Labor's Gotta Play
Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
click on photo for article

Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article
May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
May 2020
Workers Courageously Fighting in
Coronavirus Hot Spot
Victory to Yakima
Packinghouse Strikers!

Workers on strike outside the Allan Brothers
packinghouse in the Yakima Valley, Washington State, May
8. (Photo: Evan
Abell / Yakima Herald-Republic)
The following is the text of an Internationalist Group
leaflet, in English and Spanish, distributed on strike
lines in Yakima.
Amid the deadly coronavirus pandemic, hundreds of workers
in Yakima Valley, Washington, are courageously fighting
for their livelihoods, and their lives. On Thursday, May
7, dozens of packinghouse workers at Allan Brothers in
Naches walked out, picketing both shifts at the 300-worker
fruit processing plant. Within days, workers at a half
dozen other packinghouses joined the strike movement –
including Frosty Packing (“Jack Frost”), Hansen Fruit,
Columbia Reach and Roche in Yakima city, and Matson Fruit
and Monson Fruit in Selah – protesting and marching from
company to company in downtown Yakima and in outlying
By Monday the management at Roche Fruit conceded a $100
per week bonus. But other employers are resisting even
this concession, evidently playing for time to wear down
the strikers, hoping that economic desperation will force
them back to work. Meanwhile, the bosses are no doubt
conferring with their union-busting lawyers on the
swiftest and most economical way to return to “normal”
conditions of profitable exploitation. This will be a hard
The workers, mostly Latina women, are demanding cleaning
and disinfectant provisions, “social distancing” safety
measures, personal protective equipment like masks and
gloves, a minimum of 40 hours work a week and a “hazard
pay” bonus to their poverty wages. Most workers that The
Internationalist spoke to during several days on the
strike lines this week are paid at or near the minimum
wage, even after working in the plants for over a decade.
R., who has worked in the same packinghouse for almost two
decades, expressed their anguish:
“We don’t have safety at work. I have a
six-year-old child. I am very worried. What good is it
that the children are staying home from school when I can
bring the danger? There are more than 200 workers in this
plant working back-to-back. And if you have to go to the
doctor it costs a lot of money. I can’t afford to stay
home so I have to work.”
Yakima County, a relatively isolated rural area in
central Washington, has the highest rate of COVID-19
infection in all of Washington, Oregon and California.
This is no accident. The same is true of communities
across the Midwest and South where meatpacking and poultry
plants are located. While the virus is a natural
phenomenon, the pandemic and its awful toll are a product
of capitalist society, in which workers are treated as raw
material for exploitation. Doubly and triply oppressed
African American, Latin American, Native American and
immigrant communities live in conditions that guarantee
infection, with little access to quality medical care.

Strikers outside the Frosty packinghouse in Yakima,
May 14. (Photo:
Evan Abell / Yakima Herald-Republic)
Months after the pandemic hit Washington, Democratic
state regulators issued “emergency” rules under which
seasonal farm workers who pick hundreds of millions of
dollars’ worth of apples, cherries, pears and hops will
still be housed in barracks, but they must sleep head to
toe! No wonder the virus has rapidly spread through the
valley. And immigrant farm workers could be picked up at
any moment by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(I.C.E.) police. The Internationalist Group demands full
citizenship rights for all immigrants!
Strikers can see that “we” are not “all in this
together.” But now that the battle has been joined, the
question is, who will win – the workers or the apple
kings? While production at some plants has been slowed, it
has not been stopped. Trucks and scabs pass in and out
without trouble. The leaders of the union, Familias Unidas
por la Justicia, have cautiously avoid any actual
picketing, looking instead to the National Labor Relations
Board (NLRB). In this capitalist “democracy,” labor laws
give workers a supposed right to organize and even, in
certain cases, to strike. But not to win.
Almost 25 years ago, the Teamsters and United Farm
Workers with great fanfare launched a joint organizing
drive in the valley’s farms and packing houses. The bosses
were able to neutralize the campaign, knowing that the
system of NLRB-regulated unionism could ensnare and wear
down any union that stuck to its rules, especially in an
industry with a seasonal workforce. Play by the
bosses’ rules and you’re bound to lose.
A decade later, a strike for recognition at the Snokist
co-op succeeded after eight long months in 2005-06,
although little was gained in wages. After layoffs and
bankruptcy, Snokist was bought out by Del Monte. The
Yakima plant is still union, but most of the valley is
non-union, impoverished, and now pressed into “essential”
labor that risks workers’ lives.
The Teamsters union that represents Del Monte workers
also “organizes” county sheriff’s deputies and prison
guards who will be sent to attack any strike that dares to
interfere with the supposed “right” of the employers to
exploit “their” workers. Class-conscious workers say:
cops and prison guards out of the unions!

Strikers at Allan Bros. packinghouse in Naches,
Washington, May 8. (Internationalist photo)
Now a hunger strike has been launched. We salute the
inspiring courage and determination of the hunger
strikers. But we have to speak frankly: the packinghouse
bosses and orchard owners have demonstrated time and again
that they will not be moved by appeals to conscience or
morality. They’re out to make hundreds of millions of
dollars, which means mercilessly exploiting the workers’
labor. They only understand the language of power.
Strikes must aim to shut the packing houses tight until
the owners cede to the workers and their eminently modest
demands. Key to that is organizing solidarity
– not words, but action. If right-wing protesters can
gather by the thousands in Olympia in defiance of the
governor’s emergency decrees to demand that the most
oppressed and exploited be sacrificed at the altar of the
“free market,” then unions across the state must mobilize
now to build mass picket lines to win the strike,
and make Yakima a stronghold of union power. ■
(en español)
a la huelga de las empacadoras de Yakima!