Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!![]() Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle of Longview (November 2011). click on photo for article ![]() Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor (December 2008). click on photo for article
![]() January 2013
Union-Buster Bloomberg! NLRB: Hands
Bus Drivers’ Strike:
Mobilize NYC Labor to Win! ![]() Picket line at
Atlantic Express yard in Ridgewood, Queens on Day One of the
strike, January 16. (Internationalist photo)
New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is on a
union-busting binge. The tycoon who proclaimed
himself the “education mayor” is determined to
eliminate any vestige of job security for any
and all workers in the city’s school system.
First in line on the mayor’s hit list are the
8,100 drivers and matrons of Amalgamated Transit
Union Local 1181, who were forced out on
strike last week. Next up are the teachers who
are being threatened with massive cuts and
layoffs in an attempt to blackmail them into
accepting management “evaluations” that will put
thousands of veteran educators’ jobs at risk.
Bloomberg must be stopped, and we have the
power to do it. But the
school bus drivers today and teachers tomorrow
can’t do it on their own. We are facing powerful
enemies: the Republican mayor is backed up by
the Democrats in the State House and the White
House, and the Wall Street fat cats who finance
them. The capitalist politicians will use their
cops and courts against us: the bus companies
are already asking for the National Labor
Relations Board (NLRB) to issue a back-to-work
order. But if we act together, the working class
can turn the bosses’ anti-labor laws into
worthless scraps of paper. To win it
is necessary to bring out city workers’
unions, backed by parents, students and
supporters in a massive mobilization against
union-busting to SHUT THE CITY DOWN. As an
Internationalist Group sign at the picket line
in Ridgewood warned: “Remember, they’re coming
after you next.” The attack on school bus
drivers is the same union-busting policy as the
assault on the bargaining rights of teachers and
public workers by Republican governor Scott
Walker in Wisconsin in 2011, and by the
Republican legislature and governor of Michigan
last December – and it’s taking place in
overwhelmingly Democratic New York City, the
most unionized city in the country. This is a
fight for all labor – an injury to one is an
injury to all! Since the
beginning of the year, the billionaire mayor and
his schools chancellor flunkey Dennis Walcott
have been vituperating against NYC’s school bus
drivers, pushing them into a strike over the
city’s decision to eliminate “Employee
Protection Provisions” (EPPs) from contracts
being let out for bids. If this is not blocked
by workers’ action it means that thousands of
largely black and Latino drivers and matrons of
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1181 with years
of experience in safely transporting school
children (many of them special needs students)
stand to lose their jobs, pensions and health
care as non-union companies hire inexperienced
workers at far lower wages. So with their backs to the wall, on Wednesday, January 16 bus drivers and matrons walked out. On the picket lines that miserable rainy morning strikers expressed grim determination to stick it out and do whatever it takes to prevail. Many repeated over and over that they had no choice: it was strike or lose their livelihoods without a peep of resistance. The city rulers geared up their propaganda machine, spewing out a stream of union-bashing invective. Drivers (who earn about $22 an hour after years on the job) were accused of holding the city and school kids hostage, essentially comparing them to terrorists. The rabid labor haters at the New York Post (17 January) published a screaming headline denouncing the strikers as “Bustards.”
bus drivers’ strike is a fight for all
working people. Internationalist Group,
Class Struggle Education Workers and CUNY
Internationalist Clubs have brought
teachers, taxi workers, construction
workers, restaurant workers and others to
the picket lines day after day.
(Internationalist photo) The next day,
Bloomberg and the United Federation of Teachers
president Michael Mulgrew announced that there
was “no deal” over teacher evaluations. The UFT
tops were prepared to sell out the members’ job
security. They had already accepted the
principle of tying teacher evals to student test
scores. Not only is this “junk science” – for
all their elaborate formulas, the evaluations
are utterly arbitrary – this makes educators
scapegoats for poverty, racism, and the wrecking
job that the privatizers have already done on
the public schools. The union tops were
finalizing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
with the Department of Education. But Bloomberg
shot it down, because it wouldn’t let him “fire
bad teachers” at will. The union
bureaucracy’s capitulation was not enough for
Bloomberg: he demanded total surrender. Someone
should inform this would-be slave master and his
minion Walcott that slavery was formally
abolished in the U.S. a century and a half ago,
and New York schools are not a plantation. Karl
Marx referred to the capitalist system of “free
labor” as wage slavery, and Boss Bloomberg, the
richest man in NYC (estimated worth, $22
billion) doesn’t recognize that “his” wage
slaves have any rights that a capitalist must
respect. The mayor is out to slash wages of
black and Latino bus drivers who make $35,000 a
year, when he easily drops that much on his
week-end jaunts in his private jet to Bermuda
(and bought his third term for a cool $102
million). But it’s not
just Bloomberg that school bus drivers and
teachers are up against. For years now the mayor
and both Democrats and Republicans have been
trying to wreck public schools in the name of
“educational reform.” With the backing of hedge
fund billionaires, they close hundreds of
schools and replace them with publicly funded,
privately run non-union “charter schools.” The
push for charters and test-linked teacher evals
is not about improving education, it’s about
union-busting. Whatever their squabbles, the
partner parties of U.S. capitalism are united in
the drive to privatize public education (a $7
trillion market) and gut union rights. And the
drive is spearheaded by Democratic president
Barack Obama and NY governor Andrew Cuomo, whom
many teachers and union members voted for. Now they are closing in for the kill, and the school bus drivers are in the crosshairs of the gun control mayor. But by going after teachers and drivers simultaneously, Bloomberg is launching a war on two fronts, which any military strategist will tell you is a risky proposition. This makes it clear that he is targeting the unions, forget all his Madison Avenue flimflam about “Children First.” The children directly affected in the first two contracts up for bidding are special education students, many of whom are vulnerable to bullying. Parents put their trust in the experienced driver, but what does this matter to a mayor whose trademark is bullying? As an Internationalist Group sign asked, “Would You Entrust Your Child to the Lowest Bidder?
The supremely
arrogant Bloomberg doesn’t give a damn about the
hoi polloi (the common people). He can be
defeated, but that requires a leadership that is
prepared to fight, and not by the bosses’
rules. The UFT leadership hides behind New
York’s anti-strike Taylor Law as an excuse to
cave in. Defying that anti-labor legislation
would give Mulgrew & Co. a collective heart
attack: their real estate investment in 52
Broadway could be in jeopardy! Now bus drivers
may be faced with an NLRB injunction under the
“slave labor” Taft-Hartley Act. ATU 1181 picket
captains have told us, “we don’t cave for
anyone.” Good,
because if union leaders are not prepared to
defy them, laws in this country ban just about
every effective tactic of labor struggle. So far, the
ATU picket lines have been solid, and two-thirds
of the school bus routes have been shut down
(almost all the others are by non-union
companies). But the city is threatening to use
“replacement workers” – scabs –
as drivers. Teamsters Local 854, which
represents some drivers and matrons, is not
striking, but says its members will not cross
picket lines. Yet in some cases, there are union
workers inside the struck facilities. Now is
that time to make clear that picket
lines mean don’t cross – period! And
to back that up by building solid,
mass picket lines that no one dares cross.
To do that will require the support of hundreds
and thousands of unionists and defenders of
labor rights. Our
rights are on the line! Unions in the
U.S. and elsewhere are hamstrung by a labor
officialdom that is beholden to capitalist
legality and the capitalist parties. It is
outrageous and suicidal that millions of working
people are led to vote for ruling-class
politicians who then attack the unions and labor
rights. Or who go along with racist educational
policies, like school closings and admissions to
“gifted and talented” programs and elite high
schools in NYC. Democrats outnumber Republicans
in the New York City Council by 46 to 5: they
could stop Bloomberg in his tracks if they
wanted to. But they don’t, because they
represent the same class interests. We call on
labor militants and defenders of the oppressed
to build a workers
party that fights for a workers government. The
Internationalist Group, the Internationalist
Clubs at the City University of New York and
Class Struggle Education Workers have come out
to the school bus drivers’ and matrons’ picket
lines since Day One of the strike. CSEW member
and UFT delegate Marjorie Stamberg has fought to
get the teachers union to come out actively in
support of the ATU 1181 strike, putting forward
a motion for a mass rally at the last delegate
assembly, which was not put to a vote even
though it had wide support. Our construction
workers, restaurant workers, taxi drivers,
teachers and students “walk the walk” as well as
“talk the talk,” because we know that this is a
key battle for all working people. Strikers have
welcomed our support, but much more is needed. We urge all supporters of workers’ rights to show solidarity by coming out regularly join the school bus drivers’ on strike, and to demand a massive mobilization in the streets of black, Latino, Asian and working-class New York to BUST THE UNION-BUSTERS! ■ A forum on
the struggle to stop teacher eval
union-busting and to mobilize NYC labor to win
the school bus drivers’ strike will be held by
Class Struggle Education Workers on Friday,
January 25, 4:30 p.m., at the CUNY Graduate
Center (365 Fifth Avenue at 34th Street in
Manhattan), Room 5414. We urge you to come out
and bring your friends and co-workers to
discuss the issues posed by this key battle
for labor and civil rights. Class Struggle Education Workers: Bring Out NYC Labor to Support School Bus Drivers Strike (20 January 2013)
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