June 2014
Back-to-Work Order Is a Trap
SEPTA Workers:
Strike Together to Win!

Striking engineers and electrical workers of the SEPTA
mass transit system in Philadelphia on June 14, before
President Obama ordered them back to work. Democrats are
no friends of labor. (Photo:
Joseph Kaczmarek/AP)
PHILADELPHIA – Just past midnight on
Saturday, June 14, over 400 unionized Southeastern
Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) workers
represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers Local 98 (IBEW) and the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and Trainmen Division 71 (BLET) walked off their
jobs. This marked the breakdown of four years of fruitless
contract negotiations with the SEPTA administration.
The Phildelphia Inquirer headlined, “SEPTA Rail
Struck, 13 Lines Shut Down.” The Daily News put
it, “Guess We’re Walking.” The strike would affect over
60,000 passengers in and around Philly. But within a
matter of hours, the Democratic administration of Barack
Obama issued an executive order forcing the strikers back
to work and barring IBEW and BLET from striking for 240
Obama’s back-to-work order was a body blow to SEPTA
unions. Yet it was hailed by the leadership of
the BLET and the IBEW. The union bureaucrats had
repeatedly called for increased government
intervention in negotiations with SEPTA. IBEW president
Terry Gallagher told the press that the executive order
was “what we were waiting for. We have been five years
without an agreement, trying to get to this point, and
we’re happy we’re here now.”
The unions called for retro pay raises and increased
contributions to the underfunded pensions in line with
those SEPTA offered Transport Workers Union Local 234
(TWU) after a 2009 strike. Representing subway and bus
operators and comprising over half of all 10,000 SEPTA
workers, the TWU possesses the most bargaining power out
of the 17 SEPTA workers’ unions.
SEPTA wants to stick TWU workers with a 1% pay cut
to pay for the Obamacare tax on union health plans. It
essentially provoked the BLET/IBEW strike by announcing it
would impose a contract containing no back pay and
no increase in pension contributions.
A joint statement by the BLET and IBEW tops in May laid
out their “strategy” of appealing for binding arbitration,
saying that the unions had been “patient for over four
years” of negotiations. In a June 10 letter to union
membership announcing the strike, BLET said SEPTA “is
afraid of a formal investigation of this dispute by an
unbiased tribunal – such as an Arbitration Board or a
Presidential Emergency Board.”
“Patience” with the bosses and increased government
intervention are the opposite of what workers need, and an
arbitration board or presidential emergency board (such as
Obama has now ordered) are hardly “unbiased.” Calling for
arbitration will win nothing. What is needed to gain real
advancements in workers’ rights is unrelenting class
struggle, which begins by recognizing that the capitalist
state represents the class enemy.
The history of SEPTA unions’ relations with management is
an object lesson in how bureaucratized union leadership
acts against the interests of labor and in favor
of capital. The fact that SEPTA workers are divided into
17 different unions is a major obstacle, which the bosses
use to set one craft or group of workers against another.
Back in March, TWU Local 234 president Willie Brown and
other leaders were talking tough, saying “If negotiations
fail, the unions representing SEPTA workers may all be on
strike at the same time, idling bus, trolley, train and
Regional Rail service for the first time ever.” But as a
walkout loomed, Brown told the Inquirer (11 June)
that a BLET/IBEW strike “wouldn’t affect us.” And on June
14, TWU members were ordered to stay on the job,
undermining the strike.
This wasn’t the first time the TWU leadership stabbed
other SEPTA unions in the back. In 1983, Conrail passed
its suburban railway lines to SEPTA, which pushed to
eliminate 600 union jobs and decrease pay of new hires.
The unions agreed to strike together until all unions had
settled. But the TWU, which wasn’t affected, refused to go
out with the others.
After a strike lasting 108 days, SEPTA enacted all of the
changes it originally proposed. It would have been a
different story had the largest SEPTA union hit the picket
lines with the others in solidarity.
Today, the labor-hating press theatrically sighed relief,
and union leaders welcomed the handcuffs placed on them by
the federal government on June 14. But nothing has been
resolved. Commuter rail and city transit workers are still
without contracts, facing concessionary demands on wages,
health care and retirement benefits.
SEPTA workers have enormous power in their hands, but
they are stymied by a leadership that divides the workers
and looks to the bosses’ government rather than the power
of workers solidarity. To overcome this, Philly mass
transit workers should elect a joint strike committee
and prepare for industrial-strength action against SEPTA
and the federal straightjacket. This would be a giant step
toward uniting into one powerful industrial union.
Almost three quarters of a century ago, Leon Trotsky
pointed out: “There is one common feature in the . . .
degeneration, of modern trade union organizations . . . it
is their drawing closely to and growing together with the
state power” (“Trade Unions in the Epoch of Imperialist
Decay” [1940]). Trotsky warned that unions would either be
instruments of the revolutionary struggle of the working
class, or be secondary instruments of capital for the
disciplining of labor.
Today’s sellout misleaders of labor are firmly committed
to the latter course. The answer is not to junk the unions
but to drive out the bureaucrats who endanger the unions
by acting as agents of the bosses and their state. Above
all, what’s needed is to build a leadership that will
break with the Democrats and defy the bosses and their
state, a leadership committed to the program of class
struggle rather than class collaboration. ■
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