Gotta Play Hardball to Win!![]() Don’t Let Writers Stand Alone – All Media Workers Should Join the WGA on Strike! (December 2007). click on photo for article
![]() February 2008 Hard Class Battle Coming
Rico: All Out to
Defend the Teachers’ Struggle! ![]() Puerto Rican teachers march. FMPR motto is: “There will be no victory without struggle, and no struggle without sacrifice!” (Photo: Olimpo Ramos/Primera Hora) “Every Class Struggle Is a Political Struggle” –Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto Break
with All the Capitalist Parties (PPD, PNP, PIP)!
Forge a Revolutionary Workers Party! En
español: Puerto
Rico: ¡Todos a la calle en defensa del magisterio en lucha
de febrero de 2008)
FEBRUARY 14 – We are on the threshold of a
major class
battle in Puerto Rico. Every day new preparations are announced for the
strike of the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation (FMPR, from its initials
Spanish). With its 42,000 members, a majority of them women, the FMPR
represents almost all of Puerto
Rico’s teachers and is by far the largest union on the island. It is
confronting the government/employer headed by the rabidly anti-worker
anti-union Governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá, of the Popular
Democratic Party (PPD).
His insufferably haughty education secretary, Rafael Aragunde, refuses
negotiate. The FMPR is defying the treacherous Law 45, which claims to
recognize government employees’ right to unionize while prohibiting
their only method of defense. The Shock Force of the Puerto Rican
Police and
National Guard are being readied to go after the strikers. And they
doubtless alerted the many bases of the U.S. armed forces that have
turned this
island colony into an imperialist military bastion to control the
Caribbean. The struggle of the Puerto Rican teachers
affects everybody. The
working class as a whole, students and parents, teachers and defenders
workers’ rights around the world must come out in defense of the FMPR! At the onset of the strike, there should be
and solidarity demonstrations all over. In Puerto Rico, schools are
build mass pickets which throw the island into turmoil. As FMPR
Rafael Feliciano says, the teachers must get respect. Education won’t
Turn the streets into big open-air classrooms, to give lessons in the
struggle! The FMPR has already announced the formation of some 600
committees. In the face of the government’s cynical “Plan B,” which
consists of
organizing scabbing and using children to provoke incidents on the
picket line,
it’s necessary to turn the strike committees into enormous community
centers of
the working people. And if they go ahead with mass arrests, the
must be massive blockades and the generalization of the struggle to the
point of shutting the island down. A Struggle for the Independence of the Workers Movement The
teachers are fighting to defend public education against a
offensive that would sacrifice the future of an entire generation of
youth on
the altar of the bosses’ crazed free-marketeering policies. The rulers
want to
turn the schools, many of which are in terrible run-down condition,
into profit
platforms for the capitalists. Back in October 2006, the governor and
interior secretary, Jorge Silva Puas, announced a Hundred-Day Plan to
Restructure the Government by drastically slashing public expenditures.
want to set up 1,000 charter schools, managed by private entities but
by public funds, and run them like any private company whose purpose is
generate profits. This negates the democratic right of education for
all. That
this plan is a real threat was shown by the two-week lockout in
April-May 2006,
when the government left 98,000 workers without jobs or income,
including the
entire teaching force.
January the government decreed the decertification of the FMPR, on the
7,000 teachers voted in favor of authorizing a strike in a huge union
last September. So these “democratic” rulers trample not only on
rights but on freedom of speech. On that basis they refused to
negotiate at
all, or even to speak with the Federation’s representatives. In late
they organized a provocation at a school in the town of Utuado, leading
to the
arrest of eight teachers who had been picketing since last fall because
were suspended (and later re-suspended without pay) for coming out
unilateral changes in the academic program. At other schools police
were called
in when FMPR representatives arrived to deal with union affairs. The
day, the press was invited to a meeting that Puerto Rico’s perennial
chief Pedro Toledo held with his top officials, where they talked of
readying the
Tactical Operations Unit to intervene in cases of “violence” on the
lines. Intimidation is clearly the aim of all these measures. But the
would not let themselves be bullied. At
the same time, the governor tried to piece off teachers by announcing
increases of $100 in December and $250 in February. Since these offers
are not
the result of collective bargaining and are not written down in a union
contract, the governor can take them away at any time. An attempt was
made to
break the teachers’ solid front by announcing a new, phantom company
created by the Association of Teachers, a professional association that
includes supervisory personnel and managers from the Department of
with the backing of the U.S. Service Employees International Union
(SEIU) and its “Change to Win” federation.
Later, a
press conference was orchestrated by union groupings affiliated to the
the other U.S. labor federation, to rant and rave against the impending
and stab the FMPR in the back (see our article “A
Case of Labor
AFL-CIO and Change to Win vs. the FMPR”). None of this succeeded in
the teachers’ militancy. Meanwhile, other unions, among them the
workers’ UTIER, proclaimed their “unconditional” solidarity with the
this article goes to press, Puerto Rico’s Appeals Court responded to
the FMPR’s
appeal of the decertification of the union decreed by the Public
Service Labor
Relations Commission, temporarily suspending the measure. The clear
reason for
this ruling is that the determination and militancy of the teachers’
union is
causing some vacillations among the bosses. The Education Secretary,
arrogant Aragunde with his ridiculous trademark bow tie, had no choice
but to
show up at a session at the Department of Labor, but once again he
refused to
negotiate. That’s how things stand on the eve of the great March for
Dignity of
February 17, which will converge on La Fortaleza as a major show of the
teachers union’s strength and public support. The job-sucking governor
profit-hungry capitalists circling like vultures over the schools in
anticipation of their privatization – they want to teach the teachers a
Let’s give these sinister looters a well-deserved lesson, with a strike
never forget! Above
all, it is crucial to keep in mind the phrase from the Communist
Manifesto of Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels: “Every class struggle is a political struggle.” This
will not be won by seeking false “allies” from the bourgeois parties
like the
PPD, the New Progressive Party (PNP) – both of them colonialist outfits
– or
the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP). The capitalists, whether the
imperialists or their junior partners in Puerto Rico, tremble at the
of any major workers struggle. Nor can working people place any
confidence in
the bourgeois – and colonial – courts. What the Appeals Court conceded
can be annulled tomorrow by a federal court. All the institutions of
capitalist ruling class, including the churches and mass media, will be
pressuring the teachers to cave in. To resist and to win, it will take
sacrifice, as the FMPR slogan says, but above all the mobilization of
the power
of the working class, including in the political arena. Thus it is high
right now, to begin building a revolutionary
internationalist workers party! Lessons of the 1998 General Strike: Faced
with the bourgeois onslaught against the teachers, one thing is clear:
will be a hard strike. Some say it will be the biggest labor struggle
in Puerto
Rico’s history. Bigger than the 1933-34 sugarcane strike? We’ll have to
But what we can say for sure right now is that the teachers’ strike
as well as the frenzy and fury of the government onslaught, are a
direct result
of the long 1998 strike against privatization of the Puerto Rico
Company (PRTC) and the two-day general strike it led to – and
especially of its defeat. In the first place, Law
45, approved in November of that same year, was the colonial
immediate response: faced with the working-class mobilization they
decided to
allow unionization of public employees, but under strict government
with a whole series of restrictions and prohibitions, and without the
main weapon: the right to strike. This, despite the fact that the
right to withhold his or her labor is “consecrated” in Puerto Rico’s
Constitution: consecrated but ignored.
130 governing labor relations in public corporations – like the
company before it was privatized and, still today, the public
electrical and
water companies – is a very restrictive law. But Law 45, covering
employees of government bodies (like the schools) is the equivalent of
federal Taft-Hartley Law and New York State’s Taylor Law rolled into
one. The
former was the keystone in the “red” purge of unions during the
witch hunt of the early Cold War. It made it a crime for communists to
be union
leaders, prohibited “secondary” (that is, solidarity) strikes, and
union representation “elections” controlled by a governmental body (the
National Labor Relations Board) that favors the bosses. The unions that
did not
play by these rules were banned from participating in these rigged
and faced a whole series of legal impediments. New
York’s Taylor Law was passed after the successful 1966 transit workers’
in order to outlaw any future strike. In the 2005 New York City transit
a $2.5 million penalty was imposed on the union and each striker was
fined a
thousand dollars. The employer’s automatic check-off of union dues was
halted. In Puerto Rico, Law 45 does the same thing. Under its
provisions, in
addition to canceling the FMPR’s certification as the teachers’
to the employer, the government seized the union’s strike fund,
eliminated the
union dues check-off and declared that FMPR leaders cannot hold any
union posts
for five years – all because the membership democratically voted to
authorize a
strike! This law established police-state conditions for labor.
must fight to eliminate this law entirely, not just modify it to allow
as the Puerto Rican legislature is now deliberating on with the FMPR’s
approval. We Marxists oppose any and all control of the workers
movement by any
capitalist government. We
most certainly denounce, in the harshest terms, the measures taken
against the
FMPR and its leaders. At the same time, we stress that a union with a
class-struggle leadership will always face the hostility of the
capitalist (and
colonial) government. There is no way to reach a live-and-let-live
There can be no confidence in fake, government-controlled elections. The way to establish unions is by using
their power, which ultimately means the strike. And in any case, any
real union
must insist on its own complete financial independence from the
employer and
the state. This would obviously make dues collection more difficult,
which is
what really what in Puerto Rico are called chupacuotas (dues-sucking)
bureaucrats who want to sit back in their
cushy chairs and
rake in funds the employer deposits in union bank accounts. For a union
following a class-struggle policy, in contrast, collecting dues in
person means
direct contact with the union ranks and is an enormous aid to the
democratic functioning, and militancy. It is also a means of protection
the funds being seized when the union incurs the bosses’ wrath. The
fact is that those who today attack the FMPR and act as accomplices of
government crusade against it have sold themselves, literally, to the
capitalist class in exchange for crumbs from the table of exploitation.
Naturally, like the government, they are afraid that a big teachers
could endanger their juicy business operations. This means that in
order to win
this strike, it is necessary to prepare for a struggle not only of the
but within the whole workers movement against the pro-capitalist labor
bureaucracy that sabotages the workers’ struggle. It is necessary to
call for
support in deeds, not only declarations of empty solidarity, from all
unions in
this struggle which will affect everyone. At the same time, it is
necessary to
fight within the unions to throw out the sell-out leaders and forge a
new militant
leadership guided by a program of complete independence from the
their parties and their government. This also means opposing any
confidence in
“mediation” by the capitalist courts and supposedly neutral figures,
that bourgeois justice favors the bosses and that in the class struggle there are no neutrals. Against Nationalist Popular-Frontism,
all, it is necessary to fight against illusions in and ties with
parties and politicians. This question played a crucial role in the
defeat of the telephone strike and then general strike of 1998. With
all the
propaganda about the “strike of the people,” the idea was to highlight
enormous amount of popular support for the strike, and at the same time
to seek
support from capitalist politicians, particularly from the PIP but also
supposedly “autonomist” sectors of the PPD. Since the 1940s, attempts
to ally
with one or another sector of the Populares (as the PPD is known) have
been an
Achilles heel of the union movement. At the same time, in the socialist
the politics of class collaboration was concretized in calls for “independentista unity.” This led to
small-scale “popular fronts” (alliances tying the workers to bourgeois
with bourgeois formations like the tiny Nationalist Party or
ones like the former Puerto Rican Socialist Party (PSP) of Juan Mari
which is now the National Hostos Independence Movement (MINH). Today
it is not surprising that the MINH independentistas
openly serve the bosses as they grotesquely
denounce the teachers’ strike, since they long ago stopped
pretending to be
a workers party. Why do they bow down in this way to their colonial
Because for them, like everyone else, class
interests come first, and they want to be a new bourgeois
ruling class. With regard to formations like the Frente
Socialista and the Movimiento Socialista de Trabajadores (MST–Socialist
Movement), which plays a preponderant role in the FMPR leadership, for
they have made alliances with a range of nationalist forces. If they
have disagreements with the MINH or PIP, it is not over principles but
questions. For
our part, we strenuously denounce Yankee imperialism’s jailing of
and join the defense of arrested independentistas,
as in the case a few days ago of Avelino González Claudio,
accused of being a
member of the Macheteros group. We also condemn the cold-blooded murder
Filiberto Ojeda in September 2005 by a U.S. military task force: this
was a
crime of the same imperialists who carry out the war and colonial
occupation of
Iraq and left 100,000 mainly black and poor people to die in the ethnic cleansing of New Orleans after
Hurricane Katrina. At the same time, we underline the fundamental
differences that separate proletarian internationalists from both
bourgeois and
petty-bourgeois nationalists. We of the Internationalist Group and
League for
the Fourth International, as the early Communist International
insisted, are unconditionally for the independence of
Puerto Rico, the oldest colony of the United States. We seek to
strike a
blow against imperialism and at the same time to show the working
masses the
real character of the bourgeois nationalists as a potential new
layer. The MINH’s repulsive anti-strike declarations should serve as
Exhibit A
in this regard. We
also insist, as Leon Trotsky’s theory and program of permanent
teaches, that in this epoch the only way to achieve national liberation
the imperialist yoke is through the seizure
of power by the working class and the beginning of the international
revolution. For this reason we emphasize that a workers and
government in Puerto Rico could not survive in isolation and would need
extend the revolution to include all the islands of the Caribbean,
through a voluntary Caribbean socialist federation.
We stress that this federation must be voluntary, because the
historical divisions
sown by the colonial domination of six European and North American
powers have
yet to be overcome. But as seen after the 1794-1804 Haitian Revolution,
later with the wave of social struggles following the Cuban Revolution
in the
1960s, these divisions can be overcome in the context of revolutionary
struggle. Today
we defend Cuba against imperialist blockade and internal
while fighting for workers democracy and a proletarian political
revolution to
replace the Castroist leadership, a nationalist Stalinist bureaucracy,
with an
authentically communist, internationalist
leadership that fights to extend revolution throughout the continent
and into
the belly of the imperialist beast, as José Martí called
it in his day. We
underline that despite the betrayals
of the U.S. union leaders, it is essential
that the Puerto Rican teachers’ struggle be carried out in closest
collaboration with North American workers – making efforts to mobilize
in the U.S. all the more important. Thus the FMPR strike can serve as a
to illuminate the path of international workers struggle. The League
for the
Fourth International has contacted unions in the United States, Mexico,
Bolivia and other countries to internationalize support for our Puerto
class brothers and sisters in struggle. From Rio de Janeiro to the
teachers of Oaxaca, from the striking university workers of Mexico City
to New
York, the center of Puerto Rican emigration, the call must resound: Teachers of Puerto Rico, we are with you! n See
also: A
Case of Labor Colonialism: AFL-CIO & CTW vs. the FMPR (7
February 2008) To contact the League for the Fourth International or its sections, send an e-mail to: |