Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
June 2020
Fruit Packinghouse
Workers Stand Up for Their Rights
Yakima Strikes:
The Battle Has Just Begun

Strikers at Columbia Reach packinghouse in Yakima,
Washington, June 3. (Evan
Abell / Yakima Herald-Republic)
On May 28, after 22 days on strike, workers at the Allan
Bros. packinghouse in Naches, Washington, celebrated an
agreement with the company and returned to work on Monday,
June 1. As the workers committee returned from
negotiations with the company with a signed document,
strikers held a prayer meeting, ending with a chant of “¡Sí
se pudo!” (yes, we did it). A similar agreement was
reached at Monson Fruit in nearby Selah on May 22. On
Friday, June 5, Matson Fruit in Selah settled, leaving
Columbia Reach in Yakima as the last ongoing strike. But
as many strikers commented to The Internationalist,
the struggle has only just begun.
Over the course of the strike movement that broke out at
Allan Brothers on May 7 and spread to eight area
packinghouses, many people commented that nothing like
this had been seen in the Yakima Valley for decades. The
strikers demanded protective gear and cleaning of the
facilities, plus $100/week hazard pay and 40 hours work.
Management handed out masks and disinfectant, with some
spacing out on the conveyor belt, but only agreed to
recognize the workers’ committee and to bargain with it on
the demand for higher pay. Yet for the strikers, who
started with zero, the fact that their struggle made some
gains can be a first step on the road to winning a union.
As the year began, could the arrogant bosses who own the
valley have imagined that “their” workers would dare to
defy them by walking out – in the middle of a pandemic! –
and force them to the negotiating table? Now, instead of
keeping employees in line through a hierarchy of managers,
they have to formally bargain with workers’
representatives fortified by three weeks on strike.
Workers underlined that they secured an agreement, and
went back with no reprisals. As Angelina L. commented,
“It's been 35 years, nobody has ever done any changes in
any company, so for us that is a big win.” Now come the
negotiations over wage demands.

Striking workers, mostly women, at Columbia Reach
packinghouse in Yakima, Washington, June 3.
(Evan Abell / Yakima
The large majority of the workers in the packinghouses
are women, as were the strikers who stuck it out in the
face of company attempts at intimidation – an unfair labor
practices complaint against Allan Bros. was filed with the
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). “I’m very proud of
what we achieved” despite “all the humiliation and
reprisals,” said Felicitas R. “If we are united, we can do
it,” she said, adding: “And even if we are not united, we
can stand up for our rights. Never give in.” María Cecilia
G. said that the struggle was vital “for all the people
who come here, very young, and spend their whole lives in
the United States, with all the obstacles.”
Throughout, the bosses have played hardball. At Hansen
Fruit, management wore down the strike until only one
worker was left standing. Strikers rallied to celebrate at
Frosty Packing on May, voting to go back to work, only to
discover later that day that there was no deal. Columbia
Reach bosses have yet to meet with the workers and have
refused the demand for a $1 an hour in hazard pay. But in
a movement that swept through the valley, the agreements –
or lack of an agreement – are only a preliminary result.
The fact that hundreds of combative workers rose up and
stood firm through weeks of hard struggle is a huge event
– and the bosses know it.
The outcome will not be determined by legal fictions like
the “good faith” of the bosses, the “good will” of the
governor, or the regulations of various state and local
agencies, from the NLRB to Yakima County Health
Department, which quickly gave the packinghouses a clean
bill of health after workers walked out over unsanitary
conditions. Strikes are class struggles. They test
the power of the working class against the power of
capital. The bosses have the money and the property. They
own the fruit that the workers pick and pack. The
government and its armed enforcers do their bidding.
Anyone who questions that, the sheriff will set them
The workers’ power lies in their organization and
consciousness. The workers at the Yakima fruit packers are
getting organized. The small farmworkers union from
northwest Washington, Familias Unidas por la Justicia,
came in at the invitation of the strikers to provide
advice and support, and has been on the scene every day.
But as we wrote in our May leaflet, “While production at
some plants has been slowed, it has not been stopped.
Trucks and scabs pass in and out without trouble.” This
has remained true throughout, and the consequences weigh
heavily on the workers who continued resisting day after
Action by the entire labor movement is key to achieving a
victory in Yakima. The AFL-CIO representative in the
Valley, Dulce Gutierrez, has been on the picket lines, but
only after more than three weeks on strike did the
Washington AFL-CIO bureaucracy finally bestir itself. On
Saturday, May 30, an auto caravan converged on Yakima from
Seattle and other points. Some 80 cars of union staffers
and some members proceeded over the course of a couple of
hours from one quiet weekend plant to the next. They
honked their horns, emerged from their cars for a few
moments at each site to applaud each other as the word
“solidarity” flowed freely from their lips, and at about 1
p.m. the event concluded with catered tacos in a city
But the power of the organized working class has not been
brought to bear to win the strikes. Supermarket
workers organized by the United Food and Commercial
Workers Union (UFCW) could refuse to handle fruit from the
struck packinghouses. Teamster truckers and UPS drivers
could refuse to cross strike lines. The Teamster-organized
Del Monte fruit processing plant could go out. There are
hundreds of union construction workers fighting for safety
at the nearby Hanford nuclear cleanup site. Washington
Education Association teachers struck across the state two
years ago. To win any lasting gains for Yakima workers,
this power must be mobilized.
Already, the packinghouse workers strike has stoked a
spirit of rebellion in the Valley. To the annoyance of
local rulers, there have been repeated Black Lives Matter
demonstrations in the city protesting the racist police
murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. A May 31 protest
drew many hundreds of marchers and a long car caravan.
The bosses worry that a unionization drive could
spread to fruit pickers on the ranchos. The strike could
also undercut the reign of terror by Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.), whose agents infest the
region, while regular deportation flights take off from
Yakima airport.
The fruit packers’ strike in Yakima can serve as a beacon
to workers in packinghouses across the country –
overwhelmingly African American, Latino and immigrant –
which have been infested by the coronavirus due to the
bosses’ disregard for workers’ health and safety. When the
pandemic struck, it was discovered that these workers were
essential, even though still treated as disposable and
oppressed. Yakima County now has 4,000 confirmed cases of
COVID-19, with the highest rate of infection on the West
Coast. This week strikers honored David Cruz, a worker at
Allan Bros. who participated in the strike until he fell
ill and has now died of the virus.

Packinghouse workers demonstrated on June 4 outside state
Department of Labor offices (above) and then headed to
Yakima Health District honoring David Cruz, a striker who
died of coronavirus. Sign says: “How many dead from
COVID-19 are necessary?” (Evan Abell / Yakima
To stop the ravages of the virus and raise the tens of
thousands of minimum-wage workers out of poverty, it is
crucial to make use of this moment when their labor is
indispensable. The Internationalist Group and Class
Struggle Workers – Portland have been present on the
strike lines, emphasizing that “unions across the state
must mobilize now to build mass picket lines to win
the strike, and make Yakima a stronghold of
union power” (The Internationalist, 8 May). A
successful union-organizing drive extending to the
Tri-Cities area to the east will require a leadership that
goes beyond narrow “business unionism” to defend all
oppressed groups.
As Karl Marx emphasized a century and a half ago, “every
class struggle is a political struggle.” For decades,
struggles to unionize the workers in the fields have
largely failed as they have been subordinated to the
Democratic Party, as Cesar Chávez did with the United Farm
Workers. To win the class battle underway in Yakima
requires a political struggle to unchain the power of the
multiracial working class from the parties of capital.
Whether Democrats or Republicans are in charge, the police
forces that lynch black people – and immigrant
agricultural workers like Antonio Zambrano in Pasco1
– also serve the bosses as professional strikebreakers.
Drawing the lessons of the courageous struggle in Yakima,
we urge the most dedicated strikers to join the effort to
build a workers party fighting to replace the deadly
dictatorship of capital with the revolutionary rule of the
international working class. Then instead of harvesting
the “grapes of wrath,” the fruits of their labor in this
incredibly rich agricultural region can serve to liberate
all mankind.■
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