Unionize Amazon with Class Struggle!
Bring Out All Labor to Win
Amazon Teamster Strikes!

Scabherding cops, enforcers for the bosses, enemies of
the workers. Police out in force on Day One of the
Teamsters Amazon strike to stop pickets from blocking
exit from DBK4 facility in Maspeth, Queens, New
DECEMBER 20 – Yesterday, the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) launched
strikes at seven Amazon facilities around the U.S. after
giving the company a December 15 deadline to agree to
begin negotiations for a union contract. Amazon is the
world’s third largest corporation whose executive
chairman, Jeff Bezos, is the third richest man in the
world. The e-commerce giant is a hardline anti-union
employer. It has refused to bargain with the
Teamsters-affiliated Amazon Labor Union (ALU) after the
ALU won a representation election in April 2022 at the
massive JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island, NY. Overcoming
the Amazon bosses’ opposition will take hard class
struggle, mobilizing the power of the entire labor
The strike was kicked off at 6 a.m. Thursday by drivers
at the DBK4 facility in Maspeth, Queens, New York, and
then by Amazon workers at three locations in southern
California, as well as in Atlanta, San Francisco and
Skokie, Illinois. Tonight, it will extend to JFK8 and
other facilities, at the peak of the holiday delivery
season. Having invested millions in union-busting and
surveilling workers, Amazon is unlikely to fold anytime
soon. What’s posed is a showdown between labor and
capital that could influence the future of unions for
years to come. It is urgent that all labor – as well as
students, immigrants and other union supporters – come
out in large numbers to build mass picket lines
to shut down the warehouses and stop the deliveries!

Internationalists and
class-struggle trade unionists from UPS joined picket
line at DBK4, December 19.
A real show of labor’s power will inspire workers
at Amazon and elsewhere. Supporters of the
Internationalist Group reported from several strike
locations yesterday. At DBK4 in New York, there were
upwards of 200 people on the picket lines, including a
number of drivers in their blue vests. There was also a
large and heavy-handed police presence, to prevent
picketers from stopping Amazon vans. At one point, the
scabherding cops prevented a driver leaving the
warehouse from getting out of his van to join the
pickets, shoving him back in from both doors, and then
yanking him out to arrest him. They also arrested
Anthony Rosario, a Teamster organizer and activist, for
“blocking a roadway.”
At the DCK6 facility in San Francisco, delivery vans
were only stopped for a couple of minutes, tops, more
often stopped for a few seconds and then waved through.
Several workers we spoke with were quite upset with
this, but others said that legally they couldn’t stop
fellow workers from scabbing. But that depends on the
balance of class forces. At one point, the company tried
to open up a second gate from vans to drive out, but we
joined a squad of picketers who showed up at the gate.
For a few minutes there was a standoff, and then the
vans turned around.
At DAX5 in City of Industry, Los Angeles, at the main
gate the Amazon 18-wheelers were held up, sometimes for
30 minutes, as sheriff’s deputies at one point saw there
weren’t enough of them compared to 75 militant Teamsters
and drove off. This put a crimp in Amazon’s operations,
but at another entrance, picket leaders just let scabs
go through. A militant L.A. transit worker from ATU
Local 1277 spoke on the picket line saying that the
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is not neutral,
you can’t trust capitalist politicians and we need to
“make Teamsters like 1934 again,” referring to the
historic Minneapolis strikes, led by Trotskyists, that
laid the basis for Teamster power. A key lesson for
today: to win a strike, picket lines mean don’t
cross – period!

In San Francisco, IG and
Revolutionary Internationalist Youth on the picket line
at DCK6.
From coast to coast, we’re hearing a lot of illusions
in the NLRB, which many workers are looking to for
support. Yes, a 2023 ruling by the Labor Board
established that when an overall employer sets essential
conditions for workers, they can be considered “joint
employers” and their employees have the right to
unionize. Last August, the NLRB recognized Amazon’s
280,000 drivers – formally hired by Amazon’s “Delivery
Service Partners” – as Amazon employees. But the Board
is an agency of the capitalist government. It was set up
in 1935 to regulate and stifle class struggle. Companies
like Amazon rely on the NLRB to crush, postpone or
hogtie union organizing with a web of bureaucratic
Recently various liberals and reformists, like the
Democratic (Party) Socialists of America (DSA),
campaigned for people to call Senate majority leader
Democrat Chuck Schumer to fast-track Democrat Joe
Biden’s nominations to the NLRB before Trump gets into
office. It failed. Looking to Biden, who banned a rail
strike in 2022, to appoint “labor-friendly” members to a
board that was set up to keep labor in check is a dead
end. Democrats are not “friends of labor,” but enemies
who are in Wall Street’s pocket. Strikes, unions and
contract gains are not won by relying on the bosses’
government or the bosses’ parties. Class-struggle
trade unionists oppose all government control of the
workers movement.
As for Donald Trump, Teamsters president Sean O’Brien
sought to play both sides in this past presidential
election, speaking at the Republican National
Convention. This is not something new. After being
targeted by Democrat Robert Kennedy, who went after
Jimmy Hoffa in the 1950s and ’60s (because Hoffa won the
first nationwide Master Freight Agreement), the IBT
endorsed war criminal Richard Nixon in 1972, and
supported Republicans for years. But this is
self-defeating. It should be obvious to everyone that
Trump will be very bad news for labor, and now he has
brought in Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, for
the dirty work of mass firings and busting unions.

At Amazon's DAX5 facility in
City of Industry, Los Angeles, California, on December
19. All of labor should mobilize to bring unionists to
the Teamsters picket lines.
(Internationalist photo)
A key focus for labor in the coming months must be to
fight Trump’s plans to carry out mass deportations, the
biggest in U.S. history, of millions of immigrants, and
not only those who lack the documents the government
demands of them even as the employers viciously exploit
their labor. Immigrant workers are a backbone of key
sectors of the working class, from agriculture and
packing houses to restaurants, taxis, health care and
construction. Recently, on the West Coast, Class
Struggle Workers – Portland (CSWP) has won approval for
motions in a number of area unions to mobilize
union memberships to defend immigrants
against deportations and racist attacks.
In Trump’s first presidency, hundreds of unionists came
out to a June 2017 Portland Labor Against Fascists
mobilization, initiated by the CSWP, to stop a fascist
provocation. Recently, several of these unions,
including in the construction trades, have passed
resolutions for workers actions against the
U.S.-Israeli genocidal war on Gaza. This
underlines the need for labor, in its defense of union
rights, to defend all the downtrodden, from immigrants
to transgender people, and to oppose U.S. imperialist
wars abroad. For all his rhetoric against a “Deep
State,” and posturing as a champion of peace in Ukraine,
Trump’s plans to build more concentration camps for
immigrants, to use the military to carry out
deportations are a threat to all.
The same military using the same police-state laws will
be used to arrest “rioters,” whether pro-Palestinian
demonstrators or striking unionists. His vow to be a
“dictator” on “day one” and to issue hundreds of
executive orders is a further escalation of the actions
of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, who also governed by
executive orders, used the courts to go after opponents
and built up the immigration police. Trump’s threats cap
a decades-long drive by both bosses’ parties in the
direction of a strong state to roll back social gains
and basic democratic rights in sweeping repressive
fashion. The Internationalists call to break with
all capitalist parties and to build a
workers party to fight for a workers government.

workers walk out during strike at the Amazon air hub
KSBD in San Bernardino, Southern California, on
Saturday, December 21. For a joint union drive,
including Teamsters, ILWU and others, to organize the
warehouse and transportation corridor of the Inland
(Internationalist photo)
Amazon strikers are going up against a giant
corporation with 1.5 million employees worldwide, headed
by labor-hating mega boss Jeff Bezos (net worth: $246
billion), and will soon face a government of
billionaires, with Elon Musk ($454 billion) as hatchet
man who revels in breaking strikes and busting unions.
The present strike may be intended as a time-limited
action, but to take on and defeat these powerful forces
will take a lot more than business-as-usual unionism. It
will require the kind of class-struggle methods – flying
pickets, plant occupations and workers defense guards –
which built the industrial unions in the 1930s.
This poses the need for a concerted national effort of
a major union or coalition of unions. The Teamsters are
in a strong position to lead such a drive, but to win
will take solidarity action by key sectors of the
working class. In particular, dock workers in the
International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) on the
East and Gulf Coasts and the International Longshore and
Warehouse Union (ILWU) on the West Coast are key. The
ILA shut down the ports in a three-day strike in
October, and is fighting the threat of automation that
also faces warehouse workers. The largely immigrant and
un-unionized port truckers are another vital link in the
supply chain, which if joining in common union action
can shut down the profit-greedy bosses.
Labor needs to use its muscle in the Amazon strike as
part of defending our basic rights against the coming
onslaught from the White House against our rights on the
job and those of all the groups on Trump’s hit list. The
working class has the power. The issue is to use it or
lose it, now more than ever. Victory to the
Amazon Teamsters Strike! Unionize Amazon with class
struggle! Organize the unorganized! ■
The Strike Steps Up

At 12:01 a.m. Saturday, December 21, picketing began
at the giant JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island, the
largest Amazon facility in New York City and hone of
the Amazon Labor Union. To take on the worldl’s third
largest corporation, it is vital to extend the strike
from distribution centers to warehouses and air
transport hubs.
(Photos: [above] Dakota
Santiago for The New York Times; [below]
Internationalist photo)