Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
September 2015
Wages, Hours, Jobs Cut – Union
Health Plans Terminated
Screws Workers,
Windfall for Insurance Companies
 APPW Local 153 on strike at Kapstone paper
mill in Longview, WA, August 27, over the company’s
imposition of contract cancelling health insurance to
avoid Obamacare “Cadillac plan” tax.
(Photo: Brooks Johnson/The Daily News)
By Class Struggle Workers –
PORTLAND, OR – The Affordable Care Act
(ACA), commonly known as “Obamacare,” survived a key legal
challenge in the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday, June 25.
The court came down 6-3 against a suit by David King, a
Virginia limousine chauffeur for a cartel of conservative
ideologues who claimed that it was illegal for the federal
government to offer tax credits as a subsidy to offset the
cost of purchasing private health insurance, if the
insurance was purchased through the federal
government-administered marketplace. The ruling, along
with the same day’s historic verdict allowing gay marriage
nationwide, elated Democratic partisans, who have been all
atwitter about the President’s legacy as he enters his
“victory lap.” But Chelsea Manning, the transgendered Army
veteran serving a 35-year sentence for courageously
revealing U.S. imperialism’s war crimes, cautioned that
the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling didn’t mean
equality for all.
If the court had gone the other way on the ACA, it would
have made it even harder for millions of Americans to
afford any kind of health insurance. That only goes to
show that in bourgeois politics, “it could always be
worse” for working people. If reactionary troglodytes
oppose the ACA because god told them to oppose any sort of
social welfare programs, especially those enacted by a
Black president, it does not follow that class-conscious
workers should support it. This law gives billions to the
insurance industry out of the pockets working and poor
people in the U.S. Class-conscious workers oppose the ACA
and fight for a universal, socialized health care system
while implacably defending every health care benefit that
workers have won as a concession from the employers. And
this can only be achieved as part of a broader class
struggle against all factions of the capitalist ruling
class, particularly the Democratic party.
Obamacare is a far cry from universal health coverage.
The “insurance” it does provide for millions of working
and poor people is often illusory. While it has ensured a
steady stream of revenue for private health insurance
companies, it has had its intended effect of
adding to the pressure on unions to give up their hard-won
health insurance programs. And that’s only one of the
negative aspects for workers. So let’s go down the list.
First up, who is excluded from the ACA? For starters, more
than 15 million undocumented immigrants, many of whom work
in dangerous jobs like construction, agriculture and food
industry, are denied coverage, even though many of them
pay Medicare and Social Security payroll taxes from which
they will never see any benefit. Class-conscious workers
demand full citizenship rights for all immigrants.
Second, while private health insurance plans may cover
elective abortions, this portion of the insurance cannot
be subsidized by the federal government under the ACA.
Medicaid coverage is available in states which have
accepted “expanded” funding for individuals earning up to
133% of the Federal Poverty Level. But Medicaid is barred
from covering abortion since the Hyde Amendment was passed
by Congress and signed by the Democrat president Carter in
1977. Combined with the increasing restrictions on
abortion in the U.S. as legal traps and terrorist attacks
shutter clinics across the country, this means that
millions of poor and working class women effectively have
no safe, legal option for ending an unwanted pregnancy.
Far from a step towards the free abortion on demand
that we fight for, the ACA reinforces the legal obstacles
to affordable abortion that Democrats and Republicans have
put in place since Roe vs. Wade.
What of the insurance that is offered? The sick reality
behind the statistics of increasing enrollment and
decreasing number of uninsured since the passage of the
ACA is that for working people, the insurance is an
illusion, a scam that will not prevent them from being
cast into devastating debt because of illness, accidents
or chronic disease. The “bronze” health plans have the
lowest monthly premiums. These vary by state, and are
expected to increase. Currently they are around $150 per
month. Already, that’s a significant “invisible” pay cut
for a low-wage worker struggling to pay rent and other
essential expenses. Yet these bronze plans can have
deductibles of over $2,000 for an individual or $5,000 for
a family, and annual maximum out-of-pocket costs of
$6,000/$12,000 family. Can you afford that? Many working
people can’t.
The Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that median
single-person, non-elderly households above the poverty
level (in other words, those ineligible for standard
Medicare or Medicaid) have liquid assets of $2503, and net
assets of just $1,369! Households on the poorer end of
this spectrum, earning up to twice the Federal Poverty
Level, have liquid assets of just $766. Low- to
moderate-wage workers on the “bargain” bronze health
plan cannot afford to get medical care! And
only the more expensive “silver” and higher plans are
eligible for federal subsidies to cover out-of-pocket
costs. The health-care reform lobbying group Physicians
for a National Health Program accurately characterized
low-end “affordable” plans as “a mirage, a simulacrum of
insurance rather than actual insurance.”
What we have here is literally “insurance” for the
insurance companies: a guaranteed customer
base that must purchase “coverage” of dubious
value, or pay a hefty tax penalty. Yet in the event of a
serious illness, they can only expect to see a payout long
after they have been squeezed dry by medical bills. Key to
this cash cow for insurance companies is the “precarious”
workforce of part-time workers whose employers are not
required to offer company health plans since they work
less than 30 hours per week on average at any one job. The
New York Times (4 July) reports that private
insurance plans are demanding increases of 20 to 40
percent for 2016. And through its “risk corridor”
program, the ACA guarantees federal subsidies to
insurance companies if they fail to reap
sufficient profits during the transition to the ACA!
Employer-sponsored plans are generally marginally better
when they are offered (required for most wage workers
averaging over 30 hours per week), yet most still leave
poor and middle-income workers in a catastrophic financial
state before “insurance” kicks in. Again, there is the
monthly premium, a significant effective pay cut.
Three-quarters of company-sponsored plans, according to
the Kaiser Family Foundation, have a single-member
deductible of over $1,500, and the average annual
out-of-pocket limit is $3,000-$3,500 dollars. So for
singles, the maximum deductible – the amount a patient
must pay up front before insurance covers anything – is
greater than the average total financial assets of the
median household above the poverty line!
On top of this, there are the several hundred
thousand mainly low-waged, part-time workers who
have had their hours cut to less than 30 a week so that
the employers don’t have to offer them health care (see
Ben Casselman, “Yes,
Some Companies Are Cutting Hours in Response to
‘Obamacare’,” FiveThirtyEight, 13 January). Class
Struggle Education Workers (CSEW) in New York already
exposed this vicious anti-worker plan when it was being
debated in Congress and at the time of its passage. See
“On the Healthcare Crisis” (September 2009) and
“Healthcare “Reform” Law: Bonanza for Wall Street, an
Attack on Working People” (March 2010), reprinted in Class
Struggle Education Workers Newsletter No. 2
(October-November 2010) and The
Internationalist No. 32
(January-February 2011).
This bleak situation was not created by the ACA. By every
reasonable measure, the U.S. has long had one of the worst
and most expensive health care systems among wealthy
imperialist countries. Health care bills are the leading
cause of bankruptcy for individuals in this country, and
have been for decades. ACA has reinforced this
perverse system while liberal Democrats like economist
Paul Krugman crow about Obama’s historic “reform.” What’s
new to the ACA is a huge incentive for companies to push
to dismantle health care coverage that unions have
established through years of protracted struggle. In 2018,
an excise tax of 40% will kick in on benefits valued at
over $10,200 per year for individuals or $27,500 for
families, the so-called “Cadillac” plans. Unions are
doubly vulnerable in fighting this attack on workers
benefits, because it comes from the Democratic Party that
they loyally support.
The corporate analysis firm Jones Day offered clear
advice to companies on this:
“Significantly, the ACA does not require
employers to provide coverage for spouses and does not
penalize employers for excluding spouses from coverage, so
employers will need to evaluate the potential savings from
excluding spouses from eligibility for health coverage….
While unions may resist efforts to curtail employee
benefits in the near term, employers should consider the
leverage that avoiding the Cadillac tax provides at the
bargaining table…. Employers should take advantage of the
leverage that the ACA provides, whether that means
negotiating union waivers to allow employers significant
flexibility to change and modify their plans, negotiating
lower levels of coverage to balance out the added costs of
expanded coverage, or negotiating to end coverage under
employer-sponsored plans altogether.”
– “What's the Deal? The Affordable Care Act in
Labor Contract Negotiations,” October 2013
In recent contract negotiations, union
workers have seen employers following this playbook,
demanding lower coverage and ending employer-sponsored
While some of the most well-entrenched unions, such as
the New York City United Federation of Teachers, have been
able to resist ACA-related cuts to their health care
plans, in recent contract negotiations, unions across the
country have succumbed to the employers’ blackmail. Even
some allegedly “progressive” unions have gone to the
bargaining table offering to slash members’ health care
benefits right from the beginning of negotiations. This
was the case in ILWU Local 5 covering workers at Powell’s
Book Store in Portland, which Class Struggle Workers –
Portland fought against. And across the board, increasing
premiums and stagnating wages are forcing union members to
make painful decisions about canceling optional enrollment
for spouses and domestic partners.
Recently, 800 members of Local 153 of the Association of
Western Pulp and Paper Workers (AWPPW) at the Kapstone
paper mill in Longview, WA were forced to go out on strike
after rejecting a concessionary “final offer” from the
company. The most prominent concession that the bosses
demanded was to cancel the workers’ health insurance in
order to avoid the ACA tax and replace it with a
cheap “high deductible” plan. The strike was called off on
September 3 when the company brought in scabs, but the
fight continues. Meanwhile, 2,200 metal workers across the
country have been locked out since early August by
Allegheny Technologies, among them United Steelworkers
(USW) Local 7150 at a titanium plant in Albany, OR, for
refusing the company’s “offer” that slashed health
insurance benefits. There, too, management is using scabs.
Similar fights over essential health coverage are posed
from coast to coast. Obamacare is one more weapon in the
arsenal of the bosses’ offensive against the unions.
AFL-CIO leaders have criticized the tax on
union-negotiated health plans, yet they keep on rounding
up votes for the Democrats. This sorry spectacle
underscores that whether the issue is union-busting “right
to work” laws or attacks on health care and retirement
benefits, the key for labor to defeat these attacks is
adopting a class-struggle program for powerful
working-class action across traditional trade-union
divisions, independent of and against all the
parties of capital, Republicans and Democrats.
There’s no need for any of this deadly mess that’s called
the health care “system” in the U.S. – except the need for
profit. U.S. reported corporate profits are at over $8
trillion per year. Even ignoring the fact that a
socialized health care system would be freed from the
disastrous anarchy, inefficiency and bureaucracy required
by private ownership, the present U.S. health care system,
the most expensive in the world, consumes around $3
trillion per year. Present corporate profits could fund it
twice over with trillions to spare. But this isn’t a
question of accounting, tax rates, or one that any
“reform” of the present system could achieve.
Union signs call to “stop the war on workers.” But that
one-sided class war is the domestic face of the
imperialist war U.S. rulers are waging around the world,
and it won’t stop until it is defeated by mobilizing
workers’ power, here and abroad. We can’t accomplish that
so long as workers are bound hand-and-foot to one of the
bosses’ parties. As the union tops once again throw their
support behind the Democratic Party in the upcoming U.S.
elections, worker militants must draw the lessons of their
leaders’ support for the administration that designed the
ACA bonanza for the insurance companies that is destroying
health care for working people.
The key lesson is the need for a class-struggle workers
party. It all comes down to a question of power, and
Obamacare is one more reason why the workers must rise up
and smash the power of the tiny minority of exploiters,
rip the productive forces that we have built up out of the
hands of these vultures, and establish a workers
government to organize a planned economy, producing to
fulfill human needs rather than the dictates of profit.
Otherwise, the ACA debacle is a harbinger of worse to come
– much worse.■
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