Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
November 2016
Victory to
the SEPTA Strike!
Mobilize All Of Philly Labor To Win!

TWU Local 234 rallied on October 28 in preparation for
strike. (Brad Larrison for
At one minute past midnight on November 1, almost 5,000
Philadelphia transit workers, members of TWU
(Transport Workers Union) Local 234 walked out. The strike
comes on the heels of months of “negotiations” between the
union and management, if you can call it that. The transit
bosses have been stonewalling, even after the strike
started, demanding increased healthcare and pension
contributions by workers (up to $400 dollars per month for
family coverage!), refusing to remove the pension benefit
cap, increasing workplace surveillance and disregarding
worker safety.
The importance of this vital issue was underlined by the
death of New York City transit worker Louis Gray in NYC
while setting up warning lights for a construction zone on
November 2.
Over 1.1 million people rely on the SEPTA (Southeastern
Pennsylvania Transportation Authority) system to get to
work daily. In the second-largest city on the Eastern
seaboard, this strike has the potential to be very
effective – if all Philly transit workers go on
strike. In 2014 when SEPTA regional rail workers,
represented by International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers Local 98 (IBEW) and Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and Trainmen Division 71 (BLET), struck, TWU
Local 234 president Willie Brown ordered his membership to
remain on the job, undermining the strike. As we wrote at
the time:
“SEPTA workers have enormous power in their
hands, but they are stymied by a leadership that divides
the workers and looks to the bosses’ government rather
than the power of workers solidarity. To overcome this,
Philly mass transit workers should elect a joint
strike committee and prepare for industrial-strength
action against SEPTA and the federal straightjacket. This
would be a giant step toward uniting into one powerful
industrial union.”
Strike Together to Win!” The Internationalist
No. 37, May0June 2014
Now the tables have turned, and the leaders of IBEW Local
98 and BLET Division 71 are stabbing TWU Local 234 in the
back. It isn’t the first time. In 1998, when TWU Local 234
struck for 40 days, union bureaucrats representing
regional rail workers ordered their members to stay on the
job. These games union bureaucrats play only hurt the
membership, who are fighting to defend their standard of
living. And a defeat of one union by the bosses today
paves the way for the defeat of another union tomorrow!
Shutting down regional rail is no minor issue. The
historic NYC transit strike of 2005 succeeded in
paralyzing the center of global finance, causing
millions of dollars in lost revenues for business during
the holiday season. It sent billionaire mayor Michael
Bloomberg into a frenzy, the media denounced strikers as
“rats” and demanded that TWU Local 100 leaders be jailed.
But the commuter trains (LIRR, Metro North, PATH) kept
running. The Internationalist Group distributed leaflets
calling to “Strike to Shut Down All New York City
Transport!” We wrote:
“Metro North and LIRR should be picketed out.
Taxi drivers’ organizations should urge their members to
stay home. Wall Street bigwigs who want to head to
Midtown, ‘and step on it,’ should get the answer, in the
many languages spoken by the heavily immigrant drivers,
Tough, Spread the Strike! Bust the Union-Busters!”
reprinted in The Internationalist No. 23,
April-May 2006
Metro North unions said they would walk
off if strikers’ pickets showed up, but they never did.
Instead of fighting for the labor solidarity needed to win
the strike, TWU Local 100 president Roger Toussaint (who
was subsequently jailed) called off the strike after three

SEPTA strike supporters picketing. Bring out all of Philly
labor to win! (6ABC)
Philadelphia is a key focus of the upcoming elections.
Democrats hope to roll up a big majority in the city to
swamp conservative Republicans in rural Pennsylvania.
Democratic leaders worry that the strike could affect
Hillary Clinton’s chance of getting elected president
should the strike extend to next Tuesday (election day).
Former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell has been calling
insistently on the state legislature to “consider” making
transportation strikes illegal. His complaint: “this will
hold down the turnout in Philadelphia and the Philadelphia
area. I guess that would be good for Donald Trump.”
The capitalist class, through its executive committee
(the government), has already taken action against TWU
strikers, with a court injunction filed on the first day
of the strike in response to strikers picketing on the
tracks of regional rail yards. This rank-and-file
militancy is precisely what the sellout leadership wants
to dampen with their appeals to Democrats in high places
and calls for ‘independent’ mediators.
Posing as “friends of labor” during election campaigns,
Democrats naturally implement the anti-labor program of
the bourgeoisie once in office. Democratic chief Rendell
played a key role as Philly district attorney in framing
Mumia Abu-Jamal, the former Black Panther who sat for
three decades on death row and who is still imprisoned
despite his innocence. Black Democratic mayor Wilson Goode
ordered the police bombing of the MOVE commune on Mothers
Day 1985. Democratic mayors the country over preside over
the unending racist police murder of black and Latino
people, and Democratic president Obama has deported over 5
million immigrants.Yet the union leadership wants the
rank-and-file to put its faith in the good graces of
“concerned elected leaders,” as Local 234 president Brown
said in a November 3 statement.
What is needed is a class-struggle union leadership ready
and able to take the steps necessary to actually win
strikes and prepare workers for the coming battles. That
means recognizing a court injunction for what it is – a
piece of paper which can be shredded by mobilizing labor’s
power backed by African American, Latino, immigrant and
white working people. To do so, it’s necessary to bring
out all of Philly labor, because an injury to one is
an injury to all! A win for SEPTA workers would
bring confidence to other sections of the working class
who take their cue from the country’s powerful transport
workers unions.
But to revitalize the labor movement we must oust the
sellout union bureaucrats, who seek to bind the workers
hand-and-foot to the Democratic Party of racism and war.
Rather than being beholden to the party of Rendell,
Clinton and Obama, TWU Local 234 should follow the example
of Painters and Drywall Finishers (IUPAT Local 10) in
Portland, Oregon, which voted in August to reject the
Democratic and Republican parties or “any party of the
bosses’” and called on labor to “break from the Democratic
Party, and build a class-struggle workers party.” ■