of Labor

NYU & CUNY: Strike to Win
New York University graduate students strike against union-busting
(November 2005).
on photo for article

New York City Transit Strike: Articles from
The Internationalist
(December 2005).
on photo for article
Leaflet for September 21
New York City protest in defense of Oaxaca teachers.
(Association of Latino and Latin American Students – CUNY Graduate
Art for Change
Bianca Agustin, SEIU 32BJ*
Electa Arenal, PSC-CUNY International Committee (emerita)*
Bertrand B. Aubrey
Gordon Bastian, PSC-Hunter College*
Craig Bernardini, PSC*
Renate Bridenthal, PSC (retiree)*
Carlitos Café
Harry T. Cason, PSC-College of Staten Island*
Chelsea Neighbors to End the War
Center for Immigrant Families
Zhen Chen, PSC-NY City Tech*
Lorraine Cohen, PSC-LaGuardia College*
Committee for Social Justice in Colombia
CUNY Internationalist Clubs
Bill Friedheim, PSC (retiree)*
Donna Gill, PSC-Hunter College*
Carlia Eliana Godoy
Jane Gold
Mark Goldberg, PSC-Hunter College*
Brenda Gonzalez
Marci Goodman, PSC-Queens College*
Marty Goodman, TWU Local 100 Executive Board*
Anthony Gronowicz, PSC member-Queens College and BMCC*, Green Party
candidate for NYC Mayor 2006
Josh Heisler
Hostos Chapter, Professional Staff Congress
Ingrid Hughes, PSC-BMCC*
Hunter College Colombian Club
Hunter Dominican Perspective Club
John L. Hammond, PSC-Hunter & CUNY Grad Center*
Harmony Hazard
Internationalist Group
International Socialist Organization
Darren Johnson
Terence Julien, PSC-LaGuardia College*
Laura Kaplan, PSC-Hostos Community College
Klokker, PSC-NY City Tech*
Solomon Kone, PSC-LaGuardia College*
League for the Revolutionary Party
Steve Leberstein, PSC-Brooklyn College*
Henry Lesnick, PSC-Hostos Community College*
Carl Lindskoog, Adjunct Project, Doctoral Students Council, CUNY Grad
Norma Peña de Llorenz, PSC-Hostos Community College*
Diane Menna, PSC-Queens College*
Lois M. Meyer, University of New Mexico*
Naomi Miller, Sussex County Community College (Newton, NJ)*
Carmen Mondesire, PSC-Hostos Community College*
Claus Mueller, Sociology Dept., Hunter College*
Marcia Newfield, PSC-BMCC*
Lisa North, UFTers to Stop the War*
Park Slope Greens
François de Paul Silatchom, PSC-CUNY*
Michael I. Perna, PSC-Hunter College*
Vasilios Petratos, PSC-College of Staten Island*
Mario Pierre, educator
Progressive Labor Party
Tanya Radford, PSC*
Peter Ranis, PSC-CUNY Graduate Center (emeritus)*
Shirley Rausher, PSC-BMCC*
Jeremy Rayner, PSC-Hunter College*
Gerardo Rénique, History Dept., CCNY*
Belia Mayeno Saavedra
Andrew Silverstein
Spartacist League
The Snail’s Pace Collective
Vincent Tirelli, PSC-Brooklyn College*
J. Michael Turner, History Dept., Hunter College, Co-Founder, Global
Afro Latino & Caribbean Initiative*
UFTers to Stop the War
Mike Vozick, PSC-York College*
George K. Walters, PSC*
Mary Williams, PSC-Hostos Community College
Steven Weisblatt, PSC*
Susan Winsor, PSC-Lehman College*
*Individual endorsement,
affiliation for identification purposes only
To contact the League for the
International or its sections,
send an e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com