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![]() No. 6, April 2009 Marxists for Class Struggle, “Obama
Socialists” for Tax Reform
What Program to Fight the Crisis?
any serious social struggle, differing political outlooks come into
leading to different choices for action. This clash of programs is
and often crucial to the success or failure of the effort. All the more
so amid
the present conditions of imperialist war and worldwide capitalist
crisis, as millions of workers lose their jobs, hundreds of billions
are spent
on the colonial occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and governments
dole out
trillions of dollars to shore up the banks. In
the fight against budget cuts and tuition hikes at the City University
of New
York, the main dividing line has been over the attitude toward the
Party. Many union officials and student activists focused on pressuring
Democratic governor and legislators in Albany, as well as in
Washington. The
CUNY Internationalist Clubs, in contrast, reject this program of
politics and look to militant protest uniting students and workers. In
the last
election, we declared: “Democrat Obama No Answer to Republicans
Bush/McCain” (Revolution
No. 5, September 2008). We pointed out that it is the precisely the
who are pushing the attacks on public education. Differences
over these issues first came to the fore in a demonstration last
September 22
outside the Midtown Manhattan offices of New York governor David
called by CUNY Contingents Unite. The CCU is a newly formed
organization of
adjunct faculty and other “part-time” City University employees who are
members of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), the union
educators at CUNY. After repeated efforts to get PSC participation in
protest, union officials let it be known that they would not endorse
they didn’t want to embarrass Governor Paterson amid sensitive
discussions with
his office. Disruption
in the Service
of Democrats Coming
out of a mid-November meeting initiated by the CCU, activists from
campuses (including the CUNY Internationalist Clubs) formed a Student
Coordinating Committee. Together they organized for a December 8
outside the Board of Trustees meeting at Baruch College where the
proposal for
a $300 per semester tuition hike was to be voted on. Thousands of
leaflets were
distributed on more than a dozen campuses, the event was publicized
tabling and at November rallies at Hunter College, Brooklyn College and
LaGuardia and Bronx Community Colleges. Shortly
before the demonstration, it was discovered that someone else had
obtained permission from the New York Police Department to rally at the
time and place. An e-mail was received informing organizers that they
would be
allowed no more than one speaker, take it or leave it. On the day of
the rally,
as scores of students and adjuncts gathered outside Baruch, the mystery
congregated around a banner of International ANSWER, the antiwar front
led by
the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL). Although they claimed the
of the University Student Senate (USS), there was no USS presence
visible. The
key to this stealth rally was Democratic city councilman Charles
Barron, who
was, we were informed, the reason police permission was given. Although
demonstration organizers had agreed that no politicians would speak,
interlopers insisted that Barron be the main speaker. In the face of
opposition, Barron himself twice pushed a demonstrator to the ground.
ANSWER crew then got police to threaten to arrest demonstrators if we
to use our bullhorn to chant. They then gave Barron the mike. Barbara
president of the Professional Staff Congress, spoke on behalf of the
bureaucracy. After 30 minutes or so, the ANSWER spokeswoman announced
that “the
rally” was over and “anyone who doesn’t want to get arrested should go
home.” This
was a brazen provocation using the threat of state repression to hijack
rally and turn it into an event for the Democratic Party. Such
maneuvers are a
trademark of ANSWER, which routinely parades Democrats before the
of “antiwar” rallies while the Democratic Party routinely votes for
Bush’s (and
now Obama’s) war budget. But the provocation didn’t work. Well over 100
students stayed for another 45 minutes, cheering more than a dozen
many of whom were black and Latina students, as well as speakers from
to Revitalize Asian American Studies at Hunter and unionists from the
Workers Union, and other unions, as well as several members of the CCU.
“Tax the
Rich” vs. Class
Struggle In
the spring semester a new grouping of students and adjuncts came
together to
coordinate CUNY-wide action under the name of Ad Hoc Committee Against
Budget Cuts and Tuition Hikes. There was a sharp debate over a petition
initiated by the International Socialist Organization
(ISO) and circulated by the Hunter Student
Union calling on Hunter College president Jennifer Raab to “come out
tuition hikes and support student activities in opposition to the
hikes.” Supporters of the CUNY Internationalist Clubs criticized this
creating illusions that Raab (a former public relations flack for
Republican mayor Rudolph Giuliani) and the CUNY administration (which
behind the call for a tuition hike) could support student protest (see
March 5 leaflet, beginning on page 2). Then at the March
5 city worker demonstration
in which hundreds of CUNY students participated in response to the call
of the
Ad Hoc Committee another difference arose. The demo itself was the
mobilization of labor in years, with some 75,000 participants,
stretching more
than 13 blocks from the tip of City Hall Park to above Canal Street.
But while
the focal point of workers’ anger was the threat of thousands of
layoffs by
Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Paterson, rally organizers, principally
the United
Federation of Teachers (UFT) headed by Randi Weingarten, paraded
Democrats including City Council speaker Christine Quinn across the
The UFT’s main demand was for a “fair share tax” scheme. Marching
to the rally from nearby Borough of Manhattan Community College,
hundreds of
students enthusiastically took over the street and joined the
chant of “Students and Labor, Shut the City Down.” This reflected the
perspective of a class struggle against the budget cuts, layoff
and tuition and transit fare hikes. But a report on the March 5 protest
in the
ISO newspaper, Socialist Worker (13 March), “New York Labor
Against Cuts,” had a very different perspective. A box on “What You Can
declared, “No budget cuts! Tax the rich!... We demand Gov. David
Paterson and
State Senator Malcolm Smith support the Millionaire’s Tax!” This call
for tax
reform is a program of collaboration with the Democratic Party. The ISO
was pushing
the same program as the UFT and PSC bureaucrats, and not for the first
time. In
the abstract the ISO editorializes “Against Shared Sacrifice” (10
April), but
in practice it mobilizes for the “Fair Share Tax Reform” proposal which
is the
concrete expression of the “shared sacrifice” policy put forward by top
capitalists and Democrats. The call to tax the rich is raised by
multibillionaire capitalists like computer monopolist Bill Gates and
investor Warren Buffett. The New York Times, voice of the
bourgeois establishment, editorialized in favor of the “millionaire’s
tax.” The
idea that raising the state tax on those earning more than $500,000 a
year from
6.85 percent to 10.3 percent is somehow a blow against capital is
ludicrous. Like the proposal to tax bonuses given to AIG and other Wall
high fliers at 90 percent, it’s just a Democratic ploy to give the
of “fairness.” Listen
to the spokesman for the Working Families Party (WFP), the main group
campaigning for the “millionaire’s tax”: “the Fair Share campaign
insisted on
‘real shared sacrifice.’ Asking the wealthy to pay a little more, said
one key
ally, provides the thread to secure our social fabric –
our schools, our health care system, our
safety net – and in so doing demonstrates our belief that we truly
are ‘in
this together’.” (The WFP is not really a party but a ballot line
so labor
officials can get their ranks to vote for Democratic candidates while
their noses.) To refute the claim that such a tax on top salaries would
the rich to leave the state, the WFP pointed to a Princeton University
showing that after taxes were raised in 2004 on those earning over
$500,000 a
year, the number of “half-millionaires” in New Jersey actually increased.
nothing the least bit radical about this tinkering with tax tables.
Don’t get
us wrong – we’re not against raising taxes on the rich: if you ask us,
it would
be just ducky if those who sweat billions out of the labor of working
were taxed at 100 percent (don’t count on it). But the bottom line is,
people who rule society today – from City Hall to the governor’s
mansion to the
White House and Congress – are the capitalist class. When the
government taxes, it does so for its own reasons, and when it spends
money, its
own class interests are paramount. Whether taxes are paid by the rich
or the
“middle class,” they will go to finance imperialist wars, bailouts of
the banks
and the like. That you can count on. To
pretend that taxing the rich has anything to do with stopping tuition
hikes and
budget cuts is to buy the bourgeois lie that there is not
enough money.
Like calls for “money for jobs/education/health care, not for war,”
depicts the fight as one over “spending priorities.” It is not. It’s
all about class
interests. As revolutionary Marxists, the CUNY
Internationalist Clubs
defend the working class, students and others against the attacks of
the ruling
class. If forced to, the bosses’ government will find the money, if
by printing it, as it is doing now in vast amounts. And even if they
have the
money it won’t stop them from raising tuition, a plan that was in the
even before the economic crisis broke. What
this is really all about is that the various reformist groups (both
social-democratic ones like the ISO and Stalinoid ones like the PSL)
their politics to appeal to bourgeois “progressives.” Sometimes that
into support for populists like Ralph Nader, a rabid anti-Communist and
who the ISO backed in 2000 and (less enthusiastically) in 2004.
though, it’s about sidling up to the Democrats. This election year,
with the
vast popularity of Barack Obama, especially among youth, the ISO tried
appear as militant “yes we can” Obama supporters. To be fair, they were
not the
only “Obama socialists,” although they were among the most shameless. Now
the ISO writes that, “After 30 years of Republican ascendance in
Washington and
the retreat of liberalism at every turn,” Obama’s budget was “a welcome
of fresh air” (Socialist Worker, 3 March). “In its budget
introduced last week, the new Obama administration proposes to raise
taxes on
the richest Americans, increase spending on programs for the poor,” it
In a similar vein, a group that stuck with Nader in ’08, Socialist
(SAlt), writes that “In a sharp break from political policies during
the last
30 years, President Obama’s budget proposes repealing tax cuts for the
increasing spending on social services,” etc. (Justice,
2009). There couldn’t be clearer proof that these groups are just
as socialists, but are actually liberals, who hail Obama’s capitalist
budget as a “blast of fresh air” and a “sharp break” from the past. So
after March 5, the ISO, SAlt and other reformists threw their efforts
building a new Tax the Rich Coalition. “If the proposed federal budget
can be
based on raising taxes for the wealthy, why not in New York state?” the
asked. They unenthusiastically went along with the March 25
student/labor rally
at Hunter, while doing nothing to reach workers and increasingly
pulling back
from bringing out students. Their coalition called a “Make the Rich
Pay” rally
at Paterson’s office on March 31, after the budget fight was
all over.
For them it was all about creating a “movement” that they can recruit
out of
rather than actually trying to stop a tuition increase that will force
thousands of CUNY students out of school. And now the results are in:
millionaire’s tax passed, although only raising the top bracket to 8.97
percent. The WFP proclaimed victory. Are you happy, ISO, SAlt, PSL?
We’re not. The
tuition hike stayed. With
our limited forces, the CUNY Internationalist Clubs worked intensively
organize opposition to beat back the budget cuts, layoffs and tuition
throughout this period. Rather than looking to the bourgeois parties
and the
CUNY administration – who were behind these attacks on students, poor
working people – we focused on building links between students fighting
tuition purge, faculty fighting layoffs and workers fighting
union-busting. In
contrast to light-minded calls for “student power,” we looked to the
power of
labor, stressing that students, faculty and staff at CUNY can play an
role in building a working-class counteroffensive against the
attacks. Fighting political illusions in the Democrats, we called to
break with
all the capitalist parties and build a revolutionary workers party. La
lotta continua, the struggle
goes on,
as Italian students and workers proclaimed after the “hot autumn” of
Winning open admissions, free tuition and student-teacher-worker
control of the
universities won’t be easy. In fact, it will take nothing short of
to make quality higher education genuinely free and accessible to all,
so that
it really is a human right. We urge you to join with us in the
Internationalist Clubs in waging this fight. ■
To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |