Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
April 2015
Dock Workers to Shut Port of Oakland & March on
City Hall
South Carolina AFL-CIO Calls for Workers Solidarity
Across U.S.

ILWU Local 10 dock workers march in San Francisco on May
Day 2008 in the first-ever strike action by U.S. workers
against U.S. imperialist war. The work stoppage shut down
all 29 West Coast ports demanding an end to the war and
occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as support for
immigrant rights.
Police murders of unarmed black and brown people continue
without letup across the United States. Despite the
national uproar this fall over the grand jury verdicts
letting off the cops who chokeholded Eric Garner to death
in Staten Island, New York and shot 17-year-old Michael
Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the forces of racist “law and
order” are still on a deadly rampage. On April 4 in North
Charleston, South Carolina, Walter Scott, a black worker,
was shot eight times in the back by a police officer in a
traffic stop. The cold-blooded murder was caught in a
bystander’s cellphone video that has been seen by
Working people across the country are outraged. Now key
unions have decided they’ve had enough, the time
has come to act. In an April 16 statement,
the South Carolina AFL-CIO announced it would “reach out
to workers around the country to join with us on May 1st
in actions to protest the continuing unjustified
killings.” The labor federation added, “We want to commend
ILWU Local 10 for your courageous actions of solidarity.”
On May 1 the West Coast longshore local will hold a
stop-work meeting, shutting down the Port of Oakland
and marching on City Hall to demand “Stop Police
Killings of Black and Brown People.”
This could be huge, which is why the bosses, bureaucrats
and Democrats may try to block it – and why
class-conscious workers and all opponents of racism should
take it up and spread it. There have been numerous
protests against police killings in recent months, but
this is the first union appeal specifically for bringing
out the power of working-class action. Organized
labor together with millions of African American, Latino,
poor and working people and all defenders of democratic
rights are the social force that can bring the wheels of
society to a stop in protest against the police murder
machine. But we must use that power.
We urge workers across the country to mobilize on
May 1 against racist police terror! With rallies,
marches and strike action, unions and labor
supporters should bring our collective strength to bear, demanding
these killings must stop!
 Cold-blooded murder. Above:
Cellphone video shows killer cop shooting Walter Scott in
back. Below: Photo of Walter Scott with his family.
Police in the U.S. killed 1,100 people last year. So far
in 2015, from January 1 to April 19, at least 350
civilians have been killed by cops. And that’s just based
on published accounts. Young and not so young black men
are particularly at risk: in 2012, once a day a black man
was killed by cops or vigilantes. Often under-reported,
black women have also been in the crosshairs of police
terror. Immigrants, too, are prime targets, including
Mexican workers like Antonio Zambrano Montes, killed in
February by cops in Pasco, Washington. With or without
papers, workers must rely on their own strength and demand
full citizenship rights for all immigrants!
Union workers and their families have felt the scourge of
racist police terror. In New York City, Eric Garner’s
sister, mother and aunt were all transit workers, members
of Transport Workers (TWU) Local 100. In South Carolina,
the brother of Walter Scott, a fork-lift operator, and two
other family members belong to International
Longshoremen’s Association Local 1422. Anti-union terror
is rampant in this Lowcountry redoubt of the Old South.
Recently the International Association of Machinists (IAM)
called off a vote on union representation at the Boeing
aircraft plant in North Charleston after organizers were
threatened at gunpoint.
And the police kill with impunity: even after massive
protests, despite calls for special prosecutors and
federal investigations, nothing has stopped – or even
slowed – the wanton police violence. When a bystander
records the cold-blooded murder on a cellphone, as Ramsey
Orta did on Staten Island, it is the witness who is
jailed, while the killer cops go free. It’s not a matter
of a few “bad cops,” it’s a whole system of racist
repression. The system is capitalism, and since the days
of chattel slavery it has been based on the brutal
exploitation, oppression and repression of black people.
Wanton police murder goes hand in hand with military
repression of demonstrators. The U.S.’ endless “war on
terror” abroad is directly linked to the unending police
killing spree that is terrorizing African American, Latino
and immigrant populations “at home.” Taking action on the
burning question of state repression can and must also
spur labor to use its muscle to unionize low-wage
workers. On April 15, over 60,000 marched in
union-sponsored protests demanding a $15/hour minimum
wage. But even that minimal increase won’t be won by
looking to Obama’s Democratic Party of imperialist war,
racist repression and poverty pay.

Internationalist contingent calling for workers action at
August 23 Staten Island march against police murder of
Eric Garner, Michael Brown. (Internationalist photo)
Last summer following the choke-hold killing of Eric
Garner we said that the TWU should strike to shut down the
mass transit system which is vital to the world center of
finance capital. After the police murder of Michael Brown
we wrote, “The fight to put a stop to racist cop terror
must mobilize the force that has the power to bring the
capitalist system to a grinding halt: the millions-strong
multiracial working class.” Calling for
“Labor/Black/Immigrant Mobilization Now!” we urged:
“Mobilize Across U.S. Against Racist Police Terror in
Missouri” (The Internationalist, August 2014).
In the face of mass outrage, some unions did protest
then. In New York City, the United Federation of Teachers,
1199 hospital workers and 32BJ janitors of SEIU, nurses,
PSC university faculty and staff joined a “March for
Justice” on Staten Island. Calling to “Mobilize NYC
Unions’ Power Against Racist Police Terror!” and
denouncing the Democratic and Republican parties of war
and repression, the Internationalist Group, CUNY
Internationalist Clubs and Class Struggle Education
Workers organized a contingent.
Many unions have issued statements against trigger-happy
police, but declarations will not stop this deadly plague.
It is high time for labor action. The South
Carolina AFL-CIO appeal and ILWU Local 10 action in
Oakland, California point towards what needs to be done.
In Portland, Oregon, Painters Local 10 and IATSE Local 28
have passed resolutions of solidarity with immigrant
workers facing police repression in Pasco, Washington, and
have voted to march against police killings on May 1.
Class Struggle Workers Portland and the Internationalist
Group urge other unions and all workers to take up this
San Francisco/Oakland dock workers of ILWU Local 10 have
shown the world what labor solidarity action
means. Time and again they have put into practice the
union’s slogan, “An Injury to One Is an Injury to All.”
They shut down the port to demand freedom for class-war
prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. They boycotted ships to protest
South African apartheid and Zionist Israel’s wars. On May
Day 2008 they spearheaded the shutdown of all Pacific
Coast ports to stop the U.S. war on Iraq and Afghanistan,
the first strike by U.S. workers against a U.S.
imperialist war. Today they’re targeting racist police
terror. Their action speaks for us all!
The May 1 action by ILWU port workers should be
taken up by Bay Area labor and unions across the
country. The Internationalist Group calls upon
workers everywhere to unite with the African American,
Latino and immigrant population in a massive show of our
strength. We have the power, the working-class power, to
send the bosses and their hired guns packing. Now is the
time to use it! Turn May Day 2015 into a clarion
call for working-class action against racist police
terror. Join together to stop the killer cops!
Turn the watchword into reality: Asian, Latin,
Black and White – Workers of the World, Unite!
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