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March 2009 Democrats Vote Mega-Billions for War,
Trillions for Bankers –
Students and Labor: Shut NYC Down!Working People Get Shafted NO Cuts – NO Layoffs – NO Givebacks – NO
Tuition Hikes – NO Fare Hikes!
Tuition! Open Admissions! Free Mass Transit! We
Need a Revolutionary Workers Party
Below is the leaflet
of the CUNY Internationalist Clubs distributed on March 5:
MARCH 5 – Since September, students at the City University of New York (CUNY), along with “part time” adjunct teachers, have been fighting against threatened tuition increases, budget cuts and layoffs. This struggle has reached a crucial point. Democratic governor David Paterson’s budget for 2009-2010 includes a tuition increase of $600 a year or more at four-year colleges, and $300 at CUNY community colleges, which are already some of the most expensive in the country. At a time when college enrollment is
mushrooming as
people lose their jobs, CUNY’s academic departments are cutting
budgets, laying
off adjuncts and canceling some class sections. This is a
plan for the expulsion of tens of thousands of working class
and poor students, for whom CUNY is their only opportunity to earn
college degree. A $300 per term tuition hike has already been ordered
for the
State University (SUNY). It’s the same story across the country. The battle is coming to a head as the state
Senate and
Assembly (both now controlled by the Democratic Party) are preparing to
this cutback budget by April 1. Importantly, protests and
student groups have sprung up at a number of CUNY campuses. But it’s
going to
take a lot more to fight this
ruling-class assault. We need to mobilize real power to beat back the
attacks – the power of the organized working class. On March 5, tens of thousands of city workers
will hit
the streets to oppose cuts. So will we. The demonstration at City Hall
has been
called by leaders of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), SEIU
1199, DC 37
and other city workers unions, as well as the Working Families Party (a
for the Democrats) and various coalitions. They’re calling it a “rally
for New
York.” A UFT leaflet called for a “fair budget for all.” Like “we’re
all in it
together”? No way! Do you see the Wall Street bankers “sacrificing”? Now Democrat Obama’s auto bailout would
50,000 auto workers jobs. Billionaire mayor Bloomberg, the ultimate
Republicrat, is demanding that city workers pay 10 percent of health
premiums. The MTA is ordering transit fare hikes and service cuts. To
defeat the
attack on our right to education, to put a stop to Paterson’s
multi-billion-dollar cutbacks in health care and layoffs and to throw
Bloomberg’s “givebacks,” we need to link student protest with a
powerful class struggle of the workers against
the bosses and their parties. They Want to Kick You Out of CUNY Let’s begin by calling things by their right
names. Tuition
at CUNY is nothing other than a tax on students. All CUNY and
tuition payments go to New York State’s general fund, to be spent
however the
legislature pleases, which means prisons, cops and corporate subsidies.
Paterson trumpets that “only” 80 percent of the new tuition hike will
go to the
state, with the remainder going to the CUNY administration, which pays
cops a lot more than it pays adjunct professors who teach most of the
courses. Tuition is a particularly regressive tax,
hitting poor
and working people hardest. Maybe the ruling class considers it a luxury tax, for the “luxury” of getting
educated. Or a sin tax, for the “sin”
of going to school to learn. We in the CUNY Internationalist Clubs are
not only
against a tuition hike, we call for the complete
elimination of tuition and for living
stipends for students so they can afford to study. Impossible?
Hardly. CUNY
has already eliminated tuition for the students in its “honors”
college, and
gives them free laptops. These are the students CUNY authorities and
the ruling
class want. Look at the numbers: 62 percent of
students come from households
that earn less than $30,000 a year. 44
percent of them work at least 20 hours a week. 80
percent of them are black, Latino or Asian. Those who can only
afford to go to school part-time don’t get state TAP (tuition
These are the CUNY students the authorities don’t want, many of whom
will be
eliminated by this tuition purge. This
is the latest episode of the war
against open admissions. In 1969, black and Puerto Rican student
protesters audaciously
took over City College, at the time 96 percent white, demanding that
reflect the composition of city schools. After two weeks of sharp
struggle, the
powerful city unions weighed in demanding that all high school
graduates in New
York be accepted at CUNY. Enrollment soared as hundreds of thousands of
the children
of New York City’s multi-ethnic, multinational working class headed for
Remedial and bilingual classes were established to help the students
who had
been shortchanged by overcrowded, underfunded, and de facto
public schools. But in 1975-76, the Wall Street banks
established an
emergency dictatorship board over all New York City government in order
gouge the workers to pay for another economic crisis. They shut down
CUNY for
two weeks when the faculty refused to work without pay. The president
called for five campuses to be closed – pointedly including Hostos and
Evers community colleges, which served the oppressed Puerto Rican and
black communities
of NYC. Once the CUNY student body was majority non-white and poor, the
“tuition” tax was imposed for the first time, like a poll tax, and has
increased ever since. CUNY is run by an administration packed with
opponents of free public higher education and organized labor (see
“Look Who’s
Trusteeing at CUNY” in Revolution No. 5, September 2008).
chancellor, Matthew Goldstein was promoted after eliminating remedial
as president of Baruch. He then joined future Board of Trustees
chairman Benno
Schmidt, a notorious privatizer and union-buster imported from Yale, to
off the remnants of open admissions by eliminating remedial courses at
all CUNY
four-year colleges in 1999. The bourgeois press hailed this in the name
upholding “standards.” This is the gang that has been pushing for
hikes since long before the economic crisis broke. The capitalists are
against public education in general, they just want it to serve their
system. They’re pouring billions into the City University capital
budget, which
is a bonanza for the construction companies. When the leadership of the
faculty union, the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), calls on the
to “invest” in CUNY, they omit that the bankers’ government will invest
on its
own class terms, which has nothing to do with making CUNY
accessible to
working class and poor students, oppressed racial minorities, or
immigrants. Meanwhile they pay adjunct professors, who
make up
well over half the CUNY faculty (two-thirds in the community colleges),
wages, barely $20,000 a year if they’re lucky enough to get at least
six courses.
Now the administration is cutting back on the number of sections in
amounts to back-door layoffs and pay cuts. Students should
support the struggle of CUNY Contingents Unite, which advocates for
faculty in the PSC, to eliminate the
two-tier academic labor system. Reformists Help the
Democrats to Rescue U.S. imperialism What’s needed is for student protest to
become part of
a class struggle against the Democrat-Republican regime of cutbacks and
Yet many union leaders and various leftist groups seek to deflect the
by appealing to the Democratic party of budget cuts and imperialist
war. There
is the PSC tops’ call on Paterson to “invest in CUNY.” They are also
for the so-called “millionaire’s tax,” as is the International
Organization (ISO) and other reformists with their calls to “tax the
There is nothing the least bit radical about raising state taxes from
6.85 percent
to 10.3 percent on incomes above $250,000 – the New York
Times and other bourgeois spokesmen are all for it. And
even if it passed, they’ll still use the money to bail out the banks
and screw
working people. Earlier, the ISO came up with a petition,
being circulated
by the Hunter Student Union, calling for Hunter College president Raab
to “come
out against tuition hikes and support student activities in opposition
to the
tuition hikes.” Jennifer Raab was a political flack for Mayor Rudolph
who was appointed in 2001 over the opposition of even the tame Faculty
She was praised by the right-wing New
York Observer (24 December 2000) for her support for the 1999
report, which she called “a blueprint for reform.” Raab is part of the
Goldstein team that’s behind the plan to continuously raise tuition. To
call on
her to support student protests against that can only promote illusions. City University students, staff and low-paid
contingent faculty are not alone. Workers throughout the city,
particularly in
the strategic Transit Workers Union Local 100 and health care workers,
cutbacks and job losses. Following a December 16 PSC rally outside
Paterson’s Manhattan office, we marched to a rally of TWU members
layoffs and a fare hike. A student takeover of one or more CUNY
backed by faculty and with significant labor support could galvanize
sections of the city population to fight against budget cuts and a
hike. In any fight
you need to be clear about who are your friends and who’s the enemy.
Albany to Washington, the Democrats are in control. They’re voting
hundreds of
billions to continue the colonial occupation of Iraq and what the Obama
administration is calling the “Afpak” war (in Afghanistan and
Pakistan). The Democrats and Republicans unite to shovel trillions
into the banks’ vaults and
bail out the Detroit auto companies, but they shaft auto workers, city
hospital workers, students and poor people, while staging Gestapo-like
of immigrant workers and
locking up millions of blacks and Latinos. Working people didn’t cause the economic
crisis, and
we won’t pay for it. The Wall Street panic and mass unemployment are
caused by
the nature of the capitalist system itself. Talk of “shared sacrifice”
sucker bait – don’t buy it! To fight the exclusion of tens of thousands
students from the largest urban public university in the U.S., which
graduated more minority students than any other institution of higher
education, we need to forge a fighting alliance with workers and all
oppressed. That is how to beat back the lords of capital and turn
struggles into a fight for power against the system of war, racism and
poverty. To win this struggle we need to break
Democrats and build
a revolutionary workers party. ■
To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |