![]() November 2007 “Merit
Pay,” Witchhunting and
Corporatizing Public Education Close Down the “Rubber Rooms” – Reinstate All “Excessed” Teachers! Union Control of Hiring! ![]() United Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten after negotiating “merit” pay deal with mayor Michael Bloomberg (right) and schools chancellor Joel Klein, October 17. “I am a capitalist and in favor of incentives” says billionaire mayor, while setting up hit squad to fire teachers. (Photo: John Marshall Mantel for The New York Times) New York City teachers and students are under
attack by the schools chancellor Joel Klein and his boss, billionaire
Michael Bloomberg. But this is only the tip of the iceberg of a
full-scale war
on public education being waged by the Republican White House, the
state house and leading capitalists such as Microsoft mogul Bill Gates.
are out to reshape the workforce to “compete in a global economy,” and
for that
they want to “overhaul” the schools by putting them under private
control, push
most students out by the 10th grade, bust teachers unions and slash
spending. Behind the talk of “standards” is a plan to
standardize and dumb down education for the masses. Democrats and
back the “No Child Left Behind” (NCLB) law which really means No
Left Behind. Under their two-tier system, they want to Wal-Martize the
schools and provide gold-plated Nieman Marcus education for the elite.
despite their ballyhooed “data-driven” educational reform, the data, in
form of batteries of high-stakes tests, shows that the education bosses
have flunked.
“Charter schools,” for-profit schools, small schools, theme schools –
all the pressure to teach to the test, none of this has produced higher
scores. But Bloomberg/Klein and the rest of the bourgeoisie don’t give
a damn. Why not? Because their purpose is not to
improve the
public schools – they want to shut them down. And they are doing so by
targeting teachers first. The day before national test results were
showing that New York City schools failed to improve 8th grade math and
scores, Chancellor Klein announced that the NYC Department of Education
had set
up a “Teacher Performance Unit,” headed by a former prosecutor and
staffed by
former principals, to drive out teachers they want to get rid of,
experienced teachers. The job of these professional witchhunters is to
the documentation necessary to oust them” (New York Times, 15
The DOE is treating its employees like criminals. The United Federation of Teachers (UFT)
has called a “candlelight vigil” outside DOE headquarters in the Boss
Courthouse for today, November 26, calling to “End the ‘Gotcha’ Squad”
“Respect Teachers.” UFT members should certainly turn out in strength
protest this abomination, but holding up some flickering candles is not
to stop the drive to criminalize teachers. What’s more, the UFT tops
say “There
is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to ensure that teachers are doing a good
This buys into the LIE that poor teachers are responsible for the poor
state of
public education. Instead, the union should be pointing to the
scandalous class
sizes that Klein has done nothing to reduce, the lack of
inadequate facilities and pervasive harassment of teachers by hot-shot
administrators. The only way teachers will get respect is by
for their rights, which requires building a strong union. And the only
way the
union can put an end to the victimization of teachers is by defeating
the drive to corporatize and privatize public education, of which this
is the
spearhead. Instead, UFT leader
Weingarten last month negotiated a “deal” to introduce
“school-based” merit
pay in exchange for spiced up pension provisions (full pension with
years on the job at age 55). Bloomberg & Co. went for the 25/55
because they figure the city will save “tens of millions” by getting
rid of
higher-paid experienced teachers. And for the billionaire mayor,
getting the
UFT to agree to “performance pay” in any form is “historic and unique.” At the Delegates Assembly, Weingarten made a
big deal
about how this would be “school-based,” that distribution would be
decided by
“compensation committees” including teachers and administrators, that
could opt out, etc. But the bottom line is that teachers’ pay will be
partly determined
by student scores on standardized tests. That is a body blow against
principle of equal pay for equal work. It is the equivalent of
piece work instead of an hourly wage. On top of which, teachers are
helping other people to learn, not producing widgets on a
line. At a City Hall news conference Bloomberg remarked, “I am a
capitalist and
I am in favor of incentives for individual people.” So he has to bend a
to get the UFT tops to sign on, he says, the important thing is the
principle. And that is a threat
to the
existence of the union. Imagine the kind of tensions that will be
created as
some teachers decide on how much a “bonus” others will get! The
potential for
corruption is enormous. And when all is said and done, whether you call
“merit” or “performance,” it will mean kissing up to the boss. Just
watch and
see what happens. Moreover, it is racist, and not only because the
tests themselves
have a notorious racial bias. It will encourage teachers to avoid
schools in
poor and minority areas which are notoriously starved of resources,
making it
difficult for students to prepare for tests. Oh, yes, Tweed claims the
card system takes that into account. But when elite schools like
High and Bard High School Early College were about to get “C” grade on
“report cards,” they got their ratings raised to an “A.” On the other
when teachers at Central Park East in Harlem complain about a “D”
although their elementary school has been highlighted as one of the
best in the
city, they get zip. Guess why. The “Teacher Performance Unit,” with a name
right out
of George Orwell’s 1984 newspeak, is Big Brother incarnate. A
whole unit
specializing in scapegoating teachers! What’s next, the “loyalty review
that fired NYC teachers wholesale during the McCarthyite witchhunts?
and all school personnel should demand that this “Gotcha” Squad, as
Weingarten accurately dubbed it, be abolished. But even that won’t stop
witchhunters at Tweed. They’re on a crusade. Last August, Klein spent
an entire
segment on the Charlie Rose show on “public” television bashing
teachers. And
when teachers in District 79 complained about the reckless
“reorganization” of
GED and other alternative programs, which “excessed” hundreds into the
limbo of
ATR (Absentee Teacher Reserve) status, turning many excellent tenured
into substitute teachers, Klein told the Daily News (3
September), “we
should be able to terminate those employees.” Now the would-be
Terminator has
his termination squad. What to do about it?
holding candles is no answer. The Independent Community of Educators
(ICE), an
opposition group in the UFT opposing Weingarten’s Unity Caucus, has
the threat of “merit” pay and the “gotcha squad,” but its response is
to use
the grievance procedure and to plead “ICE To Randi: Fight Back for Real
Time.” Won’t happen. From “No Child Left Behind” to “merit pay,” the
leadership has gone along with the bipartisan drive for corporatizing
schools. The AFT leaders don’t call for abolishing NCLB, as even the
NEA does,
but only to “get it right” by amending the law (which they helped
write). So
why do they go along? Because the union leadership is beholden to the
capitalist system, and in particular to the Democratic Party (although
didn’t stop the UFT from giving a John Dewey award to Republican
Pataki). The AFT has endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton
president, who has long supported the corporate school “reform” agenda,
including “school-based” “merit” pay. The UFT endorsed Democratic Eliot
for New York State governor, who as attorney general slapped a
dollar fine on Transport Workers Union Local 100 for daring to strike
in the
face of the union-busting Taylor Law. Since getting elected, Spitzer
through a budget with a big increase in funding of charter schools,
anti-union device. Weingarten is rumored to have ambitions for higher
office if
the Democrats win next year. But whether or not that is the case, from
long-time UFT/AFT leader Albert Shanker on,
the union has played a key role in carrying out the
policies of U.S.
imperialism, including supporting the Vietnam War and helping fund
Polish Solidarność,
Ronald Reagan’s favorite “union.”
The “merit pay” scheme is initially supposed
to be funded
by private money, to be provided in particular by one Eli Broad. This
California real estate mogul has made it his mission to run public
according to “the classic American business model in which a powerful
executive runs roughshod over a weak governing board” (“Eli’s
Experiment, East
Bay Express, 10 October). He has taken as his laboratory the
California school district, which is under state control despite
community opposition. Broad, with his assets estimated at $5.8 billion,
him the 42nd richest person on the planet according to Forbes magazine
(19 September), is a major donor to the Democrats and Clinton in
particular. He
is also a partner of Microsoft magnate Bill Gates and other top U.S.
in the Business Roundtable, who have cooked up a program to run public
by private contractors. It was designed by Gates’ Commission on the
Skills of
the American Workforce, which includes Klein as well as CEOs of Viacom
Lucent Technologies, the head of the National Association of
Manufacturers and
other business bigwigs. To defeat the corporate onslaught against
teachers, students
and public education in general, the Internationalist Group emphasizes
that it
is necessary to oust the pro-capitalist bureaucrats and forge a new
of the unions. Such a leadership must base itself on the class
struggle, not
class collaboration. It must be a leadership that breaks with the
Democrats and
Republicans (as well as minor bourgeois parties such as the Greens and
Working Families Party which act as shills for the Democrats) to build
workers party that fights for a workers government. Class-conscious
should understand that the attack on them is part of the bipartisan
program which goes from Afghanistan and Iraq to the looming trade war
with the
U.S.’ imperialist allies and rivals. It is for that clash that
Broad, Gates and their fellow tycoons are preparing, by regimenting
education for war, whether it is sending military recruiters into the
arresting students and even school administrators, and setting up a
squad” to get teachers. We must defeat the imperialist war abroad and
the bosses’
war “at home.” n
To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: |