing the eviction and
calling for “Workers and Students, Shut the
City Down!” Speaking to a crowd
of 300 outside the cordoned-off Zuccotti Park this
afternoon, an Internationalist spokesman said, “Dozens
of unions have opposed police repression against
Occupy Wall Street. Unions have protested Mayor
Bloomberg’s eviction order. But words are not enough.
Solidarity must be put into action now. Labor, blacks
and Latinos, students, undocumented workers need to
mobilize our power against the eviction, against NYPD
brutality, against racism, against Mayor Bloomberg,
against Governor Cuomo, and shut the city down.” The crowd
cheered and enthusiastically took up the chant. NYC unions had already
called a major demonstration on Thursday, November 17
in solidarity with OWS. Given popular outrage over the
eviction, this now promises to be huge. The
labor protest should be turned into a citywide
strike, shutting down the heart of finance capital
and ensuring the freedom of OWS to reestablish its
occupation. ![]() CUNY Internationalist Clubs joined more than 1,000 workers and youth in defending Occupy Wall Street against October 15 eviction attempt. (Internationalist photo) In
order to justify its raid, the city has resorted to all
sorts of smears against Occupy Wall Street. After weeks
of vilifying the occupiers for everything from noise,
garbage, and sexual assault to germs, now the Bloomberg
administration is claiming that protesters were
stockpiling makeshift weapons, “such as cardboard tubes
with metal pipes inside,” and that when 700
demonstrators were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge
October 1, “knives, mace and hypodermic needles” were
found on the roadway. But while making these wild
accusations, not a shred of evidence was produced and no
such items were found in the camp this morning. The
only knives in evidence were those of the police who
systematically went through the camp slashing occupiers’
tents in order to make them unusable in the future. The
cops took the 5,000 books from the Occupy Wall Street
library and threw them into a dumpster. A big orange
bulldozer was used to scrape up the protesters’
belongings, while sanitation workers shoveled everything
into garbage trucks. The city cynically announced that
people could later reclaim their belongings at a garbage
dump, provided they brought personal ID. So anyone who
tries to reclaim their laptop would risk arrest. Pepper
spray was used on several campers. And the police used
blinding lights and a counterinsurgency weapon, a Long
Range Accoustical Device (LRAD), which blasted the camp
with ear-splitting noise. The
city also used “complaints from community residents” as
a justification for the raid. In fact, the local
community board complained about the city’s
“security” measures, including putting up metal grates
everywhere to prevent demonstrations. The biggest
complaint about noise in this largely business district
was not about drummers in Zuccotti Park but about the
pounding din of construction at the nearby World Trade
Center site that goes on past 2 a.m. Even the rabid
right-wing New York Post which pillories Occupy
Wall Streeters as “bums” and “animals” reported today
that its own poll showed that 57 percent of New York
voters think the protesters should be allowed to stay in
the public parks around the clock. But
the popular support for Occupy Wall Street meant nothing
when the ruling class decided to unleash its uniformed
thugs against the protesters. Unfortunately, even as the
cop assault was taking place, OWS supporters were
chanting to the police, “We are the 99 percent, and so
are you” and “Police are the 99 percent.” Addressing
“our brothers and sisters of the NYPD,” one facilitator
told them “we’re all in this together.” Perhaps, but on
opposite sides of the police baton. These are dangerous
illusions. Unless demonstrators realize that the cops
are not friends but professional repressors, the armed
fist of capital, they will be unable to resist the blows
of the capitalist state. Likewise, any illusions in the
“neutrality” of the courts are deeply disorienting. This vicious attack on Occupy
Wall Street and the right to demonstrate underscores
that the courts, cops and capitalist politicians all
serve to enforce the “law and order” of the ruling
class. This includes the racist “stop and frisk” police
campaign that targets more than 600,000 New Yorkers,
overwhelmingly black and Latino youth, every year. As we
have said before, this police-state repression at home
reflects the U.S.’ endless imperialist wars abroad. To
put an end to this corrupt and oppressive system, we in
the CUNY Internationalist Clubs seek to contribute to a
working-class fight to expropriate Wall Street
and the entire bourgeoisie through socialist revolution.
Workers and students, shut the city down! nhich those who toil rule and genuine
social emancipation will become possible in a communist
society. ■
To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |