Unchain the 
Power of Labor

NYU graduate student strike
NYU & CUNY: Strike to Win
New York University graduate students strike against union-busting (November 2005).

click on photo for article

NYU graduate student strike
New York City Transit Strike: Articles from
The Internationalist
(December 2005). 

click on photo for article


Leaflet for September 21 New York City protest in defense of Oaxaca teachers.

List of endorsers of NYC demonstration for the demands
“Protest Repression in Oaxaca, Mexico – Defend the Striking Teachers!”

AELLA (Association of Latino and Latin American Students – CUNY Graduate Center)
Art for Change
Bianca Agustin, SEIU  32BJ*
Electa Arenal, PSC-CUNY International Committee (emerita)*
Bertrand B. Aubrey
Gordon Bastian,  PSC-Hunter College*
Craig Bernardini, PSC*
Renate Bridenthal, PSC (retiree)*
Carlitos Café
Harry T. Cason, PSC-College of Staten Island*
Chelsea Neighbors to End the War
Center for Immigrant Families
Zhen Chen, PSC-NY City Tech*
Lorraine Cohen, PSC-LaGuardia College*
Committee for Social Justice in Colombia
CUNY Internationalist Clubs
Bill Friedheim, PSC (retiree)*
Donna Gill, PSC-Hunter College*
Carlia Eliana Godoy
Jane Gold
Mark Goldberg, PSC-Hunter College*
Brenda Gonzalez
Marci Goodman, PSC-Queens College*
Marty Goodman, TWU Local 100 Executive Board*
Anthony Gronowicz, PSC member-Queens College and BMCC*, Green Party candidate for NYC Mayor 2006
Josh Heisler
Hostos Chapter, Professional Staff Congress
Ingrid Hughes, PSC-BMCC*
Hunter College Colombian Club
Hunter Dominican Perspective Club
John L. Hammond, PSC-Hunter & CUNY Grad Center*
Harmony Hazard
Internationalist Group
International Socialist Organization
Darren Johnson
Terence Julien, PSC-LaGuardia College*
Laura Kaplan, PSC-Hostos Community College

Jay Klokker, PSC-NY City Tech*
Solomon Kone, PSC-LaGuardia College*
League for the Revolutionary Party
Steve Leberstein, PSC-Brooklyn College*
Henry Lesnick, PSC-Hostos Community College*
Carl Lindskoog, Adjunct Project, Doctoral Students Council, CUNY Grad Center*
Norma Peña de Llorenz, PSC-Hostos Community College*
Diane Menna, PSC-Queens College*
Lois M. Meyer, University of New Mexico*
Naomi Miller, Sussex County Community College (Newton, NJ)*
Carmen Mondesire, PSC-Hostos Community College*
Claus Mueller, Sociology Dept., Hunter College*
Marcia Newfield, PSC-BMCC*
Lisa North, UFTers to Stop the War*
Park Slope Greens
François de Paul Silatchom, PSC-CUNY*
Michael I. Perna, PSC-Hunter College*
Vasilios Petratos, PSC-College of Staten Island*
Mario Pierre, educator
Progressive Labor Party
Tanya Radford, PSC*
Peter Ranis, PSC-CUNY Graduate Center (emeritus)*
Shirley Rausher, PSC-BMCC*
Jeremy Rayner, PSC-Hunter College*
Gerardo Rénique, History Dept., CCNY*
Belia Mayeno Saavedra
Andrew Silverstein
Spartacist League
The Snail’s Pace Collective
Vincent Tirelli, PSC-Brooklyn College*
J. Michael Turner, History Dept., Hunter College, Co-Founder, Global Afro Latino & Caribbean Initiative*
UFTers to Stop the War
Mike Vozick, PSC-York College*
George K. Walters, PSC*
Mary Williams, PSC-Hostos Community College
Steven Weisblatt, PSC*
Susan Winsor, PSC-Lehman College*

*Individual endorsement, organizational affiliation for identification purposes only

To contact the League for the Fourth International or its sections, send an e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com