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![]() February 2009 The “Obama
different ways, most of the left in the
States fell into line behind the candidacy
of Barack Obama. That
required some
interesting political contortions, since
every one of them knew
perfectly well
what Obama was about: that he was not an
antiwar candidate, no leftist
by any
stretch of the imagination but a
“center-right” bourgeois politician in
Clinton mould, who was and is an admirer
of Ronald Reagan. Perhaps the
shameless were the ex-New Leftists from
Students for a Democratic
(SDS), including Tom Hayden, Todd Gitlin,
Mike Klonsky, Carl Davidson,
Bernadine Dohrn and the now notorious Bill
Ayres. Hayden and Gitlin
were on the
right wing of SDS back when it called to
go “part of the way with LBJ”
B. Johnson) in the 1964 elections; Klonsky
and Davidson led the
Maoist “Revolutionary Youth Movement II,”
while Dohrn and Ayres were
leaders of
the idiot adventurist, anti-working-class
Weatherman faction. Having
through a transmogrification from ’60s
radicals to 21st century
Democrats, their mantra is that Obama
“needs a transformational
movement to be
a transformational president,” as Hayden
put it (“Dreams of Obama,” San
Francisco Bay Guardian, 20 August
2008). Unlike
some of the New Leftovers, the garden
liberals around The Nation
and the
Democratic (Party) Socialists of America
(DSA), along with their
associated Progressive Democrats of
America, haven’t really changed in
A bunch of these “progressive” luminaries
issued an “Open Letter to
Obama” (Nation, 18 August
including Barbara Ehrenreich, Katha
Pollitt, Marcus Raskin, Norman
Gore Vidal. They “recognize that
compromise is necessary in any
democracy” and
“understand that the pressures brought to
bear” on him are “intense,”
but worry
about “troubling signs that you are moving
away from the core
commitments ... toward
a more cautious and centrist stance.” So
they want to hold Obama to
stands he has taken, including “withdrawal
from Iraq on a fixed
timetable,” “a
response to the current economic crisis
that reduces the gap between
the rich
and the rest of us,” “universal
healthcare,” etc. (Nothing about
of course.) If he doesn’t come through,
they will wring their hands in
the professional opportunists of the
not so “far
left,” the name of the game was to
identify as closely as possible with
masses who voted for Obama while coyly
avoiding a direct call to elect
him. The
important social change
registered in
the election of a black president in this
deeply racist country is
“historic” and “transformational” in order
to attract some of his
supporters by
flattering them rather than telling the
fundamental truth: that Barack
Obama is
the leader of the Democratic Party; that
he will rule in the interests
capital that he is the new commander of
U.S. imperialism, who presides
over a
system of racism, war and poverty for the
millions; that it will take a socialist
revolution to change that
system; and that is why we must build a revolutionary
workers party to lead that struggle,
which won’t be decided in
elections and on TV but in the streets, in
the factories, in the
barrios and
ghettos, and internationally.
fellow Marcyites of the Party of
Socialism and
Liberation (PSL), which split from the WWP
in 2004, ran their own
candidates, but not as a hard opposition
to the bourgeois parties. On
the contrary, they declared “Our
campaign has absolutely no quarrel”
with those campaigning for “a
Black president – regardless of his
politics” (see “Socialists
Bourgeois Electionland,” 4 November
2008). Following the
election of Obama (“an occasion
of historic
significance”) they wrote: “What is needed
is a clear program focused
on what the new
administration should do to meet the needs
of the working people; to
the expectations its campaign has created”
21 November 2008) The PSL then lists a
series of points – declare a
emergency, no layoffs, extend unemployment
benefits, health care for
all, pass
the EFCA, end the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan – none of which
capitalist rule, and concludes: “It will
be the failure of the new
administration to carry through this
program that will expose it before
eyes of the people as another agent of the
capitalist system.” This is
method common to many reformists: rather
than opposing Obama outright,
present a list of pious wishes and
proposals for action by the
government, calculating that if it doesn’t
fulfill them, people will
become radicalized.
More likely they will become demoralized
A gaggle of
pseudo-Trotskyist social
(Socialist Alternative, Socialist
Organizer) present variants of this
but without doubt the past master in this
brand of opportunism is the
Internationalist Socialist Organization
(ISO), which has developed
acting as a
pressure group on Democratic Party
liberalism into a patented
methodology. Here’s
the formula: to come up with the ISO line
on any particular issue,
start with
the liberal position, then (a) take one or
two steps to the left; or
(b) take the same position, repeat the
same slogans, but add some
rhetoric; or, best of all, (c) formulate a
leading question: Will Obama
change? Is Afghanistan the “good war”?
Should we invade Iraq? (We kid
you not –
the last two were titles of forums by the
ISO-led Campus Antiwar
Network.) Thus
the pre-election issue (September-October
2008) of the ISO’s International
Socialist Review featured
a sympathetic photo of Obama with the
headline, “Politics of change, or
Politics as usual” (see the inside pages
for any critical remarks). And
latest issue of the ISR
(January-February 2009) features Obama’s
campaign slogan, “Yes we can! ¡Sí
se puede!” The
ISO web site was filled with gushing
coverage of
Obama’s victory. A column on “Election Day
in Harlem” by Brian Jones
on an election party, “I felt like a tiny
ship, tossed back and forth
on a
frothy sea of human emotion and pride in
the historic election of the
African American president of the U.S. Raw
joy was dominant, but there
was also
relief, pride, shock and wonder.” He
concluded: “Huge numbers of people
energized by the fact that, yes, we can
elect a Black president. What
we get
from this president depends mostly on what
happens to this energy, and
less on
the president himself.” Well, actually,
no. A Socialist
Worker (7 November 2008) editorial
on “The New Shape of
American Politics” takes the same tack,
asking: “What economic
policies will Obama pursue as
the worst
financial crisis since the 1930s drives
the world deep into recession?
Will the
man who made his mark as an opponent of
the Iraq war make good on his
to pull out U.S. troops? Will there be the
kind of fundamental change
that his supporters
so clearly want?... “Will Obama call
a halt to this colossal
rip-off and
fashion an economic program that puts the
interests of working people
in its
center? ... Will there be an economic
stimulus program that creates
long-term jobs?” Will the ISO say
that Obama is a capitalist
who must act to defend
the ruling
class of U.S. imperialism? Instead, SW editorializes: “Given the
multiple crises that beset the
U.S., change
is coming – but what kind, and in whose
interest, depends on whether
and how
working people get organized to fight for
it.” Not a hint of the
Marxist analysis of the
state as the
instrument of capitalist rule. For the
ISO, it’s all about pressure. For
these social democrats, as for all
liberals and
reformists, the government is neutral,
rather than being the executive
committee of the ruling class. In antiwar
marches in 2007 and ’08,
after the
Democrats won a majority in both houses of
Congress, ISOers chanted,
“Stop the
funding, stop the war, What the hell is
Congress for?” (Supporters of
Internationalist Group responded,
“Congress is for imperialist war.”)
Lenin and Trotsky, we characterize the
present epoch as the imperialist
era. The
ISO has a different take: “What next for
struggle in the Obama era?” (5
November 2008) they write, or “Antiwar
organizing in the Obama era” (19
December), and “What’s in store in the
Obama era?” (20 January). And
like the Nation liberals
who want to hold Obama
“accountable” by holding him to his
stated program, the ISO follows Obama’s
agenda. Thus it writes: “The left in the
1930s used the slogan ‘the
wants you to join a union’ to capitalize
and amplify its position.
Today, we
should use President-elect Obama’s words
in a similar way.” Actually, that
argument was popularized in
the 1930s
by John L. Lewis of the United Mine
Workers, who viciously repressed
“reds” in
the UMW (and ended up a Republican). The masses learn
through struggle, say
ISOers. Yes, but only if the
revolutionaries speak the truth plainly.
And the plain truth is that it is
necessary to draw a class line
between the exploited
and oppressed, on one side, and their
exploiters and oppressors, on the
other. And Barack Obama is on the other
side of that line. In
the recent election, some “progressives”
refuge in the Greens, a minor capitalist
party, which ran former
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney for
president. McKinney has taken some
stands, calling for freedom for Mumia and
traveling on a boat carrying
supplies to Gaza in the middle of the
Israeli bombing attack. But she
remains a
bourgeois politician and the whole purpose
of her campaign was to
Obama to move slightly to the left. Thus
in a TV
interview after the Gaza-bound ship was
rammed by
an Israeli patrol boat, McKinney pleaded
with President-elect Obama to
something, please, about the humanitarian
crisis that is being
experienced by
the people [of Gaza] right now.” Yet
Obama’s refusal to condemn the
and his statement in an interview with
Al-Arabiya TV that “Israel’s
security is
paramount” makes it clear where he stands
– on the side of the
Zionist butchers. For
the last year, liberals and reformists of
persuasions have salivated at the prospect
of a new layer of young
for social causes coming out of the Obama
campaign. But contrary to the
delusions of a Tom Hayden of “an explosion
of rising expectations for
movements – here and around the world –
that President Obama will be
to meet in 2009,” the operation that
elected Obama was not a “movement”
“social change from below.” Rather, it was
a capitalist-financed,
electoral machine similar to the NGOs
(non-governmental organizations)
orchestrated by U.S. imperialism to
undercut inconvenient governments
Venezuela to East Europe and the countries
of the former Soviet Union.
In any
case, rather than a classless “movement”
to pressure Obama, what’s
needed today is a revolutionary
party to mobilize the exploited and
oppressed against
the attacks of the bourgeois rulers. As
in the 1930s, there is no “solution” to
economic crisis, imperialist wars and
racist oppression without
sweeping away
the capitalist system that generates these
plagues whether a Democrat
Republican president sits in the White
House or controls Congress. As
Lenin wrote in April 1917, when the mass
of the workers had not yet
from the bourgeoisie, “it is necessary
most thoroughly, persistently,
to explain to them ... that without the
overthrow of capital it is
to conclude the war with a really
democratic, non-oppressive peace.”
Now is a
time to “patiently explain” to the masses,
to swim against the stream.
Let the
opportunists chase after fleeting
popularity, genuine Marxists follow
watchword of Trotsky’s Transitional
Program: “To face reality squarely;
not to
seek the line of least resistance; to call
things by their right names;
speak the truth to the masses, no matter
how bitter it may be; not to
obstacles; to be true in little things as
in big ones; to base one’s
program on
the logic of the class struggle; to be
bold when the hour for action
arrives –
these are the rules of the Fourth
International.” ■ See
also: Obama
U.S. Imperialism Tries a Makeover
February 2009)
To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |