Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
February 2016
Democrats and Republicans
Against Women’s Rights
Class Struggle Picket Slams
Right Wing Anti-Abortion Rally

We won't go back! Union militants determined to confront
antiabortion bigots, Portland, OR January 17.
(CSWP photo)
By Class Struggle Workers –
The following article is reprinted from the Bridge
City Militant No. 2, Winter 2016, published by Class
Struggle Workers – Portland. The CSWP, an opposition
tendency in the Portland, Oregon and Vancouver,
Washington labor movement, is politically supported by
the Internationalist Group.
a video of the action, see Portland Labor
Defend Abortion Rights Rally.
On Sunday, January 17, a group of 50 union activists
picketed a “youth rally” held by Oregon Right to Life, an
anti-abortion group that held a day of action nationally
to “mourn” the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and attack
women’s right to abortion. With a banner calling on labor
to defend abortion rights, Class Struggle Workers –
Portland led a determined picket with members of the
Painters, Stagehands, Carpenters, Teachers, Teamsters,
IWW, and Laborers unions participating, as well as members
of Black Rose Anarchist Federation, Portland Solidarity
Network and many others. The crowd picketed the entrances
to the event, causing delays and confusion for attendees.
Event organizers and attendees were shaken by the
unexpected militant opposition, as pro-abortion chants
drowned out their Jesus rock and soured their misogynist
pizza party. They threatened to call the police, then
tried shoving matches, and when that failed, resorted to
juvenile taunts as they tried in vain to hide from the
noisy protesters that surrounded the swank Pearl District
catering facility.
Protesters chanted “Pro-life, your name’s a lie, you
don’t care if women die” and “Not the church, not the
state, women must decide their fate” as anti-abortion
fanatics arriving from a rally held earlier in Pioneer
Courthouse Square dodged the picket lines covering both
entrances to the building.
Demonstrators chanted, “Racist, sexist, anti-gay,
Christian fascists go away!” Organizers of the
anti-abortion rally included Oregon Right to Life
executive director Gayle Atteberry, prominent in the far
right of the local Republican Party, and ORL president
Harmony Dawes, well-known for her virulent anti-Semitism
and support of her Holocaust denier uncle Ted Pike’s
National Prayer Network. Dawes (formerly Grant) has
several anti-Jewish articles published on fascist David
Duke’s website.
 It will take nothing short of
workers revolution to free women from domestic slavery.
(CSWP photo)
As the presentation inside got underway, pickets moved to
cover large windows through which participants could hear
their chants and see their signs. Speakers at our
counter-rally highlighted the danger women face from
anti-abortion bigots, and pointed out the need for a
workers revolution to overturn capitalism and liberate
An IWW member addressed the crowd: “For them, you are a
baby factory, an incubator for the worker of tomorrow, who
can be exploited by a boss, another body to keep
replicating the system of profit, a system that keeps your
boss living large and you from getting the services you
need…We need a revolutionary organization.”
A member of Class Struggle Workers Portland addressed the
crowd, saying, “What does that mean for women when
abortion is illegal? When there are no clinics? When you
can’t get access? Women die every year from trying to
self-terminate pregnancies because they can’t obtain a
safe, legal abortion. We need a society that can
collectivize all aspects of housework, of child rearing,
in order to truly liberate women. But in order to do that
we need a working class revolution, an international
An Internationalist Group spokesman explained, “We’re
calling on labor to defend the right to abortion, to
defend the clinics, which are under attack by terrorist
elements supported by some of the people in there.”
Union militants intend for the January 17 picket to be a
beginning for organizing more solid and numerous
labor-centered defense of abortion clinics. Speakers at
the rally recalled the recent terrorist attacks on a
Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs and the
firebombing of a Pullman, Washington Planned Parenthood
last September. CSWP picket signs called for “Free
Abortion on Demand,” while speakers warned that the
Democratic Party was no friend of working women. This
party of bloody imperialist war supports restrictions on
abortion access that make a mockery of the “right” to
abortion for poor and working class women. We need a class
struggle workers party to lead the fight for the
emancipation of women, an essential part of the struggle
for the emancipation of the working class.
CSWP Says “Labor: Defend the Clinics!”

“Right to Life, your name’s a lie, you don’t care if women
die!” Labvor picket outside January 17 anti-abortion
rally. (CSWP photo)
Point six of the Class Struggle Workers – Portland
program states: “Fight sexism, defend the rights of
women. For free, high quality 24-hour child care.
For full reproductive rights, including free abortion on
demand as part of a socialized universal health care
system. For labor defense of abortion clinics against
reactionary terrorists....” And for us, program is not
just some nice words, but a set of principles for action.
We are an opposition tendency in the trade unions, a
tendency seeking to change the policy of the unions and to
replace the current union leadership with one committed to
the policy of class struggle. CSWP is not the only left
opposition in the labor movement. But there is no other
group in the Portland-area unions that is trying to get
the unions to take a stand on the abortion question.
Most union lefts don’t draw the line in the unions on the
right to abortion because it’s “divisive,” so in practice
these not-so-radicals limit themselves to issues of “bread
and butter” and “democracy.” Sure, so long as nothing
serious is at stake, they will carry on about all sorts of
“social justice.” But in pursuit of opportunist alliances
and temporary popularity, they won’t fight the capitalist
system and all the oppression it creates — oppression of
women, blacks, immigrants, gays and lesbians, etc. In our
epoch of decaying capitalism, however, if you can’t fight
the capitalist system politically you can’t win any
serious labor struggle.
At the January 17 picket, we chanted “Pro-life, your
name’s a lie, you don’t care if women die.” It is often
noted that the anti-abortion movement’s professed concern
for the “life” of the fetus is simply a hypocritical ploy
in their agenda to put the woman in her “place.” And while
the religious bigots truly believe that they are marching
under the banner of heaven, the oppression of women is not
just a relic of biblical times. The drive to put women in
their place, as incubators and house-slaves, comes from
the capitalist system.
It is immensely beneficial to the bosses to keep half of
the working class in that special place, tasked with doing
most or all of the unpaid work that keeps the labor supply
coming back to work from day to day and from generation to
generation. So long as a woman, by reason of a pregnancy
that she is not allowed to abort, can be condemned against
her will to 20 or so years of this second shift, then you
can forget about “equal rights.” And the bosses have even
got some of the workers believing that this is the way
things ought to be, that this arrangement is some kind of
“human nature.”
It doesn’t have to be this way: oppression is not “human
nature” but the product of a specific social order, the
rule of capital. The fight against capitalism – the class
struggle – is not just about wages and benefits. The class
struggle includes the fight for the liberation of women:
for the right of women to control their own bodies, for
the socialization of “women’s work,” free child care,
cooking, cleaning and laundry services. Likewise, the
struggle for black liberation, including of doubly
oppressed black women, is part of the class struggle.
With working-class women standing at the forefront of the
class struggle, leading together with their male comrades,
our class will become an unstoppable force. ■
To contact Class Struggle Workers –
Portland, write to:
Visit the CSWP website at
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