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![]() September 2003 Statement of the The Class War In Southeast Asia Oppressed Peoples, Deformed Workers
States We print below a document of the Rebolusyonaryong Grupo ng mga Komunista (RKG – Revolutionary Communist Group) of the Philippines which synpathizes with the League for the Fourth International.
After the destruction of Iraq by the number one terrorist in the whole world, United States imperialism, and the eventual carving up of the country by companies that are close to the gangster Bush and his cronies, the U.S. is now focusing its attention on Southeast and East Asia. The working class and the myriad peoples in this region are experiencing a new campaign of class war and terror through brutal attacks and a war of aggression perpetrated by the imperialist U.S. and its satraps of the local ruling bourgeois class. From Aceh and Irian Jaya (West Papua) in Indonesia, to Mindanao in the Philippines, to North Korea and China, the working class and the different peoples in this region are facing a long and bloody war of aggression. A war of aggression that will not stop until it has completely crushed all the peoples fighting for independence and self-determination. A war of aggression that is being fed by U.S. imperialism by giving assistance to its puppet regimes to eventually tighten its hegemony in Southeast Asia and to prevent the ambitions of rival imperialist countries particularly Japan. A war of aggression whose aim, ultimately, is to foster counterrevolution in the remaining deformed workers states from within and without, especially North Korea and China, and to bring back the exploitative and oppressive capitalist system that these countries have already brought down. The Rebolusyonaryong Grupo ng mga Komunista, along with the League for the Fourth International, unconditionally defends China, North Korea and all the remaining deformed workers states from imperialist strangulation by the U.S. and its gang of imperialist and capitalist countries. We also defend the different peoples and national minorities from attacks and aggression by the local bourgeois states in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia and the Philippines. The war in Mindanao, Aceh and other parts of Southeast Asia, and the state repression that accompanies the protest against these wars; the brutal dispersals of rallies against the war on Iraq; the almost daily raids of the police and the military on working class, Moro, and urban poor communities; the arrest of poor people accused of being drug addicts and small-time pushers, and the turning of the whole population into hostages by tightening the state’s security measures in the name of “the war against drugs and terrorism,” all point in one direction: the need of the local ruling class and imperialism to maintain their grip on the population in order to further exploit and oppress the working class and all the oppressed peoples and sectors of South East Asia. It is important for the class-conscious workers to lead all the oppressed against imperialist domination and bourgeois repression and exploitation. For the proletariat to liberate itself, through workers revolution, it must carry forward the struggle for the liberation of all the oppressed. Indonesia, Philippines and the Bloody Domination of Their Bourgeoisies In Indonesia, the bourgeois state now headed by Megewati Sukarnoputri has launched a brutal campaign that, according to its military spokespersons, will ultimately “neutralize the capability of GAM rebels” (or the Free Aceh Movement). In simple words, kill all those who will not recognize the authority of the Indonesian state. At last count, over 10,000 people have already died since the start of the GAM rebellion in 1976, fighting for an Aceh state independent of Indonesia. These past months, after the declaration of “the neutralization of GAM” by the Armed Forces of Indonesia (ABRI), the army has already killed hundreds of Aceh civilians, many of whom were summarily executed after being accused as GAM supporters. There were even reports that families were murdered by Indonesian troops for the simple “crime” of not having red-and-white Indonesian flags put up at the front of their houses when the terrorist troops of ABRI [Indonesian armed forces] passed by. Like the people of Aceh (who have struggled for
independence since they were first occupied by the Dutch around the 18th
century), the other peoples colonized by Indonesia also suffered the same
experiences. These include: the Timorese and Papuan peoples of East Timor
and Irian Jaya respectively. In the name of “national and republican unity,”
these peoples have experienced and are experiencing countless murders (killing
of prominent independence leaders like Theys Eluay in Irian Jaya in 2001),
destruction of their livelihoods, homes and future at the hands of Indonesian
troops. In East Timor alone, already over 200,000 people – almost a third
of the entire population of Timorese living in East Timor – have been slaughtered,
like the massacre of 200 demonstrators in Dili, East Timor’s capital in 1991,
or the violence and mayhem after the East Timorese voted overwhelmingly for
independence in 1999, as well as through hunger and sickness. This does not
include the almost yearly attacks, burnings, rapes, and killings of Chinese
and Christian minorities that resulted in hundreds of victims. In the Philippines, the bourgeois state, now headed
by Gloria Macapagal Arroyo who seeks to be not just another puppet regime
but a “super-puppet” of the U.S. imperialist “superpower,” has launched so-called
“punitive actions” against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and other
“terrorist” groups. This kind of statement by the warmongering bourgeois
regime of Arroyo literally means to attack and destroy all the fighting
Moro peoples in Mindanao. As of last count, roughly 300,000 people have
been dislocated by the bombings and military operations of the blood-drenched
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). It is estimated that over 100 people
have been killed between the two sides. ![]() Internationalist map (adapted from Reliefweb)
In the name of the so-called “campaign
against terrorism,” the Arroyo regime has produced an excuse to attack and
prepare a “final solution” to the question of the Moro peoples, the Bangsamoro.
It has also given the bourgeoisie an excuse to clamp down on security, aiming
at mobilizing the citizenry against suspect people and movements. Even simple
Indonesian smugglers of diesel and oil are suspected of being terrorists
and arrested by the paranoid military and the Philippine National Police
(PNP). The bourgeois regime of Arroyo is trying desperately to connect all
those fighting the bourgeois state, portraying them as “terrorists,” especially
left-wing groups and organizations like the Communist Party of the Philippines/New
People’s Army (CPP/NPA), and independence movements like the MILF, the Moro
National Liberation Front (MNLF) and others. Such actions by the ruling
class of the Philippines mean that everybody who would mobilize the masses
against what the bourgeois state defines as terrorism can be suspected and
attacked as “terrorists.” In addition, they seek to divide the whole
working class as well as the indigenous peoples and other oppressed sectors,
as well as fostering prejudices against ethnic Indian and Chinese living
in the Philippines, who are pictured by the bourgeois state as smugglers,
druglords and usurers. Accompanying the brutal occupation and military
operations, is the forced integration of people or the flooding of “settlers,”
usually from the race or ethnic group of the dominant bourgeois faction in
power. The main objective of this is to physically outnumber the indigenous
groups of people in a particular area in order to ensure that the “majority”
of the population is for the incorporation of the area as a province of the
bourgeois state. In Indonesia, during the 1960s and early 1970s, most of
the settlers in East and West Timor, Irian Jaya (West Papua), Aceh and other
outlying areas of the Indonesian state came from Java, which is also the
home of the dominant bourgeois factions (Sukarno, Suharto and the present
Sukarnoputri regime). In the Philippines, the massive distribution of
lands in Mindanao to Christian settlers from Luzon and Visayas has resulted
in the dislocation of the Moro peoples from their ancestral lands. From the
passages of Commonwealth Acts numbers 2254 and 2280 of 1913 (that created
agricultural colonies and encouraged migrants from the north to “settle”
in Mindanao) during the American Period, i.e., under direct U.S. colonial
rule, to the formation of the Land Settlement Development Corporation in
1950 for the planning and “development” of lands in Mindanao, the grabbing
of lands of the Moro population and their eventual dislocation have not abated,
and instead have intensified. The recent military campaign by the Arroyo
regime in the provinces around Lanao Lake against so-called “Muslim terrorists
and extremists” is aimed in seizing lands that are very rich in timber and
natural gas for multinational and transnational corporations (with the help
of cronies of the “First Gentleman” Mike Arroyo) to exploit. Why does the bourgeois class do this? The bourgeoisie in Indonesia and the Philippines primarily seeks to foster violence and disunity among the classes it rules over. This is the reason why the working class and the different peoples in the society are divided. By spreading and nurturing backward bourgeois ideology like racism, chauvinism, discrimination and prejudice to “different” ethnic groups and races of people, the bourgeoisie is ensuring that it can continue its class rule. Always, the minority groups that are “different” are victimized with atrocities and attacks. They are blamed by the bourgeoisie as the cause of sufferings of the dominant group of people and of the backwardness of their society. What could be more ideal for the perpetuation of their rule, but that the working class and other oppressed sectors and groups be divided on the basis of color and race, religion and nationalities of peoples? The aggression in East Timor, Aceh, Irian Jaya as well as against ethnic Chinese and Christians by the militarist Sukarnoputri in Indonesia, and the war devised by the gunpowder-filled brain of Arroyo against the Bangsamoro in Mindanao as well as against “communists,” ethnic Chinese and Indians, are needed so they can strengthen their class rule. This goes to show that the bourgeoisie in Indonesia,
Philippines and elsewhere will do anything to be able to exploit and extract
super-profits from the toilers even to the point of instigating wars and
placing the blame on the oppressed. This is the reason why the war in
Aceh, Irian Jaya and Mindanao, including the Sulu islands, will never end
unless the bourgeoisie is brought down. Otherwise, the “ethnic cleansing,”
pogroms and killings unleashed against groups that are “different” in race,
religion, sex or ethnicity from the dominant bourgeois class in a country
will continue. We demand: Fight to defeat the aggression by the bourgeois
state against minority ethnic groups and oppressed peoples!! For the right
of independence of Aceh, Irian Jaya and Mindanao!! For workers revolutions
to end the exploitative and oppressive rule of the bourgeoisie!! The local bourgeoisies of Indonesia and the Philippines
will not and cannot resolve the oppressed peoples and woman questions since
this runs counter to its interest, as they are tied by a thousand strands
to imperialism, as we have seen time and again. This is demonstrated by the
pitiless exploitation of Filipina women workers, who produce super-profits
in low-wage sweatshops, and the brutal oppression of the Bangsamoro peoples.
Only through the program of permanent revolution can the democratic tasks
of agrarian revolution, national liberation and political democracy be fully
resolved by establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat under the leadership
of an authentic communist party that undertakes socialist tasks as well (i.e.,
collectivization of the means of production, centralization of the planning
and use of resources for the benefit of the whole society, etc.) and extends
the revolution to the imperialist centers. The Philippines and Indonesia
have conditions like that of Russia in 1917 (backward capitalist economies
that primarily support the industries of the imperialist countries; oppressed
peoples; women being oppressed with the aid of a “moralist” religion, etc.).
The program of permanent revolution also counters the Stalinist dogma of
“two-staged revolution” and “popular/democratic front” that always led to
bloody defeat, from China in the 1920s to Indonesia in 1965, the Huk rebellion
of the 1940s, 50s, 60s, and the NPA rebellion from the 70s to the present
in the Philippines. That is why it is necessary for the working class
to fight not only for its own liberation but also for the rights of the Aceh,
Moro, Papuan and other oppressed nationalities and peoples. Recognition by
Indonesian and Filipino workers of the right to self-determination (that
is, the right to secede) will give a tremendous push to oppressed nationalities,
and will be key in breaking the ideological stranglehold of bourgeois nationalism
and chauvinism on the working class itself. Under the leadership of the working
class fighting for proletarian revolution, the struggle of oppressed peoples
and minorities for their liberation will not be limited to replacing the
bourgeois state that oppressed them with another oppressive bourgeois state,
as the Moro secessionists and some of the fake left desire. National oppression
will continue until the local bourgeoisies and their imperialist masters
are defeated – in the Philippines, Indonesia and other countries in Southeast
Asia as well as in the imperialist countries. Only under a revolutionary
workers state will the Bangsamoro, the peoples of Aceh, Papua and other national
minorities and peoples be able to achieve genuine national liberation, freely
choosing whether this shall be in the framework of independent national states
or as part of revolutionary workers states in the Philippines and Indonesia,
which would provide for extensive regional autonomy. In either case, we Trotskyists
would fight for a socialist federation of Southeast Asia which would provide
a framework for harmonious emancipation of the great number of nationalities
and peoples whose development has been stunted by the heritage of colonial
and semicolonial capitalist rule. The Rebolusyonaryong Grupo ng mga Komunista, as
a revolutionary group of workers, is presenting some of the transitional
program for the oppressed peoples of Indonesia and the Philippines:
Imperialist Threats and Aggression
Against the Peoples of Southeast Asia and the Deformed Workers States The local bourgeois classes are always making actions
in consonance with their master, the only superpower terrorist in the world,
U.S. imperialism. Under the cover of its “war against global terrorism,”
the U.S. aids the local ruling bourgeoisies in their war against the secessionist
movements and insurgencies. In fact the campaign of the militarist tacticians
in the White House has given the local ruling bourgeoisies in Indonesia and
in the Philippines permission to attack and destroy all those groups, organizations,
and movements that are fighting the bourgeois state including petty-bourgeois
peasant-based liberation movements. Some of the support that the U.S. has
given and is giving includes: supplying arms and military hardware and the
construction of infrastructure which will facilitate greater mobility of
the troops of the puppet state as in Mindanao and other parts in the Philippines;
sharing of intelligence data on opponents of the bourgeois state supported
by imperialism, like that provided to Indonesia when it invaded East Timor
in 1975; the elevation of the status of the Philippines into a “Major Non-NATO
Ally,” which means priority in military aid and troop deployment; as well
as other overt and covert support. Besides these, Bush’s cronies have promised
different kinds of economic aid, including participation in the rape and
plunder of devastated Iraq. The U.S. published a list of “foreign terrorist
groups” that they will chase and destroy with the help of the local puppet
states. These lists are, in fact, “enemies lists” supplied by the bourgeois
puppet regimes listing organizations and movements of workers, national minorities
and other groups of the oppressed. In the last four decades of the 20th century, the
main excuse of U.S. imperialism for its global marauding was the need to
support the local ruling classes in their fight against the threat of “communism,”
and to shore them up against the different nationalists and separatist movements.
That is why it has always sought to maintain military bases in the region,
notably Clark AFB and Subic Bay Naval Station in the Philippines. During
the height of its war against the workers and the peoples of Vietnam, these
two military bases were the launching pad of military operations and a “rest
and recreation” station of the invading troops of U.S. imperialism. This
resulted in countless atrocities by the American troops such as: rape and
degradation of women by having brothels and sex bars around the perimeter
of the bases; the shooting on sight of scavengers, the majority of whom were
children, “just for fun and target practice,” when caught around the base;
and the exposure of base workers and their families to hazardous chemicals
and biological elements that until today is still felt by them. The withdrawal of U.S. imperialism from Clark and
Subic in 1991 mainly resulted from the collapse of the Soviet degenerated
workers state and what was seen then as the weakening and “death of communism.”
But after only a decade, spokesmen of the United States are beating the drums
again announcing their intention to set up military bases in the region particularly
in the Philippines, even on a temporary basis only. The current excuse by
the war-monger cronies of Bush is the “global war against terrorism” – which
basically means the global war against the working class and the whole of
mankind through direct intervention and the giving of military aid and support
to puppet regimes. The Bankrupt Program of Class Collaboration with the Bourgeoisie on the National Question Amid all these attacks, the posturing left movement has not taken any independent stand against the aggression of U.S. imperialism and the local ruling classes. If they have protested, these are mainly symbolic protests, that aim to pressure the bourgeoisie and imperialism to stop the war or are that mobilize under the poisonous program of class-collaboration and the popular front. In Indonesia, the People’s Democratic Party (PRD)
is pushing for intervention by the United Nations (U.N.) to resolve the questions
of self-determination of the different peoples of Indonesia. The logic of
this program is to give way to an “independent” or “neutral” imperialist
overlordship, such as occurred with the people of East Timor in determining
their national fate. But the truth is that the U.N. is not neutral or
independent. In its history as an organization, the U.N. has always sided
with the interests of the imperialists. From the Korean War to Somalia, Iraq
and Cuba, the “neutral” U.N. has always used the forces of its member countries
to serve and protect the interests of the U.S., Britain, France, Germany
and Japan. East Timor still has no industry because of the plans of U.S.
imperialism and its junior imperialist partner Australia to develop it into
a “tourist spot” and a logging country. The conservative government of Australia
and the Labor Party “opposition” even sought to block the East Timorese from
having a big stake in developing its rich oil fields! That is why “intervention”
by the U.N. in the national question in Indonesia and other countries will
never be a solution. In 1998, when the economy of Indonesia began to
melt, and the workers and students undertook an uprising, the PRD still continued
their class-collaborationist line, this time in silent collaboration with
Washington and the International Monetary Fund, which had decided it was
time to get rid of Suharto. This resulted in taking up the cause of
an anti-worker, anti-women enemy of national minorities – Megawati Sukarnoputri,
the Indonesian version of Aquino and Arroyo who was catapulted and kept in
power by the military. The PRD program on the national question only reflects
their general program of unifying with all the “democratic forces” – that
is, in essence, the bankrupt practice of popular frontism. This brings us
back to the bloody history of Indonesia in 1965, wherein, after years of
practicing popular frontism with the “democratic forces” including the “progressive
military” under a “democratic coalition government,” the Communist Party
of Indonesia (PKI) was crushed by a coup d’état by the “progressive
military” headed by the criminal Suharto. The U.S. for its part, after suffering embarrassing
losses one after another in the Vietnam War, saw an opportunity in Indonesia
with Suhartoand the PKI’s opportunist program by supporting the military
coup d’état against the PKI and the nationalist elements lead by Sukarno,
the father of Megawati Sukarnoputri. This finally paved the way for the annihilation
of over a million people including members and supporters of the PKI (which
was then the biggest communist party outside the Soviet Union and China),
trade-unionists, Indonesian nationalists, and oppressed peoples. Eventually,
this allowed the U.S. to recover and regroup its forces and launch a renewed
imperialist offensive that we are still experiencing today. The PRD’s program of class collaboration and popular
frontism is a reflection of its co-thinkers in the Australian fake left particularly
the Democratic Socialist Party of Australia (DSP) which basically acts as
a left cover of the “Labor” Party that periodically manages the second-rate
imperialist state of Australia. Although the DSP tries to dress up as Leninist
and at times even borrows Trotskyist language to justify its politics, this
outfit like the rest of the pseudo-Trotskyists and outright reformist social
democrats pushes the Menshevik program of two-stage revolution where the
first stage is for the working class to struggle for the “revolutionary-democratic”
tasks, postponing to the unseen future any socialist tasks. In reality, from
China in 1927 to Indonesia in 1965 and 1998, the first stage invariably ends
in a defeat for the working class. In Australia, these left-talking social
democrats seek to act as managers of the capitalist-imperialist state, content
to leave political and economic power to the bourgeoisie. In the end, this
opportunist program will not lead the working class to its liberation, instead,
it will only tie the workers to the bourgeoisie. What is needed is for the working class of Australia
and New Zealand to break from these opportunist parties that foster the illusion
that capitalism can have a more “humane” face. Capitalism (imperialism in
its present stage) can never have a humane face since it is driven by competition,
domination and the need to produce super-profits. At the same time, these
opportunist parties, by tailing after the Labor Party and “Labor” governments
that dutifully manage the capitalists’ affairs thereby support the suppression
of the working class, left and liberation movements in ANZ and in the Pacific
and Southeast Asia. For the Australian and New Zealand working class to break
from the social democrats and the opportunist pseudo-socialists will be a
first step in the struggle for its own liberation and socialist revolution
and to kick out the bourgeoisie and its “Labor” Party partners who acted
as deputy sheriffs of U.S. imperialism in the Pacific and Asia. Advances
in building a revolutionary workers party in Australia and New Zealand will
give a powerful push to the working class in Southeast Asia and the Pacific,
and a victorious socialist revolution in these junior league imperialist
states can only take place in close collaboration with the workers of Indonesia
and Philippines. In the Philippines on the other hand, the fake lefts
are calling to “stop” the war in Mindanao. Their only difference is over
who among them is the noisiest in shouting about “forcing” the Arroyo government,
which positively salivates for war, to stop the war on the Bangsamoro. The
Communist Party of the Philippines, while calling for “people’s war” against
the Arroyo regime, only offers the Moro peoples “genuine autonomy under a
democratic coalition government” as supposedly representing self-determination.
But the essence of the CPP program for the Moro peoples is that Mindanao
should not secede from the Philippines. This is a manifestation of their
narrow, nationalist ideology of “socialism in one country” and demonstrates
the denial of the basic right of the Bangsamoro to self-determination, i.e.,
independence. Other groups of reformists and fake lefts raise
abstract calls and agendas “for the right of self-determination of the national
and tribal minorities” (Marxist-Leninist Party of the Philippines). There
are also groups that do not want to tackle the national question but are
explicitly against the independence of the Moro peoples and Mindanao because
“Mindanao, rich in natural resources, cannot secede” (Socialist Workers Movement
– SKM / Party of Marxist-Leninism of the Philippines – PMLP). On the other
hand, the Socialist Labor Party (SPP) of Sonny Melencio claims that the struggle
for the “eradication of all forms of national oppression” is a “distinct
part of the revolutionary-democratic tasks during the first stage of the
continuing Philippine revolution.” But what they mean by that is political
support to the Moro Islamic nationalists. The SPP emphatically rejects the
Trotskyist program of permanent revolution (see “SPP Founding Congress,”
Green-Left Weekly, 21 July 1999), and in the name of “revolutionary democracy”
hails the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). The MILF is for the establishment
of an Islamic state in Mindanao based on sharia law (an Islamic code largely
based on the Koran, dating from the 7th century). Such an obscurantist theocratic
regime would hardly be democratic, much less revolutionary, and would subject
women to intensified oppression. The SPP flaunts a glaring contradiction,
by claiming it is for the right of women to have abortions while at the same
time it supports a movement that would subject women to the bondage of medieval
religious laws and reactionary morals. Melencio openly declares “the SPP’s support of the
MILF’s struggle” for “national liberation, and the Moro National Liberation
Front (MNLF) “ceased to be a national liberation force” when it was coopted
by the Philippine government in 1996 (see “The Moro Question,” Links, May-August
2001). Yet the MILF itself agreed to a ceasefire with Arroyo in 2001, has
had extensive negotiations with the government since 1997 and is by no means
opposed to cutting a deal with Manila for some kind of bogus “autonomy.”
Like its co-thinkers in the Indonesian PRD (who supported the Javanese chauvinist
Sukarnoputri), and the DSP of Australia (which supported the anti-Soviet
counter-revolutionary Polish nationalists of Solidarnoíº), the
SPP virtually accommodates every bourgeois opposition. Thus the SPP even
supports the Cordillera People’s Liberation Army of Conrado Balweg that is
integrated into the Armed Forces of the Philippines and has become an anti-NPA/anti-communist
vigilante group, and has the effrontery to quote Lenin and Trotsky in attempting
to justify this betrayal! This goes to show the SPP’s opportunism and its
continued adherence to the bankrupt Stalinist dogma of “two-stage revolution”
and the building of “popular/democratic fronts.” There is also a group of former Trotskyists, the
International Communist League (ICL) or Spartacist tendency, which claims
to stand for U.S. and Philippines troops out of Mindanao. In its published
statements (e.g., “U.S. Troops Out of the Philippines!” Workers Vanguard,
19 April 2002), the ICL has carefully skirted the issue of the Bangsamoro
struggle for independence, while in discussions with RGK supporters ICL supporters
argue that the Moro peoples do not have an independent identity and that
they are at most only “part of the kingdom of the Sultan of Borneo” and thus
do not qualify as a nation. The Bangsamoro may not yet be a fully developed
nation according to the criteria laid out by Stalin in his 1913 pamphlet
on the national question, written under Lenin’s tutelage, although they do
have many national attributes (territory, economy and history, and the Moro
languages are closely related). Lenin was a dialectical materialist who understood
that there were myriad peoples, national minorities, nationalities and nations
in the tsarist empire at various stages of social development, and he fought
tenaciously for recognition of national rights in the Caucasus. So, we might
ask the “learned” pedants of the ICL, were the Uzbeks, Tadzhiks, Kazakhs
and Turkmens of Soviet Central Asia fully fledged nations when they became
union republics of the USSR, including the theoretical right of secession
(although this was negated in practice by the Great Russian chauvinist Stalinist
bureaucracy)? If the national development of the Moros was arrested,
this was in good part because of the extreme brutality of the occupation
of Mindanao, Jolo and the other southern islands of the Philippine Archipelago
by nascent U.S. imperialism at the beginning of the 20th century. The Moros
had never been conquered by the Spanish. Their fierce resistance was overcome
by the Americans only through massive slaughter at Cagayan, Agusan, Misamis
and Bayan, culminating in the massacre of more than 900 Moros at the volcano
of Bud Dajo in March 1906, which caused widespread revulsion in the United
States itself. The new colonial masters undertook large-scale immigration
of Christian Filipinos to swamp the Moros numerically, yet during U.S. colonial
rule the southern regions were administered separately from the rest of the
Philippines. Only with semi-colonial “independence” following World War II,
were the islands “integrated” into the Philippines state, which drove the
indigenous population further into the hills while turning over large swaths
of Mindanao to plantations of U.S. corporations such as Firestone (rubber),
Dole (pineapple) and the timber/paper giants Weyerhauser and Boise-Cascade.
And now, for the past 30-plus years there has been an insurgency fighting
for independence for the Bangsamoro. In the Philippines, the ICL’s erudite arguments are nothing but pseudo-Marxist excuses for capitulating to Filipino nationalism, both of the right and the “left,” which is dead-set against secession of Mindanao and other southern islands. From the CPP to the ICL, the fake lefts side with the bourgeois Philippines state dominated by Luzon chauvinists. In contrast, the Rebolusyonaryong Grupo ng mga Komunista stands for proletarian internationalism, which breaks through the straitjacket of the existing national states inherited from colonialism, making it possible for the right of self-determination for oppressed nationalities to be realized in an emancipatory fashion, combating the reactionary programs of bourgeois nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism, through a socialist federation of Southeast Asia. The program of the pseudo-socialists including the formerly pro-Moscow Stalinists and Mao-Stalinists reflects their bankrupt program of collaboration with the “national”/“progressive”/“democratic” bourgeois “opposition” (i.e., that wing of the capitalists that is not currently in power) through the formation of popular or “democratic” fronts. This means the subordination of the interests of the working class to the interests of the capitalist class. And because of their insatiable appetite for “alliances” with the out-of-power bourgeois factions, they set aside the interest not only of the working class, but also the interests of other oppressed groups and sectors. The defeats of 1965 and 1998 in Indonesia, and the “people’s power” revolts of 1986 (EDSA 1) and 2001 (EDSA 2) in the Philippines, used by the military to oust worn-out regimes and replace them with more “popular” governments, illustrate the tragic balance sheet of popular frontism. U.S. Imperialist Terrorism Against the Deformed Workers States Along with the support of warmongering U.S. imperialism to its puppet regimes like Indonesia and the Philippines, and following the “victorious” destruction and plunder of the Middle East (Afghanistan in 2001, Iraq in 2002), Washington is pushing North Korea and China into the brink of war. The United States imperialists seek to force Pyongyang to abandon its deterrent nuclear arms program – if not, the U.S. will be “forced” to attack the bureaucratically deformed workers state, which has been relentlessly threatened by the bully Bush. And behind North Korea stands China. While Bush, Jr. ludicrously copies Clint Eastwood in defying North Korea to “make my day,” the South Korean bourgeois puppet state of U.S. imperialism continuous to provoke military confrontations: the exchange of fire between South and North Korean navy boats, continual incursions into the territorial airspace of China and North Korea perpetrated by U.S. intelligence planes. Last year, there was the new of the downing of a spy plane by the air force of China. This resulted in the death of the Chinese pilot of the MIG-29 plane just to cripple the U.S. spy plane and force it to land in China. Adding to this, the U.S. continues to pressure China and Cuba to “reform” their “human rights” record – by which they mean to give free rein to counterrevolutionary mercenaries on the U.S. payroll, starting with the Tibetan Dalai Lama. The burgeoning aggression, military provocation and the many-sided economic and political pressure on China, North Korea, Cuba and Vietnam by U.S. imperialism is aimed at bringing them down through capitalist counter-revolution. The intervention by the United States and its support of the aggression of the ruling class in Indonesia and the Philippines against national minorities is aimed at strengthening the states that support U.S. imperialism – support it needs in neutralizing rival imperialist powers in Asia and especially to menace the deformed workers states of China and North Korea. The RGK and the LFI, as revolutionary Trotskyists
unconditionally defend the remaining deformed workers states of China, North
Korea, Cuba and Vietnam from internal and external counter-revolutionary
actions by imperialism and the capitalist elements inside these states, as
well as pro-capitalist sectors of the bureaucracy. The Stalinist bureaucracy’s
policy of “peaceful coexistence” with imperialism prepares the way for the
destruction of the socialized centrally planned economy. The imperialists
seek to resurrect the exploitative, oppressive and anarchic capitalist mode
of production that has already caused untold poverty and sufferings for mankind,
and which the Chinese, North Koreans, Cubans and Vietnamese had driven out
of their own countries. The threats, military provocations and other counter-revolutionary
actions of imperialism, headed by the U.S., and the neighboring capitalist
states, as well as the sabotage by capitalists from without and within, aim
at bringing down these deformed workers states and bringing back the capitalist
system. We defend the right of the deformed workers states
to possess any kind of weapons – including biological, chemical and nuclear
arms – needed to defend themselves and act as a deterrent to the “weapons
of mass destruction” that the imperialist countries possess in enormous quantities
and are already aimed at them. We support the right of China and Vietnam
to establish forward bases and military structures as a deterrent against
the provocations of the imperialist countries and other bourgeois states.
We likewise defend the stationing of Chinese and Vietnamese military troops
and civilians in the Spratly Islands group as a countermeasure against the
militarization and the deployment of civilians by other claimant countries
including the Philippines. We support the suppression of capitalist “gusanos”
in Cuba and the suppression of counter-revolutionaries in China, at the same
time as we demand the immediate release of Chinese workers jailed for protesting
against their deteriorating working conditions, the growing unemployment,
the undermining of state industry and the inhuman exploitation in the growing
capitalist sector. For the Unconditional Defense of the Remaining Deformed
Workers States!! Defeat the Provocations and Attacks by Imperialism and the
Threat of Counterrevolution, Both External and Internal!! As part of our defense of the deformed workers states and their remaining revolutionary gains, we fight for proletarian political revolutions to oust the Stalinist bureaucracies that hold the levers of power in these countries. The Stalinists, who maintain themselves in power by abusing the name and the power of the working class, are parasites who seek to hold onto their privileged positions and do not fight to extend the socialist revolution internationally, especially to the imperialist countries. The limitation of the revolution in their own countries has meant that, from their inception, the revolutions in China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba have been bureaucratically deformed. By pretending to “build socialism in one country” (an utter impossibility as Marx himself underlined); by seeking treacherous “peaceful coexistence” with the imperialists, and by encouraging their followers in other countries to form class-collaborationist “popular fronts” with local bourgeois forces, the Stalinists have hindered the working-class struggle for proletarian revolution. They have no right to rule the workers states, and must be ousted by the revolutionary proletariat before it is too late. In fact the Stalinists have opened the door to capitalist counterrevolution, as Trotsky insisted they would, and the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union and the East European deformed workers states. Rather than bringing back the bourgeoisie and all its horrors, including brutal exploitation and nationalist bloodletting as occurred in the capitalist counterrevolution in the former Soviet Union and deformed workers states of East Europe, proletarian political revolution in the deformed workers states would make it possible to realize the potential of the socialized, centrally planned economies which have been stifled by the dead hand of the bureaucracy. A political revolution aims at booting the Stalinist parasites from power by the workers themselves. The bureaucracy will be replaced by genuine workers councils (soviets), that, the Stalinists have usurped from the very outset. A successful political revolution in China, N. Korea, Cuba and Vietnam will give a powerful creative impetus and institute workers democracy that the Stalinists have strangled through their monolithic control of life in these countries. This will also make possible an egalitarian armed power growing out of the revolutionary mass organs of workers power, replacing the enormous, stultifying apparatus of bureaucratic control that the Stalinists have relied on. In the end, a victorious political revolution must be extend the workers revolution to the capitalist countries, especially the imperialist countries. To accomplish all this, the key is forging an authentic Leninist-Trotskyist communist party of the proletarian vanguard. The Need for a Genuine Revolutionary Leadership of the Working Class The vanguard role of the working class in fighting
to defeat the attacks of U.S. imperialism and its local puppets on the various
peoples of the Middle East, Southeast and East Asia, along with the urgent
need to defend the deformed workers states and mobilize the workers to save
them, requires a break with the poisonous program of class-collaboration
with the bourgeoisie that is practiced by the opportunist labor leaders and
the fake left. The working class must fight for its class political independence
from the bourgeoisie and the pro-capitalist reformist leaders and fake left
and for a revolutionary proletarian program. This urgent necessity makes
all the more dangerous the opportunist politics of pseudo-Trotskyists and
ex-Trotskyists who surrender to pessimism about the revolutionary capacity
of the working class. Beginning with isolated capitulations, this is soon
generalized into betrayal and wholesale revision of the revolutionary program.
The Rebolusyonaryong Grupo ng mga Komunista seeks
to build the nucleus of a revolutionary internationalist workers party that
can prepare itself to lead the working class in its struggle for proletarian
revolution. A workers party that will stand as the tribune of the people,
that will lead the struggles against the oppression of the bourgeoisie and
imperialism. A party that steels its membership and leadership in class struggle
against the bourgeoisie, not only in words but also in deeds. A revolutionary
internationalist party that will fight for the victory of workers revolution,
not just in one country, but also internationally. A Trotskyist fighting
propaganda group can forge such a vanguard party through educating itself
in Marxism and studying the history of the workers movement, as well as through
participation in struggles of the exploited and oppressed that can serve
as an example of its revolutionary program. The Rebolusyonaryong Grupo ng mga Komunista and
the League for the Fourth International fight for the program of authentic
Trotskyism against the defeatist program of class collaboration, pessimism
and surrender to the bourgeoisie. We see as a model for workers revolution
the Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 led by Lenin and Trotsky. We fight
to reforge the Fourth International founded by Trotsky in 1938, upholding
the validity of its Transitional Program and its central thesis: that the
crisis of humanity is concentrated in the crisis of revolutionary leadership
of the proletariat. The struggles of the workers and oppressed of Asia can
play a key role in resolving this crisis. REBOLUSYONARYONG GRUPO NG MGA KOMUNISTA To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |