Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
October 2015
Immigrant Workers Show the
Power of Solidarity
Victory to
the B&H Photo
Warehouse Workers’ Struggle!

Workers at the Evergreen Ave. warehouse of B&H Photo
in Brooklyn held solidarity demonstration October 15
immediately upon hearing that workers at Navy Yard
warehouse were threatened with mass firing.
(Photo: Laundry Workers Center)
“We’re fighting for our future. We want dignity, respect.
We’re human beings, not animals,” declared an immigrant
worker on the night of October 15 as he stood outside the
B&H Photo warehouse in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. A
company representative had just smashed his cell phone
because he was recording the anti-union rampage of bosses
who ordered him and 150 of his fellow workers out of the
workplace. B&H bosses were lashing out against the
union organizing drive the workers had launched publicly
four days previously.
Refusing to go along with the company’s peremptory demand
to “sign papers” counterposed to the organizing drive, the
workers were threatened with mass termination. Hearing
this news, workers at the company’s other Brooklyn
warehouse reacted immediately with a solidarity
demonstration. The bosses backed down, announcing all
could return to work the next morning. With their
extraordinary unity and determination, the B&H
warehouse employees showed the power of workers’
solidarity. For supporters of labor and immigrant
rights, it was a night to remember.
“What Do We Want? Union!”

Some 200+ B&H warehouse workers marched on October 18,
chanting “On Thursday [October 15] we showed that we are
not afraid!” (Internationalist
The immigrant warehouse workers, some of whom have been
with B&H for as long as 17 years, work in strenuous
and hazardous conditions. They are forced to work 12-17
hour days with no breaks, and no overtime pay. A mere five
to ten minutes to eat, if that, constitutes a “meal
break.” Bathroom breaks can result in being sent home
early, and they are unable to use their cell phones to
contact family members during emergencies. Many of the
workers suffer from chronic nosebleeds, back pain,
migraines, and fatigue from poor ventilation and exposure
to harsh chemicals. Lack of proper safety equipment and
training contribute to multiple physical injuries. Workers
are not given hard hats, goggles or gloves, and are as a
rule not allowed to use forklifts or jacks to move heavy
objects. If workers do use forklifts or jacks, they do so
without any proper training and often suffer injuries.
At B&H, which boasts that it is the largest non-chain
photo and video equipment store in the United States,
racist treatment is a standard part of the workday at a
company where workers face discrimination so blatant that
B&H was forced to pay $4.3 million to settle an Equal
Employment Opportunities Commission lawsuit for “national
origin discrimination” in 2007. Other suits have accused
the company of withholding health benefits, a generally
abusive work environment and gender discrimination. A
longstanding policy has been to not hire any women
warehouse workers at all.
Publicly launched at the October 11 rally which brought
out upwards of 300 workers, family members and supporters,
the unionization campaign at B&H has been building for
over a year. It is one of the biggest current efforts to
organize immigrant workers in the New York area. Faced
with rampant discrimination and total disregard for their
health and safety, workers came to see organizing as
literally a matter of life and death when a fire broke out
next to the Navy Yard warehouse last year. Management
refused to let workers leave the premises until they had
gone through a “security check” one by one.
The B&H workers were inspired by the 2012 victory of
immigrant bakery workers at the Hot and Crusty store in
midtown Manhattan. The brother of one of the B&H
workers, Raúl Pedraza, worked at a cleaners nearby and
suggested they get in touch with the Laundry Workers
Center (LWC), a labor rights group that initiated the Hot
and Crusty campaign, through which workers organized their
own union and even won a union hiring hall. As we wrote at
the time, this solid labor victory “drew attention to the
enormous potential for wide-ranging, militant
organizing among immigrant workers in New York and
beyond. Super-exploited, doubly and triply oppressed
and largely disenfranchised, these workers – mere raw
material for exploitation from the standpoint of the
ruling class – could be sparked into struggle by even a
localized victory” (“Hot
and Crusty Workers Win With Groundbreaking Contract,”
The Internationalist, November 2012). Today, the
B&H struggle points the way for such a class-struggle

Hundreds of B&H workers and supporters turned out on
Sunday, October 18 in an impressive show of strength,
vowing that the attempted mass firing would not stop
struggle. The crowd chanted, “ ¡Unión, fuerza,
solidaridad!” (union, power, solidarity). (Internationalist photo)
Working with the LWC, B&H workers have now organized
a solid drive to be represented by the United
Steelworkers, which filed for a union representation
election on October 13. This came hard on the heels of the
October 11 rally, where workers’ representatives,
accompanied by a delegation of supporters, handed a letter
of grievances to management, followed by a flood of
warehouse employees chanting in the aisles of the store
while hundreds shouted encouragement on the sidewalk
outside. Desperate to stop the organizing campaign,
B&H has hired Jackson Lewis LLP, described by one
former federal official as “a key player in the union
avoidance industry,” famed for its “aggressive anti-union
campaign[s]” (New York Times, 14 December 2004).
Thus it was that on October 15 the company launched its
rampage of retaliation at the Navy Yard warehouse, with
one manager declaring: “There will not be a union – over
my dead body.”
“What do we want? Union! When do we want it? Now!”
chanted the crowd of almost 200 gathered outside the
warehouse gates that night. One of the workers who refused
to sign the bosses’ anti-union “paperwork” said that at
first “we felt alone” when faced with their threats. “But
when we saw that everyone was supporting us, we didn’t
feel alone anymore. We felt protected” by fellow workers
and supporters of the campaign. An Internationalist
speaker told the gathering:
“As Don Quijote said to his friend Sancho Panza:
‘If the dogs are barking, it is because we are advancing.’
It is because you are advancing that the dogs are
barking.... The bosses are afraid of you, because you are
not afraid of them; because with the union, with the
strength, with the unity and militancy of the workers,
with workers’ consciousness, you will win, and you will
give an example to all the working class of this city. ¡Adelante,
“La lucha obrera no tiene

CUNY Internationalist Clubs and Internationalist Group
supporting workers at the October 18 protest outside
(Internationalist photo)
Drawn predominantly from Mexico, Guatemala and the
Dominican Republic, the B&H warehouse workers
exemplify the enormous potential for class struggle by the
multinational working class of New York and beyond. Like
immigrants across the country, they are fed up with being
treated as pariahs, scapegoats and beasts of burden for
the capitalists. Showing the power of workers’ solidarity
in practice, their fight can help ignite a struggle by
immigrant and U.S.-born workers alike after years and
decades in which the owning class has grown ever richer
through increasing exploitation and inequality, bringing
poverty, discrimination and racist cop and “Migra”
(immigration police) terror against the workers and
Addressing the October 11 rally, an immigrant worker who
is a spokesman for the Internationalist Group said: “The
capitalist class says we are criminals, but they are the
criminals. Ni ilegales, ni criminales, somos obreros
internacionales. [We are neither illegals nor
criminals, but international workers.]... It is the
working class that has the power to shut this system
down.” While Republican Donald Trump grabs headlines with
his anti-immigrant ravings, Obama has deported over two
million immigrants and his would-be successors from the
Democratic Party follow in his footsteps. Against all the
capitalist parties and politicians, we fight for full
citizenship rights for all immigrants.
To maintain their system of exploitation, our comrade
noted, the capitalists always seek to divide the working
class. They set workers of different ethnicities or
languages against each other here, the Internationalist
speaker noted, while in the Dominican Republic the ruling
class is carrying out a campaign of deportations against
people of Haitian descent. Bringing labor’s power to bear
against every form of oppression is crucial. Against any
attempt to smear the B&H struggle as “Latinos vs.
Jews” (the owners are Hasidic, as is much of the sales
personnel), the October 11 rally featured solidarity
greetings from a rabbi and from Jews for Racial and
Economic Justice, among the many groups supporting the
workers’ struggle.
The power of workers’ solidarity was demonstrated by the
B&H workers as they put a quick stop to the bosses’
threatened mass firing on October 15. And as we wrote
during a previous struggle by warehouse workers in
Brooklyn: “The immigrant workers in Brooklyn must not
stand alone. All of New York City labor should come to
their aid.... If we act together, we have the power to
win!” (“Mobilize NYC Labor to Defend Brooklyn Immigrant
Workers!”, Internationalist leaflet, February 2007).
Today, a key component for winning the fight at B&H is
bringing out the power of major unions in the New York
area, such as Verizon phone workers, Teamsters, the
building trades, teachers, Con Ed workers and others.
 Internationalist worker at October 11 rally
kicking off unionization drive. “Playing by the bosses’
rules is a losing game.” (Internationalist photo)
“New York is a union town” is a slogan often chanted at
labor rallies. But if you don’t use it, you lose it, as
shown by all too many defeats brought by labor bureaucrats
who chain the unions to the bosses’ Democratic Party.
Unchaining that power means, for starters, using the
tactics that built the unions in the first place – like
bringing out real labor solidarity in mass pickets to stop
attempts to prevent workers from exercising their basic
right to organize. Today the B&H struggle shows both
the potential and the need for a class-struggle leadership
of NYC labor to bring that power to bear.
At the October 11 rally, a United Steelworkers spokesman
stated that the B&H struggle shows the need to
organize against the ravages of “the capitalist system
that is crushing the working class.” True enough. From the
warehouses of Brooklyn to Ayotzinapa in Mexico, that
system means suffering and oppression for the workers and
oppressed. But as Karl Marx said, capitalism has created
its own gravediggers: the international working class. In
the words of the Internationalist chant: ¡Luchar,
vencer, obreros al poder! (Fight, win, workers to
B&H warehouse worker Jorge Lora was quoted in the
press expressing the hope that the organizing campaign
will “inspire other low-wage workers with the idea that
‘unity is strength’,” since “workers have the power
because in the city, nothing can move” without their
labor. With the inspiring example of the B&H workers’
own unity and determination, the workers movement, backed
by all defenders of labor and immigrant rights, must use
that power to help the workers win this fight.
Victory to the workers of B&H!
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