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May 2003
Break From The Popular Front of the Fake Left! For Class War Centered on Proletarian Actions The Rebolusyonaryong Grupo ng mga Komunista, along with the League for the Fourth International/Internationalist Group, is calling on the working class here in the Philippines and the whole world to combat the imperialist occupation of Iraq by the U.S. and Britain and the imperialist aggression of U.S. military troops in the Philippines. We call for class war centered on proletarian actions that will stop capitalist industry and the imperialist war and aggression, rather than symbolic actions to protest the war, such as are being peddled by left-posturing organizations and parties through the building of a “People’s Front”/“Democratic Front”. We also call upon the working class to fight for its political independence against the bourgeoisie and to lead the struggle against moves and actions of the Philippine bourgeoisie, currently headed by [President Gloria] Arroyo, which seeks to further tighten its rule here in the Philippines. It is clear in the recent campaign against the U.S. imperialist war
in Iraq that the rallies and protests by Maoists/Stalinists and other fake
left – which formed various “Popular Front”/“People’s Front” coalitions that
included opportunists and bourgeois politicians – have not been effective
in combating, much less stopping the imperialist war (which is actually an
inherent characteristic of imperialism). It has not even prevented the entry
of the mercenary troops of the U.S. imperialists to “aid” the blood-drenched
AFP [Armed Forces of the Philippines] to attack and quash all groups that
are fighting imperialism and the Christian-chauvinist Philippine bourgeoisie.
And even if they repeatedly rally at EDSA [the major avenue near the presidential
palace] to protest the enacting of the Anti-Terrorism Bill, the bourgeois
state will always find ways to strengthen the grip of its rule over the working
class, peasant, women, youth, the Moro peoples and the other tribal minorities.
What the “popular front” formed by the fake left (including Maoists, Stalinists,
social democrats, pseudo-Trotskyists, and other variants) carried out were
only symbolical protests that did not, even a bit, stop the raging bull-like
war machine of the U.S. and British imperialists nor the actions and attacks
of the “super-puppet” Philippine bourgeoisie headed by Arroyo. On the other hand, the left-posturing “underground” parties of the
Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines/New Peoples Army (CPP/NPA) and the
Marxist-Leninist Party of the Philippines/Rebolusyonaryong Hukbong Bayan (Revolutionary
Peoples Army) that are calling for “People’s Protracted War” and “Class War
Against the Imperialist Occupation” will also lead to a merry-go-round ride.
Their concept of war does not recognize the real contradictions in class
struggle and they see victory solely in terms of the military strength between
the guerilla army and the AFP. Secondly, these Maoist parties continue to
pursue the bankrupt theory of “guerillaism” – launching military actions against
individual targets that do not bring down the rule of the bourgeoisie and
lead to the seizure of political power by the working class. In addition,
the war that these Maoists carry out is also based on the strength and extent
of the “underground peoples front” – including the “national bourgeoisie,”
the class enemy of the working class – to fight imperialism and their own
bourgeois class. This has been repeatedly proven a dead-end historically (Indonesia
1965, Chile 1973, and other bloody defeats) and would only result in the
bourgeoisie wresting political power from the working class and in the end
the destruction of workers organizations and parties. This is also the essence of the program of the other “underground”
Stalinist parties who try hard to inculcate into the consciousness of the
working class the Menshevik theory that the main struggle of the class is
“for democracy” or “for the neutralization of the local government of the
bourgeoisie.” Like the Maoists, these underground Stalinist parties also pursue
the anti-Leninist concept of “guerrillaism.” The only difference between them
is their tactics on how to “smoothly” insert the bankrupt theories of Stalin
so that it will not be the same terminology as the Maoists. Like the Maoists
also, these underground Stalinist parties that pretend to be for the working
class also ally with the enemy of the working class, the so-called “progressive”/“liberal”
bourgeoisie to win the “democratic” struggle of the class. That is why the
workers, peasants, women, youth and other sectors that are led or influenced
by these parties have illusions that they can “pressure” the bourgeoisie
and its state to give some of what they call partial demands of the “democratic
demands.” In the end, this program of the “labour,” “socialist,” “Leninist”
parties eventually leads the working class towards reformism. Reformism slowly
poisons the class, causing it to struggle for only the betterment of exploitation
under capitalism, and to delay the struggle for workers revolution and socialism. These so-called “Popular Fronts,” “Peoples Fronts” and “Democratic
Fronts” do not and will not help in the struggle of the working class in its
struggle against the bourgeoisie. Instead, they actually hinder the revolutionary
struggle of the working class for the seizure of political power and for socialism.
That is why it is important for the working class and the whole of the working
people to break from all forms of “Popular Fronts” – which the entire fake
left continue to pursue – to ensure victory in the revolutionary struggle
against imperialism and the bourgeois state headed by the “super-puppet” Arroyo. That is why it is important to struggle to build a genuine revolutionary
party of the working class that will lead the working class and all the working
people in the struggle for the political independence of the class. This is
not reflected by the posturing leaders and parties of the Maoists, Stalinists,
and all the other variants of the fake left. A genuine revolutionary party
of the working class must be patterned on the Bolshevik Party of Lenin and
Trotsky – that led the victory of the first workers state created through
workers revolution in 1917. Such a party will fight consistently to ensure
that the struggle of the class and the working masses is directed not only
against the imperialist war but also in leading the working class in the struggle
to break from all variants of “popular fronts,” a struggle for political independence
and for workers revolution and the seizure of political power from the bourgeoisie. The RGK and the LFI are fighting to build this party. We also call
for the reforging of the Fourth International that was founded by Leon Trotsky
in 1938, the world party of the international socialist revolution, to win
new October Revolutions - the only successful workers revolution - in the
21st century. JOIN THE RGK!! The RGK and LFI are fighting for revolutionary
regroupment of conscious revolutionary workers, women and youth that clearly
see the bankruptcy of the organizations and parties that continue to reflect
the theory and practice of Stalin, Mao and revisionist social democracy. We
seek to intervene in the struggles of the working class and in the decisive
moments of the class struggle. You can contact the RGK through e-mail at:
rgk7@hotmail.com. You can also contact the IG/LFI at
internationalistgroup@msn.com. To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |